Exemple #1
bool Model::initString(const std::string& xml_string)
  boost::shared_ptr<ModelInterface> model;

  // necessary for COLLADA compatibility
  if( IsColladaData(xml_string) ) {
    ROS_DEBUG("Parsing robot collada xml string");

    static boost::mutex PARSER_PLUGIN_LOCK;
    static boost::scoped_ptr<pluginlib::ClassLoader<urdf::URDFParser> > PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER;
    boost::mutex::scoped_lock _(PARSER_PLUGIN_LOCK);

	PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER.reset(new pluginlib::ClassLoader<urdf::URDFParser>("urdf_parser_plugin", "urdf::URDFParser"));
      const std::vector<std::string> &classes = PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER->getDeclaredClasses();
      bool found = false;
      for (std::size_t i = 0 ; i < classes.size() ; ++i)
	if (classes[i].find("urdf/ColladaURDFParser") != std::string::npos)
	  boost::shared_ptr<urdf::URDFParser> instance = PARSER_PLUGIN_LOADER->createInstance(classes[i]);
	  if (instance)
	    model = instance->parse(xml_string);
	  found = true;
      if (!found)
	ROS_ERROR_STREAM("No URDF parser plugin found for Collada files. Did you install the corresponding package?");
    catch(pluginlib::PluginlibException& ex)
      ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Exception while creating planning plugin loader " << ex.what() << ". Will not parse Collada file.");
  else {
    ROS_DEBUG("Parsing robot urdf xml string");
    model = parseURDF(xml_string);

  // copy data from model into this object
  if (model){
    this->links_ = model->links_;
    this->joints_ = model->joints_;
    this->materials_ = model->materials_;
    this->name_ = model->name_;
    this->root_link_ = model->root_link_;
    return true;
    return false;
Exemple #2
/** Initialize the model using an URDF string
 * @param xml_string The robot description in URDF format
 * @return true if the model was intialized successfully
bool Model::initString(const std::string& xml_string)
  ModelInterfaceSharedPtr model;

  if( IsColladaData(xml_string) ) {
    // currently, support for Collada is not implemented
    throw URDFColladaNotSupportedException();
  else {
    model = parseURDF(xml_string);

  // copy data from model into this object
  if (model){
    this->links_ = model->links_;
    this->joints_ = model->joints_;
    this->materials_ = model->materials_;
    this->name_ = model->name_;
    this->root_link_ = model->root_link_;
    return true;
    return false;