Exemple #1
/** ============================================================================
 *  @func   LOOP_Main
 *  @desc   Entry point for the application
 *  @modif  None
 *  ============================================================================
LOOP_Main (IN Char8 * dspExecutable,
           IN Char8 * strBufferSize,
           IN Char8 * strNumIterations,
           IN Char8 * strProcessorId)
    DSP_STATUS status       = DSP_SOK ;
    Uint8      processorId  = 0 ;

    LOOP_0Print ("=============== Sample Application : LOOP ==========\n") ;

    memset (&source_data[0], 0, sizeof(source_data));
    memset (&result_data[0], 0, sizeof(result_data));
    memset (&expect_data[0], 0, sizeof(expect_data));

    if (   (dspExecutable != NULL)
            && (strBufferSize != NULL)
            && (strNumIterations != NULL)) {
         *  Validate the buffer size and number of iterations specified.
                                         DSPLINK_BUF_ALIGN) ;

        if (LOOP_BufferSize == 0) {
            status = DSP_ESIZE ;

        LOOP_NumIterations = LOOP_Atoi (strNumIterations) ;
        /* execute only once */
        LOOP_NumIterations = 1 ;

        /* Find out the processor id to work with */
        processorId        = LOOP_Atoi (strProcessorId) ;
        if (processorId >= MAX_DSPS) {
            LOOP_1Print ("==Error: Invalid processor id  specified %d ==\n",
                         processorId) ;
            status = DSP_EFAIL ;

         *  Specify the dsp executable file name and the buffer size for
         *  loop creation phase.
        if (DSP_SUCCEEDED (status)) {
            LOOP_1Print ("==== Executing sample for DSP processor Id %d ====\n",
                         processorId) ;
            status = LOOP_Create (dspExecutable,
                                  processorId) ;
             *  Execute the data transfer loop.
            if (DSP_SUCCEEDED (status)) {
                status = LOOP_Execute (LOOP_NumIterations, processorId) ;

             *  Perform cleanup operation.
            LOOP_Delete (processorId) ;
    else {
        status = DSP_EINVALIDARG ;
        LOOP_0Print ("ERROR! Invalid arguments specified for while executing "
                     "loop application\n") ;

    LOOP_0Print ("====================================================\n") ;
Exemple #2
/** ============================================================================
 *  @func   DSP_Create
 *  @desc   This function allocates and initializes resources used by
 *          this application.
 *  @modif  LOOP_Buffers
 *  ============================================================================
DSP_Create (IN Char8 * dspExecutable,
             IN Char8 * strControlArray,
             Uint8 processorId)
    DSP_STATUS          status                    = DSP_SOK   ;
    Uint32              numArgs                   = 0         ;
    Uint32              numBufs [1]  = {4} ;

    Char8 *       args [1]          	   ;
    Uint32        size [1]    			   ;
#if defined (ZCPY_LINK)
    SMAPOOL_Attrs poolAttrs                ;
#endif /* if defined (ZCPY_LINK) */

    LOOP_0Print ("Entered DSP_Create ()\n") ;

	LOOP_BufferSize = DSPLINK_ALIGN (LOOP_Atoi ("1024"),
                                         DSPLINK_BUF_ALIGN) ;

     *  Create and initialize the proc object.
    status = PROC_setup (NULL) ;

     *  Attach the Dsp with which the transfers have to be done.
    if (DSP_SUCCEEDED (status)) {
        status = PROC_attach (processorId, NULL) ;
        if (DSP_FAILED (status)) {
            LOOP_1Print ("PROC_attach failed . Status = [0x%x]\n", status) ;
    else {
        LOOP_1Print ("PROC_setup failed. Status =  [0x%x]\n", status) ;

    if (DSP_SUCCEEDED (status)) {
        size [0] = LOOP_BufferSize ;
        poolAttrs.bufSizes      = (Uint32 *) &size ;
        poolAttrs.numBuffers    = (Uint32 *) &numBufs ;
        poolAttrs.numBufPools   = 1 ;

        status = POOL_open (POOL_makePoolId(processorId, 0), &poolAttrs) ;
        if (DSP_FAILED (status)) {
            LOOP_1Print ("POOL_open () failed. Status = [0x%x]\n",
                            status) ;

     *  Load the executable on the DSP.
    if (DSP_SUCCEEDED (status)) {
        numArgs  = 1         ;
        args [0] = strControlArray    ;
        status = PROC_load (processorId, dspExecutable, numArgs, args) ;
        if (DSP_FAILED (status)) {
            LOOP_1Print ("PROC_load failed. Status = [0x%x]\n", status) ;

    LOOP_0Print ("Leaving DSP_Create ()\n") ;

    return status ;