Exemple #1
bool Plane::Intersects(const Line &line, float *dist) const
	float t;
	bool intersects = IntersectLinePlane(normal, this->d, line.pos, line.dir, t);
	if (dist)
		*dist = t;
	return intersects;
Exemple #2
bool Plane::Intersects(const Ray &ray, float *d) const
    float t;
    bool success = IntersectLinePlane(PointOnPlane(), normal, ray.pos, ray.dir, &t);
    if (d)
        *d = t;
    return success && t >= 0.f;
Exemple #3
bool Plane::Intersects(const Ray &ray, float *dist) const
	float t;
	bool success = IntersectLinePlane(normal, this->d, ray.pos, ray.dir, t);
	if (dist)
		*dist = t;
	return success && t >= 0.f;
Exemple #4
bool Plane::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment, float *d) const
    float t;
    bool success = IntersectLinePlane(PointOnPlane(), normal, lineSegment.a, lineSegment.Dir(), &t);
    const float lineSegmentLength = lineSegment.Length();
    if (d)
        *d = t / lineSegmentLength;
    return success && t >= 0.f && t <= lineSegmentLength;
Exemple #5
bool Plane::Intersects(const LineSegment &lineSegment, float *dist) const
	float t;
	bool success = IntersectLinePlane(normal, this->d, lineSegment.a, lineSegment.Dir(), t);
	const float lineSegmentLength = lineSegment.Length();
	if (dist)
		*dist = t / lineSegmentLength;
	return success && t >= 0.f && t <= lineSegmentLength;
BOOL cCollision::IntersectAABBLine( cAABB& AABB,cLine& Line,D3DXVECTOR3* pPosCross/*=NULL*/,D3DXVECTOR3* pVecReflection/*=NULL*/ )
	for (int iside=0;iside<6;iside++)
		if (IntersectLinePlane(Line,AABB.GetPlane(iside),pPosCross,pVecReflection))
			return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Exemple #7
int Plane::Clip(const Line &line, Ray &outRay) const
	float t;
	bool intersects = IntersectLinePlane(normal, d, line.pos, line.dir, t);
	if (!intersects)
		if (SignedDistance(line.pos) <= 0.f)
			return 0; // Discard the whole line, it's completely behind the plane.
			return 2; // The whole line is in the positive halfspace. Keep all of it.

	outRay.pos = line.pos + line.dir * t; // The intersection point
	if (Dot(line.dir, normal) >= 0.f)
		outRay.dir = line.dir;
		outRay.dir = -line.dir;

	return 1; // Clipping resulted in a ray being generated.
Exemple #8
bool Plane::Clip(vec &a, vec &b) const
	float t;
	bool intersects = IntersectLinePlane(normal, d, a, b-a, t);
	if (!intersects || t <= 0.f || t >= 1.f)
		if (SignedDistance(a) <= 0.f)
			return false; // Discard the whole line segment, it's completely behind the plane.
			return true; // The whole line segment is in the positive halfspace. Keep all of it.
	vec pt = a + (b-a) * t; // The intersection point.
	// We are either interested in the line segment [a, pt] or the segment [pt, b]. Which one is in the positive side?
	if (IsOnPositiveSide(a))
		b = pt;
		a = pt;

	return true;
Exemple #9
bool Plane::Intersects(const Line &line, float *d) const
    return IntersectLinePlane(PointOnPlane(), normal, line.pos, line.dir, d);
Exemple #10
extern bool CollisionUtils::IntersectLineAxisBox(Vector a_lineStart, Vector a_lineEnd, Vector a_boxPos, Vector a_boxDimensions, Vector & a_intersection_OUT)
	// Check the dimensions of the line against the box
	const Vector halfDim = a_boxDimensions * 0.5f;

	// Check the front plane of the box first
	Vector planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY() - halfDim.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	// Check back plane
	planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY() + halfDim.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	// Check left plane
	planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX() - halfDim.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	// Check right plane
	planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX() + halfDim.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	// Check top plane
	planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ() + halfDim.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	// Check bottom plane
	planeCentre = Vector(a_boxPos.GetX(), a_boxPos.GetY(), a_boxPos.GetZ() - halfDim.GetZ());
	if (IntersectLinePlane(a_lineStart, a_lineEnd, planeCentre, Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f), a_intersection_OUT))
		if (fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetX() - planeCentre.GetX()) <= halfDim.GetX() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetY() - planeCentre.GetY()) <= halfDim.GetY() &&
			fabsf(a_intersection_OUT.GetZ() - planeCentre.GetZ()) <= halfDim.GetZ())
			return true;

	return false;