Exemple #1
KisImageBuilder_Result PSDLoader::decode(const KUrl& uri)
    // open the file
    QFile f(uri.toLocalFile());
    if (!f.exists()) {
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_NOT_EXIST;
    if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;

    dbgFile << "pos:" << f.pos();

    PSDHeader header;
    if (!header.read(&f)) {
        dbgFile << "failed reading header: " << header.error;
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;

    dbgFile << header;
    dbgFile << "Read header. pos:" << f.pos();

    PSDColorModeBlock colorModeBlock(header.colormode);
    if (!colorModeBlock.read(&f)) {
        dbgFile << "failed reading colormode block: " << colorModeBlock.error;
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;

    dbgFile << "Read color mode block. pos:" << f.pos();

    PSDResourceSection resourceSection;
    if (!resourceSection.read(&f)) {
        dbgFile << "failed reading resource section: " << resourceSection.error;
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;

    dbgFile << "Read resource section. pos:" << f.pos();

    PSDLayerSection layerSection(header);
    if (!layerSection.read(&f)) {
        dbgFile << "failed reading layer section: " << layerSection.error;
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;
    // XXX: add all the image resource blocks as annotations to the image

    dbgFile << "Read layer section. " << layerSection.nLayers << "layers. pos:" << f.pos();

    // Get the right colorspace
    QPair<QString, QString> colorSpaceId = psd_colormode_to_colormodelid(header.colormode,
    if (colorSpaceId.first.isNull()) return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_COLORSPACE;

    // Get the icc profile!
    const KoColorProfile* profile = 0;
    if (resourceSection.resources.contains(PSDResourceSection::ICC_PROFILE)) {
        ICC_PROFILE_1039 *iccProfileData = dynamic_cast<ICC_PROFILE_1039*>(resourceSection.resources[PSDResourceSection::ICC_PROFILE]->resource);
        if (iccProfileData ) {
            profile = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->createColorProfile(colorSpaceId.first,
            dbgFile  << "Loaded ICC profile" << profile->name();


    // Create the colorspace
    const KoColorSpace* cs = KoColorSpaceRegistry::instance()->colorSpace(colorSpaceId.first, colorSpaceId.second, profile);
    if (!cs) {
        return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED_COLORSPACE;

    // Creating the KisImageWSP
    m_image = new KisImage(m_doc->createUndoStore(),  header.width, header.height, cs, "built image");

    // set the correct resolution
    if (resourceSection.resources.contains(PSDResourceSection::RESN_INFO)) {
        RESN_INFO_1005 *resInfo = dynamic_cast<RESN_INFO_1005*>(resourceSection.resources[PSDResourceSection::RESN_INFO]->resource);
        if (resInfo) {
            m_image->setResolution(POINT_TO_INCH(resInfo->hRes), POINT_TO_INCH(resInfo->vRes));
            // let's skip the unit for now; we can only set that on the KoDocument, and krita doesn't use it.
    // Preserve the duotone colormode block for saving back to psd
    if (header.colormode == DuoTone) {
        KisAnnotationSP annotation = new KisAnnotation("DuotoneColormodeBlock",
                                                       i18n("Duotone Colormode Block"),

    // read the projection into our single layer
    if (layerSection.nLayers == 0) {
        dbgFile << "Position" << f.pos() << "Going to read the projection into the first layer, which Photoshop calls 'Background'";

        KisPaintLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(m_image, i18n("Background"), OPACITY_OPAQUE_U8);
        KisTransaction("", layer -> paintDevice());

        PSDImageData imageData(&header);
        imageData.read(&f, layer->paintDevice());

        //readLayerData(&f, layer->paintDevice(), f.pos(), QRect(0, 0, header.width, header.height));
        m_image->addNode(layer, m_image->rootLayer());

    else {

        // read the channels for the various layers
        for(int i = 0; i < layerSection.nLayers; ++i) {

            // XXX: work out the group layer structure in Photoshop, as well as the adjustment layers

            PSDLayerRecord* layerRecord = layerSection.layers.at(i);
            dbgFile << "Going to read channels for layer" << i << layerRecord->layerName;

            KisPaintLayerSP layer = new KisPaintLayer(m_image, layerRecord->layerName, layerRecord->opacity);
            if (!layerRecord->readPixelData(&f, layer->paintDevice())) {
                dbgFile << "failed reading channels for layer: " << layerRecord->layerName << layerRecord->error;
                return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_FAILURE;

            m_image->addNode(layer, m_image->rootLayer());

    return KisImageBuilder_RESULT_OK;
Exemple #2
lInterestPoints HarrisPointDetector::computeInterestPoints(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& rect)
// lHarrisPoints computeHarrisPoints(KisPaintDeviceSP device, QRect rect)
    dbgPlugins << "Compute Harris points on the rect :" << rect;
    Q_ASSERT(device->colorSpace()->id() == "GRAYA");
    lInterestPoints points;

    // Compute the derivatives
    KisEightFloatColorSpace* floatCs = new KisEightFloatColorSpace();
    KisPaintDeviceSP infoDevice = new KisPaintDevice(floatCs, "infoDevice");

    float sqrt2pi = sqrt(2 * M_PI);
    float beta0 = 1 / (sqrt2pi * DERIVATION_SIGMA);

    float beta1 = beta0 * exp(-1 / (2 * g_var));
    float beta2 = beta0 * exp(-4 / (2 * g_var));

    float alpha1 = beta1 / g_var;
    float alpha2 = 2 * beta2 / g_var;

        KisHLineConstIteratorPixel hitDevice = device->createHLineConstIterator(rect.left(), rect.top() + 2, rect.width() - 4);
        KisHLineIteratorPixel hitinfoDevice = infoDevice-> createHLineIterator(rect.left() + 2, 2, rect.width());

        quint8 pixelvalue[5];

        dbgPlugins << " Compute the derivatives";
        dbgPlugins << "  horizontal derivatives";
        /* Horizontal computation of derivatives */
        for (int y = rect.top() + 2; y < rect.bottom() - 2; y++) {
            pixelvalue[LEFTLEFT] = *hitDevice.rawData();
            pixelvalue[LEFT] = *hitDevice.rawData();
            pixelvalue[CENTER] = *hitDevice.rawData();
            pixelvalue[RIGHT] = *hitDevice.rawData();
            while (!hitDevice.isDone()) {
                pixelvalue[RIGHTRIGHT] = *hitDevice.rawData();
                float* infoValues = reinterpret_cast<float*>(hitinfoDevice.rawData());
                infoValues[INFO_HDIFF] = alpha1 * (pixelvalue[LEFT] - pixelvalue[RIGHT]) + alpha2 * (pixelvalue[LEFTLEFT] - pixelvalue[RIGHTRIGHT]);
                infoValues[INFO_HADD] = beta0 * (pixelvalue[CENTER]) + beta1 * (pixelvalue[LEFT] + pixelvalue[RIGHT]) + beta2 * (pixelvalue[LEFTLEFT] + pixelvalue[RIGHTRIGHT]);
                infoValues[INFO_INTENSITY] = pixelvalue[CENTER];
//                     dbgPlugins << hitDevice.x() <<"" << hitDevice.y() <<"" << infoValues[INFO_HDIFF] <<"" << infoValues[INFO_HADD] <<"" << (int)pixelvalue[CENTER] <<"" << infoValues[INFO_INTENSITY];
                memmove(pixelvalue, pixelvalue + 1, 4*sizeof(quint8));

    KisTransaction a("", infoDevice);
        KisVLineConstIteratorPixel vitinfoDeviceRead = infoDevice-> createVLineConstIterator(rect.left() + 4, rect.top(), rect.height());
        KisVLineIteratorPixel vitinfoDevice = infoDevice-> createVLineIterator(rect.left() + 4, rect.top() + 2, rect.height() - 2);

        float hdiffValue[5];
        float haddValue[5];
        dbgPlugins << "  vertical derivatives";
        /* Vertical computation of derivatives */
        for (int x = rect.left() + 4; x < rect.right() - 4; x++) {
            const float* infoValue = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData());
            hdiffValue[TOPTOP] = infoValue[INFO_HDIFF];
            haddValue[TOPTOP] = infoValue[INFO_HADD];
            infoValue = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData());
            hdiffValue[TOP] = infoValue[INFO_HDIFF];
            haddValue[TOP] = infoValue[INFO_HADD];
            infoValue = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData());
            hdiffValue[CENTER] = infoValue[INFO_HDIFF];
            haddValue[CENTER] = infoValue[INFO_HADD];
            infoValue = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData());
            hdiffValue[RIGHT] = infoValue[INFO_HDIFF];
            haddValue[RIGHT] = infoValue[INFO_HADD];

            while (!vitinfoDevice.isDone()) {
                infoValue = reinterpret_cast<const float*>(vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData());
                hdiffValue[RIGHTRIGHT] = infoValue[INFO_HDIFF];
                haddValue[RIGHTRIGHT] = infoValue[INFO_HADD];

                float c_grdy = beta0 * hdiffValue[ CENTER ] + beta1 * (hdiffValue[ TOP ] + hdiffValue[ BOTTOM ]) + beta2 * (hdiffValue[ TOPTOP ] + hdiffValue[ BOTTOMBOTTOM ]);
                float c_grdx = alpha1 * (haddValue[ TOP ] - haddValue[ BOTTOM ]) + alpha2 * (haddValue[ TOPTOP ] - haddValue[ BOTTOMBOTTOM ]);

                float* infoValueDst = reinterpret_cast<float*>(vitinfoDevice.rawData());
                infoValueDst[ INFO_XX ] = c_grdx * c_grdx;
                infoValueDst[ INFO_YY ] = c_grdy * c_grdy;
                infoValueDst[ INFO_X ] = c_grdx;
                infoValueDst[ INFO_Y ] = c_grdy;
                infoValueDst[ INFO_XY ] = c_grdx * c_grdy;

                memmove(hdiffValue, hdiffValue + 1, 4 * sizeof(float));
                memmove(haddValue , haddValue + 1 , 4 * sizeof(float));

    // Apply a blur

    // Apply a blur
    KisTransaction("", infoDevice);

#if 1
        KisHLineConstIteratorPixel hitDevice = infoDevice->createHLineConstIterator(rect.left(), rect.top() + 2, rect.width() - 4);
        KisHLineIteratorPixel hitinfoDevice = infoDevice-> createHLineIterator(rect.left() + 2, rect.top() + 2, rect.width() - 4);

        float pixelvalue[6][6];

        dbgPlugins << " Compute the blur";
        dbgPlugins << "  horizontal blur";
        /* Horizontal computation of derivatives */
        for (int y = rect.top() + 2; y < rect.bottom() - 2; y++) {
            memcpy(pixelvalue[LEFTLEFT], hitDevice.rawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(pixelvalue[LEFT], hitDevice.rawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(pixelvalue[CENTER], hitDevice.rawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(pixelvalue[RIGHT], hitDevice.rawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            while (!hitDevice.isDone()) {
                memcpy(pixelvalue[RIGHTRIGHT], hitDevice.rawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
                float* infoValues = reinterpret_cast<float*>(hitinfoDevice.rawData());
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    infoValues[i] = beta0 *  pixelvalue[CENTER][i] + beta1 * (pixelvalue[LEFT][i] + pixelvalue[RIGHT][i]) + beta2 * (pixelvalue[LEFTLEFT][i] + pixelvalue[RIGHTRIGHT][i]);
//                   infoValues[i] =2 *  pixelvalue[CENTER][i] + ( pixelvalue[LEFT][i] + pixelvalue[RIGHT][i] );
//                 memmove(pixelvalue, pixelvalue + 1, 4*sizeof(float[6]));
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    memcpy(pixelvalue[i], pixelvalue[i+1], 6*sizeof(float));
    KisTransaction b("", infoDevice);
        KisVLineConstIteratorPixel vitinfoDeviceRead = infoDevice-> createVLineConstIterator(rect.left() + 4, rect.top(), rect.height());
        KisVLineIteratorPixel vitinfoDevice = infoDevice-> createVLineIterator(rect.left() + 4, rect.top() + 2, rect.height() - 4);

        float infoValue[6][6];
        dbgPlugins << "  vertical blur";
        /* Vertical computation of derivatives */
        for (int x = rect.left() + 4; x < rect.right() - 4; x++) {
            memcpy(infoValue[TOPTOP], vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(infoValue[TOP], vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(infoValue[CENTER], vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            memcpy(infoValue[BOTTOM], vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
            while (!vitinfoDevice.isDone()) {
                memcpy(infoValue[BOTTOMBOTTOM], vitinfoDeviceRead.oldRawData(), 6*sizeof(float));
                float* dst = reinterpret_cast<float*>(vitinfoDevice.rawData());
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    dst[i] =  beta0 * infoValue[CENTER][i] + beta1 * (infoValue[BOTTOM][i] + infoValue[TOP][i]) + beta2 * (infoValue[TOPTOP][i] + infoValue[BOTTOMBOTTOM][i]);
//                   dst[i] =  (2*infoValue[CENTER][i] + ( infoValue[BOTTOM][i] + infoValue[TOP][i] )) / 16;
//                 memmove(infoValue, infoValue + 1, 4*sizeof(float[6]));
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    memcpy(infoValue[i], infoValue[i+1], 6*sizeof(float));

#if 0
    KisTransaction("", infoDevice);
    dbgPlugins << " Blur";
        // Compute the blur mask
        KisAutobrushShape* kas = new KisAutobrushCircleShape(5, 5, 2, 2);

        QImage mask;
        KisKernelSP kernel = KisKernel::fromQImage(mask);
        // Apply the convolution to xxDevice
        KisConvolutionPainter infoDevicePainter(infoDevice);
        infoDevicePainter.applyMatrix(kernel, 2, 2, rect.width() - 4, rect.height() - 4, BORDER_REPEAT);
        delete kas;
    dbgPlugins << " compute curvatures";
    // Compute the curvatures
        KisRectIteratorPixel vitinfoDeviceRect = infoDevice->createRectIterator(2, 0, rect.width() - 2, rect.height() - 2);
        for (;!vitinfoDeviceRect.isDone(); ++vitinfoDeviceRect) {
            float* infoValue = reinterpret_cast<float*>(vitinfoDeviceRect.rawData());

            float det = infoValue[INFO_XX] * infoValue[INFO_YY] - infoValue[INFO_XY] * infoValue[INFO_XY];
            float trace = infoValue[INFO_XX] + infoValue[INFO_YY];
            float temp = sqrt(trace * trace - 4 * det);

            infoValue[ INFO_HIGH ] = 0.5 * (trace + temp);
            infoValue[ INFO_LOW  ] = 0.5 * (trace - temp);
            if (infoValue[ INFO_HIGH ] < infoValue[ INFO_LOW  ]) {
                float a = infoValue[ INFO_HIGH ];
                infoValue[ INFO_HIGH ] = infoValue[ INFO_LOW ];
                infoValue[ INFO_LOW ] = a;
//                 dbgPlugins << vitinfoDeviceRect.x() <<"" << vitinfoDeviceRect.y() <<"" << infoValue[INFO_XX] <<"" << infoValue[INFO_YY]  <<"" << infoValue[INFO_XY] <<"" << infoValue[INFO_HIGH] <<"" << infoValue[INFO_LOW] <<"" << trace <<"" << temp <<"" << det;
    HarrisPoints zones(5, 5, rect.width(), rect.height(), FEATURES_QUANTITY);
    // Detect Harris Points
        int margin = 8;
        KisHLineIterator hitinfoDevice = infoDevice-> createHLineIterator(margin, margin, rect.width() - 2 * margin);
        for (int y = margin + rect.top(); y < rect.bottom() - margin; y++) {
            for (int x = margin + rect.left(); x < rect.right() - margin; x++, ++hitinfoDevice) {
                float* infoValue = reinterpret_cast<float*>(hitinfoDevice.rawData());
                float low = infoValue[ INFO_LOW ];
//                     dbgPlugins << low;
                if (low > THRESHOLD_LAMBDA) {
                    KisRectIteratorPixel vitinfoDeviceRect = infoDevice->createRectIterator(x - 1, y - 1, 3, 3);
                    bool greater = true;
                    for (;!vitinfoDeviceRect.isDone(); ++vitinfoDeviceRect) {
                        if (reinterpret_cast<float*>(vitinfoDeviceRect.rawData())[ INFO_LOW ] > low) {
                            greater = false;
                    if (greater) {
//                             dbgPlugins <<"new point";
                        HarrisPoint* hp = new HarrisPoint(x, y, infoValue[INFO_INTENSITY], infoValue[INFO_HIGH], infoValue[INFO_LOW], device);
#if 0
#if 0
                        if (points.empty()) {
                        } else {
                            if (points.size() >= FEATURES_QUANTITY && hp->low() > static_cast<HarrisPoint*>(points.back())->low()) { // remove last element, the totalNumber stay equal to FEATURES_QUANTITY
                            if (points.size() != FEATURES_QUANTITY) {
                                lInterestPoints::iterator it;
                                if (hp->low() < static_cast<HarrisPoint*>(points.back())->low()) {
                                } else {
                                    // insert the new corner at his right place
                                    bool inserted = false;
                                    for (it = points.begin(); it != points.end(); it++) {
                                        if (hp->low() >= static_cast<HarrisPoint*>(*it)->low()) {
                                            //                                             dbgPlugins <<"insert point";
                                            points.insert(it, hp);
                                            inserted = true;
                                    if (!inserted) delete hp;
                            } else { // hp wasn't added to the list, remove it
                                delete hp;
#if 1
    points = zones.points();
    dbgPlugins << "Harris detector has found :" << points.size() << " harris points";

    delete floatCs;
    return points;