Exemple #1
/** Implementation based on the math in the book Watt, Policarpo. 3D Games: Real-time rendering and Software Technology, pp. 383-386. */
Quat Quat::Slerp(const Quat &q2, float t) const
	assume(0.f <= t && t <= 1.f);

	float angle = this->Dot(q2);
	float sign = 1.f; // Multiply by a sign of +/-1 to guarantee we rotate the shorter arc.
	if (angle < 0.f)
		angle = -angle;
		sign = -1.f;

	float a;
	float b;
	if (angle <= 0.97f) // perform spherical linear interpolation.
		angle = acos(angle); // After this, angle is in the range pi/2 -> 0 as the original angle variable ranged from 0 -> 1.

		float c = 1.f / sin(angle);
		a = sin((1.f - t) * angle) * c;
		b = sin(angle * t) * c;
	else // If angle is close to taking the denominator to zero, resort to linear interpolation (and normalization).
		a = 1.f - t;
		b = t;
	return (*this * (a * sign) + q2 * b).Normalized();
void ColorHistogram::ComputeMeanAndVariance() {
  DCHECK(IsSparse()) << "Implemented for sparse histograms only.";
  DCHECK(IsNormalized()) << "Implemented for normalized histograms only.";


  const ColorHistogramIndexLUT& lut = ColorHistogramIndexLUTFactory::Instance().GetLUT(
    lum_bins_, color_bins_, color_bins_);
  // Iteration uses simplification that all vals sum to one.
  for (const auto& bin : sparse_bins_) {
    const std::tuple<int, int, int>& idx_3d = lut.Ind2Sub(bin.first);
    const float val = bin.second;

    mean_[0] += std::get<0>(idx_3d) * val;
    mean_[1] += std::get<1>(idx_3d) * val;
    mean_[2] += std::get<2>(idx_3d) * val;

    var_[0] += std::get<0>(idx_3d) * std::get<0>(idx_3d) * val;
    var_[1] += std::get<1>(idx_3d) * std::get<1>(idx_3d) * val;
    var_[2] += std::get<2>(idx_3d) * std::get<2>(idx_3d) * val;

  var_[0] -= mean_[0] * mean_[0];
  var_[1] -= mean_[1] * mean_[1];
  var_[2] -= mean_[2] * mean_[2];
float ColorHistogram::KLDivergence(const ColorHistogram& rhs) const {
  DCHECK(IsNormalized() && rhs.IsNormalized());
  const double eps = 1e-10;
  return 0.5 * GenericDistance(rhs, [eps](float a, float b) -> float {
    const double ratio = (a + eps) / (b + eps);
    return a * std::log(ratio) + b * std::log(1.0 / ratio);
float ColorHistogram::JSDivergence(const ColorHistogram& rhs) const {
  DCHECK(IsNormalized() && rhs.IsNormalized());
  const double eps = 1e-10;
  return 0.5 * GenericDistance(rhs, [eps](float a, float b) -> float {
    const double inv_mean = 1.0 / ((a + b) * 0.5 + eps);
    const double ratio_a = (a + eps) * inv_mean;
    const double ratio_b = (b + eps) * inv_mean;
    return a * std::log(ratio_a) + b * std::log(ratio_b);
 /// Compute the match between two WaveformAtAPointFT
 /// NOTE: in python, the values for timeOffset, phaseOffset, and match are
 /// also part of the return value (even though Match returns void), e.g.:
 ///   timeOffset, phaseOffset, match = Match(...)
 void WaveformAtAPointFT::Match(const WaveformAtAPointFT& B,
                                const std::vector<double>& InversePSD,
                                double& timeOffset, double& phaseOffset,
                                double& match) const
   /// \param[in] B WaveformAtAPointFT to compute match with
   /// \param[in] InversePSD Spectrum used to weight contributions by frequencies to match
   /// \param[out] timeOffset Time offset (in seconds) between the waveforms
   /// \param[out] phaseOffset Phase offset used between the waveforms
   /// \param[out] match Match between the two waveforms
   const unsigned int n = NFreq(); // Only positive frequencies are stored in t
   const unsigned int N = 2*(n-1);  // But this is how many there really are
   if(!IsNormalized() || !B.IsNormalized()) {
     cerr << "\n\nWARNING!!! Matching non-normalized WaveformAtAPointFT objects. WARNING!!!\n" << endl;
   if(n != B.NFreq() || n != InversePSD.size()) {
     cerr << "Waveform sizes, " << n << " and " << B.NFreq()
          << ", are not compatible with InversePSD size, " << InversePSD.size() << "." << endl;
   const double eps = 1e-8;
   const double df = F(1)-F(0);
   const double df_B = B.F(1)-B.F(0);
   const double rel_diff_df = std::fabs(1 - df/df_B);
   if(rel_diff_df > eps) {
     cerr << "Waveform frequency steps, " << df << " and " << df_B
          << ", are not compatible in Match: rel_diff="<< rel_diff_df << endl;
   // s1 s2* = (a1 + i b1) (a2 - i b2) = (a1 a2 + b1 b2) + i(b1 a2 - a1 b2)
   WU::WrapVecDoub data(2*N);
   for(unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i) {
     data.real(i) = (Re(i)*B.Re(i)+Im(i)*B.Im(i))*InversePSD[i];
     data.imag(i) = (Im(i)*B.Re(i)-Re(i)*B.Im(i))*InversePSD[i];
   unsigned int maxi=0;
   double maxmag = std::sqrt(sqr(data.real(0)) + sqr(data.imag(0)));
   for(unsigned int i=1; i<N; ++i) {
     const double mag = std::sqrt(sqr(data.real(i)) + sqr(data.imag(i)));
     if(mag>maxmag) { maxmag = mag; maxi = int(i); }
   // note: assumes N is even and N >= maxi
   timeOffset = (maxi<N/2 ? double(maxi)/(N*df) : -double(N-maxi)/(N*df));
   phaseOffset = atan2(data.imag(maxi), data.real(maxi))/2.0;
   /// The return from ifft is just the bare FFT sum, so we multiply by
   /// df to get the continuum-analog FT.  This is correct because the
   /// input data (re,im) are the continuum-analog data, rather than
   /// just the return from the bare FFT sum.  See, e.g., Eq. (A.33)
   /// [as opposed to Eq. (A.35)] of my (Mike Boyle's) thesis:
   /// <http://thesis.library.caltech.edu/143>.
   match = 4.0*df*maxmag;
Exemple #6
float4x4 MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::ToFloat4x4(const float4 &translation) const
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	float4x4 m;
	quat_to_mat4x4(q, translation.v, m.row);
	return m;
	return float4x4(*this, translation.xyz());
Exemple #7
float4x4 MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::ToFloat4x4() const
#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	float4x4 m;
	quat_to_mat4x4(q, _mm_set_ps(1,0,0,0), m.row);
	return m;
	return float4x4(*this);
float ColorHistogram::ChiSquareDist(const ColorHistogram& rhs) const {
  DCHECK(IsNormalized() && rhs.IsNormalized());
  return 0.5 * GenericDistance(rhs, [](float a, float b) -> float {
    const float add = a + b;
    if (fabs(add) > 1e-12) {
      const float sub = a - b;
      return sub * sub / add;
    } else {
      return 0.0f;
Exemple #9
/** Implementation based on the math in the book Watt, Policarpo. 3D Games: Real-time rendering and Software Technology, pp. 383-386. */
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::Slerp(const Quat &q2, float t) const
	///\todo SSE.
	assume(0.f <= t && t <= 1.f);

	float angle = this->Dot(q2);
	float sign = 1.f; // Multiply by a sign of +/-1 to guarantee we rotate the shorter arc.
	if (angle < 0.f)
		angle = -angle;
		sign = -1.f;

	float a;
	float b;
	if (angle <= 0.97f) // perform spherical linear interpolation.
		angle = Acos(angle); // After this, angle is in the range pi/2 -> 0 as the original angle variable ranged from 0 -> 1.

		float angleT = t*angle;

#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
		// Compute three sines in one go with SSE.
		simd4f s = set_ps(0.f, angleT, angle - angleT, angle);
		s = sin_ps(s);
		simd4f denom = shuffle1_ps(s, _MM_SHUFFLE(0, 0, 0, 0));
		s = div_ps(s, denom);
		a = s4f_y(s);
		b = s4f_z(s);
		float s[3] = { Sin(angle), Sin(angle - angleT), Sin(angleT) };
		float c = 1.f / s[0];
		a = s[1] * c;
		b = s[2] * c;
	else // If angle is close to taking the denominator to zero, resort to linear interpolation (and normalization).
		a = 1.f - t;
		b = t;
	return (*this * (a * sign) + q2 * b).Normalized();
void ColorHistogram::NormalizeToOne() {
  if (IsNormalized()) {
    DLOG(WARNING) << "Normalization of normalized histogram requested. Ignored.";

  is_normalized_ = true;

  if (weight_sum_ == 0) {

  const float denom = 1.0f / weight_sum_;
  if (!IsSparse()) {
    for (auto& bin : bins_) {
      bin *= denom;
  } else {
    for (auto& bin : sparse_bins_) {
      bin.second *= denom;
Exemple #11
Quat Quat::Inverted() const
	return Conjugated();
Exemple #12
void Quat::Inverse()
Exemple #13
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::Inverted() const
	return Conjugated();
Exemple #14
void ALaser::checkLaserCollisions(float dt)
	FHitResult hit;
	FCollisionQueryParams queryParam;
	queryParam.bFindInitialOverlaps = false;
	queryParam.bReturnFaceIndex = true;
	FCollisionObjectQueryParams objectParam = objectParam.DefaultObjectQueryParam;
	if ( !canHitBall ) queryParam.AddIgnoredActor( GetWorld()->GetGameState<AProjectTapGameState>()->GetPlayer() );
	auto pos = GetActorLocation();
	auto rayStart = pos + dir * 5.0f;
	auto laserVector = dir * length;
	auto laserEmitter = laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0];
	//ray cast to see if laser hits anything
	GetWorld()->LineTraceSingleByObjectType(hit,rayStart, pos + laserVector, objectParam,queryParam);
	auto hitActor = hit.Actor.Get();

	if (hitActor != nullptr)
		currHitPoint = hit.ImpactPoint;
		if(!laserSparkParticle->bIsActive) laserSparkParticle->ActivateSystem();
		//kills ball if laser hits it
		auto ball = Cast<ABallPawn>(hitActor);

		if (ball != nullptr)
			laserEmitter->SetBeamTargetPoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);
			//if not set laser end point
			laserEmitter->SetBeamTargetPoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);

			bool typeFound = false;
			//if hits deflective tile then spawn a new laser object
			auto tile = Cast<ADeflectiveTile>(hitActor);
			bool isFrame = false;
			if (tile != nullptr)
				typeFound = true;
				TArray<USceneComponent*> Children;
				tile->frameCollisionsComponent->GetChildrenComponents(true, Children);
				for(int i = 0; i < Children.Num() && typeFound ; ++i)
//					printonscreen(hit.Component.Get()->GetName());
//					printonscreen(Children[i]->GetName());
					if(hit.Component.Get() == Children[i])
						typeFound = false;
						isFrame = true;
				//cut the laser length to make sure new sub laser start doesn't hit the same object
				if (typeFound && CanSpawnSubLaser()) SpawnSubLaser(hit.ImpactPoint + hit.ImpactNormal * 10.0f, hit.ImpactNormal);

			//if sub laser already exists then keep updating its rotation and position
			auto subLaserExistsHitDeflectiveTile = currentDepth < MAX_DEPTH && nextLaser != nullptr && tile != nullptr;
			if (subLaserExistsHitDeflectiveTile)
				auto incomingVector = hit.ImpactPoint - GetActorLocation();

				//if the incoming vector's angle is too small then kill sublasers to avoid laser flickering
				auto dot = FVector::DotProduct(-incomingVector.GetSafeNormal(), hit.ImpactNormal);

				auto angle = FMath::RadiansToDegrees(FMath::Acos(dot));
				if (angle < 70.0f)
					auto newDir = FMath::GetReflectionVector(incomingVector, hit.ImpactNormal);

					auto start = hit.ImpactPoint + newDir * 2.0f;
					nextLaser->dir = newDir.IsNormalized() ? newDir : newDir.GetSafeNormal();
					nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamSourcePoint(hit.ImpactPoint, 0);
					nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamTargetPoint(start + newDir * length, 0);

			//if the laser hits turret then kills it
			if (!typeFound)
				auto turret = Cast<ATurretPawn>(hitActor);
				if (turret != nullptr)
					typeFound = true;

			APortalTile* portal = nullptr;
			if (!typeFound)
				portal = Cast<APortalTile>(hitActor);
				if (CanSpawnSubLaser() && portal != nullptr)
					typeFound = true;
					auto relativePos = hit.ImpactPoint - hit.GetComponent()->GetComponentLocation();
					currHitPoint = relativePos + portal->GetActorLocation();
					SpawnSubLaser(currHitPoint, hit.ImpactNormal);

			auto subLaserExistsHitPortalTile = currentDepth < MAX_DEPTH && nextLaser != nullptr && portal != nullptr;
			if (subLaserExistsHitPortalTile)
				FVector newSourcePos;
				portal->GetLaserPortalTransportedLocation(hit.GetComponent(), nextLaser->dir, newSourcePos);
				nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamSourcePoint(newSourcePos, 0);
				nextLaser->laserParticle->EmitterInstances[0]->SetBeamTargetPoint(newSourcePos + nextLaser->dir * length, 0);

			bool notHitDeflectiveTile = tile == nullptr || isFrame;
			bool notHitPortal = portal == nullptr;
			if (notHitDeflectiveTile && notHitPortal)
			laserSparkParticle->SetWorldRotation(FVector(currHitPoint -
		currHitPoint = laserVector;
		laserEmitter->SetBeamTargetPoint(pos + currHitPoint, 0);
		laserSparkParticle->SetWorldLocation( pos + currHitPoint );
		laserSparkParticle->SetWorldRotation( FVector( (pos + currHitPoint) -
			GetActorLocation() ).GetSafeNormal().Rotation().Quaternion() );

	//only root laser can have an emitter mesh
	if (currentDepth != 0)
		//update laser emitter rotation
void ColorHistogram::MergeWithHistogram(const ColorHistogram& rhs) {
  DCHECK(is_sparse_ == rhs.is_sparse_) << "Sparsity differs.";
  DCHECK(is_normalized_ == rhs.is_normalized_) << "Normalization differs.";

  const double n = weight_sum_ + rhs.weight_sum_;
  if (n == 0) {

  // Weighted merge for normalized histograms.
  const float n_l = weight_sum_ / n;
  const float n_r = rhs.weight_sum_ / n;

  // New weight_sum equals sum of both.
  weight_sum_ = n;

  double weighted_bin_sum = 0;
  if (!IsSparse()) {
    if (IsNormalized()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < total_bins_; ++i) {
        bins_[i] = bins_[i] * n_l + rhs.bins_[i] * n_r;
        weighted_bin_sum += bins_[i];

      // Re-Normalize.
      const float denom = 1.0f / weighted_bin_sum;
      for (float& bin : bins_) {
        bin *= denom;
    } else {
      for (int i = 0; i < total_bins_; ++i) {
        bins_[i] += rhs.bins_[i];
  } else {
    // Sparse version.
    if (IsNormalized()) {
      for (auto& bin : sparse_bins_) {
        const auto rhs_bin_iter = rhs.sparse_bins_.find(bin.first);
        if (rhs_bin_iter != rhs.sparse_bins_.end()) {
          bin.second = bin.second * n_l + rhs_bin_iter->second * n_r;
        } else {
          bin.second *= n_l;
        weighted_bin_sum += bin.second;

      // Process rhs bins that we might have missed.
      for (const auto& rhs_bin : rhs.sparse_bins_) {
        const auto bin_iter = sparse_bins_.find(rhs_bin.first);
        if (bin_iter == sparse_bins_.end()) {
          weighted_bin_sum += (
            (sparse_bins_[rhs_bin.first] = rhs_bin.second * n_r));

      // Normalize.
      const float denom = 1.0f / weighted_bin_sum;
      for (auto& bin : sparse_bins_) {
        bin.second *= denom;
    } else {
      for (auto& bin : sparse_bins_) {
        const auto rhs_bin_iter = rhs.sparse_bins_.find(bin.first);
        if (rhs_bin_iter != rhs.sparse_bins_.end()) {
          bin.second += rhs_bin_iter->second;

      // Process rhs bins that we might have missed.
      for (const auto& rhs_bin : rhs.sparse_bins_) {
        const auto bin_iter = sparse_bins_.find(rhs_bin.first);
        if (bin_iter == sparse_bins_.end()) {
Exemple #16
Quat MUST_USE_RESULT Quat::Slerp(const Quat &q2, float t) const
	assume(0.f <= t && t <= 1.f);

#if defined(MATH_AUTOMATIC_SSE) && defined(MATH_SSE)
	simd4f angle = dot4_ps(q, q2.q); // <q, q2.q>
	simd4f neg = cmplt_ps(angle, zero_ps()); // angle < 0?
	neg = and_ps(neg, set1_ps_hex(0x80000000)); // Convert 0/0xFFFFFFFF mask to a 0x/0x80000000 mask.
//	neg = s4i_to_s4f(_mm_slli_epi32(s4f_to_s4i(neg), 31)); // A SSE2-esque way to achieve the above would be this, but this seems to clock slower (12.04 clocks vs 11.97 clocks)
	angle = xor_ps(angle, neg); // if angle was negative, make it positive.
	simd4f one = set1_ps(1.f);
	angle = min_ps(angle, one); // If user passed t > 1 or t < -1, clamp the range.

	// Compute a fast polynomial approximation to arccos(angle).
	// arccos(x): (-0.69813170079773212f * x * x - 0.87266462599716477f) * x + 1.5707963267948966f;
	angle = madd_ps(msub_ps(mul_ps(set1_ps(-0.69813170079773212f), angle), angle, set1_ps(0.87266462599716477f)), angle, set1_ps(1.5707963267948966f));

	// Shuffle an appropriate vector from 't' and 'angle' for computing two sines in one go.
	simd4f T = _mm_set_ss(t); // (.., t)
	simd4f oneSubT = sub_ps(one, T); // (.., 1-t)
	T = _mm_movelh_ps(T, oneSubT); // (.., 1-t, .., t)
	angle = mul_ps(angle, T); // (.., (1-t)*angle, .., t*angle)

	// Compute a fast polynomial approximation to sin(t*angle) and sin((1-t)*angle).
	// Here could use "angle = sin_ps(angle);" for precision, but favor speed instead with the following polynomial expansion:
	// sin(x): ((5.64311797634681035370e-03 * x * x - 1.55271410633428644799e-01) * x * x + 9.87862135574673806965e-01) * x
	simd4f angle2 = mul_ps(angle, angle);
	angle = mul_ps(angle, madd_ps(madd_ps(angle2, set1_ps(5.64311797634681035370e-03f), set1_ps(-1.55271410633428644799e-01f)), angle2, set1_ps(9.87862135574673806965e-01f)));

	// Compute the final lerp factors a and b to scale q and q2.
	simd4f a = zzzz_ps(angle);
	simd4f b = xxxx_ps(angle);
	a = xor_ps(a, neg);
	a = mul_ps(q, a);
	a = madd_ps(q2, b, a);

	// The lerp above generates an unnormalized quaternion which needs to be renormalized.
	return mul_ps(a, rsqrt_ps(dot4_ps(a, a)));
	float angle = this->Dot(q2);
	float sign = 1.f; // Multiply by a sign of +/-1 to guarantee we rotate the shorter arc.
	if (angle < 0.f)
		angle = -angle;
		sign = -1.f;

	float a;
	float b;
	if (angle < 0.999) // perform spherical linear interpolation.
		// angle = Acos(angle); // After this, angle is in the range pi/2 -> 0 as the original angle variable ranged from 0 -> 1.
		angle = (-0.69813170079773212f * angle * angle - 0.87266462599716477f) * angle + 1.5707963267948966f;

		float ta = t*angle;
		// If Sin() is based on a lookup table, prefer that over polynomial approximation.
		a = Sin(angle - ta);
		b = Sin(ta);
		// Not using a lookup table, manually compute the two sines by using a very rough approximation.
		float ta2 = ta*ta;
		b = ((5.64311797634681035370e-03f * ta2 - 1.55271410633428644799e-01f) * ta2 + 9.87862135574673806965e-01f) * ta;
		a = angle - ta;
		float a2 = a*a;
		a = ((5.64311797634681035370e-03f * a2 - 1.55271410633428644799e-01f) * a2 + 9.87862135574673806965e-01f) * a;
	else // If angle is close to taking the denominator to zero, resort to linear interpolation (and normalization).
		a = 1.f - t;
		b = t;
	// Lerp and renormalize.
	return (*this * (a * sign) + q2 * b).Normalized();