char ASCIIShade(double x)
  if(IsNaN(x)) return 'E';
  if(IsInf(x)==1) return 'I';
  else if(IsInf(x)==-1) return 'i';
  int index = (int)Trunc(x*8) + 7;
  if(index < 0) index=0;
  if(index >= kNumAsciiShades) index=kNumAsciiShades-1;
  if(index == 7) {
    if(x > 0) return kAsciiShades[8];
    else if(x < 0) return kAsciiShades[6];
    else return kAsciiShades[7];
  return kAsciiShades[index];
Exemple #2
void MainWindow::UpdateLinkParameters(){
#define NUM(x) QString::number(x)
  Robot* rob = world.robots[0];
  QString link_info=QString("V [%1 %2], A [%3,%4], T [%5,%6]").arg(
  if(IsInf(ui->spn_link->minimum()) || IsInf(ui->spn_link->minimum()))
  else ui->sld_link->setEnabled(true);

#undef NUM
Exemple #3
void ODESimulator::GetSurfaceParameters(const ODEObjectID& a,const ODEObjectID& b,dSurfaceParameters& surface) const
  //TODO: base the friction on the properties of the contact point
  //completely rigid contact
  surface.mode = dContactApprox1;
  //surface.mode = 0;
  surface.bounce = 0;
  surface.bounce_vel = 0;
  //printf("GetSurfaceParameters a = %d,%d, b = %d,%d\n",a.type,a.index,b.type,b.index);
  ODETriMesh *ma,*mb;
  if(a.type == 0) {
    Assert(a.index < (int)envs.size());
    ma = envMeshes[a.index];
  else if(a.type == 1) 
    ma = robots[a.index]->triMesh(a.bodyIndex);
  else if(a.type == 2)
    ma = objects[a.index]->triMesh();
  else Abort();
  if(b.type == 0) {
    Assert(b.index < (int)envs.size());
  else if(b.type == 1) 
  else if(b.type == 2) 
  else Abort();

  const ODESurfaceProperties &propa=ma->surf(),&propb=mb->surf();
  if(!IsInf(propa.kStiffness) || !IsInf(propb.kStiffness)) {
    surface.mode |= dContactSoftERP | dContactSoftCFM;
    Real kStiffness = 1.0/(1.0/propa.kStiffness+1.0/propb.kStiffness);
    Real kDamping = 1.0/(1.0/propa.kDamping+1.0/propb.kDamping);
    surface.soft_erp = ERPFromSpring(timestep,kStiffness,kDamping);
    surface.soft_cfm = CFMFromSpring(timestep,kStiffness,kDamping);
    //printf("Joint stiffness %g, damping %g\n",kStiffness,kDamping);
    //printf("ERP = %g, CFM = %g\n",surface.soft_erp,surface.soft_cfm);
  } = 2.0/(1.0/propa.kFriction+1.0/propb.kFriction);
  //correction to account for pyramid shaped friction cone *= 0.707;
  surface.bounce = 0.5*(propa.kRestitution+propb.kRestitution);
  if(surface.bounce != 0)
    surface.mode |= dContactBounce;
Exemple #4
void MainWindow::UpdateDriverParameters(){
    bool oldState = ui->spn_driver->blockSignals(true);
#define NUM(x) QString::number(x)
  Robot* rob = world.robots[0];
  RobotJointDriver dr=rob->drivers[gui->driver_index];
  QString driver_info=QString("V [%1 %2], T [%3,%4], PID %5,%6,%7").arg( \
  Vector2 limits = rob->GetDriverLimits(gui->driver_index);
#undef NUM
     if(IsInf(ui->spn_driver->minimum()) || IsInf(ui->spn_driver->minimum()))
     else ui->sld_driver->setEnabled(true);
Exemple #5
//return a value x in [xmin,xmax] such that |a*x - b| <= epsilon*max(|a||b|)
//for ill posed problems choose x=0
bool SafeEqSolve(dReal a,dReal b,dReal epsilon,dReal xmin,dReal xmax,dReal& x)
    if(a < 0) {
        return SafeEqSolve(-a,-b,epsilon,xmin,xmax,x);

    //now we know a>=0
    dReal epsScaled = epsilon*Max(a,Abs(b));

    //infinte range
    if(IsInf(xmin)==-1 && IsInf(xmax)==1) {
        if(a == 0) {
            x = 0.0;
            return Abs(b) <= epsScaled;
        x = b/a;
        return true;

    dReal axmin=a*xmin,axmax=a*xmax;
    if(!(b + epsScaled >= axmin  && b - epsScaled <= axmax)) { //ranges don't intersect
        return false;
    if(a != 0) {
        x = b/a;
        if(xmin <= x && x <= xmax) {
            return true;
    if (Abs(0.5*(axmin+axmax) - b) <= epsScaled) {
        //center of range is in epsilon range
        x = 0.5*(xmin+xmax);
        return true;
    if(Abs(axmax - b) <= epsScaled) {
        x = xmax;
        return true;
    assert(Abs(axmin - b) <= epsScaled);
    x = xmin;
    return true;
void ErrorAccumulator::Add(Real error,Real weight)
  if(norm == 1.0)
    accumulator += Abs(error)*weight;
  else if(norm == 2.0)
    accumulator += error*error*weight;
  else if(IsInf(norm))
    accumulator = Max(accumulator,weight*Abs(error));
    accumulator += weight*Pow(Abs(error),norm);
  sumWeights += weight;
void ErrorAccumulator::Add(Real error)
  if(norm == 1.0)
    accumulator += Abs(error);
  else if(norm == 2.0)
    accumulator += error*error;
  else if(IsInf(norm))
    accumulator = Max(accumulator,Abs(error));
    accumulator += Pow(Abs(error),norm);
  sumWeights += 1.0;
Real CompositeObjective::Delta(PlannerObjectiveBase* priorGoal)
  if(priorGoal->TypeString() != TypeString()) return Inf;
  CompositeObjective* pcomposite = dynamic_cast<CompositeObjective*>(priorGoal);
  if(pcomposite->components.size() != components.size()) return Inf;

  ErrorAccumulator accum(norm);
  for(size_t i=0;i<pcomposite->components.size();i++) {
    Real w1 = (weights.empty()?1.0:weights[i]);
    Real w2 = (pcomposite->weights.empty()?1.0:pcomposite->weights[i]);
    Real d=components[i]->Delta(pcomposite->components[i]);
    if(IsInf(d)) return Inf;
  return accum.Value();
Real ErrorAccumulator::Value() const
  if(IsInf(norm)) return accumulator;
  if(norm == 1.0) {
    if(mean) return accumulator/sumWeights;
    return accumulator;
  if(norm == 2.0) {
    if(mean && !root) return accumulator/sumWeights;
    else if(mean && root) return Sqrt(accumulator/sumWeights);
    else if(root) return Sqrt(accumulator);
    return accumulator;
  if(mean && !root) return accumulator/sumWeights;
  else if(mean && root) return Pow(accumulator/sumWeights,1.0/norm);
  else if(root) return Pow(accumulator,1.0/norm);
  return accumulator;
  virtual void GetRoadmap(RoadmapPlanner& roadmap) const { 
    //simply output all the visited grid cells
    if(planner.distances.numValues()==0) return;
    vector<int> index(qStart.n,0);
    do {
      if(!IsInf(planner.distances[index])) {
	Vector config = planner.FromGrid(index);
    } while(IncrementIndex(index,planner.distances.dims)==0);

    if(planner.solution.edges.empty()) {
      //add debugging path
      int prev = -1;
      for(size_t i=0;i<planner.failedCheck.edges.size();i++) {
	if(prev < 0) 
	  prev = roadmap.AddMilestone(planner.failedCheck.GetMilestone(0));
	int n = roadmap.AddMilestone(planner.failedCheck.GetMilestone(i+1));
	prev = n;
// Calculate Standard Deviation for the values
void MgFeatureNumericFunctions::GetStandardDeviationCategories( VECTOR &values, int numCats,
                                                                double dataMin, double dataMax,
                                                                VECTOR &distValues)
    // Expected categories should be more than zero
    if (numCats <= 0)
        STRING message = MgServerFeatureUtil::GetMessage(L"MgInvalidComputedProperty");

        MgStringCollection arguments;
        throw new MgFeatureServiceException(L"MgServerSelectFeatures.GetEqualCategories", __LINE__, __WFILE__, &arguments, L"", NULL);

    // collect information about the data values
    double min = DoubleMaxValue;
    double max = -DoubleMaxValue;
    double mean = 0;

    int cnt = (int)values.size();
    if (cnt <= 0) { return; } // Nothing to do, we just send back Property Definition to clients from reader

    for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++)
        double val = values[i];

        if (val > max)
            max = val;
        if (val < min)
            min = val;
        mean += val;

    // expand min and max a little to account for numerical instability
    double delta = 0.0001 * (max - min);
    min -= delta;
    max += delta;

    // compute the mean, variance and standard deviation
    double count = (double)cnt;  // (guaranteed to be > 0)
    mean /= count;
    double variance = 0;

    for (int i=0; i < cnt; i++)
        double val = values[i];
        variance += (val - mean) * (val - mean);

    double deviation = sqrt(variance / count);

    // fill in the middle category/categories
    double* cats = new double[numCats+1];
    int midCat, highMidCat;
    if (numCats % 2 == 0)
        midCat = numCats / 2;
        highMidCat = midCat;
        cats[midCat] = mean;
        midCat = (numCats - 1) / 2;
        highMidCat = midCat + 1;
        cats[midCat] = mean - 0.5 * deviation;
        cats[highMidCat] = mean + 0.5 * deviation;

    // fill in the other categories
    for (int i=midCat-1; i>=0; i--)
        cats[i] = cats[i+1] - deviation;

    for (int i=highMidCat; i<=numCats; i++)
        cats[i] = cats[i-1] + deviation;

    // if the data method specifies strict a strict min and/or max, use them
    if (!IsInf(dataMin) && !IsNan(dataMin) && (dataMin != -DoubleMaxValue))
        min = dataMin;
    if (!IsInf(dataMax) && !IsNan(dataMax) && (dataMax != DoubleMaxValue))
        max = dataMax;

    // flatten/clip any categories that extend beyond the min/max range
    for (int i=0; i<=numCats; i++)
        if (cats[i] < min)
            cats[i] = min;
        else if (cats[i] > max)
            cats[i] = max;

    for (int kk = 0; kk < numCats+1; kk++)

    delete[] cats; // Delete the memory allocated before