void KStarsData::syncUpdateIDs()
    m_updateID = m_preUpdateID;
    if ( m_updateNumID == m_preUpdateNumID ) return;
    m_updateNumID = m_preUpdateNumID;
    m_updateNum = KSNumbers( m_preUpdateNum );
void KStarsData::updateTime( GeoLocation *geo, SkyMap *skymap, const bool automaticDSTchange ) {
    // sync LTime with the simulation clock
    LTime = geo->UTtoLT( ut() );

    //Only check DST if (1) TZrule is not the empty rule, and (2) if we have crossed
    //the DST change date/time.
    if ( !geo->tzrule()->isEmptyRule() ) {
        if ( TimeRunsForward ) {
            // timedirection is forward
            // DST change happens if current date is bigger than next calculated dst change
            if ( ut() > NextDSTChange ) resetToNewDST(geo, automaticDSTchange);
        } else {
            // timedirection is backward
            // DST change happens if current date is smaller than next calculated dst change
            if ( ut() < NextDSTChange ) resetToNewDST(geo, automaticDSTchange);

    KSNumbers num( ut().djd() );

    if ( fabs( ut().djd() - LastNumUpdate.djd() ) > 1.0 ) {
        LastNumUpdate = ut().djd();
        m_preUpdateNum = KSNumbers( num );
        skyComposite()->update( &num );

    if ( fabs( ut().djd() - LastPlanetUpdate.djd() ) > 0.01 ) {
        LastPlanetUpdate = ut().djd();
        skyComposite()->updatePlanets( &num );

    // Moon moves ~30 arcmin/hr, so update its position every minute.
    if ( fabs( ut().djd() - LastMoonUpdate.djd() ) > 0.00069444 ) {
        LastMoonUpdate = ut();
        skyComposite()->updateMoons( &num );

    //Update Alt/Az coordinates.  Timescale varies with zoom level
    //If Clock is in Manual Mode, always update. (?)
    if ( fabs( ut().djd() - LastSkyUpdate.djd() ) > 0.1/Options::zoomFactor() || clock()->isManualMode() ) {
        LastSkyUpdate = ut();
        skyComposite()->update(); //omit KSNumbers arg == just update Alt/Az coords

        //Update focus

        if ( clock()->isManualMode() )
            QTimer::singleShot( 0, skymap, SLOT( forceUpdateNow() ) );
Exemple #3
//Reimplement draw function so that we have control over the order of
//elements, and we can add object labels
//The order in which components are drawn naturally determines the
//z-ordering (the layering) of the components.  Objects which
//should appear "behind" others should be drawn first.
void SkyMapComposite::draw( SkyPainter *skyp )
    SkyMap *map = SkyMap::Instance();
    KStarsData *data = KStarsData::Instance();

    // We delay one draw cycle before re-indexing
    // we MUST ensure CLines do not get re-indexed while we use DRAW_BUF
    // so we do it here.
    m_CLines->reindex( &m_reindexNum );
    // This queues re-indexing for the next draw cycle
    m_reindexNum = KSNumbers( data->updateNum()->julianDay() );

    // This ensures that the JIT updates are synchronized for the entire draw
    // cycle so the sky moves as a single sheet.  May not be needed.

    // prepare the aperture
    // FIXME_FOV: We may want to rejigger this to allow
    // wide-angle views --hdevalence
    float radius = map->projector()->fov();
    if ( radius > 180.0 )
        radius = 180.0;

    if ( m_skyMesh->inDraw() ) {
        printf("Warning: aborting concurrent SkyMapComposite::draw()\n");

    m_skyMesh->inDraw( true );
    SkyPoint* focus = map->focus();
    m_skyMesh->aperture( focus, radius + 1.0, DRAW_BUF ); // divide by 2 for testing

    // create the no-precess aperture if needed
    if ( Options::showEquatorialGrid() || Options::showHorizontalGrid() || Options::showCBounds() || Options::showEquator() ) {
        m_skyMesh->index( focus, radius + 1.0, NO_PRECESS_BUF );

    // clear marks from old labels and prep fonts
    m_skyLabeler->reset( map );

    // info boxes have highest label priority
    // FIXME: REGRESSION. Labeler now know nothing about infoboxes
    // map->infoBoxes()->reserveBoxes( psky );

    if( KStars::Instance() ) {
        const QList<SkyObject*> obsList = KStarsData::Instance()->observingList()->sessionList();
        if( Options::obsListText() )
            foreach( SkyObject* obj, obsList ) {
                SkyLabeler::AddLabel( obj, SkyLabeler::RUDE_LABEL );
Exemple #4
void StarComponent::reindexAll( KSNumbers *num )
    if (  0 && ! m_reindexSplash ) {
        m_reindexSplash = new KStarsSplash(
                                           i18n("Please wait while re-indexing stars...") );
        QObject::connect( KStarsData::Instance(),
                          SIGNAL( progressText( QString ) ),
                          m_reindexSplash, SLOT( setMessage( QString ) ) );


    printf("Re-indexing Stars to year %4.1f...\n",
           2000.0 + num->julianCenturies() * 100.0);

    m_reindexNum = KSNumbers( *num );
    m_skyMesh->setKSNumbers( num );

    // clear out the old index
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_starIndex->size(); i++ ) {
        m_starIndex->at( i )->clear();

    // re-populate it from the objectList
    int size = m_ObjectList.size();
    for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ ) {
        StarObject* star = (StarObject*) m_ObjectList[ i ];
        Trixel trixel = m_skyMesh->indexStar( star );
        m_starIndex->at( trixel )->append( star );

    // Let everyone else know we have re-indexed to num
    for ( int j = 0; j < m_highPMStars.size(); j++ ) {
        m_highPMStars.at( j )->setIndexTime( num );

    //delete m_reindexSplash;
    //m_reindexSplash = 0;
