Exemple #1
IoObject *IoFile_isDirectory(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File isDirectory
	Returns true if the receiver's path points to a directory, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISDIR(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #2
IoObject *IoFile_groupId(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File groupId
	Returns a Number containing the group id associated with the file's path.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_gid);
Exemple #3
IoObject *IoFile_statSize(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File statSize
	Returns the file's size in bytes as a Number.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_size);
Exemple #4
IoObject *IoFile_isSocket(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File isSocket
	Returns true if the receiver's file descriptor is a Socket, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISSOCK(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #5
IoObject *IoFile_isRegularFile(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File isRegularFile
	Returns true if the receiver's file descriptor is a regular file, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISREG(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #6
IO_METHOD(IoFile, isSocket)
	/*doc File isSocket
	Returns true if the receiver's file descriptor is a Socket, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISSOCK(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #7
IO_METHOD(IoFile, isPipe)
	/*doc File isPipe
	Returns true if the receiver is a pipe, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISFIFO(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #8
IO_METHOD(IoFile, isRegularFile)
	/*doc File isRegularFile
	Returns true if the receiver's file descriptor is a regular file, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISREG(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #9
IO_METHOD(IoFile, isDirectory)
	/*doc File isDirectory
	Returns true if the receiver's path points to a directory, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISDIR(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #10
IO_METHOD(IoFile, statSize)
	/*doc File statSize
	Returns the file's size in bytes as a Number.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_size);
Exemple #11
IO_METHOD(IoFile, groupId)
	/*doc File groupId
	Returns a Number containing the group id associated with the file's path.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_gid);
Exemple #12
IoObject *IoFile_isPipe(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File isPipe
	Returns true if the receiver is a pipe, false otherwise.

	return IOBOOL(self, S_ISFIFO(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode));
Exemple #13
IoObject *IoFile_protectionMode(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File protectionMode
	Returns a Number containing the protection mode
	associated with the file's path.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode);
Exemple #14
IO_METHOD(IoFile, protectionMode)
	/*doc File protectionMode
	Returns a Number containing the protection mode
	associated with the file's path.

	return IONUMBER(IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode);
Exemple #15
IoObject *IoFile_isUserExecutable(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File isUserExecutable
	Returns true if the receiver is user group executable, false otherwise.
	return IOFALSE(self);
	mode_t mode = IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m)->st_mode;
	mode_t check = S_IXUSR;
	return IOBOOL(self, mode & check);
Exemple #16
IoObject *IoFile_lastAccessDate(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File lastAccessDate
	Returns a Date object containing the last date and
	time the file was accessed.

	struct stat *s = IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m);
	struct timeval tv = timespec2timeval(s->st_atimespec);
	struct timeval tv = time_t2timeval(s->st_atime);

	return IoDate_newWithTimeval_(IOSTATE, tv);
Exemple #17
IO_METHOD(IoFile, lastInfoChangeDate)
	/*doc File lastInfoChangeDate
	Returns a Date object containing the last date and
	time the file's meta info was changed.

	struct stat *s = IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m);

	struct timeval tv = timespec2timeval(s->st_ctimespec);
	struct timeval tv = time_t2timeval(s->st_ctime);

	return IoDate_newWithTimeval_(IOSTATE, tv);
Exemple #18
IoObject *IoFile_lastDataChangeDate(IoFile *self, IoObject *locals, IoMessage *m)
	/*doc File lastDataChangeDate
	Returns a Date object containing the last date and
	time the file's contents were changed.

	struct stat *s = IoFile_statPointer(self, locals, m);
	struct timeval tv = timespec2timeval(s->st_mtimespec);
	struct timeval tv = time_t2timeval(s->st_mtime);
	struct gettv get_tv;
	struct timezone timezone;
	struct tm *t;
	gettimeofday(&get_tv, &timezone);
	printf("stattv.tv_sec = %i\n", tv.tv_sec);
	printf("get_tv.tv_sec = %i\n", get_tv.tv_sec);
	return IoDate_newWithTimeval_(IOSTATE, tv);