void ObservationDirectionDataPointsFilter<T>::inPlaceFilter(DataPoints& cloud)
	const int dim(cloud.features.rows() - 1);
	const int featDim(cloud.features.cols());
	if (dim != 2 && dim != 3)
		throw InvalidField(
			(boost::format("ObservationDirectionDataPointsFilter: Error, works only in 2 or 3 dimensions, cloud has %1% dimensions.") % dim).str()

	Vector center(dim);
	center[0] = centerX;
	center[1] = centerY;
	if (dim == 3)
		center[2] = centerZ;

	cloud.allocateDescriptor("observationDirections", dim);
	BOOST_AUTO(observationDirections, cloud.getDescriptorViewByName("observationDirections"));

	for (int i = 0; i < featDim; ++i)
		// Check normal orientation
		const Vector p(cloud.features.block(0, i, dim, 1));
		observationDirections.col(i) = center - p;

Exemple #2
void MessageBase::print(ostream& os, int depth) const
	const string dspacer((depth + 1) * 3, ' ');
	const BaseMsgEntry *tbme(_ctx._bme.find_ptr(_msgType.c_str()));
	if (tbme)
		os << tbme->_name << " (\"" << _msgType << "\")" << endl;
	for (Positions::const_iterator itr(_pos.begin()); itr != _pos.end(); ++itr)
		const BaseEntry *tbe(_ctx.find_be(itr->second->_fnum));
		if (!tbe)
			throw InvalidField(itr->second->_fnum);
		os << dspacer << tbe->_name;
		const unsigned short comp(_fp.getComp(itr->second->_fnum));
		if (comp)
			os << " [" << _ctx._cn[comp] << ']';
		os << " (" << itr->second->_fnum << "): ";
		int idx;
		if (itr->second->_rlm && (idx = (itr->second->get_rlm_idx())) >= 0)
			os << itr->second->_rlm->_descriptions[idx] << " (" << *itr->second << ')' << endl;
			os << *itr->second << endl;
		if (_fp.is_group(itr->second->_fnum))
			print_group(itr->second->_fnum, os, depth);
Exemple #3
unsigned MessageBase::decode_group(const unsigned short fnum, const f8String& from, const unsigned offset)
	unsigned s_offset(offset), result;
	GroupBase *grpbase(find_group(fnum));
	if (!grpbase)
		throw InvalidRepeatingGroup(fnum);
	const unsigned fsize(from.size());
	const char *dptr(from.data());

	for (bool ok(true); ok && s_offset < fsize; )
		scoped_ptr<MessageBase> grp(grpbase->create_group());

		for (unsigned pos(0); s_offset < fsize && (result = extract_element(dptr + s_offset, fsize - s_offset, tag, val));)
			const unsigned tv(fast_atoi<unsigned>(tag));
			Presence::const_iterator itr(grp->_fp.get_presence().end());
			if (grp->_fp.get(tv, itr, FieldTrait::present))	// already present; next group?
			if (pos == 0 && grp->_fp.getPos(tv, itr) != 1)	// first field in group is mandatory
				throw MissingRepeatingGroupField(tv);
			const BaseEntry *be(_ctx._be.find_ptr(tv));
			if (!be)
				throw InvalidField(tv);
			if (!grp->_fp.has(tv, itr))	// field not found in sub-group - end of repeats?
				ok = false;
			s_offset += result;
			grp->add_field(tv, itr, ++pos, be->_create(val, be->_rlm, -1), false);
			grp->_fp.set(tv, itr, FieldTrait::present);	// is present
			if (grp->_fp.is_group(tv, itr)) // nested group
				s_offset = grp->decode_group(tv, from, s_offset);

		const unsigned short missing(grp->_fp.find_missing());
		if (missing)
			const BaseEntry& tbe(_ctx._be.find_ref(missing));
			ostringstream ostr;
			ostr << tbe._name << " (" << missing << ')';
			throw MissingMandatoryField(ostr.str());
		*grpbase += grp.release();

	return s_offset;
Exemple #4
unsigned MessageBase::decode(const f8String& from, const unsigned offset)
	unsigned s_offset(offset), result;
	const unsigned fsize(from.size());
	const char *dptr(from.data());

	for (unsigned pos(_pos.size()); s_offset <= fsize && (result = extract_element(dptr + s_offset, fsize - s_offset, tag, val));)
		const unsigned tv(fast_atoi<unsigned>(tag));
		const BaseEntry *be(_ctx._be.find_ptr(tv));
		if (!be && (!_ctx._ube || (be = _ctx._ube->find_ptr(tv)) == 0))
		if (!be)
			throw InvalidField(tv);
		Presence::const_iterator itr(_fp.get_presence().end());
		if (!_fp.has(tv, itr))
		s_offset += result;
		if (_fp.get(tv, itr, FieldTrait::present))
			if (!_fp.get(tv, itr, FieldTrait::automatic))
				throw DuplicateField(tv);
			add_field(tv, itr, ++pos, be->_create(val, be->_rlm, -1), false);
			if (_fp.is_group(tv, itr))
				s_offset = decode_group(tv, from, s_offset);

	const unsigned short missing(_fp.find_missing());
	if (missing)
		const BaseEntry& tbe(_ctx._be.find_ref(missing));
		ostringstream ostr;
		ostr << tbe._name << " (" << missing << ')';
		throw MissingMandatoryField(ostr.str());

	return s_offset;
Exemple #5
void MessageBase::print_field(const unsigned short fnum, ostream& os) const
	Fields::const_iterator fitr(_fields.find(fnum));
	if (fitr != _fields.end())
		const BaseEntry *tbe(_ctx.find_be(fnum));
		if (!tbe)
			throw InvalidField(fnum);
		os << tbe->_name << " (" << fnum << "): ";
		int idx;
		if (fitr->second->_rlm && (idx = (fitr->second->get_rlm_idx())) >= 0)
			os << fitr->second->_rlm->_descriptions[idx] << " (" << *fitr->second << ')';
			os << *fitr->second;
		if (_fp.is_group(fnum))
			print_group(fnum, os, 0);
Exemple #6
void MessageBase::print(ostream& os, int depth) const
	const string dspacer((depth + 1) * 3, ' ');
	const BaseMsgEntry *tbme(_ctx._bme.find_ptr(_msgType));
	if (tbme)
		os << tbme->_name << " (\"" << _msgType << "\")" << endl;
	for (Positions::const_iterator itr(_pos.begin()); itr != _pos.end(); ++itr)
		const BaseEntry *tbe(_ctx._be.find_ptr(itr->second->_fnum));
		if (!tbe)
			if (!_ctx._ube || (tbe = _ctx._ube->find_ptr(itr->second->_fnum)) == 0)
				throw InvalidField(itr->second->_fnum);
		os << dspacer << tbe->_name << " (" << itr->second->_fnum << "): ";
		int idx;
		if (itr->second->_rlm && (idx = (itr->second->get_rlm_idx())) >= 0)
			os << itr->second->_rlm->_descriptions[idx] << " (" << *itr->second << ')' << endl;
			os << *itr->second << endl;
		if (_fp.is_group(itr->second->_fnum))
			print_group(itr->second->_fnum, os, depth);
void CovarianceSamplingDataPointsFilter<T>::inPlaceFilter(DataPoints& cloud)
	const std::size_t featDim(cloud.features.rows());
	assert(featDim == 4); //3D pts only
	//Check number of points
	const std::size_t nbPoints = cloud.getNbPoints();		
	if(nbSample >= nbPoints)
	//Check if there is normals info
	if (!cloud.descriptorExists("normals"))
		throw InvalidField("OrientNormalsDataPointsFilter: Error, cannot find normals in descriptors.");

	const auto& normals = cloud.getDescriptorViewByName("normals");
	std::vector<std::size_t> keepIndexes;
	///---- Part A, as we compare the cloud with himself, the overlap is 100%, so we keep all points 
	//A.1 and A.2 - Compute candidates
	std::vector<std::size_t> candidates ;
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbPoints; ++i) candidates[i] = i;
	const std::size_t nbCandidates = candidates.size();
	//Compute centroid
	Vector3 center;
	for(std::size_t i = 0; i < featDim - 1; ++i) center(i) = T(0.);
	for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbCandidates; ++i)
		for (std::size_t f = 0; f <= 3; ++f)
			center(f) += cloud.features(f,candidates[i]);
	for(std::size_t i = 0; i <= 3; ++i) center(i) /= T(nbCandidates);
	//Compute torque normalization
	T Lnorm = 1.0;
	if(normalizationMethod == TorqueNormMethod::L1)
		Lnorm = 1.0;
	else if(normalizationMethod == TorqueNormMethod::Lavg)
		Lnorm = 0.0;
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < nbCandidates; ++i)
			Lnorm += (cloud.features.col(candidates[i]).head(3) - center).norm();
		Lnorm /= nbCandidates;
	else if(normalizationMethod == TorqueNormMethod::Lmax)	
		const Vector minValues = cloud.features.rowwise().minCoeff();
		const Vector maxValues = cloud.features.rowwise().maxCoeff();
		const Vector3 radii = maxValues.head(3) - minValues.head(3);

		Lnorm = radii.maxCoeff() / 2.; //radii.mean() / 2.; 
	//A.3 - Compute 6x6 covariance matrix + EigenVectors
	auto computeCovariance = [Lnorm, nbCandidates, &cloud, &center, &normals, &candidates](Matrix66 & cov) -> void {
			//Compute F matrix, see Eq. (4)
			Eigen::Matrix<T, 6, Eigen::Dynamic> F(6, nbCandidates);
			for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nbCandidates; ++i)
				const Vector3 p = cloud.features.col(candidates[i]).head(3) - center; // pi-c
				const Vector3 ni = normals.col(candidates[i]).head(3);
				//compute (1 / L) * (pi - c) x ni 
				F.template block<3, 1>(0, i) = (1. / Lnorm) * p.cross(ni);
				//set ni part
				F.template block<3, 1>(3, i) = ni;

			// Compute the covariance matrix Cov = FF'
			cov = F * F.transpose(); 
	Matrix66 covariance;
	Eigen::EigenSolver<Matrix66> solver(covariance);		
	const Matrix66  eigenVe = solver.eigenvectors().real();
	const Vector6   eigenVa = solver.eigenvalues().real();
	///---- Part B
	//B.1 - Compute the v-6 for each candidate
	std::vector<Vector6, Eigen::aligned_allocator<Vector6>> v; // v[i] = [(pi-c) x ni ; ni ]'

	for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nbCandidates; ++i)
		const Vector3 p = cloud.features.col(candidates[i]).head(3) - center; // pi-c
		const Vector3 ni = normals.col(candidates[i]).head(3);
		v[i].template block<3, 1>(0, 0) = (1. / Lnorm) * p.cross(ni);
		v[i].template block<3, 1>(3, 0) = ni;
	//B.2 - Compute the 6 sorted list based on dot product (vi . Xk) = magnitude, with Xk the kth-EigenVector
	std::vector<std::list<std::pair<int, T>>> L; // contain list of pair (index, magnitude) contribution to the eigens vectors
	//sort by decreasing magnitude
	auto comp = [](const std::pair<int, T>& p1, const std::pair<int, T>& p2) -> bool {
			return p1.second > p2.second;
	for(std::size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
		for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nbCandidates; ++i )
			L[k].push_back(std::make_pair(i, std::fabs( v[i].dot(eigenVe.template block<6,1>(0, k)) )));
	std::vector<T> t(6, T(0.)); //contains the sums of squared magnitudes
	std::vector<bool> sampledPoints(nbCandidates, false); //maintain flag to avoid resampling the same point in an other list 
	///Add point iteratively till we got the desired number of point
	for(std::size_t i = 0; i < nbSample; ++i)
		//B.3 - Equally constrained all eigen vectors		
		// magnitude contribute to t_i where i is the indice of th least contrained eigen vector
		//Find least constrained vector
		std::size_t k = 0;
		for (std::size_t i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
			if (t[k] > t[i])
				k = i;
		// Add the point from the top of the list corresponding to the dimension to the set of samples
			L[k].pop_front(); //remove already sampled point
		//Get index to keep
		const std::size_t idToKeep = static_cast<std::size_t>(L[k].front().first);
		sampledPoints[idToKeep] = true; //set flag to avoid resampling
		//B.4 - Update the running total
		for (std::size_t k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
			const T magnitude = v[idToKeep].dot(eigenVe.template block<6, 1>(0, k));
			t[k] += (magnitude * magnitude);
		keepIndexes[i] = candidates[idToKeep];

	//TODO: evaluate performances between this solution and sorting the indexes
	// We build map of (old index to new index), in case we sample pts at the begining of the pointcloud
	std::unordered_map<std::size_t, std::size_t> mapidx;
	std::size_t idx = 0;
	///(4) Sample the point cloud
	for(std::size_t id : keepIndexes)
		//retrieve index from lookup table if sampling in already switched element
			id = mapidx[id];
		//Switch columns id and idx
		cloud.swapCols(idx, id);	
		//Maintain new index position	
		mapidx[idx] = id;
		//Update index