Exemple #1
VOID Map<K,V,KeyElementTraits, ValueElementTraits, ThreadingModel>::RemoveAll()
	Node* pNode = m_pRoot;
	while (pNode != m_pNil)
		if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pLeft))
      pNode = pNode->m_pLeft;
      SetNil( &pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft );
		else if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pRight))
			pNode = pNode->m_pRight;
      SetNil( &pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight );
      Node* pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
			delete pNode;
			pNode = pParent;
  m_NodeCount = 0;
int prSignalFade(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c, *d, *e;
	int err;
	int start, end;
	float lvl0, lvl1;

	a = g->sp - 4;
	b = g->sp - 3;
	c = g->sp - 2;
	d = g->sp - 1;
	e = g->sp;

	err = slotIntVal(b, &start);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(b)) start = 0;
		else return err;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &end);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(c)) end = slotRawObject(a)->size;
		else return err;

	err = slotFloatVal(d, &lvl0);
	if (err) return err;

	err = slotFloatVal(e, &lvl1);
	if (err) return err;

	signal_fade_range(slotRawObject(a), start, end, lvl0, lvl1);
	return errNone;
Exemple #3
VOID Set<K,ElementTraits>::RemoveAll()
	Node* pNode = m_pRoot;
	while (pNode != m_pNil)
		if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pLeft))
      pNode = pNode->m_pLeft;
      SetNil( &pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft );
		else if (!IsNil(pNode->m_pRight))
			pNode = pNode->m_pRight;
      SetNil( &pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight );
      Node* pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
			delete pNode;
			pNode = pParent;
  m_NodeCount = 0;
Exemple #4
int arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(PyrObject *array, PyrSlot *key)
	PyrSlot *slots, *test;
	unsigned int i, start, end, hash, maxHash;

	hash = calcHash(key);
	maxHash = array->size >> 1;
	start = (hash % maxHash) << 1;
	end = array->size;
	slots = array->slots;
	for (i=start; i<end; i+=2) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) || (test->utag == key->utag && test->ui == key->ui)) {
			return i;
	end = start - 2;
	for (i=0; i<=end; i+=2) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) || (test->utag == key->utag && test->ui == key->ui)) {
			return i;
	return -2;
void initialize_image_object( struct VMGlobals *g, struct PyrObject *obj, Image *image )
    assert( IsNil( obj->slots ) && IsNil( obj->slots+1 ) );
    SharedImage *shared_image_ptr = new SharedImage(image);
    SetPtr( obj->slots, shared_image_ptr ); // dataptr
    InstallFinalizer( g, obj, 1, finalize_image_object ); // finalizer
Exemple #6
int prIdentDict_Put(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c;

	a = g->sp - 2;  // dict
	b = g->sp - 1;	// key
	c = g->sp;		// value
	if(IsNil(b)) return errWrongType;
	if(IsNil(c)) return errFailed; // will call removeAt
	return identDictPut(g, slotRawObject(a), b, c);
Exemple #7
/* Parse a parameter. Currently only supports normal ones. */
Param ParseParam(VyObj param, bool opt, bool rest){
    VyObj default_val = None();
        if(IsType(param, TypeCons)){
            VyObj name = ListGet(UNWRAP(param, VyCons), 0);

            default_val = ListGet(UNWRAP(param, VyCons), 0);
            param = name;

    Param p = {optional: opt,
        rest: rest,
        default_value: default_val,
        name: UNWRAP(param, VySymbol)};
    return p;

/* Find how many actual parameters there are */
int CountParams(VyObj list){
    int count = 0;
        if(!ObjEq(Car(list), CreateSymbol("?")) && 
           !ObjEq(Car(list), CreateSymbol("..")))

        list = Cdr(list);

    return count;
Exemple #8
typename Map<K,V,KeyElementTraits, ValueElementTraits, ThreadingModel>::Node* Map<K,V,KeyElementTraits, ValueElementTraits, ThreadingModel>::InsertImpl( CONST K& Key, CONST V& Value )
	Node* pNew = new Node( Key, Value );
	pNew->m_pParent = pNew->m_pLeft = pNew->m_pRight = m_pNil;

	Node* pY = NULL;
	Node* pX = m_pRoot;

	while (!IsNil(pX))
		pY = pX;
    if( KeyElementTraits::CompareLessThan(Key,pX->m_Key) )
			pX = pX->m_pLeft;
			pX = pX->m_pRight;

	pNew->m_pParent = pY;
	if (pY == 0)
		m_pRoot = pNew;
  else if( KeyElementTraits::CompareLessThan(Key,pY->m_Key) )
		pY->m_pLeft = pNew;
		pY->m_pRight = pNew;

	return pNew;
Exemple #9
int prArray_OSCBytes(VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot* a = g->sp;
	PyrObject *array = a->uo;
	PyrSlot* args = array->slots;
	int numargs = array->size;
	if (numargs < 1) return errFailed;
	big_scpacket packet;

	if (IsFloat(args) || IsNil(args) || IsInt(args)) {
		makeSynthBundle(&packet, args, numargs, false);
	} else if (IsSym(args) || isKindOfSlot(args, class_string)) {
		makeSynthMsgWithTags(&packet, args, numargs);
	} else {
		return errWrongType;

	int size = packet.size();
	PyrInt8Array* obj = newPyrInt8Array(g->gc, size, 0, true);
	obj->size = size;
	memcpy(obj->b, packet.data(), size);
	SetObject(a, (PyrObject*)obj);
	//for (int i=0; i<packet.size()/4; i++) post("%d %08X\n", i, packet.buf[i]);

	return errNone;
Exemple #10
typename Set<K,ElementTraits>::Node* Set<K,ElementTraits>::InsertImpl( CONST K& Key )
	Node* pNew = new Node( Key );
	pNew->m_pParent = pNew->m_pLeft = pNew->m_pRight = m_pNil;

	Node* pY = NULL;
	Node* pX = m_pRoot;

	while (!IsNil(pX))
		pY = pX;
    if( ElementTraits::CompareLessThan(Key,pX->m_Key) )
			pX = pX->m_pLeft;
			pX = pX->m_pRight;

	pNew->m_pParent = pY;
	if (pY == 0)
		m_pRoot = pNew;
  else if( ElementTraits::CompareLessThan(Key,pY->m_Key) )
		pY->m_pLeft = pNew;
		pY->m_pRight = pNew;

	return pNew;
p_member(value velt, type telt,
	value vlist, type tlist)
        pword *p;

        /* we require a list or nil */
        /* if the list is empty, we fail */
        /* the tail of the list */
        p = vlist.ptr + 1;
        /* must be dereferenced! */
        * on backtracking we will get the tail of the list
        * instead of the list itself
        Remember(2, p->val, p->tag);
        * and we behave as the unification
        * of the element and the head
        Return_Unify_Pw(velt, telt,
                vlist.ptr->val, vlist.ptr->tag);
Exemple #12
double LLBC_Variant::AsDouble() const
    if (IsNil())
        return 0.0;
    else if (IsDict())
        return 0.0;
    else if (IsStr())
        return LLBC_Str2Double(_holder.str.c_str());

    if (IsDouble() || IsFloat())
        return _holder.raw.doubleVal;

    if (IsSignedRaw())
        return static_cast<double>(_holder.raw.int64Val);

    return static_cast<double>(_holder.raw.uint64Val);
Exemple #13
int prAscTime(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
        PyrSlot *a = g->sp;
        PyrSlot *slots = a->uo->slots;

        if (IsNil(slots + 0)) {
          return errNone;

        struct tm tm0;

        if (slotIntVal(slots+0, &tm0.tm_year)) return errWrongType;
        tm0.tm_year -= 1900;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+1, &tm0.tm_mon)) return errWrongType;
		tm0.tm_mon -- ;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+2, &tm0.tm_mday)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+3, &tm0.tm_hour)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+4, &tm0.tm_min)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+5, &tm0.tm_sec)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+6, &tm0.tm_wday)) return errWrongType;

        const char *text = asctime(&tm0);

        int size = strlen(text) - 1; // Discard trailing newline
        PyrString *strobj = newPyrStringN(g->gc, size, 0, true);
        memcpy(strobj->s, text, size);

        SetObject(a, strobj);

        return errNone;
Exemple #14
LLBC_Variant &LLBC_Variant::BecomeNil()
    if (IsNil())
        return *this;

    _holder.type = LLBC_VariantType::VT_NIL;

    return *this;
Exemple #15
int identDictPut(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject *dict, PyrSlot *key, PyrSlot *value)
	PyrSlot *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *array;

	bool knows = IsTrue(dict->slots + ivxIdentDict_know);
	if (knows && IsSym(key)) {
		if (slotRawSymbol(key) == s_parent) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
		if (slotRawSymbol(key) == s_proto) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
	array = slotRawObject(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array]);
	if (array->IsImmutable()) return errImmutableObject;
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, key);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, value);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, key);
		size = slotRawInt(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size]) + 1;
		SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size], size);
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, false);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array], newarray);
			g->gc->GCWriteNew(dict, newarray); // we know newarray is white so we can use GCWriteNew
	return errNone;
Exemple #16
int prIdentDict_PutGet(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c, *d, *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *dict;
	PyrObject *array;

	a = g->sp - 2;  // dict
	b = g->sp - 1;	// key
	c = g->sp;		// value
	d = ++g->sp;	// push the stack to save the receiver

	dict = slotRawObject(d);
	array = slotRawObject(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array]);
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) {
		return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, b);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, c);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, b);
		size = slotRawInt(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size]) + 1;
		SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size], size);
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, true);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			SetRaw(&dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array], newarray);
			g->gc->GCWriteNew(dict, newarray); // we know newarray is white so we can use GCWriteNew
	return errNone;
Exemple #17
BOOL Set<K,ElementTraits>::Delete( Node* pZ )
	if (pZ == NULL)
		return false;

	Node* pY = NULL;
	Node* pX = NULL;
	if (IsNil(pZ->m_pLeft) || IsNil(pZ->m_pRight))
		pY = pZ;
		pY = Successor(pZ);

	if (!IsNil(pY->m_pLeft))
		pX = pY->m_pLeft;
		pX = pY->m_pRight;

	pX->m_pParent = pY->m_pParent;

	if (IsNil(pY->m_pParent))
		m_pRoot = pX;
	else if (pY == pY->m_pParent->m_pLeft)
		pY->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pX;
		pY->m_pParent->m_pRight = pX;

	if (pY->m_Status == Node::Black)

	if (pY != pZ)
		SwapNode(pY, pZ);

	if (m_pRoot != NULL)

	delete pZ;

	return true;
Exemple #18
int arrayAtIdentityHashInPairsWithHash(PyrObject *array, PyrSlot *key, int hash)
	PyrSlot *slots, *test;
	unsigned int i, start, end, maxHash;

	maxHash = array->size >> 1;
	start = (hash % maxHash) << 1;
	end = array->size;
	slots = array->slots;
	for (i=start; i<end; i+=2) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) || SlotEq(test, key))
			return i;
	end = start - 2;
	for (i=0; i<=end; i+=2) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) || SlotEq(test, key))
			return i;
	return -2;
Exemple #19
int arrayAtIdentityHash(PyrObject *array, PyrSlot *key)
	PyrSlot *slots, *test;
	unsigned int i, start, end, hash, maxHash;

	hash = calcHash(key);
	maxHash = array->size;
	start = hash % maxHash;
	end = array->size;
	slots = array->slots;
	for (i=start; i<end; i++) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) || SlotEq(test, key))
			return i;
	end = start - 1;
	for (i=0; i<=end; i++) {
		test = slots + i;
		if (IsNil(test) ||  SlotEq(test, key))
			return i;
	return -1;
Exemple #20
int identDictPut(struct VMGlobals *g, PyrObject *dict, PyrSlot *key, PyrSlot *value)
	PyrSlot *slot, *newslot;
	int i, index, size;
	PyrObject *array;

	bool knows = IsTrue(dict->slots + ivxIdentDict_know);
	if (knows && IsSym(key)) {
		if (key->us == s_parent) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
		if (key->us == s_proto) {
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, value);
			return errNone;
	array = dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array].uo;
	if (!isKindOf((PyrObject*)array, class_array)) return errFailed;

	index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(array, key);
	slot = array->slots + index;
	g->gc->GCWrite(array, value);
	if (IsNil(slot)) {
		g->gc->GCWrite(array, key);
		size = ++dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_size].ui;
		if (array->size < size*3) {
			PyrObject *newarray;
			newarray = newPyrArray(g->gc, size*3, 0, false);
			newarray->size = ARRAYMAXINDEXSIZE(newarray);
			nilSlots(newarray->slots, newarray->size);
			slot = array->slots;
			for (i=0; i<array->size; i+=2, slot+=2) {
				if (NotNil(slot)) {
					index = arrayAtIdentityHashInPairs(newarray, slot);
					newslot = newarray->slots + index;
			dict->slots[ivxIdentDict_array].uo = newarray;
			g->gc->GCWrite(dict, newarray);
	return errNone;
Exemple #21
typename Map<K,V,KeyElementTraits, ValueElementTraits, ThreadingModel>::Node* Map<K,V,KeyElementTraits, ValueElementTraits, ThreadingModel>::RightRotate( Node* pNode )
	Assert(pNode != 0);
	if(pNode == 0)
		return 0;
	Node* pLeft = pNode->m_pLeft;
	pNode->m_pLeft = pLeft->m_pRight;
	if (!IsNil(pLeft->m_pRight))
		pLeft->m_pRight->m_pParent = pNode;

	pLeft->m_pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
	if (IsNil(pNode->m_pParent))
		m_pRoot = pLeft;
	else if (pNode == pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight)
		pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = pLeft;
		pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft;

	pLeft->m_pRight = pNode;
	pNode->m_pParent = pLeft;
	return pNode;
int prSignalReverse(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
	PyrSlot *a, *b, *c;
	int err, start, end;

	a = g->sp - 2;
	b = g->sp - 1;
	c = g->sp;

	err = slotIntVal(b, &start);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(b)) start = 0;
		else return err;

	err = slotIntVal(c, &end);
	if (err) {
		if (IsNil(c)) end = slotRawObject(a)->size;
		else return err;

	signal_reverse_range(slotRawObject(a), start, end);
	return errNone;
Exemple #23
typename Set<K,ElementTraits>::Node* Set<K,ElementTraits>::RightRotate( Node* pNode )
	Assert(pNode != 0);
	if(pNode == 0)
		return 0;
	Node* pLeft = pNode->m_pLeft;
	pNode->m_pLeft = pLeft->m_pRight;
	if (!IsNil(pLeft->m_pRight))
		pLeft->m_pRight->m_pParent = pNode;

	pLeft->m_pParent = pNode->m_pParent;
	if (IsNil(pNode->m_pParent))
		m_pRoot = pLeft;
	else if (pNode == pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight)
		pNode->m_pParent->m_pRight = pLeft;
		pNode->m_pParent->m_pLeft = pLeft;

	pLeft->m_pRight = pNode;
	pNode->m_pParent = pLeft;
	return pNode;
Exemple #24
static int disconnectSharedMem(VMGlobals *g, PyrObject * object)
	int ptrIndex       = 0;
	PyrSlot * ptrSlot = object->slots + ptrIndex;

	if (IsNil(ptrSlot))
		// already disconnected
		return errNone;


	server_shared_memory_client * client = (server_shared_memory_client*)slotRawPtr(ptrSlot);
	delete client;
	return errNone;
Exemple #25
bool QObjectProxy::eventFilter( QObject * watched, QEvent * event )
  int type = event->type();

  if( type == ScMethodCallType ) {
    ScMethodCallEvent* mce = static_cast<ScMethodCallEvent*>( event );
    qscDebugMsg("executing SC method: %s\n", mce->method->name );
    scMethodCallEvent( mce );
    return true;
  else {
    EventHandlerData eh = eventHandlers.value( type, EventHandlerData() );
    if( eh.type == type ) {
      PyrSymbol *symMethod = eh.method;
      qscDebugMsg("catching event %i with handler '%s'\n",
                  type, symMethod->name );

      InterpretEventFn interpreter = eh.interpretFn;

      QList<QVariant> args;

      if( interpreter ) {
        qscDebugMsg("got interpreter\n");
        (this->*interpreter) ( event, args );

      if( eh.direct ) {
        PyrSlot result;
        QtCollider::execute( scObject, symMethod, args, &result );
        if( IsNil( &result ) ) return false;
        else {
          if( IsFalse( &result ) ) event->ignore();
          return true;
      else {
        ScMethodCallEvent *e = new ScMethodCallEvent( symMethod, args );
        QApplication::postEvent( this, e );
    return false;
Exemple #26
int QObjectProxy::getProperty( const char *property,
                               PyrSlot *ret, PyrSlot *retExtra )
  qscDebugMsg("GET: %s\n", property);

  bool haveExtra = !IsNil( retExtra );
  PropertyData p;
  p.name = property;
  p.slot = haveExtra ? retExtra : ret;

  QVariant err( errNone );

  syncRequest( GetProperty, QVariant::fromValue<PropertyData>( p ), &err );

  if( haveExtra ) slotCopy( ret, retExtra );

  qscDebugMsg("GOT: %s\n", property);
  return err.toInt();
Exemple #27
int prStrFTime(struct VMGlobals *g, int numArgsPushed)
        PyrSlot *a = g->sp - 1;
        PyrSlot *b = g->sp;

        PyrSlot *slots = a->uo->slots;

        if (IsNil(slots + 0)) {
          return errNone;

        struct tm tm0;

        if (slotIntVal(slots+0, &tm0.tm_year)) return errWrongType;
        tm0.tm_year -= 1900;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+1, &tm0.tm_mon)) return errWrongType;
		tm0.tm_mon --;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+2, &tm0.tm_mday)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+3, &tm0.tm_hour)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+4, &tm0.tm_min)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+5, &tm0.tm_sec)) return errWrongType;
        if (slotIntVal(slots+6, &tm0.tm_wday)) return errWrongType;

        char format[1024];
        if (slotStrVal(b, format, 1024)) return errWrongType;

        char buffer[1024];
        if (strftime(buffer, 1024, format, &tm0) != 0) {
          int size = strlen(buffer);
          PyrString *strobj = newPyrStringN(g->gc, size, 0, true);
          memcpy(strobj->s, buffer, size);

          SetObject(a, strobj);
        } else {
          error("could not convert the date to string with the give format");
          return errFailed;
        return errNone;
/*ARGSUSED*/ /* check is already made in p_illegal_current_op		*/
static int
p_is_infix_op(value vp, type tp, value assoc, type ta, value name, type tn, value vv, type tv, value module, type tm)
    opi    	*desc;
    int		res;

    if (IsNil(tn))
	name.did = d_.nil;
	tn = tdict;
    if (desc = _visible_anyfix_op(IS_INFIX_OP, name.did, module.did, tm, &res))
        Request_Unify_Integer(vp, tp, GetOpiPreced(desc));
	Request_Unify_Atom(assoc, ta, didassoc[GetOpiAssoc(desc)]);
	Request_Unify_Atom(vv, tv,
			    (res == LOCAL_PROP ? d_.local0 : d_.global0));
Exemple #29
uint64 LLBC_Variant::AsUInt64() const
    if (IsNil())
        return 0;
    else if (IsDict())
        return 0;
    else if (IsStr())
        return LLBC_Str2UInt64(_holder.str.c_str());

    if (IsDouble() || IsFloat())
        return static_cast<uint64>(_holder.raw.doubleVal);

    return _holder.raw.uint64Val;
Exemple #30
bool LLBC_Variant::AsBool() const
    if (IsNil())
        return false;
    else if (IsDict())
        return false;
    else if (IsStr())
        LLBC_String trimedData(LLBC_Trim(_holder.str));
        if (trimedData.length() != 4 && trimedData.length() != 5)
            return (AsInt64() != 0 ? true : false);

        LLBC_String lowerData(LLBC_ToLower(trimedData.c_str()));
        return (lowerData == "true" ? true : false);

    return _holder.raw.uint64Val != 0;