Exemple #1
	Function: void HackThread(void)
	Purpose: The main function for our hack, here is where we have our code
void HackThread(void)
	HMODULE hEngineModule, hClientModule; //module handles
	CreateInterfaceFn pEngineFactory, pClientFactory; //CreateInterface function pointers

	while(!IsGameReady())	//while the game isn't ready
		Sleep(1000);		//wait for a second before checking again

	//Here the game is ready, so we get handles to the dlls
	hEngineModule = GetModuleHandle("engine.dll"); //Get a handle to the engine dll
	hClientModule = GetModuleHandle("client.dll"); //Get a handle to the client dll

	//Get the function pointers to the CreateInterface functions
	pEngineFactory = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(hEngineModule, "CreateInterface"); //Get the address of the CreateInterface function in engine.dll
	pClientFactory = (CreateInterfaceFn)GetProcAddress(hClientModule, "CreateInterface"); //Get the address of the CreateInterface function in client.dll

	//Nullpointer checks
	if(pEngineFactory == NULL || pClientFactory == NULL) //if any of the two function pointers is NULL
		MessageBox(0, "A CreateInterface pointer was NULL, shutting down!", "Failure", MB_OK); //Warn us about it
		exit(0); //and exit the game

	//Get pointers to the existing interfaces in client.dll
	pBaseClient			= (IBaseClientDLL*)pClientFactory(CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0);				//CLIENT_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION is defined as "VClient013"
	pClientEntityList	= (IClientEntityList*)pClientFactory(VCLIENTENTITYLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0);	//VCLIENTENTITYLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION is defined as "VClientEntityList003"

	//Get pointers to the existing interfaces in engine.dll
	pEngineClient	= (IVEngineClient*)pEngineFactory(VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0);	//VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION is defined as "VEngineClient012"
	pCvar			= (ICvar*)pEngineFactory(VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION, 0);			//VENGINE_CVAR_INTERFACE_VERSION is defined as "VEngineCvar003"

	if(pBaseClient == NULL || pClientEntityList == NULL || pEngineClient == NULL || pCvar == NULL) //if any of the pointers is NULL
		MessageBox(0, "One of the interface pointers is NULL, shutting down!", "Failure", MB_OK); //Warn us about it
		exit(0); //and exit the game

	while(1) //We passed all the checks, so we can enter an infinite loop
		if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD1)&1) //if the first bit for numpad1 is set(initial press & repeats)
			pEngineClient->ClientCmd("monster_attack_bonus_ratio -80"); //enable godmode using ClientCmd
		if(GetAsyncKeyState(VK_NUMPAD3)&1) //if the first bit for numpad3 is set(initial press & repeats)
			//Disable godmode using ConVars
			ConVar *pGodmode = pCvar->FindVar("monster_attack_bonus_ratio"); //get a pointer to the ConVar
			if(pGodmode != NULL) //make sure it isn't a NULL pointer!
				pGodmode->SetValue(pGodmode->GetDefault()); //Set the convar back to the default value
		Sleep(100); //Sleep(pause) the thread for 100 miliseconds
bool BattleshipApp::IsGameReady(const std::string& id)
    return IsGameReady((unsigned)std::stoi(id));