CSession2* CRemConBulkServer::NewSessionL(const TVersion& aVersion, const RMessage2& aMessage) const { LOG_FUNC; LOG3(_L8("\taVersion = (%d,%d,%d)"), aVersion.iMajor, aVersion.iMinor, aVersion.iBuild); // Version number check... TVersion v(KRemConBulkSrvMajorVersionNumber, KRemConBulkSrvMinorVersionNumber, KRemConBulkSrvBuildNumber); if ( !User::QueryVersionSupported(v, aVersion) ) { LEAVEIFERRORL(KErrNotSupported); } CRemConBulkServer* ncThis = const_cast<CRemConBulkServer*>(this); CRemConBulkSession* sess = NULL; TRAPD(err, sess = CRemConBulkSession::NewL(*ncThis, aMessage) ); if ( err != KErrNone ) { // Session creation might have failed- if it has we need to check if // we need to shut down again. const_cast<CRemConBulkServer*>(this)->StartShutdownTimerIfNoSessions(); LEAVEIFERRORL(err); } LOG1(_L8("\tsess = 0x%08x"), sess); return sess; }
void CControllerInitialisationPluginImpl::SendNextScriptFileCommandL() { LOG_FUNC // Create default Vendor command. CVendorDebugCommand* cmd = CVendorDebugCommand::NewL(KVendorDebugOGF); CleanupStack::PushL(cmd); LEAVEIFERRORL(iCommandParser->GetNextVendorCommand(*cmd)); // Make any command specific changes. switch(cmd->Opcode()) { case KHciVSUpdateUartHCIBaudRate: { iDesiredBaudRate = LittleEndian::Get32(cmd->Command().Ptr()); } break; case KHciVSSetBDAddr: { SetLocalBDAddr(cmd->Command()); } break; default: // Nothing to do. break; }; // Send the command. CleanupStack::Pop(); iHCICommandQueue->MhcqAddInitCommandL(cmd, *this); }
void CBulkReceiver::DoBindToCurrentThreadL() { LOG_FUNC; CActiveScheduler::Add(this); LEAVEIFERRORL(iConnectCall.Start()); iThreadId = RThread().Id(); }
void CBulkReceiver::ConstructL() { LOG_FUNC; TCallBack connectCb(StaticConnect, this); LEAVEIFERRORL(iConnectCall.Create(connectCb, EPriorityStandard)); BindToCurrentThreadL(); }
void CL2CapSDU::ConstructL(RMBufChain& aSDUData, TBool aIsBasicDataVersion, TUint16 aTimerDuration, TUint16 aPDUSize) { LOG_FUNC LEAVEIFERRORL(SegmentSDUIntoPDUs(aSDUData, aIsBasicDataVersion, aPDUSize)); // Start the flush timer if required. StartFlushTimer(aTimerDuration); }
/** Second phase construction. @leave System wide error code */ void CRemConBearerAvrcp::ConstructL() { LOG_FUNC // Set-up TLS LEAVEIFERRORL(Dll::SetTls(reinterpret_cast<TAny*>(EControlThread))); // New up a router. This opens and uses the RAvctp. // On initialisation it should begin listening. iRouter = CControlRouter::NewL(iAvctp, *this); iTimer = CDeltaTimer::NewL(CActive::EPriorityStandard); iPlayerInfoManager = CAvrcpPlayerInfoManager::NewL(Observer(), *this); iInternalHandler = &iPlayerInfoManager->InternalCommandHandler(); // Create the bulk bearer - actual usage occurs in the bulk thread. iBulkBearer = CAvrcpBulkBearer::NewL(iAvctp, *iPlayerInfoManager); iConstructionComplete = ETrue; }
void CEirPublisher::RunL() { LOG_FUNC LEAVEIFERRORL(iStatus.Int()); switch(iState) { case EConnecting: iEirMan.RegisterTag(iEirTag, iStatus); iState = ERegisterTag; SetActive(); break; case ERegisterTag: iNotifierAo->Start(); // Fall through... case ENewData: // Fall through... case ESettingData: if(iPublishOutstanding) { iPublishOutstanding = EFalse; iState = ENewData; iEirMan.NewData(iRequiredBytes, iStatus); SetActive(); } else if(iCallbackOutstanding) { iCallbackOutstanding = EFalse; iState = EDataCallback; LOG1(_L8("CEirPublisher::RunL: About to call back client with bytes available: %d"), iAvailableBytes); iNotifier.MepnSpaceAvailable(iAvailableBytes); } else { iState = EIdle; } break; default: // Unexpected __ASSERT_DEBUG(EFalse, Panic(EUnexpectedPublisherState)); break; } }
/** Create the active scheduler and Rem Con bulk server instances, and start the server. */ static void RunBulkServerL(RMsgQueue<TBulkServerMsg>* aMsgQueue) { LOG_STATIC_FUNC; LEAVEIFERRORL(User::RenameThread(KRemConBulkServerName)); // Create and install the active scheduler. CActiveScheduler* scheduler = new(ELeave) CActiveScheduler; CleanupStack::PushL(scheduler); CActiveScheduler::Install(scheduler); // Create the server. NB Odd syntax in this line because we never refer to // it directly- it's always owned by the cleanup stack! static_cast<void>(CRemConBulkServer::NewLC(*aMsgQueue)); // Initialisation complete, now signal the client RThread().Rendezvous(KErrNone); // Ready to run. This only returns when the server is closing down. CActiveScheduler::Start(); // Clean up the server and scheduler. CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, scheduler); }
void CFdfTest::ProcessKeyL(TKeyCode aKeyCode) { iManager.Write(_L8("CFdfTest::ProcessKeyL")); switch ( aKeyCode ) { case '0': { if ( iUsbHostStack.Handle() ) { iManager.Write(_L8("\talready connected")); } else { iManager.Write(_L8("About to open LDD")); _LIT(KUsbOtgLDDName,"otgdi"); TInt err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KUsbOtgLDDName); if ( (err != KErrNone) && (err != KErrAlreadyExists) ) { iManager.Write(_L8("Error %d: Unable to load driver: %S"), err, &KUsbOtgLDDName); LEAVEIFERRORL(err); } iManager.Write(_L8("About to open RUsbOtgDriver")); err = iOtgDriver.Open(); if (err != KErrNone && err != KErrAlreadyExists) { iManager.Write(_L8("Error %d: Unable to open RUsbOtgDriver session"), err); LEAVEIFERRORL(err); } iManager.Write(_L8("About to start OTG stacks")); TInt iLastError = iOtgDriver.StartStacks(); if (iLastError != KErrNone) { iManager.Write(_L8("Error %d: Unable to open start OTG stacks"), iLastError); LEAVEIFERRORL(err); } TInt errorBus = iOtgDriver.BusRequest(); iManager.Write(_L8("Error %d: iOtgDriver.BusRequest()"), errorBus); if (errorBus == KErrNone) { iBusRequested = 1; } TInt error = iUsbHostStack.Connect(); iManager.Write(_L8("\terror = %d"), error); if ( !error ) { iManager.Write(_L8("\t Post() to wait for event ")); iNotifyDeviceEvent->Post(); iNotifyDevmonEvent->Post(); iManager.Write(_L8("\t After Post() to wait for event ")); } } } break; case '1': { TInt err = iUsbHostStack.EnableDriverLoading(); iManager.Write(_L8("\terr = %d"), err); } break; case '2': iUsbHostStack.DisableDriverLoading(); break; case '3': iNotifyDeviceEvent->Cancel(); iNotifyDevmonEvent->Cancel(); iUsbHostStack.Close(); break; case '4': if(iBusRequested) { iManager.Write(_L8("Call BusDrop()")); TInt err = iOtgDriver.BusDrop(); iManager.Write(_L8("Call BusDrop() err = %d "),err); } else { iManager.Write(_L8("Cannot Call BusDrop() as the bus has not been Requested()")); } break; default: iManager.Write(_L8("Unknown selection")); break; } }