int main(int argc, char **argv) { /***** declare variables *****/ static LALStatus status; FILE *fp1, *fp2, *fp3, *fp4; FILE *fp_pdf1, *fp_pdf2, *fp_pdf3, *fp_pdf4; FILE *fp_pdf1Phase, *fp_pdf2Phase, *fp_pdf3Phase, *fp_pdf4Phase; FILE *fp_pdf1Psi, *fp_pdf2Psi, *fp_pdf3Psi, *fp_pdf4Psi; FILE *fp_pdf1CosIota, *fp_pdf2CosIota, *fp_pdf3CosIota, *fp_pdf4CosIota; FILE *fp_joint, *fp_jointPhase, *fp_jointPsi, *fp_jointCosIota; FILE *fpmesh, *psrfp; char infile1[256], infile2[256], infile3[256], infile4[256]; char outfile1[256], outfile2[256], outfile3[256], outfile4[256]; char outfile1Phase[256], outfile2Phase[256], outfile3Phase[256], outfile4Phase[256]; char outfile1Psi[256], outfile2Psi[256], outfile3Psi[256], outfile4Psi[256]; char outfile1CosIota[256], outfile2CosIota[256], outfile3CosIota[256], outfile4CosIota[256]; char outfile[256], outfilePhase[256],outfilePsi[256],outfileCosIota[256]; char psrinput[256], inmesh[256], txt[32], pulsar_name[64]; UINT4 iPsi, iPhase, iCosIota, iH0, arg, i; INT4 iRA=0, iDEC=0, if0=0, if1=0, if2=0,ifepoch=0, flag =0, irun; INT4 num_dect, iGEO = 0, iL1 = 0, iH1 = 0, iH2 = 0; REAL4 psr_ra, psr_dec; REAL8 RA, DEC, f0, f1, f2, val, t; REAL8 minChi, area, outL1, outH1, outH2, outGEO; COMPLEX16 B, var; LIGOTimeGPS fepoch, tgps1[MAXLENGTH],tgps2[MAXLENGTH],tgps3[MAXLENGTH], tgps4[MAXLENGTH]; FitInputStudentT input1, input2, input3, input4; CoarseFitInput input1_chi, input2_chi, input3_chi, input4_chi; CoarseFitParams params1, params2, params3, params4; CoarseFitOutput output1, output2, output3, output4; LALDetector detectorLHO,detectorLLO, detectorGEO; LALSource pulsar; PulsarPdfs prob1, prob2, prob3, prob4, prob; /* get command line arguments and print error if there is wrong number of arguments. if the variable condor is defined, then read in the first argument pulsar_name from stdin */ #ifndef CONDOR if (argc < 8 || argc > 11){ fprintf(stderr, "1. Name of pulsar (when not using condor)\n"); fprintf(stderr,"2. working directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, "3. flag=1 for Gaussian with explicit noise estimate provided\n flag=2 for noise analytically marginalised out of Gaussian\n"); fprintf(stderr, "4. name of mesh file in inputs directory\n"); fprintf(stderr, "5. irun - 2 for S2, 3 for S3\n"); fprintf(stderr, "6. num detectors (max 4)\n"); fprintf(stderr, "7-10. H1, H2, L1, and/or GEO\n"); fprintf(stderr,"There were argc= %d arguments:\n",argc -1); fflush(stderr); return 2; } sprintf(pulsar_name, "%s", argv[1]); #else // read pulsar name from stdin for condor scanf("%s", &pulsar_name[0]); fprintf(stderr, "pulsar name: %s\n",pulsar_name); #endif fprintf(stderr, "pulsarname=%s\n", pulsar_name); flag = atoi(argv[3]); irun = atoi(argv[5]); num_dect = atoi(argv[6]); if (num_dect >4) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of IFOs must be less than 5 (H1, H2, L1, and/or GEO)!\n"); return(1); } /* check which detectors we are being used for analysis*/ for (i=0;i<num_dect;i++) { if (!strcmp(argv[i+7],"GEO")) iGEO = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i+7],"L1")) iL1 = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i+7],"H1")) iH1 = 1; else if (!strcmp(argv[i+7],"H2")) iH2 = 1; else { fprintf(stderr, "what is %s? not GEO, L1, H1, or H2!\n",argv[i+7]); return(2); } } /************** BEGIN READING PULSAR PARAMETERS ******************/ /* read input file with pulsar information */ sprintf(psrinput,"%s/inputs/%s", argv[2],pulsar_name); psrfp=fopen(psrinput,"r"); while (2==fscanf(psrfp,"%s %lf", &txt[0], &val)) { if( !strcmp(txt,"ra") || !strcmp(txt,"RA")) { psr_ra = RA = val; iRA = 1; } else if( !strcmp(txt,"dec") || !strcmp(txt,"DEC")) { psr_dec = DEC = val; iDEC = 1; } else if( !strcmp(txt,"f0") || !strcmp(txt,"F0")) { f0 = val; if0 = 1; } else if( !strcmp(txt,"f1") || !strcmp(txt,"F1")) { f1 = val; if1 = 1; } else if( !strcmp(txt,"f2") || !strcmp(txt,"F2")) { f2 = val; if2 = 1; } else if( !strcmp(txt,"fepoch") || !strcmp(txt,"fepoch")) { fepoch.gpsSeconds = floor(val*1e-9); fepoch.gpsNanoSeconds = (INT8) val - fepoch.gpsSeconds*1e9; ifepoch = 1; } } if ((iRA+iDEC+ifepoch+if0+if1+if2) != 6) { fprintf(stderr, "pulsar input file missing info \nra\txxx\ndec\txxx\nf0\txxx\nf1\txxx\nf2\txxx\nfepoch\txxx\n"); return(3); } fclose(psrfp); /************** END READING PULSAR PARAMETERS ******************/ detectorLHO = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLHODIFF]; detectorLLO = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexLLODIFF]; detectorGEO = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexGEO600DIFF]; /* currently this code assumes that we are using 30 minute stretches of data this could be relaxed in the future */ input1.N = input2.N = input3.N = input4.N = 30; input1_chi.N = input2_chi.N = input3_chi.N = input4_chi.N = 30; /* set up strings pointing to the file that we want to read as input for the gaussian likelihood (flag=1) there is two extra columns in the input files corresponding to the variance of the real and imaginary Bk's. the Bk's used in the gausian likelihood (flag=1) are calculated every 30 minutes (average of 30 1-minute Bk). for the student-t likelihood (flag=2), the Bk's are from every 60 seconds */ if (flag == 1) { if (iL1) sprintf(infile1,"%s/dataL1/outfine.%s_L1.S%d_chi_30", argv[2],pulsar_name, irun); if (iH1) sprintf(infile2,"%s/dataH1/outfine.%s_H1.S%d_chi_30", argv[2], pulsar_name, irun); if (iH2) sprintf(infile3,"%s/dataH2/outfine.%s_H2.S%d_chi_30", argv[2], pulsar_name, irun); if (iGEO) sprintf(infile4, "%s/dataGEO/outfine.%s_GEO.S%d_chi_30", argv[2], pulsar_name, irun); } else if (flag == 2) { if (iL1) sprintf(infile1,"%s/dataL1/finehet_%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name); if (iH1) sprintf(infile2,"%s/dataH1/finehet_%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name); if (iH2) sprintf(infile3,"%s/dataH2/finehet_%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name); if (iGEO) sprintf(infile4,"%s/dataG1/finehet_%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name); } else { fprintf(stderr, "flag should be 1 or 2\n"); return(2); } /* open output files */ if (iL1) fp1 = fopen(infile1, "r"); if (iH1) fp2 = fopen(infile2, "r"); if (iH2) fp3 = fopen(infile3, "r"); if (iGEO) fp4 = fopen(infile4, "r"); /* allocate memory for B_k and var */ if (flag ==1 && iL1 == 1) { input1_chi.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input1_chi.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); input1_chi.var = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input1_chi.var, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } else if (flag == 2 && iL1 == 1) { input1.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input1.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } if (flag ==1 && iH1 == 1) { input2_chi.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input2_chi.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); input2_chi.var = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input2_chi.var, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } else if (flag == 2 && iH1 == 1) { input2.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input2.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } if (flag ==1 && iH2 == 1) { input3_chi.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input3_chi.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); input3_chi.var = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input3_chi.var, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } else if (flag == 2 && iH2 == 1) { input3.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input3.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } if (flag ==1 && iGEO == 1) { input4_chi.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input4_chi.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); input4_chi.var = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input4_chi.var, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } else if (flag == 2 && iGEO == 1) { input4.B = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input4.B, MAXLENGTH); TESTSTATUS(&status); } params1.detector = detectorLLO; params2.detector = detectorLHO; params3.detector = detectorLHO; params4.detector = detectorGEO; /* set up RA, DEC, and coordinate system */ pulsar.equatorialCoords.longitude = psr_ra; pulsar.equatorialCoords.latitude = psr_dec; pulsar.equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL; /* polarization angle will be redefined inside the fitting routine */ pulsar.orientation = 0.0; params1.pulsarSrc = params2.pulsarSrc = params3.pulsarSrc = params4.pulsarSrc= pulsar; /****************** BEGIN READ INPUT DATA (Bk's) ***************************/ /* read data from L1 */ if (iL1) { if (flag == 2) /* student-t */ { fscanf(fp1,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp1)) { if(fabs( > 1e-28 && fabs( > 1e-28){ tgps1[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps1[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input1.B->data[i].re =; input1.B->data[i].im =; i++; } fscanf(fp1,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; } input1.t = tgps1; input1.B->length = i; } else if (flag == 1) /* chisquare */ { fscanf(fp1,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp1)) { tgps1[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps1[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input1_chi.B->data[i].re =; input1_chi.B->data[i].im =; input1_chi.var->data[i].re =; input1_chi.var->data[i].im =; fscanf(fp1,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i++; } input1_chi.t = tgps1; input1_chi.B->length = i; input1_chi.var->length = i; } fclose(fp1); } fprintf(stderr, "I've read in the L1 data.\n"); /* read data from H1 */ if (iH1) { if (flag == 2) /* student-t */ { fscanf(fp2,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp2)) { if(fabs( > 1e-28 && fabs( > 1e-28){ tgps2[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps2[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input2.B->data[i].re =; input2.B->data[i].im =; i++; } fscanf(fp2,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; } input2.t = tgps2; input2.B->length = i; } else if (flag == 1) /* chisquare */ { fscanf(fp2,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp2)) { tgps2[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps2[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input2_chi.B->data[i].re =; input2_chi.B->data[i].im =; input2_chi.var->data[i].re =; input2_chi.var->data[i].im =; fscanf(fp2,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i++; } input2_chi.t = tgps2; input2_chi.B->length = i; input2_chi.var->length = i; } fclose(fp2); } fprintf(stderr, "I've read in the H1 data.\n"); /* read data from H2 */ if (iH2) { if (flag == 2) /* student-t */ { fscanf(fp3,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp3)) { if(fabs( > 1e-28 && fabs( > 1e-28){ tgps3[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps3[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input3.B->data[i].re =; input3.B->data[i].im =; i++; } fscanf(fp3,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; } input3.t = tgps3; input3.B->length = i; } else if (flag == 1) /* chisquare */ { fscanf(fp3,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp3)) { tgps3[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps3[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input3_chi.B->data[i].re =; input3_chi.B->data[i].im =; input3_chi.var->data[i].re =; input3_chi.var->data[i].im =; fscanf(fp3,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i++; } input3_chi.t = tgps3; input3_chi.B->length = i; input3_chi.var->length = i; } fclose(fp3); } fprintf(stderr, "I've read in the H2 data.\n"); /* read data from GEO */ if (iGEO) { if (flag == 2) /* student-t */ { fscanf(fp4,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp4)) { if(fabs( > 1e-28 && fabs( > 1e-28){ tgps4[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps4[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input4.B->data[i].re =; input4.B->data[i].im =; i++; } fscanf(fp4,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &; } input4.t = tgps4; input4.B->length = i; } else if (flag == 1) /* chisquare */ { fscanf(fp4,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i=0; while (!feof(fp4)) { tgps4[i].gpsSeconds = (INT4)floor(t); tgps4[i].gpsNanoSeconds = (INT4)floor((fmod(t,1.0)*1.e9)); input4_chi.B->data[i].re =; input4_chi.B->data[i].im =; input4_chi.var->data[i].re =; input4_chi.var->data[i].im =; fscanf(fp4,"%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&t,&, &, &, &; i++; } input4_chi.t = tgps4; input4_chi.B->length = i; input4_chi.var->length = i; } fclose(fp4); } /****************** END READ INPUT DATA (Bk's) ***************************/ /******** read mesh input file *****************/ /* construct name of mesh file and open file */ sprintf(inmesh,"%s/inputs/%s", argv[2],argv[4]); fpmesh = fopen(inmesh,"r"); fscanf(fpmesh,"%s\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&txt[0],¶ms1.meshH0[0], ¶ms1.meshH0[1], ¶ms1.meshH0[2]); fprintf(stderr, "%s\t%e\t%e\t%f\t-> %e\n", txt, params1.meshH0[0], params1.meshH0[1], params1.meshH0[2],params1.meshH0[0]+params1.meshH0[1]*(params1.meshH0[2]-1.0)); params2.meshH0[0] = params3.meshH0[0] = params4.meshH0[0] = params1.meshH0[0]; params2.meshH0[1] = params3.meshH0[1] = params4.meshH0[1] = params1.meshH0[1]; params2.meshH0[2] = params3.meshH0[2] = params4.meshH0[2] = params1.meshH0[2]; fscanf(fpmesh,"%s\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&txt[0],¶ms1.meshCosIota[0], ¶ms1.meshCosIota[1], ¶ms1.meshCosIota[2]); fprintf(stderr, "%s\t%e\t%e\t%f\t-> %e\n", txt, params1.meshCosIota[0], params1.meshCosIota[1], params1.meshCosIota[2], params1.meshCosIota[0]+ params1.meshCosIota[1]*(params1.meshCosIota[2]-1.0)); params2.meshCosIota[0] = params3.meshCosIota[0] = params4.meshCosIota[0] = params1.meshCosIota[0]; params2.meshCosIota[1] = params3.meshCosIota[1] = params4.meshCosIota[1] = params1.meshCosIota[1]; params2.meshCosIota[2] = params3.meshCosIota[2] = params4.meshCosIota[2] = params1.meshCosIota[2]; fscanf(fpmesh,"%s\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&txt[0],¶ms1.meshPhase[0], ¶ms1.meshPhase[1], ¶ms1.meshPhase[2]); fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%e\t%e\t%f\t-> %e\n", txt, params1.meshPhase[0], params1.meshPhase[1], params1.meshPhase[2], params1.meshPhase[0]+params1.meshPhase[1]*(params1.meshPhase[2]-1.0)); params2.meshPhase[0] = params3.meshPhase[0] = params4.meshPhase[0] = params1.meshPhase[0]; params2.meshPhase[1] = params3.meshPhase[1] = params4.meshPhase[1] = params1.meshPhase[1]; params2.meshPhase[2] = params3.meshPhase[2] = params4.meshPhase[2] = params1.meshPhase[2]; fscanf(fpmesh,"%s\t%lf\t%lf\t%lf",&txt[0],¶ms1.meshPsi[0], ¶ms1.meshPsi[1], ¶ms1.meshPsi[2]); fprintf(stderr,"%s\t%e\t%e\t%f\t-> %e\n", txt, params1.meshPsi[0], params1.meshPsi[1], params1.meshPsi[2],params1.meshPsi[0]+params1.meshPsi[1]*(params1.meshPsi[2]-1.0)); params2.meshPsi[0] = params3.meshPsi[0] = params4.meshPsi[0] = params1.meshPsi[0]; params2.meshPsi[1] = params3.meshPsi[1] = params4.meshPsi[1] = params1.meshPsi[1]; params2.meshPsi[2] = params3.meshPsi[2] = params4.meshPsi[2] = params1.meshPsi[2]; fclose(fpmesh); /* allocate memory for 'chi square' matrix */ if (iL1) { output1.mChiSquare = NULL; LALDCreateVector( &status, &output1.mChiSquare,params1.meshH0[2]*params1.meshCosIota[2]*params1.meshPhase[2]*params1.meshPsi[2]); } if (iH1) { output2.mChiSquare = NULL; LALDCreateVector( &status, &output2.mChiSquare,params2.meshH0[2]*params2.meshCosIota[2]*params2.meshPhase[2]*params2.meshPsi[2]); } if (iH2) { output3.mChiSquare = NULL; LALDCreateVector( &status, &output3.mChiSquare,params3.meshH0[2]*params3.meshCosIota[2]*params3.meshPhase[2]*params3.meshPsi[2]); } if (iGEO) { output4.mChiSquare = NULL; LALDCreateVector( &status, &output4.mChiSquare,params4.meshH0[2]*params4.meshCosIota[2]*params4.meshPhase[2]*params4.meshPsi[2]); } /* allocate memory for pdfs */ if (iL1) { prob1.pdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.pdf, params1.meshH0[2]); prob1.cdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.cdf, params1.meshH0[2]); prob1.pdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.pdfPhase, params1.meshPhase[2]); prob1.cdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.cdfPhase, params1.meshPhase[2]); prob1.pdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.pdfPsi, params1.meshPsi[2]); prob1.cdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.cdfPsi, params1.meshPsi[2]); prob1.pdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.pdfCosIota, params1.meshCosIota[2]); prob1.cdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob1.cdfCosIota, params1.meshCosIota[2]); } if (iH1) { prob2.pdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.pdf, params2.meshH0[2]); prob2.cdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.cdf, params2.meshH0[2]); prob2.pdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.pdfPhase, params2.meshPhase[2]); prob2.cdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.cdfPhase, params2.meshPhase[2]); prob2.pdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.pdfPsi, params2.meshPsi[2]); prob2.cdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.cdfPsi, params2.meshPsi[2]); prob2.pdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.pdfCosIota, params2.meshCosIota[2]); prob2.cdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob2.cdfCosIota, params2.meshCosIota[2]); } if (iH2) { prob3.pdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.pdf, params3.meshH0[2]); prob3.cdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.cdf, params3.meshH0[2]); prob3.pdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.pdfPhase, params3.meshPhase[2]); prob3.cdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.cdfPhase, params3.meshPhase[2]); prob3.pdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.pdfPsi, params3.meshPsi[2]); prob3.cdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.cdfPsi, params3.meshPsi[2]); prob3.pdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.pdfCosIota, params3.meshCosIota[2]); prob3.cdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob3.cdfCosIota, params3.meshCosIota[2]); } if (iGEO) { prob4.pdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.pdf, params4.meshH0[2]); prob4.cdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.cdf, params4.meshH0[2]); prob4.pdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.pdfPhase, params4.meshPhase[2]); prob4.cdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.cdfPhase, params4.meshPhase[2]); prob4.pdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.pdfPsi, params4.meshPsi[2]); prob4.cdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.cdfPsi, params4.meshPsi[2]); prob4.pdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.pdfCosIota, params4.meshCosIota[2]); prob4.cdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob4.cdfCosIota, params4.meshCosIota[2]); } /* allocate memory for pdfs for joint analysis if there is data from more than one detector */ if (iH1 + iH2 + iL1 +iGEO > 1) { prob.pdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.pdf, params1.meshH0[2]); prob.cdf = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.cdf, params1.meshH0[2]); prob.pdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.pdfPhase, params1.meshPhase[2]); prob.cdfPhase = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.cdfPhase, params1.meshPhase[2]); prob.pdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.pdfPsi, params1.meshPsi[2]); prob.cdfPsi = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.cdfPsi, params1.meshPsi[2]); prob.pdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.pdfCosIota, params1.meshCosIota[2]); prob.cdfCosIota = NULL; LALCreateVector(&status, &prob.cdfCosIota, params1.meshCosIota[2]); } minChi = 0.0; /* calculate chisquare for each IFO and then marginalize over nuissance parameters */ if (flag == 1) { if (iL1) { fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALCoarseFitToPulsar for L1\n"); LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status,&output1, &input1_chi, ¶ms1); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output1.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for L1\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob1, &output1, ¶ms1);} if (iH1){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALCoarseFitToPulsar for H1\n"); LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status,&output2, &input2_chi, ¶ms2); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output2.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for H1\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob2, &output2, ¶ms2);} if (iH2){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALCoarseFitToPulsar for H2\n"); LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status,&output3, &input3_chi, ¶ms3); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output3.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for H2\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob3, &output3, ¶ms3);} if (iGEO){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALCoarseFitToPulsar for GEO\n"); LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status,&output4, &input4_chi, ¶ms4); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output4.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for GEO\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob4, &output4, ¶ms4); } } else if (flag == 2) { if (iL1){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering FitToPulsarStudentT for L1\n"); LALFitToPulsarStudentT(&status,&output1, &input1, ¶ms1); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output1.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for L1\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob1, &output1, ¶ms1);} if (iH1){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering FitToPulsarStudentT for H1\n"); LALFitToPulsarStudentT(&status,&output2, &input2, ¶ms2); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output2.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for H1\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob2, &output2, ¶ms2);} if (iH2){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering FitToPulsarStudentT for H2\n"); LALFitToPulsarStudentT(&status,&output3, &input3, ¶ms3); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output3.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for H2\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob3, &output3, ¶ms3);} if (iGEO){ fprintf(stderr, "Entering FitToPulsarStudentT for GEO\n"); LALFitToPulsarStudentT(&status,&output4, &input4, ¶ms4); if(status.statusCode){ fprintf(stderr,"Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return 0;} minChi += output4.chiSquare; fprintf(stderr, "Entering LALPulsarMarginalize for GEO\n"); LALPulsarMarginalize(&status, &prob4, &output4, ¶ms4);} } /************ BEGIN MARGINALIZE FOR JOINT PDF *******************************/ /* if there is data from more that one IFO then calculate joint pdfs */ if (iL1+iH1+iH2+iGEO>1) { /* initialize to zero */ for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) { prob.pdf->data[iH0] = 0.0; prob.cdf->data[iH0] = 0.0; } for (iPhase=0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) { prob.pdfPhase->data[iPhase] = 0.0; prob.cdfPhase->data[iPhase] = 0.0; } for (iPsi=0;iPsi< params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) { prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi] = 0.0; prob.cdfPsi->data[iPsi] = 0.0; } for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2];iCosIota++) { prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota] = 0.0; prob.cdfCosIota->data[iCosIota] = 0.0; } /* marginalize over angles to get p(h0|Bk) */ for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2];iCosIota++) for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++){ arg = iH0 + params1.meshH0[2]*(iCosIota + params1.meshCosIota[2]*(iPhase + params1.meshPhase[2]*iPsi)); if (iL1) outL1 = output1.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outL1 = 0.0; if (iH1) outH1 = output2.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH1 = 0.0; if (iH2) outH2 = output3.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH2 = 0.0; if (iGEO) outGEO = output4.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outGEO = 0.0; prob.pdf->data[iH0] += exp((minChi - (outL1 + outH1 + outH2 + outGEO))/2.0); } area = 0.0; for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) area += prob.pdf->data[iH0]*params1.meshH0[1]; for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) prob.pdf->data[iH0] = prob.pdf->data[iH0]/area; prob.cdf->data[0] = prob.pdf->data[0]*params1.meshH0[1]; for (iH0 = 1; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) prob.cdf->data[iH0] = prob.pdf->data[iH0]*params1.meshH0[1] + prob.cdf->data[iH0-1]; /* marginalize over h0, psi, cosIota to get p(phase|Bk) */ for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2];iCosIota++) for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++){ arg = iH0 + params1.meshH0[2]*(iCosIota + params1.meshCosIota[2]*(iPhase + params1.meshPhase[2]*iPsi)); if (iL1) outL1 = output1.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outL1 = 0.0; if (iH1) outH1 = output2.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH1 = 0.0; if (iH2) outH2 = output3.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH2 = 0.0; if (iGEO) outGEO = output4.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outGEO = 0.0; prob.pdfPhase->data[iPhase] += exp((minChi - (outL1 + outH1 + outH2 + outGEO))/2.0); } area = 0.0; for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) area += prob.pdfPhase->data[iPhase]*params1.meshPhase[1]; for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) prob.pdfPhase->data[iPhase] = prob.pdfPhase->data[iPhase]/area; prob.cdfPhase->data[0] = prob.pdfPhase->data[0]*params1.meshPhase[1]; for (iPhase = 1; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) prob.cdfPhase->data[iPhase] = prob.pdf->data[iPhase]*params1.meshPhase[1] + prob.cdf->data[iPhase-1]; /* marginalize over phase, h0, and cosIota to get p(Psi|Bk) */ for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2]; iH0++) for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2];iCosIota++) for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++){ arg = iH0 + params1.meshH0[2]*(iCosIota + params1.meshCosIota[2]*(iPhase + params1.meshPhase[2]*iPsi)); if (iL1) outL1 = output1.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outL1 = 0.0; if (iH1) outH1 = output2.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH1 = 0.0; if (iH2) outH2 = output3.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH2 = 0.0; if (iGEO) outGEO = output4.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outGEO = 0.0; prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi] += exp((minChi - (outL1 + outH1 + outH2 + outGEO))/2.0); } area = 0.0; for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) area += prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi]*params1.meshPsi[1]; for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi] = prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi]/area; prob.cdfPsi->data[0] = prob.pdfPsi->data[0]*params1.meshPsi[1]; for (iPsi = 1; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) prob.cdfPsi->data[iPsi] = prob.pdfPsi->data[iPsi]*params1.meshPsi[1] + prob.cdfPsi->data[iPsi-1]; /* marginalize over phase, psi, and h0 to get p(Cosiota|Bk) */ for (iPsi = 0; iPsi < params1.meshPsi[2]; iPsi++) for (iPhase = 0; iPhase < params1.meshPhase[2]; iPhase++) for (iH0 = 0; iH0 < params1.meshH0[2];iH0++) for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2]; iCosIota++){ arg = iH0 + params1.meshH0[2]*(iCosIota + params1.meshCosIota[2]*(iPhase + params1.meshPhase[2]*iPsi)); if (iL1) outL1 = output1.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outL1 = 0.0; if (iH1) outH1 = output2.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH1 = 0.0; if (iH2) outH2 = output3.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outH2 = 0.0; if (iGEO) outGEO = output4.mChiSquare->data[arg]; else outGEO = 0.0; prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota] += exp((minChi - (outL1 + outH1 + outH2 + outGEO))/2.0); } area = 0.0; for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2]; iCosIota++) area += prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota]*params1.meshCosIota[1]; for (iCosIota = 0; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2]; iCosIota++) prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota] = prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota]/area; prob.cdfCosIota->data[0] = prob.pdfCosIota->data[0]*params1.meshCosIota[1]; for (iCosIota = 1; iCosIota < params1.meshCosIota[2]; iCosIota++) prob.cdfCosIota->data[iCosIota] = prob.pdfCosIota->data[iCosIota]*params1.meshCosIota[1] + prob.cdfCosIota->data[iCosIota-1]; } /************ END MARGINALIZE FOR JOINT PDF *******************************/ /********************* BEGIN WRITING OUTPUT FILES *********************************/ if (iL1) { if (flag == 1) { sprintf(outfile1,"%s/%s/pdf.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1Phase,"%s/%s/pdfPhase.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1Psi,"%s/%s/pdfPsi.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1CosIota,"%s/%s/pdfCosIota.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); } else if (flag == 2) { sprintf(outfile1,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdf_st.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1Phase,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPhase_st.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1Psi,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPsi_st.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile1CosIota,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfCosIota_st.%s_L1", argv[2], pulsar_name); } fp_pdf1 = fopen(outfile1, "w"); fp_pdf1Phase = fopen(outfile1Phase, "w"); fp_pdf1Psi = fopen(outfile1Psi, "w"); fp_pdf1CosIota = fopen(outfile1CosIota, "w"); for (i=0;i<params1.meshH0[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf1,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshH0[0]+(float)i*params1.meshH0[1],prob1.pdf->data[i], prob1.cdf->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPhase[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf1Phase,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshPhase[0]+(float)i*params1.meshPhase[1],prob1.pdfPhase->data[i], prob1.cdfPhase->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPsi[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf1Psi,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshPsi[0]+(float)i*params1.meshPsi[1],prob1.pdfPsi->data[i], prob1.cdfPsi->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshCosIota[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf1CosIota,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshCosIota[0]+(float)i*params1.meshCosIota[1],prob1.pdfCosIota->data[i], prob1.cdfCosIota->data[i]); fclose(fp_pdf1); fclose(fp_pdf1Phase); fclose(fp_pdf1Psi); fclose(fp_pdf1CosIota); } if (iH1) { if (flag ==1) { sprintf(outfile2,"%s/%s/pdf.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2Phase,"%s/%s/pdfPhase.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2Psi,"%s/%s/pdfPsi.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2CosIota,"%s/%s/pdfCosIota.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); } else if (flag == 2) { sprintf(outfile2,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdf_st.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2Phase,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPhase_st.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2Psi,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPsi_st.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile2CosIota,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfCosIota_st.%s_H1", argv[2], pulsar_name); } fp_pdf2 = fopen(outfile2, "w"); fp_pdf2Phase = fopen(outfile2Phase, "w"); fp_pdf2Psi = fopen(outfile2Psi, "w"); fp_pdf2CosIota = fopen(outfile2CosIota, "w"); for (i=0;i<params1.meshH0[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf2,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params2.meshH0[0]+(float)i*params2.meshH0[1], prob2.pdf->data[i], prob2.cdf->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPhase[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf2Phase,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params2.meshPhase[0]+(float)i*params2.meshPhase[1], prob2.pdfPhase->data[i], prob2.cdfPhase->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPsi[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf2Psi,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params2.meshPsi[0]+(float)i*params2.meshPsi[1], prob2.pdfPsi->data[i], prob2.cdfPsi->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshCosIota[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf2CosIota,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params2.meshCosIota[0]+(float)i*params2.meshCosIota[1], prob2.pdfCosIota->data[i], prob2.cdfCosIota->data[i]); fclose(fp_pdf2); fclose(fp_pdf2Phase); fclose(fp_pdf2Psi); fclose(fp_pdf2CosIota); } if (iH2) { if (flag ==1) { sprintf(outfile3,"%s/%s/pdf.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3Phase,"%s/%s/pdfPhase.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3Psi,"%s/%s/pdfPsi.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3CosIota,"%s/%s/pdfCosIota.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); } else if (flag == 2) { sprintf(outfile3,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdf_st.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3Phase,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPhase_st.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3Psi,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPsi_st.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile3CosIota,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfCosIota_st.%s_H2", argv[2], pulsar_name); } fp_pdf3 = fopen(outfile3, "w"); fp_pdf3Phase = fopen(outfile3Phase, "w"); fp_pdf3Psi = fopen(outfile3Psi, "w"); fp_pdf3CosIota = fopen(outfile3CosIota, "w"); for (i=0;i<params1.meshH0[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf3,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params3.meshH0[0]+(float)i*params3.meshH0[1], prob3.pdf->data[i], prob3.cdf->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPhase[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf3Phase,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params3.meshPhase[0]+(float)i*params3.meshPhase[1], prob3.pdfPhase->data[i], prob3.cdfPhase->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPsi[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf3Psi,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params3.meshPsi[0]+(float)i*params3.meshPsi[1], prob3.pdfPsi->data[i], prob3.cdfPsi->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshCosIota[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf3CosIota,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params3.meshCosIota[0]+(float)i*params3.meshCosIota[1], prob3.pdfCosIota->data[i], prob3.cdfCosIota->data[i]); fclose(fp_pdf3); fclose(fp_pdf3Phase); fclose(fp_pdf3Psi); fclose(fp_pdf3CosIota); } if (iGEO){ if (flag ==1) { sprintf(outfile4,"%s/%s/pdf.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4Phase,"%s/%s/pdfPhase.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4Psi,"%s/%s/pdfPsi.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4CosIota,"%s/%s/pdfCosIota.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); } else if (flag == 2) { sprintf(outfile4,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdf_st.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4Phase,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPhase_st.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4Psi,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPsi_st.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfile4CosIota,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfCosIota_st.%s_GEO", argv[2], pulsar_name); } fp_pdf4 = fopen(outfile4, "w"); fp_pdf4Phase = fopen(outfile4Phase, "w"); fp_pdf4Psi = fopen(outfile4Psi, "w"); fp_pdf4CosIota = fopen(outfile4CosIota, "w"); for (i=0;i<params1.meshH0[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf4,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params4.meshH0[0]+(float)i*params4.meshH0[1], prob4.pdf->data[i], prob4.cdf->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPhase[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf4Phase,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params4.meshPhase[0]+(float)i*params4.meshPhase[1], prob4.pdfPhase->data[i], prob4.cdfPhase->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPsi[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf4Psi,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params4.meshPsi[0]+(float)i*params4.meshPsi[1], prob4.pdfPsi->data[i], prob4.cdfPsi->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshCosIota[2];i++) fprintf(fp_pdf4CosIota,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params4.meshCosIota[0]+(float)i*params4.meshCosIota[1], prob4.pdfCosIota->data[i], prob4.cdfCosIota->data[i]); fclose(fp_pdf4); fclose(fp_pdf4Phase); fclose(fp_pdf4Psi); fclose(fp_pdf4CosIota); } if (iL1+iH1+iH2+iGEO>1) { if (flag ==1) { sprintf(outfile,"%s/%s/pdf.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfilePhase,"%s/%s/pdfPhase.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfilePsi,"%s/%s/pdfPsi.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); sprintf(outfileCosIota,"%s/%s/pdfCosIota.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name, pulsar_name); } else if (flag == 2) { sprintf(outfile,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdf_st.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfilePhase,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPhase_st.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfilePsi,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfPsi_st.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name); sprintf(outfileCosIota,"%s/pdfoutputs/pdfCosIota_st.%s_Joint", argv[2], pulsar_name); } fp_joint = fopen(outfile, "w"); fp_jointPhase = fopen(outfilePhase, "w"); fp_jointPsi = fopen(outfilePsi, "w"); fp_jointCosIota = fopen(outfileCosIota, "w"); for (i=0;i<params1.meshH0[2];i++) fprintf(fp_joint,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshH0[0]+(float)i*params1.meshH0[1], prob.pdf->data[i], prob.cdf->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPhase[2];i++) fprintf(fp_jointPhase,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshPhase[0]+(float)i*params1.meshPhase[1], prob.pdfPhase->data[i], prob.cdfPhase->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshPsi[2];i++) fprintf(fp_jointPsi,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshPsi[0]+(float)i*params1.meshPsi[1], prob.pdfPsi->data[i], prob.cdfPsi->data[i]); for (i=0;i<params1.meshCosIota[2];i++) fprintf(fp_jointCosIota,"%e\t%e\t%e\n", params1.meshCosIota[0]+(float)i*params1.meshCosIota[1], prob.pdfCosIota->data[i], prob.cdfCosIota->data[i]); fclose(fp_joint);fclose(fp_jointPhase);fclose(fp_jointPsi);fclose(fp_jointCosIota); } /********************* END WRITING OUTPUT FILES*********************************/ /* print out best fit information for each IFO */ if (iL1){fprintf(stderr, "BEST FIT FOR L1:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"h0 = %e\tcosIota = %f\tpsi = %f\tphase = %f\nchisquare = %f\n", output1.h0, output1.cosIota, output1.psi, output1.phase, output1.chiSquare);} if (iH1){fprintf(stderr, "\nBEST FIT FOR H1:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"h0 = %e\tcosIota = %f\tpsi = %f\tphase = %f\nchisquare = %f\n", output2.h0, output2.cosIota, output2.psi, output2.phase, output2.chiSquare);} if (iH2){fprintf(stderr, "\nBEST FIT FOR H2:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"h0 = %e\tcosIota = %f\tpsi = %f\tphase = %f\nchisquare = %f\n", output3.h0, output3.cosIota, output3.psi, output3.phase, output3.chiSquare);} if (iGEO){fprintf(stderr, "\nBEST FIT FOR GEO:\n"); fprintf(stderr,"h0 = %e\tcosIota = %f\tpsi = %f\tphase = %f\nchisquare = %f\n", output4.h0, output4.cosIota, output4.psi, output4.phase, output4.chiSquare);} fprintf(stderr,"iL1 = %d\tiH1=%d\tiH2=%d\tiGEO=%d\n", iL1, iH1, iH2, iGEO); /* free allocated memory */ if (iL1) { if (flag == 1) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input1_chi.B); else if (flag ==2) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input1.B); LALDDestroyVector(&status, &output1.mChiSquare); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.pdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.cdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.pdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.cdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.pdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.cdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.pdfCosIota); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob1.cdfCosIota); } if (iH1){ if (flag == 1) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input2_chi.B); else if (flag == 2) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input2.B); LALDDestroyVector(&status, &output2.mChiSquare); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.pdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.cdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.pdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.cdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.pdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.cdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.pdfCosIota); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob2.cdfCosIota); } if (iH2){ if (flag == 1) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input3_chi.B); else if (flag == 2) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input3.B); LALDDestroyVector(&status, &output3.mChiSquare); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.pdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.cdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.pdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.cdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.pdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.cdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.pdfCosIota); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob3.cdfCosIota); } if (iGEO){ if (flag == 1) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input4_chi.B); else if (flag == 2) LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input4.B); LALDDestroyVector(&status, &output4.mChiSquare); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.pdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.cdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.pdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.cdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.pdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.cdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.pdfCosIota); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob4.cdfCosIota); } if (iL1+iH1+iH2+iGEO>1) { LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.pdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.cdf); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.pdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.cdfPhase); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.pdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.cdfPsi); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.pdfCosIota); LALDestroyVector(&status, &prob.cdfCosIota); } LALCheckMemoryLeaks(); return(0); } /* main */
int main(void) { static LALStatus status; LALDetector detector; LALSource pulsar; CoarseFitOutput output; CoarseFitInput input; CoarseFitParams params; LIGOTimeGPS tgps[FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH]; REAL4 cosIota; REAL4 phase; REAL4 psi; REAL4 h0; REAL4 cos2phase, sin2phase; static RandomParams *randomParams; static REAL4Vector *noise; INT4 seed = 0; LALDetAndSource detAndSource; LALDetAMResponseSeries pResponseSeries = {NULL,NULL,NULL}; REAL4TimeSeries Fp, Fc, Fs; LALTimeIntervalAndNSample time_info; UINT4 i; /* Allocate memory */ input.B = NULL; input.var = NULL; LALZCreateVector( &status, &input.B, FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH); LALZCreateVector( &status, &input.var, FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH); noise = NULL; LALCreateVector( &status, &noise, FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH); LALCreateRandomParams( &status, &randomParams, seed); = NULL; = NULL; = NULL; pResponseSeries.pPlus = &(Fp); pResponseSeries.pCross = &(Fc); pResponseSeries.pScalar = &(Fs); LALSCreateVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pPlus->data), 1); LALSCreateVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pCross->data), 1); LALSCreateVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pScalar->data), 1); input.t = tgps; /******** GENERATE FAKE INPUT **********/ time_info.epoch.gpsSeconds = FITTOPULSARTEST_T0; time_info.epoch.gpsNanoSeconds = 0; time_info.deltaT = 60; time_info.nSample = FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH; cosIota = 0.5; psi = 0.1; phase = 0.4; h0 = 5.0; cos2phase = cos(2.0*phase); sin2phase = sin(2.0*phase); detector = lalCachedDetectors[LALDetectorIndexGEO600DIFF]; /* use GEO 600 detector for tests */ pulsar.equatorialCoords.longitude = 1.4653; /* right ascention of pulsar */ pulsar.equatorialCoords.latitude = -1.2095; /* declination of pulsar */ pulsar.equatorialCoords.system = COORDINATESYSTEM_EQUATORIAL; /* coordinate system */ pulsar.orientation = psi; /* polarization angle */ strcpy(, "fakepulsar"); /* name of pulsar */ detAndSource.pDetector = &detector; detAndSource.pSource = &pulsar; LALNormalDeviates( &status, noise, randomParams ); LALComputeDetAMResponseSeries(&status, &pResponseSeries, &detAndSource, &time_info); for (i = 0;i < FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH; i++) { input.t[i].gpsSeconds = FITTOPULSARTEST_T0 + 60*i; input.t[i].gpsNanoSeconds = 0; input.B->data[i] = crect( pResponseSeries.pPlus->data->data[i]*h0*(1.0 + cosIota*cosIota)*cos2phase + 2.0*pResponseSeries.pCross->data->data[i]*h0*cosIota*sin2phase, pResponseSeries.pPlus->data->data[i]*h0*(1.0 + cosIota*cosIota)*sin2phase - 2.0*pResponseSeries.pCross->data->data[i]*h0*cosIota*cos2phase ); input.var->data[i] = crect( noise->data[FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH-i-1]*noise->data[FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH-i-1], noise->data[i]*noise->data[i] ); } input.B->length = FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH; input.var->length = FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH; /******* TEST RESPONSE TO VALID DATA ************/ /* Test that valid data generate the correct answers */ params.detector = detector; params.pulsarSrc = pulsar; params.meshH0[0] = 4.0; params.meshH0[1] = 0.2; params.meshH0[2] = 10; params.meshCosIota[0] = 0.0; params.meshCosIota[1] = 0.1; params.meshCosIota[2] = 10; params.meshPhase[0] = 0.0; params.meshPhase[1] = 0.1; params.meshPhase[2] = 10; params.meshPsi[0] = 0.0; params.meshPsi[1] = 0.1; params.meshPsi[2] = 10; output.mChiSquare = NULL; LALDCreateVector( &status, &output.mChiSquare,params.meshH0[2]*params.meshCosIota[2]*params.meshPhase[2]*params.meshPsi[2]); LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status,&output, &input, ¶ms); if(status.statusCode) { printf("Unexpectedly got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_EFLS; } if(output.phase > phase + params.meshPhase[2] || output.phase < phase - params.meshPhase[2]) { printf("Got incorrect phase %f when expecting %f \n", output.phase, phase); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_EFLS; } if(output.cosIota > cosIota + params.meshCosIota[2] || output.cosIota < cosIota - params.meshCosIota[2]) { printf("Got incorrect cosIota %f when expecting %f \n", output.cosIota, cosIota); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_EFLS; } if(output.psi > psi + params.meshPsi[2] || output.psi < psi - params.meshPsi[2]) { printf("Got incorrect psi %f when expecting %f \n", output.psi, psi); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_EFLS; } /******* TEST RESPONSE OF LALCoarseFitToPulsar TO INVALID DATA ************/ #ifndef LAL_NDEBUG if ( ! lalNoDebug ) { /* Test that all the error conditions are correctly detected by the function */ LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status, NULL, &input, ¶ms); if (status.statusCode != FITTOPULSARH_ENULLOUTPUT || strcmp(status.statusDescription, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLOUTPUT)) { printf( "Got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); printf( "Expected error code %d and message %s\n", FITTOPULSARH_ENULLOUTPUT, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLOUTPUT); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_ECHK; } LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status, &output, NULL, ¶ms); if (status.statusCode != FITTOPULSARH_ENULLINPUT || strcmp(status.statusDescription, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLINPUT)) { printf( "Got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); printf( "Expected error code %d and message %s\n", FITTOPULSARH_ENULLINPUT, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLINPUT); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_ECHK; } LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status, &output, &input, NULL); if (status.statusCode != FITTOPULSARH_ENULLPARAMS || strcmp(status.statusDescription, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLPARAMS)) { printf( "Got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); printf( "Expected error code %d and message %s\n", FITTOPULSARH_ENULLPARAMS, FITTOPULSARH_MSGENULLPARAMS); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_ECHK; } /* try having two input vectors of different length */ input.var->length = 1; LALCoarseFitToPulsar(&status, &output, &input, ¶ms); if (status.statusCode != FITTOPULSARH_EVECSIZE || strcmp(status.statusDescription, FITTOPULSARH_MSGEVECSIZE)) { printf( "Got error code %d and message %s\n", status.statusCode, status.statusDescription); printf( "Expected error code %d and message %s\n", FITTOPULSARH_EVECSIZE, FITTOPULSARH_MSGEVECSIZE); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_ECHK; } input.var->length = FITTOPULSARTEST_LENGTH; } /* if ( ! lalNoDebug ) */ #endif /* LAL_NDEBUG */ /******* CLEAN UP ************/ LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input.B); LALZDestroyVector(&status, &input.var); LALDestroyVector(&status, &noise); LALDDestroyVector(&status, &output.mChiSquare); LALDestroyRandomParams(&status, &randomParams); LALSDestroyVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pPlus->data)); LALSDestroyVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pCross->data)); LALSDestroyVector(&status, &(pResponseSeries.pScalar->data)); LALCheckMemoryLeaks(); return FITTOPULSARTESTC_ENOM; }