/* * InitScreen */ static void HupHandler( int signo ) { /* Xqsh has gone away -- nothing to do except die */ signo = signo; ReleaseProgOvlay( true ); KillDebugger( 0 ); }
void DoFCEUExit(void) { /* Wolfenstein 3D had cute exit messages. */ char *emsg[4]={"Are you sure you want to leave? I'll become lonely!", "If you exit, I'll... EAT YOUR MOUSE.", "You can never really exit, you know.", "E-x-i-t?" }; if(exiting) /* Eh, oops. I'll need to try to fix this later. */ return; StopSound(); if(goptions & GOO_CONFIRMEXIT) if(IDYES != MessageBox(hAppWnd,emsg[rand()&3],"Exit FCE Ultra?",MB_ICONQUESTION|MB_YESNO)) return; exiting=1; if(GI) { GI=0; RedoMenuGI(GI); #ifdef FCEUDEF_DEBUGGER KillDebugger(); #endif FCEUI_CloseGame(); //GI=0; //RedoMenuGI(GI); } }
void exit( int code ) { KillDebugger( code ); }
void StartupErr( const char *err ) /********************************/ { PopErrBox( err ); KillDebugger(1); }