Exemple #1
void* GC_MacGetDataStart()
	CodeZeroHandle code0 = (CodeZeroHandle)GetResource('CODE', 0);
	if (code0) {
		long belowA5Size = (**code0).belowA5;
		return (LMGetCurrentA5() - belowA5Size);
	fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't load the jump table.");
	return 0;
Exemple #2
OSErr __pascal Runtime (
RTPB *prtpb
	THUNK   *pthunk;
	Boolean f32Bit;
	SLHT    *pslht;

	// filter out invalid or trivial operations

		return eRTInvalidOp;

	case kRTPreLaunch:
	case kRTPostLaunch:

		// these are NOPs in our implementation

		return eRTNoErr;

	case kRTGetVersion:
	case kRTGetJTAddress:
	case kRTSetPreLoad:
	case kRTSetSegLoadErr:
	case kRTSetPostLoad:
	case kRTSetPreUnload:
	case kRTUnloadSeg:

		// use the current value of A5

		pthunk = (THUNK *)LMGetCurrentA5();

	case kRTGetVersionA5:
	case kRTGetJTAddressA5:
	case kRTSetPreLoadA5:
	case kRTSetSegLoadErrA5:
	case kRTSetPostLoadA5:
	case kRTSetPreUnloadA5:

		// use the value of A5 passed to us

		pthunk = prtpb->fA5;

	// Determine if the app is 32-bit everything by looking for the flag entry
	// in the thunk table. If it's there, then also grab the pointer to the
	// RTI (runtime interface) used to communicate with LoadSeg.

	(char *)pthunk += LMGetCurJTOffset();

	if (f32Bit = ((++pthunk)->op == kVersion32bit))
		// it is a 32-bit everything thunk table

		pslht = (SLHT *)pthunk->lOffset;
		// kRTSet* and kRTUnloadSeg can't be used with "classic" thunks

		if (prtpb->fOperation >= kRTSetPreLoad)
			return eRTBadVersion;

	// process each operation

	case kRTGetVersion:
	case kRTGetVersionA5:
		// return thunk table version

		prtpb->fRTParam.fVersionParam.fVersion =
			  f32Bit ? kVersion32bit : kVersion16bit;

	case kRTGetJTAddress:
	case kRTGetJTAddressA5:

		// Return address of code pointed by the given thunk.
		// Thunk must be valid and in "Loaded" state.

		THUNK *pthunkJT =
			  (THUNK *) ((char *)prtpb->fRTParam.fJTAddrParam.fJTAddr - 2);

		if ( (pthunkJT <= ++pthunk) ||
			 (f32Bit && pthunkJT->op == opLoadSeg) ||
			 (!f32Bit && pthunkJT->op == opMoveWImm)
			return eRTInvalidJTPtr;

		prtpb->fRTParam.fJTAddrParam.fCodeAddr = (void *) pthunk->lOffset;

	case kRTSetPreLoad:
	case kRTSetPreLoadA5:

		// hook segment preload handler and return old value

		prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fOldUserHdlr =
			  (void *) pslht->pfnPreLoad;
		pslht->pfnPreLoad = prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fUserHdlr;

	case kRTSetSegLoadErr:
	case kRTSetSegLoadErrA5:

		// hook segment load error handler and return old value

		prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fOldUserHdlr =
			  (void *) pslht->pfnSegLoadErr;
		pslht->pfnSegLoadErr = prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fUserHdlr;

	case kRTSetPostLoad:
	case kRTSetPostLoadA5:

		// hook segment postload handler and return old value

		prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fOldUserHdlr =
			  (void *) pslht->pfnPostLoad;
		pslht->pfnPostLoad = prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fUserHdlr;

	case kRTSetPreUnload:
	case kRTSetPreUnloadA5:

		// hook segment preunload handler and return old value

		prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fOldUserHdlr =
			  (void *) pslht->pfnPreUnload;
		pslht->pfnPreUnload = prtpb->fRTParam.fSegLoadParam.fUserHdlr;

	case kRTUnloadSeg:

		// Calls the __RTUnloadSegSn routine to unload a segment

		__RTUnloadSegSn(prtpb->fRTParam.fUnloadSegParam.fSegNumber, 0L);

	// normal termination, no error

	return eRTNoErr;
Exemple #3
OSErr OpenCTBConnection(ConnHandle* connection) {
	Str255			toolName;
	Point				where;
	Ptr				configStream;
	Ptr				tempString;
	EventRecord		event;
	Rect				dialogLoc;
	OSErr				error = noErr;
	char*				here;
	char*				end;
	long				baud;
	Boolean			done;
	short				result = noErr;

	if (*connection != nil) {
		//	put our A5 value into the connection record so that the search callbacks
		//	can get it and restore it
		CMSetUserData(*connection,(long) LMGetCurrentA5());
		// CMChoose Dialog has to hang off this point (global coordinates)
		SetRect(&dialogLoc, 0, 0, 495, 285);
		where.h = dialogLoc.left;
		where.v = dialogLoc.top;
		// now do CMChoose et al:
		done = false;
		do {
			result = CMChoose(connection, where, NULL);
			// MAD fprintf(mfp,"result is %d. major =  %d  minor = %d\n",result,chooseOKMajor,chooseOKMinor);
			if ((result == chooseOKMajor) || (result == chooseOKMinor)) {
				configStream = CMGetConfig(*connection);
				if (configStream == NULL) {
					done = true;
					error = -1;
				} else {
					CMGetToolName((***connection).procID, toolName);
					tempString = NewPtrClear(GetPtrSize(configStream) + 5);
					strcpy(tempString, "Baud ");
					here = strstr(configStream, tempString);
					if (here != nil) {
						here += strlen(tempString);
						baud = strtol(here, &end, 10);
						if (baud < 38400) {		// MAD: PC seems to default to this,
							baud = 38400;		// no matter what the user tries to set!
							strcpy(tempString, configStream);
							sprintf(tempString + (here - configStream), "%ld", baud);
							strcat(tempString, end);
							error = CMSetConfig(*connection, tempString);					// Try to use the modified configuration
							if (error == noErr) {													// It worked; save it
								configStream = NewPtrClear(GetPtrSize(tempString));
								memcpy(configStream, tempString, GetPtrSize(tempString));
					strcpy(tempString, "CTS");
					here = strstr(configStream, tempString);
					if (here != nil) {
						result = CautionAlert(CTSWarningdlog, nil);
						if (result == 2) {									// The Continue option
							error = CreateConfigRes(configStream);
							error = CreateToolNameRes(toolName);
							done = true;
					} else {
						error = CreateConfigRes(configStream);
						// MAD fprintf(mfp,"CreateConfigRes = %d\n",error);
						error = CreateToolNameRes(toolName);
						// MAD fprintf(mfp,"CreateToolNames = %d\n",error);
						done = true;

			} else {
				//ErrorTerminate(-2, "\pее CMChoose failed. ее");

				// MAD fprintf(mfp,"CMChoose failed\n");

				if (*connection != nil) {
					*connection = nil;
				error = -2;
				done = true;
		} while (!done);

		//	open the connection, send some data, and then close the connection
		if (error == noErr) {
			error = CMOpen(*connection, false, nil, 0);
			// MAD fprintf(mfp,"CMOpen = %d\n",error);
	return error;	
Exemple #4
void *ottcp_new(Symbol *s, short argc, Atom *argv) {
	OTTCP *x;
	OSStatus err;
	// These variables will be filled with the args we parse
	char *inetHostName = 0;
	InetPort port = 0;
	long readbufsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	long writebufsize = DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE;
	if (ParseArgs(argc, argv, &inetHostName, &port, &readbufsize, &readbufsize) == 0) {
		ouchstring("ottcp usage: \"ottcp [<hostname> <port>] [readbufsize <nbytes>] [writebufsize <nbytes>]\"");
		return 0;
	post("Parsed args: inetHostName %s, port %ld, readbufsize %ld, writebufsize %ld",
		 inetHostName, port, readbufsize, writebufsize);
	x = newobject(ottcp_class);
	x->o_a5 = (long) LMGetCurrentA5();
	x->o_inetHostName = inetHostName;
	x->o_inetPort = port;
	x->o_inetHost = 0;

	if (x->o_inetHostName != 0) {
		// They gave the server's IP address and port # as arguments
		if (LookUpInetHost(x->o_inetHostName, &(x->o_inetHost)) == 0) {
			post("е OTTCP: can't understand host \"%s\"; not connecting",  x->o_inetHostName);

	x->o_state = SETTING_UP;
	x->o_datawaiting = 0;
	x->o_errorreporting = 1;
	x->o_outlet = outlet_new(x,0L);
	x->o_clock = clock_new(x, (method) do_output);
	x->o_connectedclock = clock_new(x, (method) do_output_connected);
	x->o_connectionSymbol = 0;
	/* Allocate buffers */
	x->o_ReadBufSize = readbufsize;
	x->o_WriteBufSize = writebufsize;
	x->o_ReadBufA = NewPtr(readbufsize);
	x->o_ReadBufB = NewPtr(readbufsize);
	x->o_WriteBuf = NewPtr(writebufsize);
	if (x->o_ReadBufA == 0 || x->o_ReadBufB == 0 || x->o_WriteBuf == 0) {
		ouchstring("ottcp: not enough memory for two %ld byte read buffers and a %ld byte write buffer.",
				   readbufsize, writebufsize);
	x->o_currentReadBuf = x->o_ReadBufA;
	x->o_nextReadBuf = x->o_ReadBufB;
	x->o_bytesRead = 0;
	x->o_bytesReadForNextTime = 0;
	x->o_WBReadPos = 0;
	x->o_WBWritePos = 0;

	/* Make the endpoint */	
	x->o_tcp_ep = 0;		// Indicates endpoint hasn't been created yet.
	err = OTAsyncOpenEndpoint(OTCreateConfiguration(kTCPName), 0, &(x->epinfo), OTTCPNotifier, x);
	if (err != noErr) {
		ouchstring("otudp: Error %d from OTAsyncOpenEndpoint. This is bad.", err);
		return 0;
	// This didn't actually make the endpoint; my notifier should get the T_OPENCOMPLETE
	// event after the endpoint is opened.

	return (x);