void _RemoveVertexFromDegList(ColorVerticesContext *context, graphP theGraph, int v, int deg)
	if (deg > 0)
		context->degListHeads[deg] = LCDelete(context->degLists, context->degListHeads[deg], v);

 Overload of merge vertex that does basic behavior but also removes
 the DFS child associated with R from the separatedDFSChildList of W.
void _K33Search_MergeVertex(graphP theGraph, int W, int WPrevLink, int R)
    K33SearchContext *context = NULL;
    gp_FindExtension(theGraph, K33SEARCH_ID, (void *)&context);

    if (context != NULL)
        if (theGraph->embedFlags == EMBEDFLAGS_SEARCHFORK33)
            int theList = context->VI[W].separatedDFSChildList;
            theList = LCDelete(context->separatedDFSChildLists, theList, gp_GetDFSChildFromRoot(theGraph, R));
            context->VI[W].separatedDFSChildList = theList;

        context->functions.fpMergeVertex(theGraph, W, WPrevLink, R);