Exemple #1
int main( ) {
    Lgm_ElapsedTimeInfo t;
    Lgm_CTrans          *c = Lgm_init_ctrans( 1 ); // more compact declaration
    Lgm_QinDentonOne    p;
    Lgm_MagModelInfo    *mInfo;
    Lgm_Vector          *u, *B, q, v;
    double              Time, JD, x, y, z, r, d, dist;
    long int            Date, n;

    Lgm_Octree          *Octree;
    Lgm_OctreeData      *kNN;
    int                 K, Kgot, i, j;

    t.ColorizeText = TRUE;
    Lgm_ElapsedTimeInit( &t, 255, 150, 0 );

    LGM_ARRAY_1D( u, 5000000, Lgm_Vector );
    LGM_ARRAY_1D( B, 5000000, Lgm_Vector );

    mInfo = Lgm_InitMagInfo( );

    Date = 20020713;                        // August 12, 2004
    Time = 18.0 + 0.0/60.0 + 30.0/3600.0;   // Universal Time Coordinated (in decimal hours)
    JD = Lgm_Date_to_JD( Date, Time, c );    // Compute JD

    // Get (interpolate) the QinDenton vals from the values in the file at the given Julian Date
    Lgm_get_QinDenton_at_JD( JD, &p, 0 );

    Lgm_Set_Coord_Transforms( Date, Time, mInfo->c );
    Lgm_set_QinDenton( &p, mInfo );
    mInfo->Bfield = Lgm_B_T89;

    d = 0.3;
    n = 0;
    Lgm_PrintCurrentTime( &t );
    for ( x = -15.0; x <= 15.0; x += d ){
        for ( y = -15.0; y <= 15.0; y += d ){
            for ( z = -15.0; z <= 15.0; z += d ){
                u[n].x = x; u[n].y = y; u[n].z = z;
                r = Lgm_Magnitude( &u[n] );
                //if (r > 1.1){
                //    mInfo->Bfield( &u[n], &B[n], mInfo );
    Lgm_PrintElapsedTime( &t );
    printf("n = %ld\n", n);

     * Test kNN algorithm.
    printf("Creating Octree\n");
    Lgm_ElapsedTimeInit( &t, 255, 150, 0 );
    Octree = Lgm_InitOctree( u, B, n );
    printf("Min, Max, Diff = %g %g %g\n", Octree->Min, Octree->Max, Octree->Diff);
    Lgm_PrintElapsedTime( &t );

    q.x = 3.2233;
    q.y = 2.4698;
    q.z = 1.35193;

    K = 4; 
    LGM_ARRAY_1D( kNN, K, Lgm_OctreeData );

    printf("\n\nTesting kNN (1000000 times)\n");
    Lgm_ElapsedTimeInit( &t, 255, 150, 0 );
    for (j=0; j<=1000000; j++){
        q.x = 30.0*rand()/(double)RAND_MAX - 15.0;
        q.y = 30.0*rand()/(double)RAND_MAX - 15.0;
        q.z = 30.0*rand()/(double)RAND_MAX - 15.0;
        Lgm_Octree_kNN( &q, Octree, K, &Kgot, 1.0*1.0, kNN );
    Lgm_PrintElapsedTime( &t );

    printf("\n\nKgot = %d   q = %g %g %g\n", Kgot, q.x, q.y, q.z);
    for (i=0; i<Kgot; i++){
        Lgm_OctreeUnScalePosition( &(kNN[i].Position), &v, Octree );
        Lgm_OctreeUnScaleDistance( sqrt(kNN[i].Dist2), &dist, Octree );
        printf("%02d: dist = %g   v = %g %g %g\n", i, dist, v.x, v.y, v.z );


    printf("Freeing Octree\n");
    Lgm_ElapsedTimeInit( &t, 255, 150, 0 );
    Lgm_FreeOctree( Octree );
    printf("Octree Freed\n");
    Lgm_PrintElapsedTime( &t );

    Lgm_free_ctrans( c );
    Lgm_FreeMagInfo( mInfo );
    LGM_ARRAY_1D_FREE( u );


Exemple #2
/** From a vector-field dataset, compute the vector-valued weighting factors,
 *  \f$\vec{c}_j\f$. Info is returned in the rbf structure.
 *  \param[in]                       v   -   pointer to an array of position vectors.
 *  \param[in]                       B   -   pointer to array of corresponding field vectors.
 *  \param[in]                       n   -   number of (v, B) pairs defined.
 *  \param[in]                     eps   -   smoothing factor in scalar RBF.
 *  \param[in]      RadialBasisFunction  -   RBF to use. Can be LGM_RBF_GAUSSIAN, LGM_RBF_MULTIQUADRIC
 *  \return  pointer to structure containing info for RBF interpolation. User
 *           is responsible for freeing with Lgm_DFI_RBF_Free().
 *  \author  M. G. Henderson
 *  date    January 24, 2012
Lgm_DFI_RBF_Info *Lgm_DFI_RBF_Init( unsigned long int *I_data, Lgm_Vector *v, Lgm_Vector *B, int n, double eps, int RadialBasisFunction ) {

    int              i, j, ii, jj, p, q, n3, s;
    double           *d, **a, Phi[3][3], val;
    gsl_matrix       *A, *V;
    gsl_vector       *D, *c, *S, *Work;
    Lgm_DFI_RBF_Info *rbf;

    n3 = 3*n;
    A = gsl_matrix_calloc( n3, n3 );
    c = gsl_vector_alloc( n3 );
    D = gsl_vector_calloc( n3 );

     * Save info needed to do an evaluation.
    rbf = ( Lgm_DFI_RBF_Info *)calloc( 1, sizeof(*rbf) );
    rbf->RadialBasisFunction = RadialBasisFunction;
    rbf->eps = eps;
    rbf->n   = n;
    rbf->n3  = n3;
    LGM_ARRAY_1D( rbf->LookUpKey, n, unsigned long int);
    LGM_ARRAY_1D( rbf->v, n, Lgm_Vector);
    LGM_ARRAY_1D( rbf->c, n, Lgm_Vector);
    for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
        rbf->LookUpKey[i] = I_data[i];
        rbf->v[i] = v[i];
    // This subtraction doesntm seem to work out very well...
//    rbf->Bx0 = B[0].x;
//    rbf->By0 = B[0].y;
//    rbf->Bz0 = B[0].z;

double Bbkg;
for ( Bbkg = 0.0, i=0; i<n; i++ ) Bbkg += B[i].x; rbf->Bx0 = Bbkg/(double)n;
for ( Bbkg = 0.0, i=0; i<n; i++ ) Bbkg += B[i].y; rbf->By0 = Bbkg/(double)n;
for ( Bbkg = 0.0, i=0; i<n; i++ ) Bbkg += B[i].z; rbf->Bz0 = Bbkg/(double)n;
    rbf->Bx0 = 0.0;
    rbf->By0 = 0.0;
    rbf->Bz0 = 0.0;
     * Fill d array. (Subtract off the field at the nearest point v[0] -- See
     * McNally [2011].) We add this field back on later.
    for (i=0; i<n; i++){
        gsl_vector_set( D, 3*i+0, B[i].x - rbf->Bx0 );
        gsl_vector_set( D, 3*i+1, B[i].y - rbf->By0 );
        gsl_vector_set( D, 3*i+2, B[i].z - rbf->Bz0 );

     *                                             [  row0  ]
     * Fill A matrix. In C, order is A[row][col] = [  row1  ]
     *                                             [  row2  ]
    for ( i=0; i<n; i++ ) { // locate start row for subarray
        ii = 3*i;

        for ( j=0; j<n; j++ ) { // locate start column for subarray
            jj = 3*j;

            // Get Phi( v_i - v_j )
            Lgm_DFI_RBF_Phi( &v[i], &v[j], Phi, rbf );

            for ( p=0; p<3; p++ ){ // subarray row
                for ( q=0; q<3; q++ ){  // subarray column
                    gsl_matrix_set( A, ii+p, jj+q, Phi[p][q] );



    for (i=0; i<n; i++ ) {
        printf("v%02d = %8g %8g %8g   B%02d = %8g %8g %8g\n", i, v[i].x, v[i].y, v[i].z, i, B[i].x, B[i].y, B[i].z );
    for (i=0; i<n3; i++){
        for (j=0; j<n3; j++){
            printf("%8g ", gsl_matrix_get(A, i, j ) );

     * Now we need to solve the system of equation;
     *      d = ac
     *  for c.
     *  First create gsl_vector and gsl_matrix views of the d and A arrays.
     *  Then compute Cholesky decomposition of the a array. Then solve the
     *  system to get c.
        gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp( A );
        gsl_linalg_cholesky_solve( A, D, c );
    } else if ( LGM_DFI_RBF_SOLVER == LGM_PLU_DECOMP ){
        gsl_permutation *P = gsl_permutation_alloc( n3 );
        gsl_linalg_LU_decomp( A, P, &s );
        gsl_linalg_LU_solve( A, P, D, c );
        gsl_permutation_free( P );
    } else if ( LGM_DFI_RBF_SOLVER == LGM_SVD ){
        V    = gsl_matrix_calloc( n3, n3 );
        S    = gsl_vector_alloc( n3 );
        Work = gsl_vector_alloc( n3 );
        gsl_linalg_SV_decomp( A, V, S, Work );
        gsl_linalg_SV_solve( A, V, S, D, c );
        gsl_vector_free( Work );
        gsl_vector_free( S );
        gsl_matrix_free( V );

    for (i=0; i<n; i++){
        rbf->c[i].x = gsl_vector_get( c, 3*i+0 );
        rbf->c[i].y = gsl_vector_get( c, 3*i+1 );
        rbf->c[i].z = gsl_vector_get( c, 3*i+2 );

    gsl_vector_free( D );
    gsl_vector_free( c );
    gsl_matrix_free( A );

    return( rbf );
