Exemple #1
  Get the view of the virtual camera. Be carefull, the image I is modified. The projected image is not added as an overlay!
  With this method, a list of image is projected into the image. Thus, you have to initialise a list of vpImageSimulator. Then you store them into a vpList. And finally with this method you project them into the image \f$ I \f$. The depth of the 3D scene is managed such as an image in foreground hides an image background.
  The following example shows how to use the method:
  #include <visp/vpImage.h>
  #include <visp/vpImageSimulator.h>
  int main()
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Icamera(480,640,0);
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Iimage(60,60);
    // Initialise the image which will be projected into the image Icamera
    vpRGBa colorb(0,0,255);
    vpRGBa colorw(255,255,255);
    vpRGBa colorr(255,0,0);
    for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorb;
      for(int j = 20; j < 40; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorw;
      for(int j = 40; j < 60; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorr;
    // Initialise the 3D coordinates of the Iimage corners
    vpColVector X[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) X[i].resize(3);
    // Top left corner
    X[0][0] = -1;
    X[0][1] = -1;
    X[0][2] = 1;
    // Top right corner
    X[1][0] = 1;
    X[1][1] = -1;
    X[1][2] = 1;
    // Bottom right corner
    X[2][0] = 1;
    X[2][1] = 1;
    X[2][2] = 1;
    //Bottom left corner
    X[3][0] = -1;
    X[3][1] = 1;
    X[3][2] = 1;
    vpImageSimulator sim;
    sim.init(Iimage, X);
    // Top left corner
    X[0][0] = -1;
    X[0][1] = -1;
    X[0][2] = 1;
    // Top right corner
    X[1][0] = 1;
    X[1][1] = -1;
    X[1][2] = 1;
    // Bottom right corner
    X[2][0] = 1;
    X[2][1] = 1;
    X[2][2] = 1;
    //Bottom left corner
    X[3][0] = -1;
    X[3][1] = 1;
    X[3][2] = 1;
    vpImageSimulator sim2;
    sim2.init(Iimage, X);
    vpList<vpImageSimulator> listSim;
    vpCameraParameters cam(868.0, 869.0, 320, 240);
    return 0;
  \param I : The image used to store the result
  \param list : List of vpImageSimulator to project
  \param cam : The parameters of the virtual camera
vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, vpList<vpImageSimulator> &list, const vpCameraParameters cam)
  unsigned int width = I.getWidth();
  unsigned int height = I.getHeight();
  int nbsimList = list.nbElements();
  if (nbsimList < 1)
  vpImageSimulator** simList = new vpImageSimulator* [nbsimList];
  double topFinal = height+1;;
  double bottomFinal = -1;
  double leftFinal = width+1;
  double rightFinal = -1;
  int unvisible = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < nbsimList; i++)
    vpImageSimulator* sim = &(list.value());
    if (sim->visible)
      simList[i] = sim;
  nbsimList = nbsimList - unvisible;
   if (nbsimList < 1)
     delete[] simList;
  for (int i = 0; i < nbsimList; i++)
    if (topFinal > simList[i]->rect.getTop()) topFinal = simList[i]->rect.getTop();
    if (bottomFinal < simList[i]->rect.getBottom()) bottomFinal = simList[i]->rect.getBottom();
    if (leftFinal > simList[i]->rect.getLeft()) leftFinal = simList[i]->rect.getLeft();
    if (rightFinal < simList[i]->rect.getRight()) rightFinal = simList[i]->rect.getRight();  
  double zmin = -1;
  int indice = -1;
  vpRGBa *bitmap = I.bitmap;
  vpImagePoint ip;
  for (int i = (int)topFinal; i < (int)bottomFinal; i++)
    for (int j = (int)leftFinal; j < (int)rightFinal; j++)
      zmin = -1;
      double x=0,y=0;
      vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(cam,ip, x,y);
      for (int k = 0; k < nbsimList; k++)
	double z = 0;
	  if (z < zmin || zmin < 0)
	    zmin = z;
	    indice = k;
      if (indice >= 0)
        if (simList[indice]->colorI == GRAY_SCALED)
	  unsigned char Ipixelplan = 255;
	  vpRGBa pixelcolor;
	  pixelcolor.R = Ipixelplan;
	  pixelcolor.G = Ipixelplan;
	  pixelcolor.B = Ipixelplan;
	  *(bitmap+i*width+j) = pixelcolor;
        else if (simList[indice]->colorI == COLORED)
	  vpRGBa Ipixelplan(255,255,255);
	  //unsigned char pixelgrey = 0.2126 * Ipixelplan.R + 0.7152 * Ipixelplan.G + 0.0722 * Ipixelplan.B;
  delete[] simList;
Exemple #2
  Get the view of the virtual camera. Be careful, the image I is modified. The projected image is not added as an overlay!
  With this method, a list of image is projected into the image. Thus, you have to initialise a list of vpImageSimulator. Then you store them into a vpList. And finally with this method you project them into the image \f$ I \f$. The depth of the 3D scene is managed such as an image in foreground hides an image background.

  The following example shows how to use the method:

  #include <list>
  #include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
  #include <visp3/robot/vpImageSimulator.h>

  int main()
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Icamera(480,640,0);
    vpImage<vpRGBa> Iimage(60,60);

    // Initialise the image which will be projected into the image Icamera
    vpRGBa colorb(0,0,255);
    vpRGBa colorw(255,255,255);
    vpRGBa colorr(255,0,0);
    for(int i = 0; i < 60; i++)
      for(int j = 0; j < 20; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorb;
      for(int j = 20; j < 40; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorw;
      for(int j = 40; j < 60; j++)
        Iimage[i][j] = colorr;

    // Initialise the 3D coordinates of the Iimage corners
    vpColVector X[4];
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) X[i].resize(3);
    // Top left corner
    X[0][0] = -1;
    X[0][1] = -1;
    X[0][2] = 1;

    // Top right corner
    X[1][0] = 1;
    X[1][1] = -1;
    X[1][2] = 1;

    // Bottom right corner
    X[2][0] = 1;
    X[2][1] = 1;
    X[2][2] = 1;

    //Bottom left corner
    X[3][0] = -1;
    X[3][1] = 1;
    X[3][2] = 1;

    vpImageSimulator sim;
    sim.init(Iimage, X);

    // Top left corner
    X[0][0] = -1;
    X[0][1] = -1;
    X[0][2] = 1;

    // Top right corner
    X[1][0] = 1;
    X[1][1] = -1;
    X[1][2] = 1;

    // Bottom right corner
    X[2][0] = 1;
    X[2][1] = 1;
    X[2][2] = 1;

    //Bottom left corner
    X[3][0] = -1;
    X[3][1] = 1;
    X[3][2] = 1;

    vpImageSimulator sim2;
    sim2.init(Iimage, X);


    std::list<vpImageSimulator> listSim;


    vpCameraParameters cam(868.0, 869.0, 320, 240);


    return 0;

  \param I : The image used to store the result
  \param list : List of vpImageSimulator to project
  \param cam : The parameters of the virtual camera
vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<unsigned char> &I,
                           std::list<vpImageSimulator> &list,
                           const vpCameraParameters &cam)

  unsigned int width = I.getWidth();
  unsigned int height = I.getHeight();

  unsigned int nbsimList = (unsigned int)list.size();

  if (nbsimList < 1)

  vpImageSimulator** simList = new vpImageSimulator* [nbsimList];

  double topFinal = height+1;;
  double bottomFinal = -1;
  double leftFinal = width+1;
  double rightFinal = -1;

  unsigned int unvisible = 0;
  unsigned int indexSimu=0;
  for(std::list<vpImageSimulator>::iterator it=list.begin(); it!=list.end(); ++it, ++indexSimu){
    vpImageSimulator* sim = &(*it);
    if (sim->visible)
      simList[indexSimu] = sim;
  nbsimList = nbsimList - unvisible;

   if (nbsimList < 1)
     delete[] simList;

  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbsimList; i++)

    if (topFinal > simList[i]->rect.getTop()) topFinal = simList[i]->rect.getTop();
    if (bottomFinal < simList[i]->rect.getBottom()) bottomFinal = simList[i]->rect.getBottom();
    if (leftFinal > simList[i]->rect.getLeft()) leftFinal = simList[i]->rect.getLeft();
    if (rightFinal < simList[i]->rect.getRight()) rightFinal = simList[i]->rect.getRight();

  double zmin = -1;
  int indice = -1;
  unsigned char *bitmap = I.bitmap;
  vpImagePoint ip;

  for (unsigned int i = (unsigned int)topFinal; i < (unsigned int)bottomFinal; i++)
    for (unsigned int j = (unsigned int)leftFinal; j < (unsigned int)rightFinal; j++)
      zmin = -1;
      double x=0,y=0;
      vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(cam,ip, x,y);
      for (int k = 0; k < (int)nbsimList; k++)
  double z = 0;
    if (z < zmin || zmin < 0)
      zmin = z;
      indice = k;
      if (indice >= 0)
        if (simList[indice]->colorI == GRAY_SCALED)
    unsigned char Ipixelplan = 255;
        else if (simList[indice]->colorI == COLORED)
    vpRGBa Ipixelplan(255,255,255);
    unsigned char pixelgrey = (unsigned char)(0.2126 * Ipixelplan.R + 0.7152 * Ipixelplan.G + 0.0722 * Ipixelplan.B);

  delete[] simList;