Exemple #1
ResultType Clipboard::Set(LPCTSTR aBuf, UINT_PTR aLength)
// Returns OK or FAIL.
	// It was already open for writing from a prior call.  Return failure because callers that do this
	// are probably handling things wrong:
	if (IsReadyForWrite()) return FAIL;

	if (!aBuf)
		aBuf = _T("");
		aLength = 0;
		if (aLength == UINT_MAX) // Caller wants us to determine the length.
			aLength = (UINT)_tcslen(aBuf);

	if (aLength)
		if (!PrepareForWrite(aLength + 1))
			return FAIL;  // It already displayed the error.
		tcslcpy(mClipMemNewLocked, aBuf, aLength + 1);  // Copy only a substring, if aLength specifies such.
	// else just do the below to empty the clipboard, which is different than setting
	// the clipboard equal to the empty string: it's not truly empty then, as reported
	// by IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) -- and we want to be able to make it truly
	// empty for use with functions such as ClipWait:
	return Commit();  // It will display any errors.
Exemple #2
LPTSTR Clipboard::PrepareForWrite(size_t aAllocSize)
	if (!aAllocSize) return NULL; // Caller should ensure that size is at least 1, i.e. room for the zero terminator.
	if (IsReadyForWrite())
		// It was already prepared due to a prior call.  Currently, the most useful thing to do
		// here is return the memory area that's already been reserved:
		return mClipMemNewLocked;
	// Note: I think GMEM_DDESHARE is recommended in addition to the usual GMEM_MOVEABLE:
	// UPDATE: MSDN: "The following values are obsolete, but are provided for compatibility
	// with 16-bit Windows. They are ignored.": GMEM_DDESHARE
	if (   !(mClipMemNew = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, aAllocSize * sizeof(TCHAR)))   )
		g_script.ScriptError(_T("GlobalAlloc"));  // Short error message since so rare.
		return NULL;
	if (   !(mClipMemNewLocked = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock(mClipMemNew))   )
		mClipMemNew = GlobalFree(mClipMemNew);  // This keeps mClipMemNew in sync with its state.
		g_script.ScriptError(_T("GlobalLock")); // Short error message since so rare.
		return NULL;
	mCapacity = (UINT)aAllocSize; // Keep mCapacity in sync with the state of mClipMemNewLocked.
	*mClipMemNewLocked = '\0'; // Init for caller.
	return mClipMemNewLocked;  // The caller can now write to this mem.
Exemple #3
ResultType Clipboard::Set(LPCTSTR aBuf, UINT_PTR aLength) //, bool aTrimIt)
// Returns OK or FAIL.
	// It was already open for writing from a prior call.  Return failure because callers that do this
	// are probably handling things wrong:
	if (IsReadyForWrite()) return FAIL;

	if (!aBuf)
		aBuf = _T("");
		aLength = 0;
		if (aLength == UINT_MAX) // Caller wants us to determine the length.
			aLength = (UINT)_tcslen(aBuf);

	if (aLength)
		if (!PrepareForWrite(aLength + 1))
			return FAIL;  // It already displayed the error.
		tcslcpy(mClipMemNewLocked, aBuf, aLength + 1);  // Copy only a substring, if aLength specifies such.
		// Only trim when the caller told us to, rather than always if g_script.mIsAutoIt2
		// is true, since AutoIt2 doesn't always trim things (e.g. FileReadLine probably
		// does not trim the line that was read into its output var).  UPDATE: This is
		// no longer needed because I think AutoIt2 only auto-trims when SetEnv is used:
		//if (aTrimIt)
		//	trim(mClipMemNewLocked);
	// else just do the below to empty the clipboard, which is different than setting
	// the clipboard equal to the empty string: it's not truly empty then, as reported
	// by IsClipboardFormatAvailable(CF_TEXT) -- and we want to be able to make it truly
	// empty for use with functions such as ClipWait:
	return Commit();  // It will display any errors.