Exemple #1
/** ZGBTRF computes an LU factorization of a complex m-by-n band matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
 * This routine is functionally equivalent to LAPACK's zgbtrf.
 * For details on its interface, see
 * http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/dc/dcb/zgbtrf_8f.html
 * */
void RELAPACK_zgbtrf(
    const int *m, const int *n, const int *kl, const int *ku,
    double *Ab, const int *ldAb, int *ipiv,
    int *info
) {

    // Check arguments
    *info = 0;
    if (*m < 0)
        *info = -1;
    else if (*n < 0)
        *info = -2;
    else if (*kl < 0)
        *info = -3;
    else if (*ku < 0)
        *info = -4;
    else if (*ldAb < 2 * *kl + *ku + 1)
        *info = -6;
    if (*info) {
        const int minfo = -*info;
        LAPACK(xerbla)("ZGBTRF", &minfo);

    // Constant
    const double ZERO[] = { 0., 0. };

    // Result upper band width
    const int kv = *ku + *kl;

    // Unskew A
    const int ldA[] = { *ldAb - 1 };
    double *const A = Ab + 2 * kv;

    // Zero upper diagonal fill-in elements
    int i, j;
    for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
        double *const A_j = A + 2 * *ldA * j;
        for (i = MAX(0, j - kv); i < j - *ku; i++)
            A_j[2 * i] = A_j[2 * i + 1] = 0.;

    // Allocate work space
    const int n1 = ZREC_SPLIT(*n);
    const int mWorkl = (kv > n1) ? MAX(1, *m - *kl) : kv;
    const int nWorkl = (kv > n1) ? n1 : kv;
    const int mWorku = (*kl > n1) ? n1 : *kl;
    const int nWorku = (*kl > n1) ? MAX(0, *n - *kl) : *kl;
    double *Workl = malloc(mWorkl * nWorkl * 2 * sizeof(double));
    double *Worku = malloc(mWorku * nWorku * 2 * sizeof(double));
    LAPACK(zlaset)("L", &mWorkl, &nWorkl, ZERO, ZERO, Workl, &mWorkl);
    LAPACK(zlaset)("U", &mWorku, &nWorku, ZERO, ZERO, Worku, &mWorku);

    // Recursive kernel
    RELAPACK_zgbtrf_rec(m, n, kl, ku, Ab, ldAb, ipiv, Workl, &mWorkl, Worku, &mWorku, info);

    // Free work space
Exemple #2
/** dgetrf's recursive compute kernel */
static void RELAPACK_dgetrf_rec(
    const int *m, const int *n,
    double *A, const int *ldA, int *ipiv,
    int *info
) {

    if (*n <= MAX(CROSSOVER_DGETRF, 1)) {
        // Unblocked
        LAPACK(dgetf2)(m, n, A, ldA, ipiv, info);

    // Constants
    const double ONE[]  = { 1. };
    const double MONE[] = { -1. };
    const int    iONE[] = { 1 };

    // Splitting
    const int n1 = DREC_SPLIT(*n);
    const int n2 = *n - n1;
    const int m2 = *m - n1;

    // A_L A_R
    double *const A_L = A;
    double *const A_R = A + *ldA * n1;

    // A_TL A_TR
    // A_BL A_BR
    double *const A_TL = A;
    double *const A_TR = A + *ldA * n1;
    double *const A_BL = A             + n1;
    double *const A_BR = A + *ldA * n1 + n1;

    // ipiv_T
    // ipiv_B
    int *const ipiv_T = ipiv;
    int *const ipiv_B = ipiv + n1;

    // recursion(A_L, ipiv_T)
    RELAPACK_dgetrf_rec(m, &n1, A_L, ldA, ipiv_T, info);
    // apply pivots to A_R
    LAPACK(dlaswp)(&n2, A_R, ldA, iONE, &n1, ipiv_T, iONE);

    // A_TR = A_TL \ A_TR
    BLAS(dtrsm)("L", "L", "N", "U", &n1, &n2, ONE, A_TL, ldA, A_TR, ldA);
    // A_BR = A_BR - A_BL * A_TR
    BLAS(dgemm)("N", "N", &m2, &n2, &n1, MONE, A_BL, ldA, A_TR, ldA, ONE, A_BR, ldA);

    // recursion(A_BR, ipiv_B)
    RELAPACK_dgetrf_rec(&m2, &n2, A_BR, ldA, ipiv_B, info);
    if (*info)
        *info += n1;
    // apply pivots to A_BL
    LAPACK(dlaswp)(&n1, A_BL, ldA, iONE, &n2, ipiv_B, iONE);
    // shift pivots
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
        ipiv_B[i] += n1;
Exemple #3
/** CGEMMT computes a matrix-matrix product with general matrices but updates
 * only the upper or lower triangular part of the result matrix.
 * This routine performs the same operation as the BLAS routine
 * cgemm(transA, transB, n, n, k, alpha, A, ldA, B, ldB, beta, C, ldC)
 * but only updates the triangular part of C specified by uplo:
 * If (*uplo == 'L'), only the lower triangular part of C is updated,
 * otherwise the upper triangular part is updated.
 * */
void RELAPACK_cgemmt(
    const char *uplo, const char *transA, const char *transB,
    const int *n, const int *k,
    const float *alpha, const float *A, const int *ldA,
    const float *B, const int *ldB,
    const float *beta, float *C, const int *ldC
) {

    BLAS(cgemmt)(uplo, transA, transB, n, k, alpha, A, ldA, B, ldB, beta, C, ldC);

    // Check arguments
    const int lower = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "L");
    const int upper = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "U");
    const int notransA = LAPACK(lsame)(transA, "N");
    const int tranA = LAPACK(lsame)(transA, "T");
    const int ctransA = LAPACK(lsame)(transA, "C");
    const int notransB = LAPACK(lsame)(transB, "N");
    const int tranB = LAPACK(lsame)(transB, "T");
    const int ctransB = LAPACK(lsame)(transB, "C");
    int info = 0;
    if (!lower && !upper)
        info = 1;
    else if (!tranA && !ctransA && !notransA)
        info = 2;
    else if (!tranB && !ctransB && !notransB)
        info = 3;
    else if (*n < 0)
        info = 4;
    else if (*k < 0)
        info = 5;
    else if (*ldA < MAX(1, notransA ? *n : *k))
        info = 8;
    else if (*ldB < MAX(1, notransB ? *k : *n))
        info = 10;
    else if (*ldC < MAX(1, *n))
        info = 13;
    if (info) {
        LAPACK(xerbla)("CGEMMT", &info);

    // Clean char * arguments
    const char cleanuplo = lower ? 'L' : 'U';
    const char cleantransA = notransA ? 'N' : (tranA ? 'T' : 'C');
    const char cleantransB = notransB ? 'N' : (tranB ? 'T' : 'C');

    // Recursive kernel
    RELAPACK_cgemmt_rec(&cleanuplo, &cleantransA, &cleantransB, n, k, alpha, A, ldA, B, ldB, beta, C, ldC);
Exemple #4
inline void
( int m, int n, double* A, int lda, int* pivot )
    int info;
    LAPACK(dgetrf)( &m, &n, A, &lda, pivot, &info );
Exemple #5
inline void
( int m, int n, scomplex* A, int lda, int* pivot )
    int info;
    LAPACK(cgetrf)( &m, &n, A, &lda, pivot, &info );
Exemple #6
inline void
( int m, int n, float* A, int lda, int* pivot )
    int info;
    LAPACK(sgetrf)( &m, &n, A, &lda, pivot, &info );
Exemple #7
inline void
( int m, float* A, int lda, const int* pivot, float* work, int lwork )
    int info;
    LAPACK(sgetri)( &m, A, &lda, pivot, work, &lwork, &info );
Exemple #8
inline void
( int m, double* A, int lda, const int* pivot, double* work, int lwork )
    int info;
    LAPACK(dgetri)( &m, A, &lda, pivot, work, &lwork, &info );
Exemple #9
inline void
( int m, dcomplex* A, int lda, const int* pivot, dcomplex* work, int lwork )
    int info;
    LAPACK(zgetri)( &m, A, &lda, pivot, work, &lwork, &info );
Exemple #10
void DivideAndConquerSVD
( int m, int n, dcomplex* A, int lda, 
  double* s, dcomplex* U, int ldu, dcomplex* VAdj, int ldva )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobz='S';
    int lwork=-1, info;
    dcomplex dummyWork;
    const int k = std::min(m,n);
    const int K = std::max(m,n);
    const int lrwork = k*std::max(5*k+7,2*K+2*k+1);
    std::vector<double> rwork(lrwork);
    std::vector<int> iwork(8*k);

    ( &jobz, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VAdj, &ldva, &dummyWork, &lwork,
      &rwork[0], &iwork[0], &info );

    lwork = dummyWork.real;
    std::vector<dcomplex> work(lwork);
    ( &jobz, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VAdj, &ldva, &work[0], &lwork,
      &rwork[0], &iwork[0], &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("zgesdd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #11
void DivideAndConquerSVD
( int m, int n, float* A, int lda, 
  float* s, float* U, int ldu, float* VTrans, int ldvt )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobz='S';
    int lwork=-1, info;
    float dummyWork;
    const int k = std::min(m,n);
    std::vector<int> iwork(8*k);

    ( &jobz, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VTrans, &ldvt, &dummyWork, &lwork,
      &iwork[0], &info );

    lwork = dummyWork;
    std::vector<float> work(lwork);
    ( &jobz, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VTrans, &ldvt, &work[0], &lwork,
      &iwork[0], &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("sgesdd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #12
void QRSVD
( int m, int n, scomplex* A, int lda, 
  float* s, scomplex* U, int ldu, scomplex* VAdj, int ldva )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobu='S', jobva='S';
    int lwork=-1, info;
    const int k = std::min(m,n);
    std::vector<float> rwork(5*k);

    scomplex dummyWork;
    ( &jobu, &jobva, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VAdj, &ldva, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &rwork[0], &info );

    lwork = dummyWork.real;
    std::vector<scomplex> work(lwork);
    ( &jobu, &jobva, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VAdj, &ldva, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &rwork[0], &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("cgesvd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #13
void HessenbergEig( int n, float* H, int ldh, scomplex* w )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( n == 0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char job='E', compz='N';
    int ilo=1, ihi=n;
    int fakeLDim=1, lwork=-1, info;
    float dummyWork;
    std::vector<float> wr( n ), wi( n );
    ( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, H, &ldh, &wr[0], &wi[0], 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &info );

    lwork = dummyWork;
    std::vector<float> work(lwork);
    ( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, H, &ldh, &wr[0], &wi[0], 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("shseqr's failed to compute all eigenvalues");

    for( int i=0; i<n; ++i )
        w[i] = elem::Complex<float>(wr[i],wi[i]);
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #14
/** DGETRF computes an LU factorization of a general M-by-N matrix A using partial pivoting with row interchanges.
 * This routine is functionally equivalent to LAPACK's dgetrf.
 * For details on its interface, see
 * http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/d3/d6a/dgetrf_8f.html
 * */
void RELAPACK_dgetrf(
    const int *m, const int *n,
    double *A, const int *ldA, int *ipiv,
    int *info
) {

    // Check arguments
    *info = 0;
    if (*m < 0)
        *info = -1;
    else if (*n < 0)
        *info = -2;
    else if (*ldA < MAX(1, *n))
        *info = -4;
    if (*info) {
        const int minfo = -*info;
        LAPACK(xerbla)("DGETRF", &minfo);

    const int sn = MIN(*m, *n);

    RELAPACK_dgetrf_rec(m, &sn, A, ldA, ipiv, info);

    // Right remainder
    if (*m < *n) {
        // Constants
        const double ONE[] = { 1. };
        const int   iONE[] = { 1. };

        // Splitting
        const int rn = *n - *m;

        // A_L A_R
        const double *const A_L = A;
        double *const       A_R = A + *ldA * *m;

        // A_R = apply(ipiv, A_R)
        LAPACK(dlaswp)(&rn, A_R, ldA, iONE, m, ipiv, iONE);
        // A_R = A_S \ A_R
        BLAS(dtrsm)("L", "L", "N", "U", m, &rn, ONE, A_L, ldA, A_R, ldA);
Exemple #15
/** SPBTRF computes the Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite band matrix A.
 * This routine is functionally equivalent to LAPACK's spbtrf.
 * For details on its interface, see
 * http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/d1/d22/spbtrf_8f.html
 * */
void RELAPACK_spbtrf(
    const char *uplo, const int *n, const int *kd,
    float *Ab, const int *ldAb,
    int *info
) {

    // Check arguments
    const int lower = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "L");
    const int upper = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "U");
    *info = 0;
    if (!lower && !upper)
        *info = -1;
    else if (*n < 0)
        *info = -2;
    else if (*kd < 0)
        *info = -3;
    else if (*ldAb < *kd + 1)
        *info = -5;
    if (*info) {
        const int minfo = -*info;
        LAPACK(xerbla)("SPBTRF", &minfo);

    // Clean char * arguments
    const char cleanuplo = lower ? 'L' : 'U';

    // Constant
    const float ZERO[] = { 0. };

    // Allocate work space
    const int n1 = SREC_SPLIT(*n);
    const int mWork = (*kd > n1) ? (lower ? *n - *kd : n1) : *kd;
    const int nWork = (*kd > n1) ? (lower ? n1 : *n - *kd) : *kd;
    float *Work = malloc(mWork * nWork * sizeof(float));
    LAPACK(slaset)(uplo, &mWork, &nWork, ZERO, ZERO, Work, &mWork);

    // Recursive kernel
    RELAPACK_spbtrf_rec(&cleanuplo, n, kd, Ab, ldAb, Work, &mWork, info);

    // Free work space
Exemple #16
void QRSVD
( int m, int n, double* A, int lda, 
  double* s, double* U, int ldu, double* VTrans, int ldvt )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobu='S', jobvt='S';
    int lwork=-1, info;
    double dummyWork;

    ( &jobu, &jobvt, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VTrans, &ldvt, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &info );

    lwork = dummyWork;
    std::vector<double> work(lwork);
    ( &jobu, &jobvt, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, U, &ldu, VTrans, &ldvt, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("dgesvd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #17
void SingularValues( int m, int n, dcomplex* A, int lda, double* s )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobu='N', jobva='N';
    int fakeLDim=1, lwork=-1, info;
    dcomplex dummyWork;
    const int k = std::min(m,n);
    std::vector<double> rwork(5*k);

    ( &jobu, &jobva, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, 0, &fakeLDim, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &rwork[0], &info );

    lwork = dummyWork.real;
    std::vector<dcomplex> work(lwork);
    ( &jobu, &jobva, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, 0, &fakeLDim, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &rwork[0], &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("zgesvd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #18
void SingularValues( int m, int n, float* A, int lda, float* s )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( m==0 || n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char jobu='N', jobvt='N';
    int fakeLDim=1, lwork=-1, info;
    float dummyWork;

    ( &jobu, &jobvt, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, 0, &fakeLDim, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &info );

    lwork = dummyWork;
    std::vector<float> work(lwork);
    ( &jobu, &jobvt, &m, &n, A, &lda, s, 0, &fakeLDim, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("sgesvd's updating process failed");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #19
void HessenbergEig( int n, dcomplex* H, int ldh, dcomplex* w )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( n == 0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    const char job='E', compz='N';
    int ilo=1, ihi=n;
    int fakeLDim=1, lwork=-1, info;
    dcomplex dummyWork;
    ( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, H, &ldh, w, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &dummyWork, &lwork, &info );

    lwork = dummyWork.real;
    std::vector<dcomplex> work(lwork);
    ( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, H, &ldh, w, 0, &fakeLDim, 
      &work[0], &lwork, &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        throw std::runtime_error("zhseqr's failed to compute all eigenvalues");
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #20
void *eigval_subset_thread_r(void *argin)
  /* from input argument */
  int          bl_size, rf_begin, rf_end;
  double       *D, *DE2;
  double       rtol1, rtol2, pivmin;
  double       bl_spdiam;
  val_t        *Wstruct;

  /* others */
  int          info, offset;
  double       *W, *Werr, *Wgap;
  int          *Windex;
  double       *work;
  int          *iwork;

  retrieve_auxarg2((auxarg2_t *) argin, &bl_size, &D, &DE2,
		   &rf_begin, &rf_end, &Wstruct, &rtol1, &rtol2,
		   &pivmin, &bl_spdiam);

  /* malloc work space */
  work = (double *) malloc( 2*bl_size * sizeof(double) );
  assert(work != NULL);
  iwork = (int *)   malloc( 2*bl_size * sizeof(int) );
  assert(iwork != NULL);

  W      = Wstruct->W;
  Werr   = Wstruct->Werr;
  Wgap   = Wstruct->Wgap;
  Windex = Wstruct->Windex;

  /* special case of only one eigenvalue */
  if (rf_begin == rf_end)
    Wgap[rf_begin] = 0.0;
  offset = Windex[rf_begin] - 1;

  /* call bisection routine to refine the eigenvalues */
  (&bl_size, D, DE2, &Windex[rf_begin], &Windex[rf_end], &rtol1, &rtol2, 
   &offset, &W[rf_begin], &Wgap[rf_begin], &Werr[rf_begin], work, iwork, 
   &pivmin, &bl_spdiam, &bl_size, &info);
  assert(info == 0);

  /* clean up */

Exemple #21
void BidiagQRAlg
( char uplo, int n, int numColsVAdj, int numRowsU, 
  double* d, double* e, dcomplex* VAdj, int ldVAdj, dcomplex* U, int ldU )
#ifndef RELEASE
    if( n==0 )
#ifndef RELEASE

    int info;
    dcomplex* C=0;
    const int numColsC=0, ldC=1;
    std::vector<double> work( 4*n );
    ( &uplo, &n, &numColsVAdj, &numRowsU, &numColsC, d, e, VAdj, &ldVAdj,
      U, &ldU, C, &ldC, &work[0], &info );
    if( info < 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "Argument " << -info << " had illegal value";
        throw std::logic_error( msg.str().c_str() );
    else if( info > 0 )
        std::ostringstream msg;
        msg << "zbdsqr had " << info << " elements of e not converge";
        throw std::runtime_error( msg.str().c_str() );
#ifndef RELEASE
Exemple #22
/** CSYTRF_ROOK computes the factorization of a complex symmetric matrix A using the bounded Bunch-Kaufman ("rook") diagonal pivoting method.
 * This routine is functionally equivalent to LAPACK's csytrf_rook.
 * For details on its interface, see
 * http://www.netlib.org/lapack/explore-html/d8/dc8/csytrf__rook_8f.html
 * */
void RELAPACK_csytrf_rook(
    const char *uplo, const int *n,
    float *A, const int *ldA, int *ipiv,
    float *Work, const int *lWork, int *info
) {

    // Required work size
    const int cleanlWork = *n * (*n / 2);
    int minlWork = cleanlWork;
    minlWork = 1;

    // Check arguments
    const int lower = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "L");
    const int upper = LAPACK(lsame)(uplo, "U");
    *info = 0;
    if (!lower && !upper)
        *info = -1;
    else if (*n < 0)
        *info = -2;
    else if (*ldA < MAX(1, *n))
        *info = -4;
    else if (*lWork < minlWork && *lWork != -1)
        *info = -7;
    else if (*lWork == -1) {
        // Work size query
        *Work = cleanlWork;

    // Ensure Work size
    float *cleanWork = Work;
    if (!*info && *lWork < cleanlWork) {
        cleanWork = malloc(cleanlWork * 2 * sizeof(float));
        if (!cleanWork)
            *info = -7;

    if (*info) {
        const int minfo = -*info;
        LAPACK(xerbla)("CSYTRF", &minfo);

    // Clean char * arguments
    const char cleanuplo = lower ? 'L' : 'U';

    // Dummy argument
    int nout;

    // Recursive kernel
    RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(&cleanuplo, n, n, &nout, A, ldA, ipiv, cleanWork, n, info);

    if (cleanWork != Work)
Exemple #23
/** csytrf_rook's recursive compute kernel */
static void RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(
    const char *uplo, const int *n_full, const int *n, int *n_out,
    float *A, const int *ldA, int *ipiv,
    float *Work, const int *ldWork, int *info
) {

    // top recursion level?
    const int top = *n_full == *n;

    if (*n <= MAX(CROSSOVER_CSYTRF_ROOK, 3)) {
        // Unblocked
        if (top) {
            LAPACK(csytf2)(uplo, n, A, ldA, ipiv, info);
            *n_out = *n;
        } else
            RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec2(uplo, n_full, n, n_out, A, ldA, ipiv, Work, ldWork, info);

    int info1, info2;

    // Constants
    const float ONE[]  = { 1., 0. };
    const float MONE[] = { -1., 0. };
    const int   iONE[] = { 1 };

    const int n_rest = *n_full - *n;

    if (*uplo == 'L') {
        // Splitting (setup)
        int n1 = CREC_SPLIT(*n);
        int n2 = *n - n1;

        // Work_L *
        float *const Work_L = Work;

        // recursion(A_L)
        int n1_out;
        RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(uplo, n_full, &n1, &n1_out, A, ldA, ipiv, Work_L, ldWork, &info1);
        n1 = n1_out;

        // Splitting (continued)
        n2 = *n - n1;
        const int n_full2   = *n_full - n1;

        // *      *
        // A_BL   A_BR
        // A_BL_B A_BR_B
        float *const A_BL   = A                 + 2 * n1;
        float *const A_BR   = A + 2 * *ldA * n1 + 2 * n1;
        float *const A_BL_B = A                 + 2 * *n;
        float *const A_BR_B = A + 2 * *ldA * n1 + 2 * *n;

        // *        *
        // Work_BL Work_BR
        // *       *
        // (top recursion level: use Work as Work_BR)
        float *const Work_BL =              Work                    + 2 * n1;
        float *const Work_BR = top ? Work : Work + 2 * *ldWork * n1 + 2 * n1;
        const int ldWork_BR = top ? n2 : *ldWork;

        // ipiv_T
        // ipiv_B
        int *const ipiv_B = ipiv + n1;

        // A_BR = A_BR - A_BL Work_BL'
        RELAPACK_cgemmt(uplo, "N", "T", &n2, &n1, MONE, A_BL, ldA, Work_BL, ldWork, ONE, A_BR, ldA);
        BLAS(cgemm)("N", "T", &n_rest, &n2, &n1, MONE, A_BL_B, ldA, Work_BL, ldWork, ONE, A_BR_B, ldA);

        // recursion(A_BR)
        int n2_out;
        RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(uplo, &n_full2, &n2, &n2_out, A_BR, ldA, ipiv_B, Work_BR, &ldWork_BR, &info2);

        if (n2_out != n2) {
            // undo 1 column of updates
            const int n_restp1 = n_rest + 1;

            // last column of A_BR
            float *const A_BR_r = A_BR + 2 * *ldA * n2_out + 2 * n2_out;

            // last row of A_BL
            float *const A_BL_b = A_BL + 2 * n2_out;

            // last row of Work_BL
            float *const Work_BL_b = Work_BL + 2 * n2_out;

            // A_BR_r = A_BR_r + A_BL_b Work_BL_b'
            BLAS(cgemv)("N", &n_restp1, &n1, ONE, A_BL_b, ldA, Work_BL_b, ldWork, ONE, A_BR_r, iONE);
        n2 = n2_out;

        // shift pivots
        int i;
        for (i = 0; i < n2; i++)
            if (ipiv_B[i] > 0)
                ipiv_B[i] += n1;
                ipiv_B[i] -= n1;

        *info  = info1 || info2;
        *n_out = n1 + n2;
    } else {
        // Splitting (setup)
        int n2 = CREC_SPLIT(*n);
        int n1 = *n - n2;

        // * Work_R
        // (top recursion level: use Work as Work_R)
        float *const Work_R = top ? Work : Work + 2 * *ldWork * n1;

        // recursion(A_R)
        int n2_out;
        RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(uplo, n_full, &n2, &n2_out, A, ldA, ipiv, Work_R, ldWork, &info2);
        const int n2_diff = n2 - n2_out;
        n2 = n2_out;

        // Splitting (continued)
        n1 = *n - n2;
        const int n_full1 = *n_full - n2;

        // * A_TL_T A_TR_T
        // * A_TL   A_TR
        // * *      *
        float *const A_TL_T = A + 2 * *ldA * n_rest;
        float *const A_TR_T = A + 2 * *ldA * (n_rest + n1);
        float *const A_TL   = A + 2 * *ldA * n_rest        + 2 * n_rest;
        float *const A_TR   = A + 2 * *ldA * (n_rest + n1) + 2 * n_rest;

        // Work_L *
        // *      Work_TR
        // *      *
        // (top recursion level: Work_R was Work)
        float *const Work_L  = Work;
        float *const Work_TR = Work + 2 * *ldWork * (top ? n2_diff : n1) + 2 * n_rest;
        const int ldWork_L = top ? n1 : *ldWork;

        // A_TL = A_TL - A_TR Work_TR'
        RELAPACK_cgemmt(uplo, "N", "T", &n1, &n2, MONE, A_TR, ldA, Work_TR, ldWork, ONE, A_TL, ldA);
        BLAS(cgemm)("N", "T", &n_rest, &n1, &n2, MONE, A_TR_T, ldA, Work_TR, ldWork, ONE, A_TL_T, ldA);

        // recursion(A_TL)
        int n1_out;
        RELAPACK_csytrf_rook_rec(uplo, &n_full1, &n1, &n1_out, A, ldA, ipiv, Work_L, &ldWork_L, &info1);

        if (n1_out != n1) {
            // undo 1 column of updates
            const int n_restp1 = n_rest + 1;

            // A_TL_T_l = A_TL_T_l + A_TR_T Work_TR_t'
            BLAS(cgemv)("N", &n_restp1, &n2, ONE, A_TR_T, ldA, Work_TR, ldWork, ONE, A_TL_T, iONE);
        n1 = n1_out;

        *info  = info2 || info1;
        *n_out = n1 + n2;
Exemple #24
double SafeNorm( double alpha, double beta )
{ return LAPACK(dlapy2)( &alpha, &beta ); }
Exemple #25
float SafeNorm( float alpha, float beta, float gamma )
{ return LAPACK(slapy3)( &alpha, &beta, &gamma ); }
Exemple #26
double SafeNorm( double alpha, double beta, double gamma )
{ return LAPACK(dlapy3)( &alpha, &beta, &gamma ); }
Exemple #27
void ComputeGivens
( float phi, float gamma,
  float* c, float* s, float* rho )
{ LAPACK(slartg)( &phi, &gamma, c, s, rho ); }
Exemple #28
void ComputeGivens
( dcomplex phi, dcomplex gamma,
  double* c, dcomplex* s, dcomplex* rho )
{ LAPACK(zlartg)( &phi, &gamma, c, s, rho ); }
Exemple #29
void ComputeGivens
( double phi, double gamma,
  double* c, double* s, double* rho )
{ LAPACK(dlartg)( &phi, &gamma, c, s, rho ); }
Exemple #30
void ComputeGivens
( scomplex phi, scomplex gamma,
  float* c, scomplex* s, scomplex* rho )
{ LAPACK(clartg)( &phi, &gamma, c, s, rho ); }