static void testGetLatestPublicationOfLast(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL; KSI_Integer *tm = NULL; KSI_PublicationData *pubDat = NULL; KSI_Integer *pubTm = NULL; res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1405382400, &tm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create integer", res == KSI_OK && tm != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getLatestPublication(pubFile, tm, &pubRec); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to find nearest publication", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublishedData(pubRec, &pubDat); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published data", res == KSI_OK && pubDat != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationData_getTime(pubDat, &pubTm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication time", res == KSI_OK && pubTm != NULL); CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected publication time (this test might fail, if you have recently updated the publications file in the tests)", KSI_Integer_equalsUInt(pubTm, 1405382400)); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); KSI_Integer_free(tm); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFile(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_PKITruststore *pki = NULL; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_PKITruststore_new(ctx, 0, &pki); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get PKI truststore from context.", res == KSI_OK && pki != NULL); res = KSI_CTX_setPKITruststore(ctx, pki); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set new pki truststrore for ksi context.", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file shouldn't verify without mock certificate.", res != KSI_OK); /* Verification should succeed. */ res = KSI_PKITruststore_addLookupFile(pki, getFullResourcePath("resource/tlv/mock.crt")); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read certificate", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should verify with mock certificate.", res == KSI_OK); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testLoadPublicationsFileWithNoCerts(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_LIST(KSI_CertificateRecord) *certList = NULL; KSI_PKICertificate *cert = NULL; unsigned char dummy[] = {0xca, 0xfe, 0xba, 0xbe}; KSI_OctetString *certId = NULL; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath("resource/publications/publications-nocerts.bin"), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getCertificates(pubFile, &certList); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get certificate list", res == KSI_OK); CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected certificate list length.", KSI_CertificateRecordList_length(certList) == 0); res = KSI_OctetString_new(ctx, dummy, sizeof(dummy), &certId); CuAssert(tc, "Creating an octetstring failed", res == KSI_OK && certId != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getPKICertificateById(pubFile, certId, &cert); CuAssert(tc, "Searching for a non existend certificate failed", res == KSI_OK && cert == NULL); KSI_OctetString_free(certId); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testGetNearestPublicationWithPubTime(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL; KSI_Integer *tm = NULL; KSI_PublicationData *pubDat = NULL; KSI_Integer *pubTm = NULL; res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); /* With time set to 0, the result should be the first publication record in the publications file. */ res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 1208217600, &tm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create integer", res == KSI_OK && tm != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getNearestPublication(pubFile, tm, &pubRec); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to find nearest publication", res == KSI_OK && pubRec != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationRecord_getPublishedData(pubRec, &pubDat); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get published data", res == KSI_OK && pubDat != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationData_getTime(pubDat, &pubTm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to get publication time", res == KSI_OK && pubTm != NULL); CuAssert(tc, "Unexpected publication time", KSI_Integer_equalsUInt(pubTm, 1208217600)); KSI_PublicationRecord_free(pubRec); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); KSI_Integer_free(tm); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFileWithAttributeNotPresent(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_CertConstraint arr[] = { {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); arr[0].oid = ""; arr[0].val = "Local pub"; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to delete OID", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file must verify with address.", res != KSI_OK); arr[0].oid = KSI_CERT_EMAIL; arr[0].val = "*****@*****.**"; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID back to normal", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should not fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file must verify.", res == KSI_OK); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFileWithNoConstraints(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_CertConstraint arr[] = { {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to delete OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should not fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file may not verify with no constraints.", res == KSI_PUBFILE_VERIFICATION_NOT_CONFIGURED); arr[0].oid = KSI_CERT_EMAIL; arr[0].val = "*****@*****.**"; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 back to normal", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should not fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file must verify with e-mail.", res == KSI_OK); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testSerializePublicationsFile(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; char *raw = NULL; unsigned raw_len = 0; FILE *f = NULL; int symbol = 0; unsigned i= 0; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); setFileMockResponse(tc, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE)); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_serialize(ctx, pubFile, &raw, &raw_len); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to serialize publications file", res == KSI_OK && raw != NULL && raw_len != 0); f = fopen(getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), "rb"); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to open publications file", res == KSI_OK && f != NULL); while ((symbol = getc(f)) != EOF && i<raw_len){ CuAssert(tc, "Serialized publications file mismatch", (char)symbol == raw[i]); i++; } CuAssert(tc, "Serialized publications file length mismatch", i == raw_len); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); KSI_free(raw); if (f) fclose(f); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFileAdditionalPublications(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TAMPERED_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "This publications file does not follow the correct format.", res != KSI_OK && pubFile == NULL); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testLoadPublicationsFile(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFileWithOrganization(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_CertConstraint arr[] = { {KSI_CERT_EMAIL, "*****@*****.**"}, {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_ERR_clearErrors(ctx); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); arr[1].oid = KSI_CERT_ORGANIZATION; arr[1].val = "Guardtime AS"; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file must verify with OID='' value 'Guardtime AS'.", res == KSI_OK); arr[1].val = "Guardtime US"; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file may not verify with wrong company'.", res != KSI_OK); /* Verification should succeed. */ arr[1].oid = NULL; arr[1].val = NULL; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, arr); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set OID", res == KSI_OK); /* Verification should fail. */ res = KSI_PublicationsFile_verify(pubFile, ctx); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file must verify with OID='' removed from the constraints", res == KSI_OK); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should verify with mock certificate.", res == KSI_OK); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }
static void testGetLatestPublicationOfFuture(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL; KSI_Integer *tm = NULL; res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 2405382400, &tm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create integer", res == KSI_OK && tm != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getLatestPublication(pubFile, tm, &pubRec); CuAssert(tc, "This publication should not exist.", res == KSI_OK && pubRec == NULL); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); KSI_Integer_free(tm); }
static void testGetNearestPublicationOfFuture(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_PublicationRecord *pubRec = NULL; KSI_Integer *tm = NULL; res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); /* With time set to 0, the result should be the first publication record in the publications file. */ res = KSI_Integer_new(ctx, 2208217600, &tm); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to create integer", res == KSI_OK && tm != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_getNearestPublication(pubFile, tm, &pubRec); CuAssert(tc, "There should not be a valid publication", res == KSI_OK && pubRec == NULL); KSI_PublicationRecord_free(pubRec); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); KSI_Integer_free(tm); }
static void testVerifyPublicationsFileWithFileSpecificConstraints(CuTest *tc) { int res; KSI_PublicationsFile *pubFile = NULL; KSI_CertConstraint empty[] = { {NULL, NULL}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_CertConstraint email[] = { {KSI_CERT_EMAIL, "*****@*****.**"}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_CertConstraint wrong[] = { {KSI_CERT_EMAIL, "*****@*****.**"}, {NULL, NULL} }; KSI_CertConstraint unknown[] = { {"3.2.840.113549.1.9.1", "*****@*****.**"}, {NULL, NULL} }; res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, email); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set default certificate constraints", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_fromFile(ctx, getFullResourcePath(TEST_PUBLICATIONS_FILE), &pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to read publications file", res == KSI_OK && pubFile != NULL); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, NULL); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify publications file with context based constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, empty); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should not verify with empty certificate constraints.", res != KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, email); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify publications file with email.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, wrong); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should not verify with wrong certificate constraints.", res != KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, unknown); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Publications file should not verify with unknown certificate constraints.", res == KSI_INVALID_ARGUMENT); res = KSI_CTX_setDefaultPubFileCertConstraints(ctx, wrong); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set default certificate constraints", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_PublicationsFile_setCertConstraints(pubFile, email); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to set publications file certificate constraints.", res == KSI_OK); res = KSI_verifyPublicationsFile(ctx, pubFile); CuAssert(tc, "Unable to verify publications file with email.", res == KSI_OK); KSI_PublicationsFile_free(pubFile); }