Exemple #1
double TOfNextMajor(Edge *e, EdgeList *es, double sought_m ) {
    /* We want to find t so that Mspline(t) = sought_m */
    /*  the curve is monotonic */
    Spline1D *msp = &e->spline->splines[es->major];
    double new_t;

    if ( es->is_overlap ) {

	/* if we've adjusted the height then we won't be able to find it restricting */
	/*  t between [0,1] as we do. So it's a special case. (this is to handle */
	/*  hstem hints) */
	if ( e->max_adjusted && sought_m==e->mmax ) {
	    e->m_cur = sought_m;
return( e->up?1.0:0.0 );

	new_t = IterateSplineSolve(msp,e->t_mmin,e->t_mmax,(sought_m+es->mmin)/es->scale,.001);
	if ( new_t==-1 )
	    IError( "No Solution");
	e->m_cur = (((msp->a*new_t + msp->b)*new_t+msp->c)*new_t + msp->d)*es->scale - es->mmin;
return( new_t );
    } else {
	Spline *sp = e->spline;

	if ( sp->islinear ) {
	    new_t = e->t_cur + (sought_m-e->m_cur)/(es->scale * msp->c);
	    e->m_cur = (msp->c*new_t + msp->d)*es->scale - es->mmin;
return( new_t );
	/* if we have a spline that is nearly horizontal at its max. endpoint */
	/*  then finding A value of t for which y has the right value isn't good */
	/*  enough (at least not when finding intersections) */
	if ( sought_m+1>e->mmax ) {
	    e->m_cur = e->mmax;
return( e->t_mmax );

	/* if we've adjusted the height then we won't be able to find it restricting */
	/*  t between [0,1] as we do. So it's a special case. (this is to handle */
	/*  hstem hints) */
	if ( e->max_adjusted && sought_m==e->mmax ) {
	    e->m_cur = sought_m;
return( e->up?1.0:0.0 );
	new_t = IterateSplineSolve(msp,e->t_mmin,e->t_mmax,(sought_m+es->mmin)/es->scale,.001);
	if ( new_t==-1 )
	    IError( "No Solution");
	e->m_cur = (((msp->a*new_t + msp->b)*new_t+msp->c)*new_t + msp->d)*es->scale - es->mmin;
return( new_t );
Exemple #2
static double MonotonicFindY(Monotonic *m,double test,double old_t) {
    double tstart, tend, t;

    tstart = m->tstart; tend = m->tend;
    if ( old_t!=-1 ) {
	if ( m->yup )
	    tstart = old_t;
	    tend = old_t;
    t = IterateSplineSolve(&m->s->splines[1],tstart,tend,test);
return( t );