Exemple #1
bool SCH_BUS_BUS_ENTRY::IsDanglingStateChanged( std::vector<DANGLING_END_ITEM>& aItemList )
    bool previousStateStart = m_isDanglingStart;
    bool previousStateEnd = m_isDanglingEnd;

    m_isDanglingStart = m_isDanglingEnd = true;

    // Wires and buses are stored in the list as a pair, start and end. This
    // variable holds the start position from one iteration so it can be used
    // when the end position is found.
    wxPoint seg_start;

    for( DANGLING_END_ITEM& each_item : aItemList )
        if( each_item.GetItem() == this )

        switch( each_item.GetType() )
        case BUS_START_END:
            seg_start = each_item.GetPosition();
        case BUS_END_END:
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_pos ) )
                m_isDanglingStart = false;
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_End() ) )
                m_isDanglingEnd = false;

    return (previousStateStart != m_isDanglingStart) || (previousStateEnd != m_isDanglingEnd);
bool SCH_BUS_ENTRY_BASE::IsDanglingStateChanged( std::vector<DANGLING_END_ITEM>& aItemList )
    bool previousStateStart = m_isDanglingStart;
    bool previousStateEnd = m_isDanglingEnd;

    m_isDanglingStart = m_isDanglingEnd = true;

    // Wires and buses are stored in the list as a pair, start and end. This
    // variable holds the start position from one iteration so it can be used
    // when the end position is found.
    wxPoint seg_start;

    // Special case: if both items are wires, show as dangling. This is because
    // a bus entry between two wires will look like a connection, but does NOT
    // actually represent one. We need to clarify this for the user.
    bool start_is_wire = false;
    bool end_is_wire = false;

    for( DANGLING_END_ITEM& each_item : aItemList )
        if( each_item.GetItem() == this )

        switch( each_item.GetType() )
        case WIRE_START_END:
        case BUS_START_END:
            seg_start = each_item.GetPosition();

        case WIRE_END_END:
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_pos ) )
                start_is_wire = true;
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_End() ) )
                end_is_wire = true;
            // Fall through

        case BUS_END_END:
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_pos ) )
                m_isDanglingStart = false;
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_End() ) )
                m_isDanglingEnd = false;

    // See above: show as dangling if joining two wires
    if( start_is_wire && end_is_wire )
        m_isDanglingStart = m_isDanglingEnd = true;

    return (previousStateStart != m_isDanglingStart) || (previousStateEnd != m_isDanglingEnd);
 * In a contiguous list of wires, remove wires that backtrack over the previous
 * wire. Example:
 * Wire is added:
 * ---------------------------------------->
 * A second wire backtracks over it:
 * -------------------<====================>
 * RemoveBacktracks is called:
 * ------------------->
static void RemoveBacktracks( DLIST<SCH_ITEM>& aWires )
    SCH_LINE* last_line = NULL;

    EDA_ITEM* first = aWires.GetFirst();
    for( EDA_ITEM* p = first; p; )
        SCH_LINE *line = dynamic_cast<SCH_LINE*>( p );
        if( !line )
            wxFAIL_MSG( "RemoveBacktracks() requires SCH_LINE items" );
        p = line->Next();

        if( last_line )
            wxASSERT_MSG( last_line->GetEndPoint() == line->GetStartPoint(),
                    "RemoveBacktracks() requires contiguous lines" );
            if( IsPointOnSegment( last_line->GetStartPoint(), line->GetStartPoint(),
                        line->GetEndPoint() ) )
                last_line->SetEndPoint( line->GetEndPoint() );
                delete s_wires.Remove( line );
                last_line = line;
            last_line = line;
Exemple #4
bool Poly::IsPointInside(Vec2 p)
if(!global)  // Sprawdzam aktualnoϾ danych

  /* Kod z internetu , zoptymalizowany super-mega sztuczkami c++ 
   Ogólna idea to sprawdziæ czy dla ka¿dego boku wielok¹ta , podany punkt znajduje siê potej samej stronie co reszta wierzcho³ków 
   Jeœli dla któregoœ nie to punkt nie nale¿y do wielok¹tu */

 for(int i=0 ; i<size;i++)
 if( IsPointOnSegment(GlobVert[i],GlobVert[(i+1)%size] , p) )
 return true;

  int   i, j=size-1 ;
  bool  oddNodes = false;

  for (i=0; i<size; i++)
    if (  (GlobVert[i].y <= p.y && GlobVert[j].y >= p.y ||   GlobVert[j].y <= p.y && GlobVert[i].y >= p.y )   &&  (GlobVert[i].x <= p.x || GlobVert[j].x <= p.x)   )
      oddNodes^=(GlobVert[i].x + (p.y-GlobVert[i].y)/(GlobVert[j].y-GlobVert[i].y)*(GlobVert[j].x-GlobVert[i].x)<p.x); 


  return oddNodes; 
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::CheckListConnections( PICKED_ITEMS_LIST& aItemsList, bool aAppend )
    std::vector< wxPoint > pts;
    std::vector< wxPoint > connections;

    GetSchematicConnections( connections );
    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aItemsList.GetCount(); ii++ )
        SCH_ITEM* item = (SCH_ITEM*) aItemsList.GetPickedItem( ii );
        std::vector< wxPoint > new_pts;

        if( !item->IsConnectable() )

        item->GetConnectionPoints( new_pts );
        pts.insert( pts.end(), new_pts.begin(), new_pts.end() );

        // If the item is a line, we also add any connection points from the rest of the schematic
        // that terminate on the line after it is moved.
        if( item->Type() == SCH_LINE_T )
            SCH_LINE* line = (SCH_LINE*) item;
            for( auto i : connections )
                if( IsPointOnSegment( line->GetStartPoint(), line->GetEndPoint(), i ) )
                    pts.push_back( i );
            // Clean up any wires that short non-wire connections in the list
            for( auto point = new_pts.begin(); point != new_pts.end(); point++ )
                for( auto second_point = point + 1; second_point != new_pts.end(); second_point++ )
                    aAppend |= TrimWire( *point, *second_point, aAppend );

    // We always have some overlapping connection points.  Drop duplicates here
    std::sort( pts.begin(), pts.end(),
            []( const wxPoint& a, const wxPoint& b ) -> bool
            { return a.x < b.x || (a.x == b.x && a.y < b.y); } );
    pts.erase( unique( pts.begin(), pts.end() ), pts.end() );

    for( auto point : pts )
        if( GetScreen()->IsJunctionNeeded( point, true ) )
            AddJunction( point, aAppend );
            aAppend = true;
bool SCH_TEXT::IsDanglingStateChanged( std::vector< DANGLING_END_ITEM >& aItemList )
    // Normal text labels cannot be tested for dangling ends.
    if( Type() == SCH_TEXT_T )
        return false;

    bool previousState = m_isDangling;
    m_isDangling = true;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aItemList.size(); ii++ )
        DANGLING_END_ITEM& item = aItemList[ii];

        if( item.GetItem() == this )

        switch( item.GetType() )
        case PIN_END:
        case LABEL_END:
        case SHEET_LABEL_END:
            if( m_Pos == item.GetPosition() )
                m_isDangling = false;


        case WIRE_START_END:
        case BUS_START_END:
            // These schematic items have created 2 DANGLING_END_ITEM one per end.  But being
            // a paranoid programmer, I'll check just in case.

            wxCHECK_MSG( ii < aItemList.size(), previousState != m_isDangling,
                         wxT( "Dangling end type list overflow.  Bad programmer!" ) );

            DANGLING_END_ITEM & nextItem = aItemList[ii];
            m_isDangling = !IsPointOnSegment( item.GetPosition(), nextItem.GetPosition(), m_Pos );


        if( !m_isDangling )

    return previousState != m_isDangling;
 * In a contiguous list of wires, remove wires that backtrack over the previous
 * wire. Example:
 * Wire is added:
 * ---------------------------------------->
 * A second wire backtracks over it:
 * -------------------<====================>
 * RemoveBacktracks is called:
 * ------------------->
static void RemoveBacktracks( DLIST<SCH_ITEM>& aWires )
    EDA_ITEM* first = aWires.GetFirst();
    std::vector<SCH_LINE*> last_lines;

    for( EDA_ITEM* p = first; p; )
        SCH_LINE *line = static_cast<SCH_LINE*>( p );
        p = line->Next();

        if( !last_lines.empty() )
            SCH_LINE* last_line = last_lines[last_lines.size() - 1];
            bool contiguous = ( last_line->GetEndPoint() == line->GetStartPoint() );
            bool backtracks = IsPointOnSegment( last_line->GetStartPoint(),
                    last_line->GetEndPoint(), line->GetEndPoint() );
            bool total_backtrack = ( last_line->GetStartPoint() == line->GetEndPoint() );

            if( contiguous && backtracks )
                if( total_backtrack )
                    delete s_wires.Remove( last_line );
                    delete s_wires.Remove( line );
                    last_line->SetEndPoint( line->GetEndPoint() );
                    delete s_wires.Remove( line );
                last_lines.push_back( line );
            last_lines.push_back( line );
void NETLIST_OBJECT_LIST::segmentToPointConnect( NETLIST_OBJECT* aJonction,
                                                 bool aIsBus, int aIdxStart )
    for( unsigned i = aIdxStart; i < size(); i++ )
        NETLIST_OBJECT* segment = GetItem( i );

        // if different sheets, obviously no physical connection between elements.
        if( segment->m_SheetPath != aJonction->m_SheetPath )

        if( aIsBus == IS_WIRE )
            if( segment->m_Type != NET_SEGMENT )
            if( segment->m_Type != NET_BUS )

        if( IsPointOnSegment( segment->m_Start, segment->m_End, aJonction->m_Start ) )
            // Propagation Netcode has all the objects of the same Netcode.
            if( aIsBus == IS_WIRE )
                if( segment->GetNet() )
                    propagateNetCode( segment->GetNet(), aJonction->GetNet(), aIsBus );
                    segment->SetNet( aJonction->GetNet() );
                if( segment->m_BusNetCode )
                    propagateNetCode( segment->m_BusNetCode, aJonction->m_BusNetCode, aIsBus );
                    segment->m_BusNetCode = aJonction->m_BusNetCode;
Exemple #9
bool SCH_BUS_WIRE_ENTRY::IsDanglingStateChanged( std::vector<DANGLING_END_ITEM>& aItemList )
    bool previousStateStart = m_isDanglingStart;
    bool previousStateEnd = m_isDanglingEnd;

    m_isDanglingStart = m_isDanglingEnd = true;

    // Wires and buses are stored in the list as a pair, start and end. This
    // variable holds the start position from one iteration so it can be used
    // when the end position is found.
    wxPoint seg_start;

    // Store the connection type and state for the start (0) and end (1)
    bool has_wire[2] = { false };
    bool has_bus[2] = { false };

    for( DANGLING_END_ITEM& each_item : aItemList )
        if( each_item.GetItem() == this )

        switch( each_item.GetType() )
        case WIRE_START_END:
        case BUS_START_END:
            seg_start = each_item.GetPosition();

        case WIRE_END_END:
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_pos ) )
                has_wire[0] = true;

            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_End() ) )
                has_wire[1] = true;


        case BUS_END_END:
            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_pos ) )
                has_bus[0] = true;

            if( IsPointOnSegment( seg_start, each_item.GetPosition(), m_End() ) )
                has_bus[1] = true;



     * A bus-wire entry is connected at both ends if it has a bus and a wire on its
     * ends.  Otherwise, we connect only one end (in the case of a wire-wire or bus-bus)
    if( ( has_wire[0] && has_bus[1] ) || ( has_wire[1] && has_bus[0] ) )
        m_isDanglingEnd = m_isDanglingStart = false;
    else if( has_wire[0] || has_bus[0] )
        m_isDanglingStart = false;
    else if( has_wire[1] || has_bus[1] )
        m_isDanglingEnd = false;

    return (previousStateStart != m_isDanglingStart) || (previousStateEnd != m_isDanglingEnd);
Exemple #10
bool SCH_TEXT::UpdateDanglingState( std::vector<DANGLING_END_ITEM>& aItemList )
    // Normal text labels cannot be tested for dangling ends.
    if( Type() == SCH_TEXT_T )
        return false;

    bool previousState = m_isDangling;
    m_isDangling = true;
    m_connectionType = CONNECTION_NONE;

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aItemList.size(); ii++ )
        DANGLING_END_ITEM& item = aItemList[ii];

        if( item.GetItem() == this )

        switch( item.GetType() )
        case PIN_END:
        case LABEL_END:
        case SHEET_LABEL_END:
        case NO_CONNECT_END:
            if( GetTextPos() == item.GetPosition() )
                m_isDangling = false;

                if( item.GetType() != PIN_END )
                    m_connected_items.insert( static_cast< SCH_ITEM* >( item.GetItem() ) );


        case BUS_START_END:
            m_connectionType = CONNECTION_BUS;
            // fall through

        case WIRE_START_END:
            // These schematic items have created 2 DANGLING_END_ITEM one per end.  But being
            // a paranoid programmer, I'll check just in case.

            wxCHECK_MSG( ii < aItemList.size(), previousState != m_isDangling,
                         wxT( "Dangling end type list overflow.  Bad programmer!" ) );

            DANGLING_END_ITEM & nextItem = aItemList[ii];
            m_isDangling = !IsPointOnSegment( item.GetPosition(), nextItem.GetPosition(), GetTextPos() );

            if( !m_isDangling )
                if( m_connectionType != CONNECTION_BUS )
                    m_connectionType = CONNECTION_NET;

                // Add the line to the connected items, since it won't be picked
                // up by a search of intersecting connection points
                auto sch_item = static_cast< SCH_ITEM* >( item.GetItem() );
                AddConnectionTo( sch_item );
                sch_item->AddConnectionTo( this );


        if( !m_isDangling )

    if( m_isDangling )
        m_connectionType = CONNECTION_NONE;

    return previousState != m_isDangling;