Exemple #1
Binding MakeAnAccuBinding 
   (Environment sc, Binding attr, DefTableKey context, CoordPtr co) {

  Binding res = BindIdn (sc, IdnOf(attr));
  printf ("MakeAnAccuBinding line %d\n", LineOf (*co));
  ResetAttribute (KeyOf (res), KeyOf (attr));
  ResetContext (KeyOf (res), context);
  ResetCoord (KeyOf (res), co);
  ResetIsAccu (KeyOf (res), 1);
  return res;
}/* MakeAnAccuBinding */
		CAsyncIOConnection* pConnection = (CAsyncIOConnection*)KeyOf(hConn);
		if(!pConnection) return;
		CAsyncIOConnection* pConnection = (CAsyncIOConnection*)KeyOf(hConn);
		if(!pConnection) return false;
		return true;
Exemple #4
int InheritAttrAccu (Binding attr)
/* on entry:
     attr is a binding of an attribute in an attribute
     scope of a symbol
   on exit:
     The HasAccuAsgn property is propagated along the
     inheritance chain down to the TREE symbol.
     The property ist returned as result.
{ DefTableKey attrkey; 
  int accu, triedInh = 0;
  Environment atenv;
  Binding over;

  if (attr == NoBinding) return 0;

  attrkey = KeyOf (attr);
  accu = GetHasAccuAsgn (attrkey, 0);

  /* avoid multiple analysis in case of 
     multiple inheritance:
  if (GetHasAccuAsgnDone (attrkey, 0)) return accu;
  ResetHasAccuAsgnDone (attrkey, 1);

  /* a deep search through overridden bindings
     establishes all class properties there 
  atenv = EnvOf (attr);
  over = OverridesBinding (attr);
  while (over != NoBinding)
    int inhaccu = InheritAttrAccu (over);
    accu = (inhaccu || accu);
    over = NextInhBinding (atenv, over);

  ResetHasAccuAsgn (attrkey, accu);
  return accu;
}/* InheritAttrAccu */
	void CLT_ON_DATA(HCONNECT hConn, _U32 len, const _U8* data)
		CAsyncIOConnection* pConnection = (CAsyncIOConnection*)KeyOf(hConn);
		if(!pConnection) return;
		pConnection->OnRawData(len, data);
        void GetSequence(size_t sequenceIndex, std::vector<SequenceDataPtr>& result) override
            const size_t innerSequenceIndex = m_deserializer.m_multiViewCrop ? sequenceIndex / ImageDeserializerBase::NumMultiViewCopies : sequenceIndex;
            const size_t copyId = m_deserializer.m_multiViewCrop ? sequenceIndex % ImageDeserializerBase::NumMultiViewCopies : 0;

            const auto& sequence = m_descriptor.m_sequences[innerSequenceIndex];
            const size_t offset = sequence.m_fileOffsetBytes - m_chunkOffset;

            // Let's parse the string
            char* next_token = nullptr;
            char* token = strtok_s(&m_buffer[0] + offset, "\t", &next_token);
            bool hasSequenceKey = m_deserializer.m_indexer->HasSequenceIds();
            if (hasSequenceKey) // Skip sequence key.
                token = strtok_s(nullptr, "\t", &next_token);

            // Let's get the label.
            if (!token)
                RuntimeError("Empty label value for sequence '%s' in the input file '%ls'", KeyOf(sequence).c_str(), m_deserializer.m_fileName.c_str());

            char* eptr = nullptr;
            errno = 0;
            size_t classId = strtoull(token, &eptr, 10);
            if (token == eptr || errno == ERANGE)
                RuntimeError("Cannot parse label value for sequence '%s' in the input file '%ls'", KeyOf(sequence).c_str(), m_deserializer.m_fileName.c_str());

            size_t labelDimension = m_deserializer.m_labelGenerator->LabelDimension();
            if (classId >= labelDimension)
                    "Image with id '%s' has invalid class id '%" PRIu64 "'. It is exceeding the label dimension of '%" PRIu64,
                    KeyOf(sequence).c_str(), classId, labelDimension);

            // Let's get the image.
            token = strtok_s(nullptr, "\n", &next_token);
            if (!token)
                RuntimeError("Empty image for sequence '%s'", KeyOf(sequence).c_str());

            // Find line end or end of buffer.
            char* endToken = strchr(token, 0);
            if (!endToken)
                RuntimeError("Cannot find the end of the image for sequence '%s' in the input file '%ls'", KeyOf(sequence).c_str(), m_deserializer.m_fileName.c_str());

            // Remove non base64 characters at the end of the string (tabs/spaces)
            while (endToken > token &&  !IsBase64Char(*(endToken - 1)))

            std::vector<char> decodedImage;
            cv::Mat image;
            if (!DecodeBase64(token, endToken, decodedImage))
                fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: Cannot decode sequence with id %" PRIu64 " in the input file '%ls'\n", sequence.m_key.m_sequence, m_deserializer.m_fileName.c_str());
                image = cv::imdecode(decodedImage, m_deserializer.m_grayscale ? cv::IMREAD_GRAYSCALE : cv::IMREAD_COLOR);

            m_deserializer.PopulateSequenceData(image, classId, copyId, result);
Exemple #7
void AccumulateInherit (Environment globEnv) {
/* on entry:
       The internal representations of all single accumulating computations
       have been associated to the properties AccuLhs, AccuExecListe, 
       AccuDepList of the computation key.
       The other Accu-properties are set.
       The inheritance relation in the computation scopes are established.
       The attribute types are determined.
   on exit:
       AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs collects for every TREE symbol the inherited
         accumulated computations.
       for every rule 
          the rule the accumulating rule computations are collected, and 
          for every symbol occurrence symocc
            the accumulating computations are instantiated from the corresponding
            TREE symbols.
  RuleProdList rules;
  printf("AccumulateInherit begin\n");
  ex42 = newIntValue (42, ZeroCoord);

  AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs (globEnv);
  /* for each accu. attr. of each TREE symbol all computations inherited 
     from CLASS symbols are combined in the 3 accu properties of the TREE symbol
     instantiate the computations from TREE symbols to symbol occurrences:

  /* step through all productions: */
  rules = GrammarRules;
  while (rules != NULLRuleProdList)
  { RuleProd rule = HeadRuleProdList (rules);
    ProdSymbolList prod = rule->prod;
    DefTableKey ruleKey = RuleKeyOfRuleProd (rule);
    Binding rulecomp;
    Environment ruleScope = GetLowerScope (ruleKey, NoEnv);
    int symbolIndex = -1;
  printf ("RULE %s:\n", 
     StringTable (GetNameSym (ruleKey, 0)));
    /* search the rule attributes for accumulating computations: */
    rulecomp = DefinitionsOf(ruleScope);
    while (rulecomp != NoBinding)
    { if (GetIsAccu (KeyOf (rulecomp), 0)) {
         /* The computations for this attribute have been accumulated
            in three properties; combine them into one assign: */
            (KeyOf (rulecomp), MakeAccuAssign (KeyOf (rulecomp)));
      rulecomp = NextDefinition(rulecomp);

    /* step through all nonterminal occurrences of this production: */
    while (prod != NULLProdSymbolList) { 
      ProdSymbol sy = HeadProdSymbolList (prod);
      DefTableKey symKey = sy->u.s.symbolkey;
      if (sy->kind != IsProdLiteral && !GetIsTerm (symKey, 0)) { 
        Environment syCompScope = sy->u.s.scope;
        Environment attrenv = GetAttrScope (symKey, NoEnv);
        Binding attr = DefinitionsOf (attrenv);

  printf ("   symbol no. %d %s\n", symbolIndex, 
     StringTable (GetNameSym (symKey, 0)));
        /* search all attributes of this symbol for accumulating ones: */
        while (attr != NoBinding) {
          if (GetHasAccuAsgn (KeyOf (attr), 0) &&
              ((symbolIndex > 0 && 
                GetAttrClass (KeyOf (attr), NoClass) == INHClass) ||
               (symbolIndex == 0 && 
                GetAttrClass (KeyOf (attr), NoClass) == SYNTClass))) {
             int attrId = IdnOf (attr);
             /* symbol symKey has an accumulating attribute named attrId */
             Binding symOccAttrComp = BindingInEnv (syCompScope, attrId);
             Binding symAttrComp;
             PExpr assign;

  printf ("    attribute %s.%s\n",
     StringTable (GetNameSym (symKey, 0)),
     StringTable (GetNameSym (KeyOf (attr), 0)));
             if (symOccAttrComp == NoBinding) {
                /* no computation exists for this attr at all, create one: */
                symOccAttrComp =
                   MakeAnAccuBinding (syCompScope, attr, ruleKey, ZeroCoord);
                ResetCompRepr (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp),
                     newAssign (newAttrAccRule (sy, KeyOf (attr), 0, ZeroCoord),
                                ex42, ZeroCoord));
             } else if (EnvOf (symOccAttrComp) != syCompScope) {
               /* there are computations to be inherited */
               /* there is no computation in the symbol occurrence,
                  we create one: */
               symAttrComp = symOccAttrComp;
               symOccAttrComp = 
                 MakeAnAccuBinding (syCompScope, attr, ruleKey, 
                     GetCoord (KeyOf (symAttrComp), ZeroCoord));
               ResetInheritedFrom (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp), symAttrComp);

               assign =
                  copyExpr (MakeAccuAssign (KeyOf (symAttrComp)));
               instantiateExpr (assign, rule, sy);
               ResetCompRepr (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp), assign);
               ResetIsBottomUp (KeyOf(symOccAttrComp), 
                 GetIsBottomUp (KeyOf(symAttrComp), 0));
             } else {
                  symAttrComp = OverridesBinding (symOccAttrComp);
                  if (symAttrComp == NoBinding) {
                     /* there are no symbol computations,
                        combine the 3 properties in rule context:
                     ResetCompRepr (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp), 
                                    MakeAccuAssign (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp)));
                  } else {
                       /*  There are properties in symbol context (symAttrComp)
                           and 3 properties in the symbol occurrence (symOccAttrComp).
                           Instantiate the symbol computation:
                     assign = copyExpr (MakeAccuAssign (KeyOf(symAttrComp)));
                     instantiateExpr (assign, rule, sy);
                     /* decompose assign onto symOccAttrComp: */
                     AccumulateExpr (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp), assign);
                     /* compose the 3 properties into an assign: */
                     assign = MakeAccuAssign (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp));
                     ResetCompRepr (KeyOf (symOccAttrComp), assign);
          }/* an accumulating attribute of the symbol occurrence */
          attr = NextDefinition (attr);
        }/* the attributes of the symbol occurrence */
      }/* is a non-terminal occurrence in the rule */
      if (rule->islistof) break; /* lhs only */
      prod = TailProdSymbolList (prod);
    }/* all rule elements */
    rules = TailRuleProdList (rules);
  }/* all rules */
  printf("AccumulateInherit end\n");
}/* AccumulateInherit */
Exemple #8
void AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs (Environment globEnv) {
/* on entry:
       The internal representations of all single accumulating computations
       have been associated to the properties AccuLhs, AccuExecList, 
       AccuDepList of the computation key.
       The other Accu-properties are set.
       The inheritance relations in the computation scopes are established.
       The attribute types are determined.
   on exit:
       Each TREE symbol X has collected the accumulated computations from
       any CLASS Symbol it inherits from, stored in its properties AccuLhs, 
       AccuExecList, AccuDepList of X's computation key.
  Binding symBind = DefinitionsOf (globEnv);

  printf ("AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs begin\n");

  while (symBind != NoBinding) {
    DefTableKey symKey = KeyOf (symBind);
    if (GetIsNonterm (symKey, 0) && GetIsTreeSym (symKey, 0)) {
       Environment attrenv = GetAttrScope (symKey, NoEnv);
       Binding attr;
       Environment symLowScope = GetLowerScope (symKey, NoEnv);
       Environment symUpScope = GetUpperScope (symKey, NoEnv);
      /* search all attributes of this symbol for accumulating ones: */
         attr = DefinitionsOf (attrenv);
         while (attr != NoBinding) {
          if (InheritAttrAccu (attr)) {
             int attrId = IdnOf (attr);
             int attrCl = GetAttrClass (KeyOf (attr), NoClass);
             Environment symScope = 
                (attrCl == SYNTClass ? symLowScope : symUpScope);
             Binding inhComp, classSym;
             Binding symComp = BindingInEnv (symScope, attrId);
  printf ("    accu attribute %s.%s\n",
     StringTable (GetNameSym (symKey, 0)),
     StringTable (attrId));
             if (symComp == NoBinding) {
                /* no symbol computation, no inherited computation 
                   create a symbol computation */
                symComp = 
                   MakeAnAccuBinding (symScope, attr, symKey, 
                                      GetCoord (symKey, ZeroCoord));
                ResetAccuLhs (KeyOf (symComp), 
                              newAttrAccSymb (symKey, KeyOf (attr), 0, 
                                              GetCoord (symKey, ZeroCoord)));
                break; /* no further action for this attr */
             } else if (EnvOf (symComp) == symScope) {
                inhComp = OverridesBinding (symComp);
                if (inhComp == NoBinding) 
                    /* a symbol computation, no inherited computation */
                    break; /* no action for this attr */
                /* else a symbol computation, an inherited computation */
             } else {
                /* no symbol computation, only inherited computations */
                /* create a symbol computation: */
                inhComp = symComp;
                symComp = 
                   MakeAnAccuBinding (symScope, attr, symKey, 
                                      GetCoord (symKey, ZeroCoord));
                ResetInheritedFrom (KeyOf (symComp), inhComp);
                ResetAccuLhs (KeyOf (symComp), 
                              newAttrAccSymb (symKey, KeyOf (attr), 0, 
                                              GetCoord (symKey, ZeroCoord)));
             /* There are inherited computations to be accumulated on symComp: 
                We step through all symbols and search in their 
                computation scopes inhCompScope which 
                     Inheritsfrom (symScope, inhCompScope), 
                whether it has a computation to be accumulated on symComp.
  printf ("    there are inherited computations for %s.%s\n",
     StringTable (GetNameSym (symKey, 0)),
     StringTable (attrId));
             classSym = DefinitionsOf (globEnv);
             while (classSym != NoBinding) {
               DefTableKey k = KeyOf (classSym);
               if (k != symKey && GetIsSymbol (k, 0)) {
                  Environment inhCompScope =
                    (attrCl == SYNTClass ? 
                     GetLowerScope (k, NoEnv) : GetUpperScope (k, NoEnv));
                  if (Inheritsfrom (symScope, inhCompScope)) {
                     /* inheritance relation holds */
  printf ("    inherits from class %s\n", StringTable (GetNameSym (k, 0)));
                     Binding attrComp = DefinitionsOf (inhCompScope);
                     while (attrComp != NoBinding) {
                       if (IdnOf (attrComp) == attrId) {
                           if (!GetIsAccu (KeyOf (attrComp), 0)) {
                             message (ERROR, 
                               CatStrInd ("Is inherited by an accumulating computation: ",
                                          attrId), 0, 
                               GetCoord (KeyOf(attrComp), ZeroCoord));
                          } else if (GetIsTreeSym (k, 0)) {
                             message (ERROR, 
                               CatStrInd ("Can not inherit from a TREE symbol: ",
                                 attrId), 0, GetCoord (KeyOf(attrComp), ZeroCoord));
                         } /* IsClass */
                         /* this computation is to be accumulated to symComp */

                         AccumulateAnInhComp (symComp, attrComp);

                         /* there is only one such computation in a scope: */
                       }/* attr comps of this class symb */
                       attrComp = NextDefinition (attrComp);
                     }/* end search for a computation in a super scope */
                  }/* a super scope */
               }/* a symbol */
               classSym = NextDefinition (classSym);
             }/* a global definition */
          } /* accu attr */
          attr = NextDefinition (attr);
       }/* attributes */
    }/* IsTreeSym */
    symBind = NextDefinition (symBind);
  }/* definitions */
  printf ("AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs end\n");
}/* AccuInheritAtTreeSymbs */
Exemple #9
void AccumulateAnInhComp (Binding symComp, Binding inhComp) {
/* on entry:
     symComp is an accumulating computation in a TREE symbol context.
     It inherits accumulated computations from inhComp.
   on exit:
     The accumulated computations from inhComp are accumulated.
     The xref properties of ruleComp and inhComp are set.
     It is checked that inhComp is accumulating and 
     has the type VOID.
   DefTableKey symKey = KeyOf (symComp);
   DefTableKey inhAttr = GetAttribute (KeyOf (inhComp), NoKey);
   PExprList elst = GetAccuExecList (KeyOf (inhComp), NULLPExprList);

  printf ("AccumulateAnInhComp line %d inherits from %d\n",
          LineOf (*(GetCoord(KeyOf(symComp), ZeroCoord))),
          LineOf (*(GetCoord(KeyOf(inhComp), ZeroCoord))));

   while (elst != NULLPExprList) {
          (HeadPExprList (elst), GetAccuExecList (symKey, NULLPExprList)));
     elst = TailPExprList (elst);

   elst = GetAccuDepList (KeyOf (inhComp), NULLPExprList);
   while (elst != NULLPExprList) {
          (HeadPExprList (elst), GetAccuDepList (symKey, NULLPExprList)));
     elst = TailPExprList (elst);

   ResetAccuLhs (symKey, GetAccuLhs (KeyOf (inhComp), NULLPExpr));

   /* The property yields an xref list of those computation which 
      are affected by the inherited computation: */
   ResetInheritedBy (KeyOf (inhComp),
     ConsDefTableKeyList (KeyOf (symComp), 
                          GetInheritedBy (KeyOf (inhComp), 

   if (!(GetIsAccu (KeyOf (inhComp), 0))) {
      message (ERROR, CatStrInd ("Is inherited by an accumulating computation: ",
                                 GetNameSym (inhAttr, 0)),
               0, GetCoord (KeyOf (inhComp), ZeroCoord));
      message (ERROR, CatStrInd ("Inherits a non-accumulating computation: ",
                                 GetNameSym (inhAttr, 0)),
               0, GetCoord (KeyOf (symComp), ZeroCoord));
  printf ("AccumulateAnInhComp end\n");
}/* AccumulateAnInhComp */