template<typename T> static bool FromJSVal_vector(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, std::vector<T>& out)
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);
	JS::RootedObject obj(cx);
	if (!v.isObject())
		FAIL("Argument must be an array");
	obj = &v.toObject();
	if (!(JS_IsArrayObject(cx, obj) || JS_IsTypedArrayObject(obj)))
		FAIL("Argument must be an array");
	u32 length;
	if (!JS_GetArrayLength(cx, obj, &length))
		FAIL("Failed to get array length");
	for (u32 i = 0; i < length; ++i)
		JS::RootedValue el(cx);
		if (!JS_GetElement(cx, obj, i, &el))
			FAIL("Failed to read array element");
		T el2;
		if (!ScriptInterface::FromJSVal<T>(cx, el, el2))
			return false;
	return true;
JSBool jsval_to_cpBB( JSContext *cx, jsval vp, cpBB *ret )
	JSObject *tmp_arg;
	if( ! JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &tmp_arg ) )
		return JS_FALSE;
	JSB_PRECONDITION( JS_IsTypedArrayObject( tmp_arg, cx ), "Not a TypedArray object");
	JSB_PRECONDITION( JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength( tmp_arg, cx ) == sizeof(cpFloat)*4, "Invalid length");
	*ret = *(cpBB*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData( tmp_arg, cx);
	return JS_TRUE;
Exemple #3
nsresult dpoCContext::ExtractArray(const jsval &source, JSObject **result, JSContext *cx)
	if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE( source)) {

	*result = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT( source);

	if (!JS_IsTypedArrayObject( *result, cx)) {
		*result = NULL;

	return NS_OK;
JSBool jsval_to_longlong( JSContext *cx, jsval vp, long long *r )
    JSObject *tmp_arg;
    JSBool ok = JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &tmp_arg );
    JSB_PRECONDITION2( ok, cx, JS_FALSE, "Error converting value to object");
    JSB_PRECONDITION2( tmp_arg && JS_IsTypedArrayObject( tmp_arg ), cx, JS_FALSE, "Not a TypedArray object");
    JSB_PRECONDITION2( JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength( tmp_arg ) == sizeof(long long), cx, JS_FALSE, "Invalid Typed Array length");

    uint32_t* arg_array = (uint32_t*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData( tmp_arg );
    long long ret =  arg_array[0];
    ret = ret << 32;
    ret |= arg_array[1];

    *r = ret;
    return JS_TRUE;
JSBool jsval_to_CGPoint( JSContext *cx, jsval vp, CGPoint *ret )
	JSObject *jsobj;
	if( ! JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &jsobj ) )
		return JS_FALSE;
	JSB_PRECONDITION( jsobj, "Not a valid JS object");
	jsval valx, valy;
	JSBool ok = JS_TRUE;
	ok &= JS_GetProperty(cx, jsobj, "x", &valx);
	ok &= JS_GetProperty(cx, jsobj, "y", &valy);
	if( ! ok )
		return JS_FALSE;
	double x, y;
	ok &= JS_ValueToNumber(cx, valx, &x);
	ok &= JS_ValueToNumber(cx, valy, &y);
	if( ! ok )
		return JS_FALSE;
	ret->x = x;
	ret->y = y;
	return JS_TRUE;
	JSObject *tmp_arg;
	if( ! JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &tmp_arg ) )
		return JS_FALSE;
	JSB_PRECONDITION( tmp_arg && JS_IsTypedArrayObject( tmp_arg, cx ), "Not a TypedArray object");
	JSB_PRECONDITION( JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength( tmp_arg, cx ) == sizeof(CGPoint), "Invalid length");
	*ret = *(CGPoint*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData( tmp_arg, cx );
	return JS_TRUE;
JSBool jsval_to_longlong( JSContext *cx, jsval vp, long long *r )
	JSObject *tmp_arg;
	if( ! JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &tmp_arg ) )
		return JS_FALSE;
	JSB_PRECONDITION( tmp_arg && JS_IsTypedArrayObject( tmp_arg, cx ), "Not a TypedArray object");
	JSB_PRECONDITION( JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength( tmp_arg, cx ) == sizeof(long long), "Invalid Typed Array lenght");
	int32_t* arg_array = (int32_t*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData( tmp_arg, cx );
	long long ret =  arg_array[0];
	ret = ret << 32;
	ret |= arg_array[1];
	*r = ret;
	return JS_TRUE;
bool jsval_to_long_long(JSContext *cx, jsval vp, long long* r) {
    JS::RootedObject tmp_arg(cx);
    bool ok = JS_ValueToObject( cx, JS::RootedValue(cx, vp), &tmp_arg );
    if (!ok) {
        LOGD("jsval_to_long_long: Error converting value to object");
        return false;

    JSB_PRECONDITION2( tmp_arg && JS_IsTypedArrayObject( tmp_arg ), cx, false, "Not a TypedArray object");
    JSB_PRECONDITION2( JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength( tmp_arg ) == sizeof(long long), cx, false, "Invalid Typed Array length");
    uint32_t* arg_array = (uint32_t*)JS_GetArrayBufferViewData( tmp_arg );
    long long ret =  arg_array[0];
    ret = ret << 32;
    ret |= arg_array[1];
    *r = ret;
    return true;
/* [implicit_jscontext] uint32_t getAlignmentOffset (in jsval source); */
NS_IMETHODIMP dpoCContext::GetAlignmentOffset(const JS::Value & source, JSContext* cx, uint32_t *_retval)
	JSObject *object;
	uint8_t *data;

	if (JSVAL_IS_PRIMITIVE(source)) {

	object = JSVAL_TO_OBJECT(source);
	if (JS_IsTypedArrayObject(object)) {
		data = GetPointerFromTA(object, cx);
	} else if (JS_IsArrayBufferObject(object)) {
		data = JS_GetArrayBufferData(object);
	} else {

	*_retval = (((uintptr_t) data) + alignment_size) / alignment_size * alignment_size - ((uintptr_t) data);

    return NS_OK;
Exemple #9
ExposedPropertiesOnly::check(JSContext* cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, Wrapper::Action act)
    RootedObject wrappedObject(cx, Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper));

    if (act == Wrapper::CALL)
        return false;

    // For the case of getting a property descriptor, we allow if either GET or SET
    // is allowed, and rely on FilteringWrapper to filter out any disallowed accessors.
    if (act == Wrapper::GET_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR) {
        return check(cx, wrapper, id, Wrapper::GET) ||
               check(cx, wrapper, id, Wrapper::SET);

    RootedId exposedPropsId(cx, GetRTIdByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_EXPOSEDPROPS));

    // We need to enter the wrappee's compartment to look at __exposedProps__,
    // but we want to be in the wrapper's compartment if we call Deny().
    // Unfortunately, |cx| can be in either compartment when we call ::check. :-(
    JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, wrappedObject);

    bool found = false;
    if (!JS_HasPropertyById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &found))
        return false;

    // If no __exposedProps__ existed, deny access.
    if (!found) {
        // Previously we automatically granted access to indexed properties and
        // .length for Array COWs. We're not doing that anymore, so make sure to
        // let people know what's going on.
        bool isArray;
        if (!JS_IsArrayObject(cx, wrappedObject, &isArray))
            return false;
        if (!isArray)
            isArray = JS_IsTypedArrayObject(wrappedObject);
        bool isIndexedAccessOnArray = isArray && JSID_IS_INT(id) && JSID_TO_INT(id) >= 0;
        bool isLengthAccessOnArray = isArray && JSID_IS_STRING(id) &&
                                     JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id), "length");
        if (isIndexedAccessOnArray || isLengthAccessOnArray) {
            JSAutoCompartment ac2(cx, wrapper);
            ReportWrapperDenial(cx, id, WrapperDenialForCOW,
                                "Access to elements and length of privileged Array not permitted");

        return false;

    if (id == JSID_VOID)
        return true;

    Rooted<JSPropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
    if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &desc))
        return false;

    if (!desc.object())
        return false;

    if (desc.hasGetterOrSetter()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "__exposedProps__ must be a value property");
        return false;

    RootedValue exposedProps(cx, desc.value());
    if (exposedProps.isNullOrUndefined())
        return false;

    if (!exposedProps.isObject()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "__exposedProps__ must be undefined, null, or an Object");
        return false;

    RootedObject hallpass(cx, &exposedProps.toObject());

    if (!AccessCheck::subsumes(js::UncheckedUnwrap(hallpass), wrappedObject)) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "Invalid __exposedProps__");
        return false;

    Access access = NO_ACCESS;

    if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, hallpass, id, &desc)) {
        return false; // Error
    if (!desc.object() || !desc.enumerable())
        return false;

    if (!desc.value().isString()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "property must be a string");
        return false;

    JSFlatString* flat = JS_FlattenString(cx, desc.value().toString());
    if (!flat)
        return false;

    size_t length = JS_GetStringLength(JS_FORGET_STRING_FLATNESS(flat));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        char16_t ch = JS_GetFlatStringCharAt(flat, i);
        switch (ch) {
        case 'r':
            if (access & READ) {
                EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'readable' property flag");
                return false;
            access = Access(access | READ);

        case 'w':
            if (access & WRITE) {
                EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'writable' property flag");
                return false;
            access = Access(access | WRITE);

            EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "properties can only be readable or read and writable");
            return false;

    if (access == NO_ACCESS) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "specified properties must have a permission bit set");
        return false;

    if ((act == Wrapper::SET && !(access & WRITE)) ||
        (act != Wrapper::SET && !(access & READ))) {
        return false;

    // Inspect the property on the underlying object to check for red flags.
    if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, wrappedObject, id, &desc))
        return false;

    // Reject accessor properties.
    if (desc.hasGetterOrSetter()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "Exposing privileged accessor properties is prohibited");
        return false;

    // Reject privileged or cross-origin callables.
    if (desc.value().isObject()) {
        RootedObject maybeCallable(cx, js::UncheckedUnwrap(&desc.value().toObject()));
        if (JS::IsCallable(maybeCallable) && !AccessCheck::subsumes(wrapper, maybeCallable)) {
            EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "Exposing privileged or cross-origin callable is prohibited");
            return false;

    return true;
JSBool JSB_jsval_typedarray_to_dataptr( JSContext *cx, jsval vp, GLsizei *count, void **data, JSArrayBufferViewType t)
    JSObject *jsobj;
    JSBool ok = JS_ValueToObject( cx, vp, &jsobj );
    JSB_PRECONDITION2( ok && jsobj, cx, JS_FALSE, "Error converting value to object");

    // WebGL supports TypedArray and sequences for some of its APIs. So when converting a TypedArray, we should
    // also check for a possible non-Typed Array JS object, like a JS Array.

    if( JS_IsTypedArrayObject( jsobj ) ) {

        *count = JS_GetTypedArrayLength(jsobj);
        JSArrayBufferViewType type = JS_GetArrayBufferViewType(jsobj);
        JSB_PRECONDITION2(t==type, cx, JS_FALSE, "TypedArray type different than expected type");

        switch (t) {
        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_INT8:
        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_UINT8:
            *data = JS_GetUint8ArrayData(jsobj);

        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_INT16:
        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_UINT16:
            *data = JS_GetUint16ArrayData(jsobj);

        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_INT32:
        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_UINT32:
            *data = JS_GetUint32ArrayData(jsobj);

        case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_FLOAT32:
            *data = JS_GetFloat32ArrayData(jsobj);

            JSB_PRECONDITION2(false, cx, JS_FALSE, "Unsupported typedarray type");
    } else if( JS_IsArrayObject(cx, jsobj)) {
        // Slow... avoid it. Use TypedArray instead, but the spec says that it can receive
        // Sequence<> as well.
        uint32_t length;
        JS_GetArrayLength(cx, jsobj, &length);

        for( uint32_t i=0; i<length; i++ ) {

            jsval valarg;
            JS_GetElement(cx, jsobj, i, &valarg);

            switch(t) {
            case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_INT32:
            case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_UINT32:
                uint32_t e = JSVAL_TO_INT(valarg);
                ((uint32_t*)data)[i] = e;
            case js::ArrayBufferView::TYPE_FLOAT32:
                double e = JSVAL_TO_DOUBLE(valarg);
                ((GLfloat*)data)[i] = (GLfloat)e;
                JSB_PRECONDITION2(false, cx, JS_FALSE, "Unsupported typedarray type");

    } else
        JSB_PRECONDITION2(false, cx, JS_FALSE, "Object shall be a TypedArray or Sequence");

    return JS_TRUE;
TCPSocketParent::SendCallback(const nsAString& aType, const JS::Value& aDataVal,
                              const nsAString& aReadyState, uint32_t aBuffered,
                              JSContext* aCx)
  if (!mIPCOpen) {
    NS_WARNING("Dropping callback due to no IPC connection");
    return NS_OK;

  CallbackData data;
  if (aDataVal.isString()) {
    JSString* jsstr = aDataVal.toString();
    nsDependentJSString str;
    if (!str.init(aCx, jsstr)) {
      FireInteralError(this, __LINE__);
      return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
    data = str;

  } else if (aDataVal.isUndefined() || aDataVal.isNull()) {
    data = mozilla::void_t();

  } else if (aDataVal.isObject()) {
    JSObject* obj = &aDataVal.toObject();
    if (JS_IsTypedArrayObject(obj)) {
      uint32_t nbytes = JS_GetTypedArrayByteLength(obj);
      uint8_t* buffer = JS_GetUint8ArrayData(obj);
      if (!buffer) {
        FireInteralError(this, __LINE__);
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
      FallibleTArray<uint8_t> fallibleArr;
      if (!fallibleArr.InsertElementsAt(0, buffer, nbytes)) {
        FireInteralError(this, __LINE__);
        return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY;
      InfallibleTArray<uint8_t> arr;
      data = SendableData(arr);

    } else {
      nsDependentJSString message, filename;
      uint32_t lineNumber = 0;
      uint32_t columnNumber = 0;

      jsval val;
      if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, obj, "message", &val)) {
        NS_ERROR("No message property on supposed error object");
      } else if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(val)) {
        if (!message.init(aCx, JSVAL_TO_STRING(val))) {
          NS_WARNING("couldn't initialize string");

      if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, obj, "fileName", &val)) {
        NS_ERROR("No fileName property on supposed error object");
      } else if (JSVAL_IS_STRING(val)) {
        if (!filename.init(aCx, JSVAL_TO_STRING(val))) {
          NS_WARNING("couldn't initialize string");

      if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, obj, "lineNumber", &val)) {
        NS_ERROR("No lineNumber property on supposed error object");
      } else if (JSVAL_IS_INT(val)) {
        lineNumber = JSVAL_TO_INT(val);

      if (!JS_GetProperty(aCx, obj, "columnNumber", &val)) {
        NS_ERROR("No columnNumber property on supposed error object");
      } else if (JSVAL_IS_INT(val)) {
        columnNumber = JSVAL_TO_INT(val);

      data = JSError(message, filename, lineNumber, columnNumber);
  } else {
    NS_ERROR("Unexpected JS value encountered");
    FireInteralError(this, __LINE__);
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  mozilla::unused <<
      PTCPSocketParent::SendCallback(nsString(aType), data,
                                     nsString(aReadyState), aBuffered);
  return NS_OK;
Exemple #12
ExposedPropertiesOnly::check(JSContext *cx, HandleObject wrapper, HandleId id, Wrapper::Action act)
    RootedObject wrappedObject(cx, Wrapper::wrappedObject(wrapper));

    if (act == Wrapper::CALL)
        return true;

    // For the case of getting a property descriptor, we allow if either GET or SET
    // is allowed, and rely on FilteringWrapper to filter out any disallowed accessors.
    if (act == Wrapper::GET_PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR) {
        return check(cx, wrapper, id, Wrapper::GET) ||
               check(cx, wrapper, id, Wrapper::SET);

    RootedId exposedPropsId(cx, GetRTIdByIndex(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_EXPOSEDPROPS));

    // We need to enter the wrappee's compartment to look at __exposedProps__,
    // but we want to be in the wrapper's compartment if we call Deny().
    // Unfortunately, |cx| can be in either compartment when we call ::check. :-(
    JSAutoCompartment ac(cx, wrappedObject);

    bool found = false;
    if (!JS_HasPropertyById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &found))
        return false;

    // Always permit access to "length" and indexed properties of arrays.
    if ((JS_IsArrayObject(cx, wrappedObject) ||
         JS_IsTypedArrayObject(wrappedObject)) &&
        ((JSID_IS_INT(id) && JSID_TO_INT(id) >= 0) ||
         (JSID_IS_STRING(id) && JS_FlatStringEqualsAscii(JSID_TO_FLAT_STRING(id), "length")))) {
        return true; // Allow

    // If no __exposedProps__ existed, deny access.
    if (!found) {
        return false;

    if (id == JSID_VOID)
        return true;

    RootedValue exposedProps(cx);
    if (!JS_LookupPropertyById(cx, wrappedObject, exposedPropsId, &exposedProps))
        return false;

    if (exposedProps.isNullOrUndefined())
        return false;

    if (!exposedProps.isObject()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "__exposedProps__ must be undefined, null, or an Object");
        return false;

    RootedObject hallpass(cx, &exposedProps.toObject());

    if (!AccessCheck::subsumes(js::UncheckedUnwrap(hallpass), wrappedObject)) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "Invalid __exposedProps__");
        return false;

    Access access = NO_ACCESS;

    Rooted<JSPropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
    if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, hallpass, id, &desc)) {
        return false; // Error
    if (!desc.object() || !desc.isEnumerable())
        return false;

    if (!desc.value().isString()) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "property must be a string");
        return false;

    JSFlatString *flat = JS_FlattenString(cx, desc.value().toString());
    if (!flat)
        return false;

    size_t length = JS_GetStringLength(JS_FORGET_STRING_FLATNESS(flat));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
        char16_t ch = JS_GetFlatStringCharAt(flat, i);
        switch (ch) {
        case 'r':
            if (access & READ) {
                EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'readable' property flag");
                return false;
            access = Access(access | READ);

        case 'w':
            if (access & WRITE) {
                EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "duplicate 'writable' property flag");
                return false;
            access = Access(access | WRITE);

            EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "properties can only be readable or read and writable");
            return false;

    if (access == NO_ACCESS) {
        EnterAndThrow(cx, wrapper, "specified properties must have a permission bit set");
        return false;

    if ((act == Wrapper::SET && !(access & WRITE)) ||
        (act != Wrapper::SET && !(access & READ))) {
        return false;

    return true;
Exemple #13
void CBinarySerializerScriptImpl::HandleScriptVal(JS::HandleValue val)
	JSContext* cx = m_ScriptInterface.GetContext();
	JSAutoRequest rq(cx);

	switch (JS_TypeOfValue(cx, val))
		m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_VOID);
	case JSTYPE_NULL: // This type is never actually returned (it's a JS2 feature)
		m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_NULL);
		if (val.isNull())
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_NULL);

		JS::RootedObject obj(cx, &val.toObject());

		// If we've already serialized this object, just output a reference to it
		u32 tag = GetScriptBackrefTag(obj);
		if (tag)
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_BACKREF);
			m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("tag", tag);

		// Arrays are special cases of Object
		if (JS_IsArrayObject(cx, obj))
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_ARRAY);
			// TODO: probably should have a more efficient storage format

			// Arrays like [1, 2, ] have an 'undefined' at the end which is part of the
			// length but seemingly isn't enumerated, so store the length explicitly
			uint length = 0;
			if (!JS_GetArrayLength(cx, obj, &length))
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetArrayLength failed");
			m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("array length", length);
		else if (JS_IsTypedArrayObject(obj))
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_TYPED_ARRAY);

			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("array type", GetArrayType(JS_GetArrayBufferViewType(obj)));
			m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("byte offset", JS_GetTypedArrayByteOffset(obj));
			m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("length", JS_GetTypedArrayLength(obj));

			// Now handle its array buffer
			// this may be a backref, since ArrayBuffers can be shared by multiple views
			JS::RootedValue bufferVal(cx, JS::ObjectValue(*JS_GetArrayBufferViewBuffer(cx, obj)));
		else if (JS_IsArrayBufferObject(obj))
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_ARRAY_BUFFER);

#error TODO: need to convert JS ArrayBuffer data to little-endian

			u32 length = JS_GetArrayBufferByteLength(obj);
			m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("buffer length", length);
			JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
			m_Serializer.RawBytes("buffer data", (const u8*)JS_GetArrayBufferData(obj, nogc), length);
			// Find type of object
			const JSClass* jsclass = JS_GetClass(obj);
			if (!jsclass)
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetClass failed");
// TODO: Remove this workaround for upstream API breakage when updating SpiderMonkey
// See https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1236373
			JSProtoKey protokey = JSCLASS_CACHED_PROTO_KEY(jsclass);

			if (protokey == JSProto_Object)
				// Object class - check for user-defined prototype
				JS::RootedObject proto(cx);
				JS_GetPrototype(cx, obj, &proto);
				if (!proto)
					throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetPrototype failed");

				if (m_SerializablePrototypes->empty() || !IsSerializablePrototype(proto))
					// Standard Object prototype
					m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT);

					// TODO: maybe we should throw an error for unrecognized non-Object prototypes?
					//	(requires fixing AI serialization first and excluding component scripts)
					// User-defined custom prototype
					m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_PROTOTYPE);

					const std::wstring prototypeName = GetPrototypeName(proto);
					m_Serializer.String("proto name", prototypeName, 0, 256);

					// Does it have custom Serialize function?
					// if so, we serialize the data it returns, rather than the object's properties directly
					bool hasCustomSerialize;
					if (!JS_HasProperty(cx, obj, "Serialize", &hasCustomSerialize))
						throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_HasProperty failed");

					if (hasCustomSerialize)
						JS::RootedValue serialize(cx);
						if (!JS_GetProperty(cx, obj, "Serialize", &serialize))
							throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetProperty failed");

						// If serialize is null, so don't serialize anything more
						if (!serialize.isNull())
							JS::RootedValue data(cx);
							if (!m_ScriptInterface.CallFunction(val, "Serialize", &data))
								throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("Prototype Serialize function failed");
			else if (protokey == JSProto_Number)
				// Standard Number object
				m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_NUMBER);
				// Get primitive value
				double d;
				if (!JS::ToNumber(cx, val, &d))
					throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS::ToNumber failed");
				m_Serializer.NumberDouble_Unbounded("value", d);
			else if (protokey == JSProto_String)
				// Standard String object
				m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_STRING);
				// Get primitive value
				JS::RootedString str(cx, JS::ToString(cx, val));
				if (!str)
					throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_ValueToString failed");
				ScriptString("value", str);
			else if (protokey == JSProto_Boolean)
				// Standard Boolean object
				m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_BOOLEAN);
				// Get primitive value
				bool b = JS::ToBoolean(val);
				m_Serializer.Bool("value", b);
			// TODO: Follow upstream progresses about a JS::IsMapObject
			// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1285909
			else if (protokey == JSProto_Map)
				m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_MAP);
				m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("map size", JS::MapSize(cx, obj));

				JS::RootedValue keyValueIterator(cx);
				if (!JS::MapEntries(cx, obj, &keyValueIterator))
					throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS::MapEntries failed");

				JS::ForOfIterator it(cx);
				if (!it.init(keyValueIterator))
					throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS::ForOfIterator::init failed");

				JS::RootedValue keyValuePair(cx);
				bool done;
				while (true)
					if (!it.next(&keyValuePair, &done))
						throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS::ForOfIterator::next failed");

					if (done)

					JS::RootedObject keyValuePairObj(cx, &keyValuePair.toObject());
					JS::RootedValue key(cx);
					JS::RootedValue value(cx);
					ENSURE(JS_GetElement(cx, keyValuePairObj, 0, &key));
					ENSURE(JS_GetElement(cx, keyValuePairObj, 1, &value));

			// TODO: Follow upstream progresses about a JS::IsSetObject
			// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1285909
			else if (protokey == JSProto_Set)
				// TODO: When updating SpiderMonkey to a release after 38 use the C++ API for Sets.
				// https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1159469
				u32 setSize;
				m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(val, "size", setSize);

				m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_OBJECT_SET);
				m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("set size", setSize);

				JS::RootedValue valueIterator(cx);
				m_ScriptInterface.CallFunction(val, "values", &valueIterator);
				for (u32 i=0; i<setSize; ++i)
					JS::RootedValue currentIterator(cx);
					JS::RootedValue value(cx);
					ENSURE(m_ScriptInterface.CallFunction(valueIterator, "next", &currentIterator));

					m_ScriptInterface.GetProperty(currentIterator, "value", &value);


				// Unrecognized class
				LOGERROR("Cannot serialise JS objects with unrecognized class '%s'", jsclass->name);
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_InvalidScriptValue();

		// Find all properties (ordered by insertion time)
		JS::AutoIdArray ida (cx, JS_Enumerate(cx, obj));
		if (!ida)
			throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_Enumerate failed");

		m_Serializer.NumberU32_Unbounded("num props", (u32)ida.length());

		for (size_t i = 0; i < ida.length(); ++i)
			JS::RootedId id(cx, ida[i]);

			JS::RootedValue idval(cx);
			JS::RootedValue propval(cx);

			// Forbid getters, which might delete values and mess things up.
			JS::Rooted<JSPropertyDescriptor> desc(cx);
			if (!JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById(cx, obj, id, &desc))
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetPropertyDescriptorById failed");
			if (desc.hasGetterObject())
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("Cannot serialize property getters");

			// Get the property name as a string
			if (!JS_IdToValue(cx, id, &idval))
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_IdToValue failed");
			JS::RootedString idstr(cx, JS::ToString(cx, idval));
			if (!idstr)
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_ValueToString failed");

			ScriptString("prop name", idstr);

			if (!JS_GetPropertyById(cx, obj, id, &propval))
				throw PSERROR_Serialize_ScriptError("JS_GetPropertyById failed");


		// We can't serialise functions, but we can at least name the offender (hopefully)
		std::wstring funcname(L"(unnamed)");
		JS::RootedFunction func(cx, JS_ValueToFunction(cx, val));
		if (func)
			JS::RootedString string(cx, JS_GetFunctionId(func));
			if (string)
				if (JS_StringHasLatin1Chars(string))
					size_t length;
					JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
					const JS::Latin1Char* ch = JS_GetLatin1StringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, string, &length);
					if (ch && length > 0)
						funcname.assign(ch, ch + length);
					size_t length;
					JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc;
					const char16_t* ch = JS_GetTwoByteStringCharsAndLength(cx, nogc, string, &length);
					if (ch && length > 0)
						funcname.assign(ch, ch + length);

		LOGERROR("Cannot serialise JS objects of type 'function': %s", utf8_from_wstring(funcname));
		throw PSERROR_Serialize_InvalidScriptValue();
		m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_STRING);
		JS::RootedString stringVal(cx, val.toString());
		ScriptString("string", stringVal);
		// To reduce the size of the serialized data, we handle integers and doubles separately.
		// We can't check for val.isInt32 and val.isDouble directly, because integer numbers are not guaranteed
		// to be represented as integers. A number like 33 could be stored as integer on the computer of one player
		// and as double on the other player's computer. That would cause out of sync errors in multiplayer games because
		// their binary representation and thus the hash would be different.

		double d;
		d = val.toNumber();
		i32 integer;

		if (JS_DoubleIsInt32(d, &integer))
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_INT);
			m_Serializer.NumberI32_Unbounded("value", integer);
			m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_DOUBLE);
			m_Serializer.NumberDouble_Unbounded("value", d);
		m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("type", SCRIPT_TYPE_BOOLEAN);
		bool b = val.toBoolean();
		m_Serializer.NumberU8_Unbounded("value", b ? 1 : 0);
		debug_warn(L"Invalid TypeOfValue");
		throw PSERROR_Serialize_InvalidScriptValue();