- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return NULL;

    Map* map = NULL;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
        // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
            return NULL;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
                return NULL;
    else if (!IsGarrison())
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : NULL;

        // the player's permanent player bind is taken into consideration first
        // then the player's group bind and finally the solo bind.
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = NULL;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();
            // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    pSave = groupBind->save;
        if (pSave)
            // solo/perm/group
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficultyID());
            // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
            // the instance will be created for the first time
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()) : player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry());
            //Seems it is now possible, but I do not know if it should be allowed
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff);
        newInstanceId = player->GetGUID().GetCounter();
        map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            map = CreateGarrison(newInstanceId, player);

    return map;
Exemple #2
- return the right instance for the object, based on its InstanceId
- create the instance if it's not created already
- the player is not actually added to the instance (only in InstanceMap::Add)
Map* MapInstanced::CreateInstanceForPlayer(const uint32 mapId, Player* player, uint32 loginInstanceId)
    if (GetId() != mapId || !player)
        return nullptr;

    Map* map = nullptr;
    uint32 newInstanceId = 0;                       // instanceId of the resulting map

    if (IsBattlegroundOrArena())
        // instantiate or find existing bg map for player
        // the instance id is set in battlegroundid
        newInstanceId = player->GetBattlegroundId();
        if (!newInstanceId)
            return nullptr;

        map = sMapMgr->FindMap(mapId, newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            if (Battleground* bg = player->GetBattleground())
                map = CreateBattleground(newInstanceId, bg);
                return nullptr;
    else if (!IsGarrison())
        InstancePlayerBind* pBind = player->GetBoundInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()));
        InstanceSave* pSave = pBind ? pBind->save : nullptr;

        // priority:
        // 1. player's permanent bind
        // 2. player's current instance id if this is at login
        // 3. group's current bind
        // 4. player's current bind
        if (!pBind || !pBind->perm)
            if (loginInstanceId) // if the player has a saved instance id on login, we either use this instance or relocate him out (return null)
                map = FindInstanceMap(loginInstanceId);
                return (map && map->GetId() == GetId()) ? map : nullptr; // is this check necessary? or does MapInstanced only find instances of itself?

            InstanceGroupBind* groupBind = nullptr;
            Group* group = player->GetGroup();
            // use the player's difficulty setting (it may not be the same as the group's)
            if (group)
                groupBind = group->GetBoundInstance(this);
                if (groupBind)
                    // solo saves should be reset when entering a group's instance
                    player->UnbindInstance(GetId(), player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()));
                    pSave = groupBind->save;
        if (pSave)
            // solo/perm/group
            newInstanceId = pSave->GetInstanceId();
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            // it is possible that the save exists but the map doesn't
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, pSave, pSave->GetDifficultyID(), player->GetTeamId());
            // if no instanceId via group members or instance saves is found
            // the instance will be created for the first time
            newInstanceId = sMapMgr->GenerateInstanceId();

            Difficulty diff = player->GetGroup() ? player->GetGroup()->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry()) : player->GetDifficultyID(GetEntry());
            //Seems it is now possible, but I do not know if it should be allowed
            map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
            if (!map)
                map = CreateInstance(newInstanceId, NULL, diff, player->GetTeamId());
        newInstanceId = player->GetGUID().GetCounter();
        map = FindInstanceMap(newInstanceId);
        if (!map)
            map = CreateGarrison(newInstanceId, player);

    return map;