Exemple #1
	void FitQuads(Scalar squareTolerance, std::vector<Point2D>& qs, int recurse=3, bool split=true)
		Scalar time1;
		Scalar time2;

		if( !split )
			// If the lines are parallel, we must split
			split = !IntersectLines(p0, p1, p2, p3, time1, time2);;

		if( !split )
			// Compute intersection point of p0..p1 and p2..p3
			// This is the control point of the quadratic curve.
			Point2D q = p0+time1*(p1-p0);

			// Measure distance between midpoint on cubic curve [p0,p1,p2,p3] and quadratic curve [p0,q,p3]
			Scalar dx = (4*q.x+p3.x-3*p2.x-3*p1.x+p0.x)/8;
			Scalar dy = (4*q.y+p3.y-3*p2.y-3*p1.y+p0.y)/8;
			Scalar dd = dx*dx+dy*dy;

			// split curve if the quadratic isn't close enough
			split = dd > squareTolerance;

			if( !split )
				// no need to split, stop recursion

		if( split )
			if( recurse == 0 )
				Cubic c0, c1;
				Split(c0, c1);
				c0.FitQuads(squareTolerance,qs, recurse-1, false);
				c1.FitQuads(squareTolerance,qs, recurse-1, false);
Exemple #2
Vec3D F_Get_Translation_Gizmo_Pick_Point_In_World_Space( const EdSceneViewport& viewport
														, const Vec2D& xyNDC,
														const APlaceable* pEntity
														, const EGizmoAxis eAxis
	Ray3D	gizmoAxisWS = GetGizmoAxisInWorldSpace( pEntity, eAxis );
	Ray3D	eyeRay = GetEyeRay( viewport, xyNDC );

	Vec3D	pointOnGizmo, pointOnEyeRay;
	ELineStatus eLineStatus = IntersectLines( gizmoAxisWS, eyeRay, pointOnGizmo, pointOnEyeRay );
	//Assert( eLineStatus != Lines_Parallel );
	if( eLineStatus != Lines_Parallel )
		return pointOnGizmo;

	return gizmoAxisWS.origin
		+ gizmoAxisWS.direction * GetTranslateGizmoAxisScale( eyeRay.origin, pEntity->GetOrigin() );
Exemple #3
void nuiGLDrawContext::DrawGradient(const nuiGradient& rGradient, const nuiRect& rEnclosingRect, nuiSize x1, nuiSize y1, nuiSize x2, nuiSize y2)
  nglVector2f vec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  nglVector2f para(-vec[1], vec[0]);
  nglVector2f vec1(vec);
  nglVector2f para1(para);

  // What Quadrant are we in?:
  //         |
  //     a   |   b
  //         |
  //  ----------------
  //         |
  //     c   |   d
  //         |
  float xa, xb, xc, xd;
  float ya, yb, yc, yd;
  float x, y;
  float xp, yp;
  float xx, yy;
  float xxp, yyp;

  xa = xc = rEnclosingRect.Left();
  xb = xd = rEnclosingRect.Right();
  ya = yb = rEnclosingRect.Top();
  yc = yd = rEnclosingRect.Bottom();

  if (x1 < x2)
    // Go from a to d or c to b
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xa; y  = ya;
      xp = xc; yp = yc;
      xx = xd; yy = yd;
      xxp= xb; yyp= yb;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // a to d
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // c to d
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xd; y  = yd;
      xp = xb; yp = yb;
      xx = xa; yy = ya;
      xxp= xc; yyp= yc;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // b to c
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // d to a
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);

  float startx,starty;
  float startxp,startyp;
  float stopx,stopy;
  float stopxp,stopyp;

  if (y1 != y2)
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], startx,  starty);
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], startxp, startyp);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], stopx,   stopy);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], stopxp,  stopyp);
    startx  = x1; starty  = y;
    startxp = x1; startyp = yp;
    stopx   = x2; stopy   = y;
    stopxp  = x2; stopyp  = yp;

  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator it = rGradient.GetStopList().begin();
  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator end = rGradient.GetStopList().end();

  float px1, py1;
  float px2, py2;

  nuiRect r = rEnclosingRect;
  nglMatrixf m(GetMatrix());
  nglVectorf v1(r.Left(), r.Top(), 0);
  v1 = m * v1;
  nglVectorf v2 = nglVectorf(r.Right(), r.Bottom(), 0);
  v2 = m * v2;
  r.Set(v1[0], v1[1], v2[0], v2[1], false);


  std::vector<nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex> vertices;

  nuiColor col = it->second;
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(x, y, col));
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xp, yp, col));

  for ( ; it != end; ++it)
    float r = it->first;
    float rm = 1.0f - r;
    px1 = startx * rm + stopx * r;
    py1 = starty * rm + stopy * r;
    px2 = startxp * rm + stopxp * r;
    py2 = startyp * rm + stopyp * r;

    col = it->second;
    vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(px1, py1, col));
    vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(px2, py2, col));

  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xxp, yyp, col));
  vertices.push_back(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex(xx, yy, col));

  glColorPointer(4,  GL_FLOAT, sizeof(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex), vertices[0].mColor);
  glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, sizeof(nuiShape::CacheElement::Vertex), vertices[0].mCoord);

  glDrawArrays(GL_QUAD_STRIP, 0, vertices.size());


Exemple #4
int HitOutline::Raycast(Point2D p, Vector2D v, Scalar maxTime, 
    Hit* hitArr, int hitArrSize, Scalar sense)
	//local data: Bart
	Hit localHitArr[100];
	int localHitArrSize=100;

    int hitCount = 0;

    // TODO: Currently very slow, brute force!
    int lineVertexCount = m_Lines.size();
	int quadVertexCount = m_Quads.size();

    Scalar epsilon = 1e-6;

	Point2D p1 = p;
	Point2D p2 = p+v;
    Point2D orig(0,0);
	Scalar vDv = v.Dot(v);
    Vector2D n = v.Orthogonal();

	// Line-line intersections.
	if( lineVertexCount > 0 )
		Point2D* lines = &m_Lines[0];

		for( int i=0; i<lineVertexCount && hitCount<localHitArrSize; i += 2 )
			Point2D q1 = lines[i+0];
			Point2D q2 = lines[i+1];

			Vector2D ortho = (q2-q1).Orthogonal();
			if( (dot(ortho, v) * sense < 0) || sense==0)
				Scalar time1;
				Scalar time2;
				if( IntersectLines(p1, p2, q1, q2, time1, time2) )
					if( time1 >= 0 && time1 < maxTime &&
						time2 >= 0 && time2 <= 1 )
						Hit hit;
                        hit.Time = time1;
						hit.Point = p + time1 * v;
						hit.Normal = ortho.Normalized();
                        localHitArr[hitCount++] = hit;

	// Line-quadratic intersections.
	if( quadVertexCount > 0 )
		Point2D* quads = &m_Quads[0];
		for( int i=0; i<quadVertexCount && hitCount<localHitArrSize; i += 3 )
			Vector2D q0 = quads[i+0] - p;
			Vector2D q1 = quads[i+1] - p;
			Vector2D q2 = quads[i+2] - p;

            // Hit only possible if:
            // (1) not all points are on same side of ray,
            // (2) and some points are in front of ray (currently not checked, handled by abc formula)

            Scalar dot_n_q0 = dot(n,q0);
            Scalar dot_n_q1 = dot(n,q1);
            Scalar dot_n_q2 = dot(n,q2);

            if( dot_n_q0 <= 0 && dot_n_q1 <= 0 && dot_n_q2 <= 0 )

            if( dot_n_q0 >= 0 && dot_n_q1 >= 0 && dot_n_q2 >= 0 )

            Scalar ts[2];
            Scalar a = 2*dot_n_q1-dot_n_q0-dot_n_q2;
            Scalar b = 2*dot_n_q0-2*dot_n_q1;
            Scalar c = -dot_n_q0;
			int n = solveQuadratic(a,b,c,ts);

			for( int j=0; j<n && hitCount < localHitArrSize; ++j )
				Scalar t = ts[j];
				if( t >= 0 && t <= 1 )
					Vector2D diff = (2*(q2-q1)+2*(q0-q1))*t+2*(q1-q0);
					Vector2D ortho = diff.Orthogonal();
					if( (dot(ortho, v) * sense < 0) || sense==0)
						Vector2D h = lerp( lerp(q0,q1,t), lerp(q1,q2,t), t);
						Scalar time = h.Dot(v) / vDv;
						//time >= -maxTime
                        if( time >= 0 && time < maxTime )
						    Hit hit;
						    hit.Point = p+h;
						    hit.Time = time;
						    hit.Normal = ortho.Normalized();
                            localHitArr[hitCount++] = hit;

    std::sort(localHitArr, localHitArr+hitCount, sortHitOnTime);
	for( int i=0; i<hitCount && i < hitArrSize; ++i )
    return hitCount;
Exemple #5
void nuiDrawContext::DrawGradient(const nuiGradient& rGradient, const nuiRect& rEnclosingRect, nuiSize x1, nuiSize y1, nuiSize x2, nuiSize y2)
  nuiVector2 vec(x2 - x1, y2 - y1);
  nuiVector2 para(-vec[1], vec[0]);
  nuiVector2 vec1(vec);
  nuiVector2 para1(para);

  // What Quadrant are we in?:
  //         |
  //     a   |   b
  //         |
  //  ----------------
  //         |
  //     c   |   d
  //         |
  float xa, xb, xc, xd;
  float ya, yb, yc, yd;
  float x, y;
  float xp, yp;
  float xx, yy;
  float xxp, yyp;

  xa = xc = rEnclosingRect.Left();
  xb = xd = rEnclosingRect.Right();
  ya = yb = rEnclosingRect.Top();
  yc = yd = rEnclosingRect.Bottom();

  if (x1 < x2)
    // Go from a to d or c to b
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xa; y  = ya;
      xp = xc; yp = yc;
      xx = xd; yy = yd;
      xxp= xb; yyp= yb;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // a to d
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // c to d
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
    if (y1 == y2)
      x  = xd; y  = yd;
      xp = xb; yp = yb;
      xx = xa; yy = ya;
      xxp= xc; yyp= yc;
    else if (y1 < y2)
      // b to c
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xb,yb, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xa, ya, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xc,yc, para1[0], para1[1], xd, yd, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);
      // d to a
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], x, y);
      IntersectLines(xd,yd, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xp, yp);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xb, yb, vec1[0], vec1[1], xx, yy);
      IntersectLines(xa,ya, para1[0], para1[1], xc, yc, vec1[0], vec1[1], xxp, yyp);

  float startx,starty;
  float startxp,startyp;
  float stopx,stopy;
  float stopxp,stopyp;

  if (y1 != y2)
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], startx,  starty);
    IntersectLines(x1, y1, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], startxp, startyp);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], x,  y,  vec1[0], vec1[1], stopx,   stopy);
    IntersectLines(x2, y2, para1[0], para1[1], xp, yp, vec1[0], vec1[1], stopxp,  stopyp);
    startx  = x1; starty  = y;
    startxp = x1; startyp = yp;
    stopx   = x2; stopy   = y;
    stopxp  = x2; stopyp  = yp;

  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator it = rGradient.GetStopList().begin();
  nuiGradientStopList::const_iterator end = rGradient.GetStopList().end();

  float px1, py1;
  float px2, py2;


  nuiRenderArray* pArray = new nuiRenderArray(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP);
  //  nuiRenderArray Array(GL_LINES);
//  pArray->SetVertexElements(3);
//  pArray->SetColorElements(4);

  nuiColor col = it->second;
  pArray->SetVertex(x, y);
  pArray->SetVertex(xp, yp);

  for ( ; it != end; ++it)
    float r = it->first;
    float rm = 1.0f - r;
    px1 = startx * rm + stopx * r;
    py1 = starty * rm + stopy * r;
    px2 = startxp * rm + stopxp * r;
    py2 = startyp * rm + stopyp * r;

    col = it->second;
    pArray->SetVertex(px2, py2);
    pArray->SetVertex(px1, py1);

  pArray->SetVertex(xx, yy);
  pArray->SetVertex(xxp, yyp);

