Exemple #1
//Func: Player:GetDuelingPartner()
//Retn: nil if Player is not dueling, or Player:GetID() != self:GetID() due to lack of reliable information
//		Player object of the client Player is dueling
static int JPLua_Player_GetDuelingPartner( lua_State *L )
	jplua_player_t *player = JPLua_CheckPlayer( L, 1 );
	if ( !cg_entities[player->clientNum].currentState.bolt1 || player->clientNum != cg.clientNum )
		lua_pushnil( L );
		JPLua_Player_CreateRef( L, cg.predictedPlayerState.duelIndex );

	return 1;
Exemple #2
void JPLua_Event_SaberTouch( int victim, int attacker )
#ifdef JPLUA
	for ( JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.plugins;
			JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.currentPlugin->next
		if ( JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_SABERTOUCH] )
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_SABERTOUCH] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, victim );
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, attacker );

			JPLUACALL( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #3
void JPLua_Event_Pain( int target, int inflictor, int attacker, int health, int armor, uint32_t dflags, int mod ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, target );
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, inflictor );
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, attacker );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, health );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, armor );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, dflags );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, mod );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 7, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #4
void JPLua_Event_PlayerDeath( int clientNum, int mod, int inflictor ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PLAYERDEATH] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PLAYERDEATH] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum ); // victim
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, mod ); // method of death

			if ( inflictor >= MAX_CLIENTS || inflictor < 0 ) // -1 means inflictor is not a player
				lua_pushnil( JPLua.state ); // nil because not player
				JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, inflictor );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 3, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #5
void JPLua_Event_ClientSpawn( int clientNum, qboolean firstSpawn ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTSPAWN] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTSPAWN] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );
			lua_pushboolean( JPLua.state, firstSpawn );
			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );
Exemple #6
void JPLua_Event_ClientDisconnect( int clientNum ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTDISCONNECT] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTDISCONNECT] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 1, 0 );
Exemple #7
void JPLua_Event_Pain( int clientNum, int health ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, health );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #8
//Func: Server:GetPlayers()
//Retn: Indexed table of Player objects ordered by clientNum
static int JPLua_Server_GetPlayers( lua_State *L ) {
	int top, i = 1, clientNum;

	lua_newtable( L );
	top = lua_gettop( L );

	for ( clientNum = 0; clientNum < MAX_CLIENTS; clientNum++ ) {
		if ( cgs.clientinfo[clientNum].infoValid ) {
			lua_pushnumber( L, i++ );
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( L, clientNum );
			lua_settable( L, top );

	return 1;
Exemple #9
//TODO: client-side version of this
static int JPLua_Export_GetPlayers( lua_State *L ) {
	int top, i = 1, clNum;
	gentity_t *ent;

	lua_newtable( L );
	top = lua_gettop( L );

	for ( ent = g_entities, clNum = 0; clNum < level.maxclients; ent++, clNum++ ) {
		if ( !ent->inuse || ent->client->pers.connected == CON_DISCONNECTED )
		lua_pushnumber( L, i++ );
		JPLua_Player_CreateRef( L, clNum );
		lua_settable( L, top );

	return 1;
Exemple #10
void JPLua_Event_ClientConnect( int clientNum )
#ifdef JPLUA
	for ( JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.plugins;
			JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.currentPlugin->next
		if ( JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTCONNECT] )
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTCONNECT] );

			// Create a player instance for this client number and push on stack
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );

			JPLUACALL( JPLua.state, 1, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #11
void JPLua_Event_Pain( int clientNum, int damage )
#ifdef JPLUA
	for ( JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.plugins;
			JPLua.currentPlugin = JPLua.currentPlugin->next
		if ( JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] )
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, JPLua.currentPlugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_PAIN] );

			// Create a player instance for this client number and push on stack
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );
			lua_pushinteger( JPLua.state, damage );

			JPLUACALL( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );
#endif // JPLUA
Exemple #12
//Func: GetPlayer(clientNum)
//Retn: Player object if their clientinfo is valid, and clientNum is between [0, MAX_CLIENTS-1]
int JPLua_GetPlayer( lua_State *L )
	int num = -1;
	unsigned int clientsFound = 0;

	if ( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TNIL )
		num = cg.clientNum;

	else if ( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TNUMBER )
		num = lua_tointeger( L, 1 );

	if ( lua_type( L, 1 ) == LUA_TSTRING )
		const char *name = lua_tostring( L, 1 );
		int numFound = 0;
		int i=0;
		for ( i=0; i<cgs.maxclients; i++ )
			char nameClean[36] = {0};
			char nameClean2[36] = {0};
			if ( !cgs.clientinfo[i].infoValid )
			Q_strncpyz( nameClean, cgs.clientinfo[i].name, sizeof( nameClean ) );
			Q_strncpyz( nameClean2, name, sizeof( nameClean2 ) );
			Q_StripColor( nameClean );
			Q_StripColor( nameClean2 );
			if ( !Q_stricmp( nameClean, nameClean2 ) )
				num = i;
				clientsFound |= (1<<i);

		if ( numFound > 1 )
			int top=0;
			lua_pushnil( L );
			lua_pushstring( L, "Multiple matches" );
			lua_newtable( L );
			top = lua_gettop( L );
			for ( i=0; i<cgs.maxclients; i++ )
				if ( clientsFound & (1<<i) )
					lua_pushnumber( L, i );
					JPLua_Player_CreateRef( L, i );
					lua_settable( L, top );
			return 3;
		else if ( !numFound )
			lua_pushnil( L );
			return 1;

	JPLua_Player_CreateRef( L, num );
	return 1;
Exemple #13
void JPLua_Event_ClientInfoUpdate( int clientNum, clientInfo_t *oldInfo, clientInfo_t *newInfo ) {
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTINFO] ) {
			int top1, top2, i;

			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTINFO] );

			// Create a player instance for this client number and push on stack
			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );

			for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
				clientInfo_t *ci = i ? newInfo : oldInfo;
				lua_newtable( JPLua.state );
				top1 = lua_gettop( JPLua.state );

				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "colorOverride" );
				lua_newtable( JPLua.state ); top2 = lua_gettop( JPLua.state );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "r" );				lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->colorOverride.r );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top2 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "g" );				lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->colorOverride.g );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top2 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "b" );				lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->colorOverride.b );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top2 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "a" );				lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->colorOverride.a );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top2 );
				lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );

				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "saberName" );		lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->saberName );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "saber2Name" );	lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->saber2Name );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "name" );			lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->name );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );

				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "team" );			lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->team );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "duelTeam" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->duelTeam );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "botSkill" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->botSkill );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );

				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "color1" );		JPLua_Vector_CreateRef( JPLua.state, ci->color1.r, ci->color1.g, ci->color1.b );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "color2" );		JPLua_Vector_CreateRef( JPLua.state, ci->color2.r, ci->color2.g, ci->color2.b );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );

				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "rgb1" );			JPLua_Vector_CreateRef( JPLua.state, ci->rgb1.r, ci->rgb1.g, ci->rgb1.b );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "rgb2" );			JPLua_Vector_CreateRef( JPLua.state, ci->rgb2.r, ci->rgb2.g, ci->rgb2.b );	lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "icolor1" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->icolor1 );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "icolor2" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->icolor2 );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "score" );			lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->score );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "location" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->location );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "health" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->health );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "armor" );			lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->armor );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "curWeapon" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->curWeapon );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "handicap" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->handicap );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "wins" );			lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->wins );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "losses" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->losses );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "teamTask" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->teamTask );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "powerups" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->powerups );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "modelName" );		lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->saberName );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "skinName" );		lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->saberName );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "forcePowers" );	lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->forcePowers );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "teamName" );		lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, ci->teamName );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "deferred" );		lua_pushboolean( JPLua.state, ci->deferred );		lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, "gender" );		lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, ci->gender );			lua_settable( JPLua.state, top1 );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 3, 0 );
Exemple #14
qboolean JPLua_Event_ClientCommand( int clientNum ) {
	qboolean ret = qfalse;
#ifdef JPLUA
	jplua_plugin_t *plugin = NULL;
	while ( JPLua_IteratePlugins( &plugin ) ) {
		int top, i, numArgs = trap->Argc();
		jplua_plugin_command_t *cmd;

		cmd = JPLua.currentPlugin->clientCmds;

		if ( plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTCOMMAND] ) {
			lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, plugin->eventListeners[JPLUA_EVENT_CLIENTCOMMAND] );

			JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );

			//Push table of arguments
			lua_newtable( JPLua.state );
			top = lua_gettop( JPLua.state );
			for ( i = 0; i < numArgs; i++ ) {
				char argN[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
				trap->Argv( i, argN, sizeof(argN) );
				lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, i + 1 );
				lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, argN );
				lua_settable( JPLua.state, top );

			JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );

		while ( cmd ) {
			char arg1[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];

			trap->Argv( 0, arg1, sizeof(arg1) );

			if ( !Q_stricmp( arg1, cmd->command ) ) {
				lua_rawgeti( JPLua.state, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, cmd->handle );

				JPLua_Player_CreateRef( JPLua.state, clientNum );

				//Push table of arguments
				lua_newtable( JPLua.state );
				top = lua_gettop( JPLua.state );
				for ( i = 1; i < numArgs; i++ ) {
					char argN[MAX_TOKEN_CHARS];
					trap->Argv( i, argN, sizeof(argN) );
					lua_pushnumber( JPLua.state, i );
					lua_pushstring( JPLua.state, argN );
					lua_settable( JPLua.state, top );

				JPLua_Call( JPLua.state, 2, 0 );
				if ( !ret )
					ret = qtrue;

			cmd = cmd->next;
#endif // JPLUA
	return ret;