Exemple #1
static void ReplaceStringFlagWindowed( char *caption, char flag, bool windowed )
	if( windowed )
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_windowed"), caption );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_fullscreen"), caption );
void ConnectingWindow::RenderTimeRemaining( float _fractionDone )
    static float s_timeRemaining = 0;
    static float s_timer = 0;

    float timeNow = GetHighResTime();

    if( timeNow > s_timer + 0.5f )
        s_timer = timeNow;
        float timeSoFar = timeNow - m_stageStartTime;
        float timeForOnePercent = timeSoFar/_fractionDone;
        float percentRemaining = 1.0f - _fractionDone;
        s_timeRemaining = percentRemaining * timeForOnePercent;

    if( s_timeRemaining > 0 && s_timeRemaining < 100000 )
        int minutes = int(s_timeRemaining / 60.0f);
        int seconds = s_timeRemaining - minutes * 60;

		char caption[512];
		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_state_time_remaining") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'M', minutes, caption );
		char number[32];
		sprintf( number, "%02d", seconds );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'S', number, caption );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 60, White, 14, caption );
Exemple #3
static void ReplaceStringFlagColorBit( char *caption, char flag, int colourDepth )
	if( colourDepth == 16 )
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_colourdepth_16"), caption );
	else if( colourDepth == 24 )
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_colourdepth_24"), caption );
	else if( colourDepth == 32 )
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_colourdepth_32"), caption );
		char numberBit[128];
		sprintf( numberBit, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_colourdepth_X") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'C', colourDepth, numberBit );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( flag, numberBit, caption );
void CasualtiesWindow::Render( bool hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( hasFocus );
    g_renderer->SetClip( m_x, m_y+20, m_w, m_h-20 );

    int x = m_x + 10;
    int y = m_y + 30;
    int titleSize = 18;
    int textSize = 13;

    y-= m_scrollbar->m_currentValue;
    g_renderer->TextSimple( x, y, White, titleSize, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_casualties_city") );
    g_renderer->TextSimple( x+200, y, White, titleSize, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_casualties_strikes") );
    g_renderer->TextSimple( x+300, y, White, titleSize, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_casualties_deaths") );


    int numEntries = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_cities.Size(); ++i )
        if( g_app->GetWorld()->m_cities.ValidIndex(i) )
            City *city = g_app->GetWorld()->m_cities[i];
            if( city->m_dead > 0 )
                char strikes[64];
                char deaths[64];

                sprintf( strikes, "%d", city->m_numStrikes );
				sprintf( deaths, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_casualties_in_million") );
				char number[32];
				sprintf( number, "%.1f", city->m_dead / 1000000.0f );
				LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'C', number, deaths );

                g_renderer->TextSimple( x, y+=18, White, textSize, LANGUAGEPHRASEADDITIONAL(city->m_name) );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( x+200, y, White, textSize, strikes );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( x+300, y, White, textSize, deaths );



    m_scrollbar->SetNumRows( (numEntries+1) * 18 );
void CeaseFireWindow::Render( bool hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( hasFocus );
    char msg[1024];
    char *helpMessage = NULL;

    if( g_app->GetWorld()->GetMyTeam()->m_ceaseFire[m_teamId] )
        strcpy( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_declarewar"));
        LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('T', g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( m_teamId )->GetTeamName(), msg );
        helpMessage = LANGUAGEPHRASE("tooltip_ceasefire_disable" );
        strcpy( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_ceasefire"));
        LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('T', g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( m_teamId )->GetTeamName(), msg );
        helpMessage = LANGUAGEPHRASE("tooltip_ceasefire_enable" );
    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+25, White, 17, msg );

    // Render tooltip

    float xPos = m_x + 30;
    float yPos = m_y + 40;
    float w = m_w - 60;

    MultiLineText wrapped( helpMessage, w, 11 );

    for( int i = 0; i < wrapped.Size(); ++i )
        char *thisString = wrapped[i];
        g_renderer->TextSimple( xPos, yPos+=13, White, 11, thisString );
Exemple #6
void Interface::Render()
    g_renderer->SetBlendMode( Renderer::BlendModeNormal );
    g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );    

    bool connectionScrewed = EclGetWindow("Connection Status");

    if( !connectionScrewed )
        // Network warning messages

        int myClientId = g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId;
        if( !g_app->GetClientToServer()->IsSynchronised( myClientId ) )
            Colour col( 255, 50, 50, 255 );
            float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 20.0f );
            float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
            float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.2f;
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( xPos, yPos, col, size, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_synchronisation_error") );

            if( !EclGetWindow("Resynchronise" ))
                EclRegisterWindow( new ResynchroniseWindow() );

        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->IsConnected() &&
            g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState == ClientToServer::StateConnected )
            Colour col( 255, 50, 50, 255 );
            float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 20.0f );
            float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
            float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.3f;
            float yPos2 = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.4f;

            static int s_connectionProblem = 0;             // 0=no, 1=yes, 2=recovery
            static float s_maxLatency = 0.0f;
            static float s_connProblemDetected = -1.0f;

            float estimatedLatency = g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetEstimatedLatency();
            if( !g_app->m_gameRunning ) s_connProblemDetected = -1.0f;
            if( s_connectionProblem == 0 &&
                estimatedLatency > 5.0f )
                // Connection problem beginning
                s_connectionProblem = 1;
                s_maxLatency = 5.0f;
            else if( s_connectionProblem == 1 )
                if( estimatedLatency < 1.0f )
                    s_connectionProblem = 0;
                    // Connection problem getting worse
                    float timeNow = GetHighResTime();
                    if( s_connProblemDetected < 0.0f ) s_connProblemDetected = timeNow;
                    if( timeNow-s_connProblemDetected > 2.0f )
                        col.m_a = 255.0f * min( 1.0f, timeNow-s_connProblemDetected-2.0f );
						char caption[512];
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_connection_problem_seconds") );
						LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', int(estimatedLatency), caption );
                        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( xPos, yPos, col, size, caption );                            

                    s_maxLatency = max( s_maxLatency, estimatedLatency );
                    float maxLat = s_maxLatency;
                    float estLat = estimatedLatency;
                    if( estimatedLatency < s_maxLatency - 1.0f )
                        s_connectionProblem = 2;
                        if( !EclGetWindow("Connection Status") ) 
                            EclRegisterWindow( new ConnectingWindow() );
            else if( s_connectionProblem == 2 )
                if( estimatedLatency < 1.0f )
                    s_connectionProblem = 0;
                    // Connection problem recovering
                    if( estimatedLatency > s_maxLatency + 3 )
                        s_connectionProblem = 1;
                    else if( !EclGetWindow( "Connection Status") )
                        s_connectionProblem = 0;
                        s_maxLatency = 0.0f;

            if( !g_app->GetServer() )
                int packetLoss = g_app->GetClientToServer()->CountPacketLoss();
                int totalBad = packetLoss * 4 + estimatedLatency * 10;
                Clamp( totalBad, 0, 20 );

                int red = totalBad*12;
                int green = 255 - red;
                g_renderer->RectFill( 5, 5, 13, 13, col );


                float yPos = 20;
                if( estimatedLatency > 1.0f )
                    g_renderer->Text( 5, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_high_latency") );
                    yPos += 13;

                if( packetLoss > 2 )
                    g_renderer->Text( 5, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_high_packet_loss") );

                g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );

        if( m_message )
            float timeOnScreen = GetHighResTime() - m_messageTimer;
            if( timeOnScreen < 5.0f )
                char msg[256];
                sprintf( msg, m_message );
                float fractionShown = timeOnScreen/1.5f;
                if( fractionShown < 1.0f ) msg[ int(strlen(msg) * fractionShown) ] = '\x0';

                float alpha = 1.0f;
                if( timeOnScreen > 4.0f ) alpha = 5.0f - timeOnScreen;
                alpha = max(alpha, 0.0f);
                alpha *= 255;
                Colour col( 255, 255, 255, alpha );
                float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 12.0f );
                float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
                float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.8f;            

                float textWidth = g_renderer->TextWidth( m_message, size );
                if( textWidth > g_windowManager->WindowW() )
                    // message is longer than the window size, rescale it
                    size *= g_windowManager->WindowW() / textWidth * 0.95f;
                    textWidth = g_renderer->TextWidth( m_message, size );

                g_renderer->TextSimple( xPos-textWidth/2.0f, yPos, col, size, msg );
                delete m_message;
                m_message = NULL;

        // Render Defcon counter (if applicable)

        if( g_app->m_gameRunning &&
            g_app->GetWorld()->GetDefcon() > 1 &&
            !m_message )
            int currentDefcon = g_app->GetWorld()->GetDefcon();
            int minutes = g_app->GetWorld()->m_defconTime[ currentDefcon-1 ] - (g_app->GetWorld()->m_theDate.GetMinutes() + 1);
            int seconds = 60 - g_app->GetWorld()->m_theDate.GetSeconds();
            if( seconds == 60 )
                minutes += 1;
                seconds = 0;
            char msg[256];
			sprintf( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_defcon_x_in_x_time") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'D', currentDefcon - 1, msg );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'M', minutes, msg );
			char number[32];
			sprintf( number, "%02d", seconds );
			LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'S', number, msg );

            float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
            float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.8f;
            float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 30.0f );

            g_renderer->TextCentre(xPos, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), size, msg );

            // If Defcon 3 is nearly here and we still have units left, give us some prompting

            if( currentDefcon == 4 )
                Team *myTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetMyTeam();
                if( myTeam )
                    int totalUnits = 0;
                    for( int i = 0; i < WorldObject::NumObjectTypes; ++i )
                        totalUnits += myTeam->m_unitsAvailable[i];
                    if( totalUnits > 0 )
                        yPos += size;
                        size *= 0.35f;
                        g_renderer->TextCentre( xPos, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), size, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_placeunits") );

        // Render victory timer (if applicable)
        float victoryTimer = g_app->GetGame()->m_victoryTimer.DoubleValue();
        if( victoryTimer > 0.0f )
            int minutes = victoryTimer / 60;
            int seconds = victoryTimer - minutes * 60;

            float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
            float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.75f;
            float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 30.0f );

            char caption[256];
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_time_remaining") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'M', minutes, caption );
			char number[32];
			sprintf( number, "%02d", seconds );
			LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'S', number, caption );

            g_renderer->TextCentre( xPos, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), size, caption );
        else if( victoryTimer == 0.0f )
            float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
            float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.75f;
            float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 30.0f );

            g_renderer->TextCentre( xPos, yPos, Colour(255,0,0,255), size, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_gameover") );

        if( g_app->m_gameRunning )
            if( g_app->GetWorld()->GetTimeScaleFactor() == 0 && g_app->GetGame()->m_winner == -1 )
                float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
                float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.5f;
                float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 20.0f );

                g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( xPos, yPos, White, size, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_paused") );

        if( g_app->m_gameRunning && g_app->GetMapRenderer()->GetAutoCam() )
            g_renderer->TextSimple( 10.0f, 10.0f, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_autocam") );

    // Test Bed stuff

#ifdef TESTBED
    if( g_app->GetServer() )
        float xPos = g_windowManager->WindowW()/2.0f;
        float yPos = g_windowManager->WindowH()*0.4f;
        float size = ( g_windowManager->WindowW() / 12.0f );

        char *modPath = g_preferences->GetString( "ModPath" );

        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( xPos, yPos, White, size, "SERVER" );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( xPos, yPos+size, White, size/3, modPath );

        ProfiledElement *element = g_profiler->m_rootElement->m_children.GetData( "Server Main Loop" );
        if( element && element->m_lastNumCalls > 0 )
            float percent = element->m_lastNumCalls * 10.0f;
            g_renderer->TextCentre( xPos, yPos + size*3, White, size, "%d%%", (int)percent );


    // Version

    //if( !g_app->m_gameRunning )
    //    char caption[256];
    //    sprintf( caption, "%s %s", APP_NAME, APP_VERSION );
    //    float width = g_renderer->TextWidth( caption, 12 );

    //    g_renderer->RectFill( 18, 3, 4+width, 15, Colour(0,0,0,150) );
    //    g_renderer->SetFont();
    //    g_renderer->TextSimple( 20, 5, White, 12, caption );

    //    g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );

    g_renderer->Text( 10, 40,Colour(255,50,50,255), 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_non_playable_demo") );

    if( g_preferences->GetInt( PREFS_NETWORKTRACKSYNCRAND ))
        g_renderer->Text( 10, 60, Colour(255,50,50,255), 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_tracking_synchronisation") );

    void Render( int realX, int realY, bool highlighted, bool clicked )
        AlliancesWindow *parent = (AlliancesWindow *)m_parent;
        int voteId = parent->m_votes[m_voteIndex];
        Vote *vote = g_app->GetWorld()->m_votingSystem.LookupVote( voteId );
        Team *myTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetMyTeam();
        if( vote )
            g_renderer->RectFill( realX, realY, m_w, m_h, Colour(10,10,50,200) );
            Colour borderCol(255,255,255,100);
            if( highlighted || clicked ) 
                borderCol.m_a = 255;
                g_renderer->RectFill( realX, realY, m_w, m_h, Colour(100,100,150,100) );
            g_renderer->Rect( realX, realY, m_w, m_h, borderCol );

            switch( vote->m_voteType )
                case Vote::VoteTypeJoinAlliance:
                    if( myTeam->m_teamId == vote->m_createTeamId )
                        char *allianceName = g_app->GetWorld()->GetAllianceName(vote->m_voteData);
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+5, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_alliance_1") );
						char caption[512];
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_alliance_2") );
						LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'A', allianceName, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+20, White, 14, caption );
                        Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( vote->m_createTeamId );
						char caption[512];
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_alliance_1") );
						LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', team->m_name, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+5, White, 15, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+20, White, 15, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_alliance_2") );

                case Vote::VoteTypeKickPlayer:
                    Team *kickTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(vote->m_voteData);
                    if( myTeam->m_teamId == vote->m_createTeamId )
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+5, White, 15, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_kick_1") );
						char caption[512];
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_kick_2") );
						LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', kickTeam->m_name, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+20, White, 15, caption );
                        Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( vote->m_createTeamId );
						char caption[512];
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_kick_1") );
						LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', team->m_name, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+5, White, 15, caption );
						sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_kick_2") );
						LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', kickTeam->m_name, caption );
                        g_renderer->TextSimple( realX+10, realY+20, White, 15, caption );

            int yes, no, abstain;
            vote->GetCurrentVote( &yes, &no, &abstain );

            g_renderer->Text( realX + 190, realY + 12, White, 17, "%ds", int(vote->m_timer) );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( realX + m_w - 70, realY + 5, White, 10,  LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_yes") );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( realX + m_w - 70, realY + 15, White, 10, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_no") );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( realX + m_w - 70, realY + 25, White, 10, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_abstain") );

            g_renderer->Text( realX + m_w - 20, realY + 5, White, 10,  "%d", yes );
            g_renderer->Text( realX + m_w - 20, realY + 15, White, 10, "%d", no );
            g_renderer->Text( realX + m_w - 20, realY + 25, White, 10, "%d", abstain );
void VotingWindow::Render( bool _hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( _hasFocus );

    Vote *vote = g_app->GetWorld()->m_votingSystem.LookupVote(m_voteId);
    if( vote )
        Team *myTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetMyTeam();

        switch( vote->m_voteType )
            case Vote::VoteTypeJoinAlliance:
                if( myTeam->m_teamId == vote->m_createTeamId )
                    char *allianceName = g_app->GetWorld()->GetAllianceName(vote->m_voteData);
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+30, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_alliance_1") );
					char caption[512];
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_alliance_2") );
					LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'A', allianceName, caption );
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+50, White, 20, caption );
                else if( myTeam->m_allianceId == vote->m_voteData )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( vote->m_createTeamId );
					char caption[512];
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_alliance_1") );
					LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', team->m_name, caption );
					g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+30, White, 20, caption );
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+50, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_alliance_2") );

            case Vote::VoteTypeKickPlayer:
                Team *kickTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(vote->m_voteData);
                if( myTeam->m_teamId == vote->m_createTeamId )
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+30, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_kick_1") );
					char caption[512];
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_you_requested_kick_2") );
					LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', kickTeam->m_name, caption );
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+50, White, 20, caption );
                else if( myTeam->m_allianceId == kickTeam->m_allianceId &&
                         myTeam->m_teamId != kickTeam->m_teamId )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( vote->m_createTeamId );
					char caption[512];
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_kick_1") );
					LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', team->m_name, caption );
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+30, White, 20, caption );
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_requested_kick_2") );
					LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', kickTeam->m_name, caption );
                    g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y+50, White, 20, caption );

        g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + 90, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_yes") );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + 120, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_no") );
        g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + 150, White, 20, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_abstain") );

        int yes, no, abstain;
        vote->GetCurrentVote( &yes, &no, &abstain );

        g_renderer->Text( m_x + m_w - 40, m_y + 90, White, 20, "%d", yes );
        g_renderer->Text( m_x + m_w - 40, m_y + 120, White, 20, "%d", no );
        g_renderer->Text( m_x + m_w - 40, m_y + 150, White, 20, "%d", abstain );

        if( vote->m_result == Vote::VoteUnknown )
			char caption[512];
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_seconds_to_vote") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', (int) vote->m_timer, caption );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 70, White, 15, caption );
            int votesRequired = vote->GetVotesRequired();
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_number_votes_required") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'V', votesRequired, caption );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 50, White, 15, caption );
        else if( vote->m_result == Vote::VoteYes )
            g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 70, White, 30, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_succeeded") );
        else if( vote->m_result == Vote::VoteNo )
            g_renderer->SetFont( "kremlin" );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x+m_w/2, m_y + m_h - 70, White, 30, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_vote_failed") );
Exemple #9
void Vote::Finish( int _result )
    GetCurrentVote( &m_resultYes, &m_resultNo, &m_resultAbstain );

    m_result = _result;

    if( m_result == VoteYes )
        Team *team = NULL;
        char msg[512];

        switch( m_voteType )
            case VoteTypeJoinAlliance:
                team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( m_createTeamId );
                team->m_allianceId = m_voteData;
                team->m_alwaysSolo = false;

                sprintf( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_alliance_join") );
                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('P', team->GetTeamName(), msg);

                char *allianceName = g_app->GetWorld()->GetAllianceName(m_voteData);

                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('N', allianceName, msg );

            case VoteTypeKickPlayer:
                team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( m_voteData );

                sprintf( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_alliance_kicked") );
                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('P', team->GetTeamName(), msg);

                char *allianceName = g_app->GetWorld()->GetAllianceName(team->m_allianceId);

                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('N', allianceName, msg );

                team->m_allianceId = g_app->GetWorld()->FindFreeAllianceId();


            case VoteTypeLeaveAlliance:
                team = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( m_voteData );

                sprintf( msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_alliance_leave") );
                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('P', team->GetTeamName(), msg);

                char *allianceName = g_app->GetWorld()->GetAllianceName(team->m_allianceId);

                LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG('N', allianceName, msg );

                for( int i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMS; ++i )
                    Team *allianceTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam( i );
                    if( allianceTeam )
                        if( team->m_allianceId == allianceTeam->m_allianceId )
                            team->m_leftAllianceTimer[i] = GetHighResTime();

                team->m_allianceId = g_app->GetWorld()->FindFreeAllianceId();

        strupr( msg );
        g_app->GetInterface()->ShowMessage( 0, 0, -1, msg, true );
        if( g_app->m_hidden )
            g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetCaption( msg );
            g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetSubIcon( STATUS_ICON_EVENT );

        g_resource->DeleteDisplayList( "MapCountryControl" );

        // Update everyones CeaseFire status
        // Update everyones radar sharing 
        // Note : we only ever turn off radar sharing.  We never turn it on by default

        for(int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
            Team *thisTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[i];

            bool isAFriend = thisTeam->m_teamId != team->m_teamId && 
                             g_app->GetWorld()->IsFriend( team->m_teamId, thisTeam->m_teamId );

            team->m_ceaseFire[thisTeam->m_teamId] = isAFriend;
            thisTeam->m_ceaseFire[team->m_teamId] = isAFriend;
            if( !isAFriend )
                team->m_sharingRadar[thisTeam->m_teamId] = isAFriend;
                thisTeam->m_sharingRadar[team->m_teamId] = isAFriend;
Exemple #10
void NetworkWindow::Render( bool hasFocus )
    InterfaceWindow::Render( hasFocus );
    int y = m_y+15;
    int h = 15;

    if( g_app->GetServer() )
		char caption[128];
		char number[32];
		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_seqid") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_send") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetServer()->m_sendRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
		g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_server_receive") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetServer()->m_receiveRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
		g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

        g_renderer->Line( m_x + 10, y + 20, m_x + m_w - 10, y + 20, White, 1 );
        int clientX = m_x + 20;
        int ipX = clientX + 60;
        int seqX = ipX + 140;
        int playerX = seqX + 60;
        int lagX = playerX + 150;
        int syncX = lagX + 90;


        g_renderer->TextSimple( clientX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_id") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( ipX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_ip_port") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( seqX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_seqid") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( playerX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_name") );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( lagX, y, White, 14, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_status") );

        int maxClients = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("MaxTeams") +
        for( int i = 0; i < maxClients; ++i )
            if( g_app->GetServer()->m_clients.ValidIndex(i) )
                ServerToClient *sToc = g_app->GetServer()->m_clients[i];
                char netLocation[256];
                sprintf( netLocation, "%s:%d", sToc->m_ip, sToc->m_port);

                char caption[256];
                Colour col;

                float timeBehind = GetHighResTime() - sToc->m_lastMessageReceived;
                if( timeBehind > 2.0f )
                    col.Set( 255, 0, 0, 255 );
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_lost_con") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', (int)timeBehind, caption );
                else if( !sToc->m_caughtUp ) 
                    col.Set( 200, 200, 30, 255 );
                    int percent = 100 * (sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId / (float)g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId);
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_synching") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'P', percent, caption );
                    float latency = (g_app->GetServer()->m_sequenceId - sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId);
                    float latencyMs = latency * 100.0f;
					sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_ping") );
					LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'P', (int)latencyMs, caption );
                    int red = std::min(255,(int) latency*20);
                    int green = 255 - red;

                Colour normalCol(200,200,255,200);

                char *playerName = NULL;
                if( sToc->m_spectator )
                    for( int j = 0; j < g_app->GetWorld()->m_spectators.Size(); ++j )
                        Spectator *thisTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->m_spectators[j];
                        if( thisTeam->m_clientId == sToc->m_clientId )
                            playerName = thisTeam->m_name;
                    for( int j = 0; j < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++j )
                        Team *thisTeam = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[j];
                        if( thisTeam->m_clientId == sToc->m_clientId )
                            playerName = thisTeam->m_name;

                g_renderer->Text( clientX, y, normalCol, 12, "%d", sToc->m_clientId );
                if( playerName )
                    g_renderer->TextSimple( playerX, y, normalCol, 12, playerName );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( ipX, y, normalCol, 12, netLocation );
                g_renderer->Text( seqX, y, normalCol, 12, "%d", sToc->m_lastKnownSequenceId );                
                g_renderer->TextSimple( lagX, y, col, 12, caption );

                if( sToc->m_spectator )
                    g_renderer->TextSimple( clientX+10, y, normalCol, 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_spec") );

                if( sToc->m_syncErrorSeqId != -1 )
                    g_renderer->Text( syncX, y, Colour(255,0,0,255), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_worldstatus_out_of_sync_2") );
                g_renderer->Text( clientX, y, Colour(255,255,255,50), 12, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_empty") );
            y += 20;

    // Show which packets are queued up if we're a client

    if( g_app->GetClientToServer() && g_lastProcessedSequenceId >= 0 )
        float yPos = m_y + m_h - 25;

        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, yPos-25, White, 13, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_sequence_msg_queue") );

        float xPos = m_x + 10;
        float width = (m_w - 120) / 10;
        float gap = width * 0.2f;
        for( int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i )
            if( i != 0 )
                g_renderer->RectFill( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(20,20,50,255) );

                if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->IsSequenceIdInQueue( g_lastProcessedSequenceId+i ) )
                    g_renderer->RectFill( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(0,255,0,255) );

                g_renderer->Rect( xPos, yPos-5, width-gap, 20, Colour(255,255,255,100) );

            if( i == 0 )
				char caption[128];
				sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_seqid_number") );
				LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_lastProcessedSequenceId, caption );
                g_renderer->TextSimple( xPos, yPos, White, 13, caption );
                xPos += width * 1;
            xPos += width;

    if( g_app->GetClientToServer() )
		char caption[128];
		char number[32];

		if( !g_app->GetServer() )
			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_svr_known_seqid") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverSequenceId, caption );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_svr_estimated_seqid") );
			LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetEstimatedServerSeqId(), caption );
            g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 10, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

			sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_estimated_latency") );
			sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetEstimatedLatency() );
			LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'L', number, caption );
            g_renderer->TextCentreSimple( m_x + m_w/2, y+40, White, 15, caption );

        y = m_y + 15;

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_seqid") );
		LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'S', g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_lastValidSequenceIdFromServer, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_send") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_sendRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );

		sprintf( caption, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_network_client_receive") );
		sprintf( number, "%2.1f", g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_receiveRate/1024.0f );
		LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'R', number, caption );
        g_renderer->TextSimple( m_x + 250, y+=h, White, 12, caption );
Exemple #11
bool ProcessServerLetters( Directory *letter )
    if( strcmp( letter->m_name, NET_DEFCON_MESSAGE ) != 0 ||
        !letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_COMMAND ) )
        AppDebugOut( "Client received bogus message, discarded (4)\n" );
        return true;

    char *cmd = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_COMMAND );

    if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTHELLO ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);
        if( clientId == g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState = ClientToServer::StateConnected;
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received HelloClient from Server\n" );
            if( !g_app->GetTutorial() )
                g_app->GetClientToServer()->RequestTeam( Team::TypeLocalPlayer );

        // If this is a Demo client, make a note of that
        if( letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_CLIENTISDEMO ) )
            g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetClientDemo( clientId );

        // This might be a client rejoining the game
        // Need to give him his teams back
        g_app->GetWorld()->ReassignTeams( clientId );        

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTGOODBYE ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);
        int reason = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT);

        AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Client %d left the game\n", clientId );
        g_app->GetWorld()->RemoveTeams( clientId, reason );
        g_app->GetWorld()->RemoveSpectator( clientId );
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, true );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received ClientID of %d\n", clientId );        

        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId != -1 )
            AppAssert( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId == clientId );
            return true;

        g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId = clientId;
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState = ClientToServer::StateHandshaking;
        g_lastProcessedSequenceId = -1;

        if( letter->HasData( NET_DEFCON_VERSION, DIRECTORY_TYPE_STRING ) )
            char *serverVersion = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_VERSION );
            strcpy( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverVersion, serverVersion );
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Server version is %s\n", serverVersion );

        if( !VersionManager::DoesSupportModSystem( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_serverVersion ) )
            // This server is too old to support Mods, so make sure we de-activate any critical ones
            if( g_modSystem->CommitRequired() )

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_TEAMASSIGN ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        int teamId   = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_TEAMID);
        int teamType = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_TEAMTYPE);

        if( teamType != Team::TypeAI &&
            clientId != g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            teamType = Team::TypeRemotePlayer;

        g_app->GetWorld()->InitialiseTeam(teamId, teamType, clientId );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_SPECTATORASSIGN ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        

        if( clientId == g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_clientId )
            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT: I am a spectator\n" );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_NETSYNCERROR ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "SYNCERROR Server informed us that Client %d is out of Sync\n", clientId );

        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, false );

        char *syncId = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_SYNCERRORID );

        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_NETSYNCFIXED ) == 0 )
        int clientId = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_CLIENTID);        
        AppDebugOut( "SYNCFIXED Server informed us that Client %d has repaired his Sync Error\n", clientId );
        g_app->GetClientToServer()->SetSyncState( clientId, true );
        return true;
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT ) == 0 )
        if( g_app->GetClientToServer()->m_connectionState > ClientToServer::StateDisconnected )
            if ( EclGetWindow("LOBBY") )
				EclRemoveWindow( "LOBBY" );
			if ( EclGetWindow("Comms Window") )
				EclRemoveWindow( "Comms Window" );
			if ( EclGetWindow("Preparing Game...") )
				EclRemoveWindow("Preparing Game..." );


            char *reason;
			char *reasonLanguagePhrase;
            int reasonDisconnectInt = letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT);
            switch( reasonDisconnectInt )
                case Disconnect_ClientLeave:            reason = "You have left the game";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_client_leave";         break;
                case Disconnect_ServerShutdown:         reason = "The server has shutdown";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_server_shutdown";      break;
                case Disconnect_InvalidKey:             reason = "You are using an invalid key";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_invalid_key";          break;
                case Disconnect_DuplicateKey:           reason = "You are using a duplicate key";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_duplicate_key";        break;
                case Disconnect_KeyAuthFailed:          reason = "Key authentication failed";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_key_auth_failed";      break;
                case Disconnect_BadPassword:            reason = "Invalid Password Entered";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_bad_password";         break;
                case Disconnect_GameFull:               reason = "Game is already full";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_game_full";            break;
                case Disconnect_KickedFromGame:         reason = "Kicked by the Server";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_kicked_from_game";     break;
                case Disconnect_DemoFull:               reason = "Too many Demo Players already";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_demo_full";            break;
				default:                                reason = "Unknown";
					                                    reasonLanguagePhrase = "dialog_disconnect_unknown";              break;

            if( reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_KeyAuthFailed ||
                reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_InvalidKey ||
                reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_DuplicateKey )
                char authKey[256];
				if( Authentication_IsKeyFound() )
					Authentication_GetKey( authKey );
					sprintf( authKey, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_authkey_not_found") );

                BadKeyWindow *badKey = new BadKeyWindow();

				sprintf( badKey->m_extraMessage, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_auth_error") );
				LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'E', LANGUAGEPHRASE(reasonLanguagePhrase), badKey->m_extraMessage );
				LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'K', authKey, badKey->m_extraMessage );

            else if( reasonDisconnectInt == Disconnect_DemoFull )
                int maxGameSize;
                int maxDemoPlayers;
                bool allowDemoServers;
                g_app->GetClientToServer()->GetDemoLimitations( maxGameSize, maxDemoPlayers, allowDemoServers );
                BadKeyWindow *badKey = new BadKeyWindow();

                sprintf( badKey->m_extraMessage, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_server_demo_restricted") );
                LPREPLACEINTEGERFLAG( 'N', maxDemoPlayers, badKey->m_extraMessage );

                badKey->m_offerDemo = false;
                MessageDialog *dialog = new MessageDialog( "Disconnected", reasonLanguagePhrase, true, "dialog_disconnected", true );
                EclRegisterWindow( dialog );

            AppDebugOut( "CLIENT : Received Disconnect from server : %s\n", reason );

#ifdef TESTBED
            if( letter->GetDataInt(NET_DEFCON_DISCONNECT) == Disconnect_ServerShutdown )
                RestartTestBed(1, "Client Disconnect");

        return true;            
    else if( strcmp( cmd, NET_DEFCON_SETMODPATH ) == 0 )
        char *modPath = letter->GetDataString( NET_DEFCON_SETMODPATH );
        AppDebugOut( "Server has set the MOD path: '%s'\n", modPath );
        if( !g_modSystem->IsCriticalModPathSet( modPath ) )
            if( g_modSystem->CanSetModPath( modPath ) )
                g_modSystem->SetModPath( modPath );
                char reason[8192];
                sprintf( reason, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_error_mod_path_caption") );

                char modPathCopy[4096];
                strcpy( modPathCopy, modPath );
                LList<char *> *tokens = g_modSystem->ParseModPath( modPathCopy );

                for( int i = 0; i < tokens->Size(); i+=2 )
                    char *modName = tokens->GetData(i);
                    char *version = tokens->GetData(i+1);

                    strcat( reason, modName );
                    strcat( reason, " " );
                    strcat( reason, version );

                    if( !g_modSystem->IsModInstalled( modName, version ) )
                        strcat( reason, "    " );
                        strcat( reason, LANGUAGEPHRASE("dialog_mod_not_installed") );
                    strcat( reason, "\n" );

                delete tokens;
                MessageDialog *dialog = new MessageDialog( "Error setting MOD path", reason, false, "dialog_error_mod_path_title", true );
                EclRegisterWindow( dialog );

        return true;
        return false;
Exemple #12
bool City::NuclearStrike( int causedBy, Fixed intensity, Fixed range, bool directHitPossible )
    if( range <= intensity/50 )
        Fixed intensityEffect = (intensity/100) / 2;
        Fixed rangeEffect = 1 - range / (intensity/50);
        int deaths = ( m_population * intensityEffect * rangeEffect ).IntValue();
        m_dead += deaths;
        m_population -= deaths;
        m_numStrikes ++;

        Team *owner = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(m_teamId);
        Team *guilty = g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(causedBy);

		bool trackedStat = false;

        if( causedBy == g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId ||
			m_teamId == g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId )
			// We shot this nuke, or it was shot at us, so record the deaths
            trackedStat = true;
        if( owner ) owner->m_friendlyDeaths += deaths;        
        if( !owner && guilty ) guilty->m_collatoralDamage += deaths;
        if( guilty )
            if( g_app->GetWorld()->IsFriend(m_teamId,causedBy) )
                guilty->m_collatoralDamage += deaths;
                guilty->m_enemyKills += deaths;

        bool directHit = false;
        char caption[256];
        if( rangeEffect >= Fixed::Hundredths(75) && directHitPossible )
            if( deaths > 1000000 )
                bool messageFound = false;
                for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_messages.Size(); ++i )
                    WorldMessage *wm = g_app->GetWorld()->m_messages[i];
                    if( wm->m_messageType == WorldMessage::TypeDirectHit &&
                        wm->m_longitude == m_longitude &&
                        wm->m_latitude == m_latitude )
                        char dead[16];
                        sprintf( dead, "%.1f", (deaths + wm->m_deaths) / 1000000.0f );
                        sprintf( caption, "%s", LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_directhit") );
                        LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'D', dead, caption );
                        LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'C', LANGUAGEPHRASEADDITIONAL(m_name), caption );
                        wm->SetMessage( caption );

                        wm->m_deaths += deaths;
                        wm->m_renderFull = true;
                        wm->m_timer += 5;
                        if( wm->m_timer > 15 )
                            wm->m_timer = 15;
                        messageFound = true;
                if( !messageFound )
                    char dead[16];
                    sprintf( dead, "%.1f", deaths / 1000000.0f );
                    sprintf( caption, "%s", LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_directhit") );
                    LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'D', dead, caption );
                    LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'C', LANGUAGEPHRASEADDITIONAL(m_name), caption );

                    g_app->GetWorld()->AddWorldMessage( m_longitude, m_latitude, m_teamId, caption, WorldMessage::TypeDirectHit );
                    g_app->GetWorld()->m_messages[ g_app->GetWorld()->m_messages.Size() -1 ]->m_deaths = deaths;
            directHit = true;
        if( !directHit && deaths > 1000000 )
            char dead[16];
            sprintf( dead, "%.1f", deaths / 1000000.0f );
            sprintf( caption, "%s", LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_fallout") );
            LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'D', dead, caption );
            g_app->GetInterface()->ShowMessage( m_longitude, m_latitude, m_teamId, caption );

        return directHit;

    return false;
Exemple #13
void Game::Update()
    // If there is a real-world timer, update it

    if( m_winner == -1 && m_maxGameTime > 0 )
        m_maxGameTime -= SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;
        m_maxGameTime = max( m_maxGameTime, 0 );

        if( !m_gameTimeWarning && 
            m_maxGameTime <= (10 * 60) &&
            g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("MaxGameRealTime") >= 10 )
            g_app->GetInterface()->ShowMessage( 0, 0, -1, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_ten_minute_warning"), true );
            m_gameTimeWarning = true;

            if( g_app->m_hidden )
                g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetSubIcon( STATUS_ICON_TIMER );
                g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetCaption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("tray_icon_ten_minute_warning") );

    // Remove all remaining units and calculate total nukes when Defcon 3 hits

    int defcon = g_app->GetWorld()->GetDefcon();
    if( defcon != m_lastKnownDefcon )
        if( !g_app->GetTutorial() ||
            g_app->GetTutorial()->GetCurrentLevel() == 7 )
            if( defcon == 3 )
                for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[i];
                    team->m_unitCredits = 0;
                    for( int j = 0; j < WorldObject::NumObjectTypes; ++j )
                        team->m_unitsAvailable[j] = 0;

                for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[i];
                    m_totalNukes[team->m_teamId] = m_nukeCount[team->m_teamId];

                EclRemoveWindow( "Side Panel" );
                EclRemoveWindow( "Placement" );                
        m_lastKnownDefcon = defcon;

    // Has somebody won?

    if( m_winner == -1 )
        // If the game is counting down...

        if( m_victoryTimer > 0 )
            m_victoryTimer -= SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD * g_app->GetWorld()->GetTimeScaleFactor();
            m_victoryTimer = max( m_victoryTimer, 0 );

        m_recalcTimer -= SERVER_ADVANCE_PERIOD;
        if( m_recalcTimer <= 0 )
            m_recalcTimer = 3;

            // Recalculate the scores

            // Look at nukes remaining
            // If there are few enough nukes, start the timer
            if( !m_lockVictoryTimer &&
                 m_victoryTimer < 0 )
                int totalNukeCount = 0;
                int totalMaxNukeCount = 0;
                int numTeams = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size();
                for( int t = 0; t < numTeams; ++t )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[t];
                    totalNukeCount += m_nukeCount[team->m_teamId];
                    totalMaxNukeCount += m_totalNukes[team->m_teamId];

                float averageNukeCount = totalNukeCount / (float) numTeams;
                float averageTotalCount = totalMaxNukeCount / (float) numTeams;
                float victoryNukeCount = averageTotalCount * GetOptionValue("VictoryTrigger") / 100.0f;

                if( averageNukeCount <= victoryNukeCount )
                    m_victoryTimer = GetOptionValue("VictoryTimer");
                    m_victoryTimer *= 60;       //to get it into minutes

                    if( m_victoryTimer > 0 )
                        g_app->GetInterface()->ShowMessage( 0, 0, -1, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_victory_timer"), true );
                        g_soundSystem->TriggerEvent( "Interface", "DefconChange" );

                        if( g_app->m_hidden )
                            g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetSubIcon( STATUS_ICON_TIMER );
                            g_app->GetStatusIcon()->SetCaption( LANGUAGEPHRASE("tray_icon_victory_timer") );

            // If the countdown has finished
            // Declare the winner now!

            if( m_victoryTimer == 0 || m_maxGameTime == 0 )
                m_winner = -1;
                int winningScore = 0;
                for( int t = 0; t < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++t )
                    Team *team = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[t];
                    int score = GetScore(team->m_teamId);
                    g_app->GetClientToServer()->SendTeamScore( team->m_teamId, score );
                    if( score > winningScore )
                        winningScore = score;
                        m_winner = team->m_teamId;

                int numPlayers = g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size();

                char msg[128];
                if( m_winner != -1 )
                    strcpy(msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_victory"));
                    LPREPLACESTRINGFLAG( 'T', g_app->GetWorld()->GetTeam(m_winner)->GetTeamName(), msg );
                    if( m_winner == g_app->GetWorld()->m_myTeamId &&
                        numPlayers > 1 )
                    strcpy(msg, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_stalemate"));
                    m_winner = 999;
                g_app->GetInterface()->ShowMessage( 0, 0, m_winner, msg, true );

                g_app->GetMapRenderer()->m_renderEverything = true;
                for( int i = 0; i < g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams.Size(); ++i )
                    g_app->GetWorld()->m_teams[i]->m_desiredGameSpeed = 0;

                if( !EclGetWindow( "Stats" ) )
                    EclRegisterWindow( new StatsWindow()  );

                g_soundSystem->StopAllSounds( SoundObjectId(), "StartMusic StartMusic" );
                g_soundSystem->TriggerEvent( "Interface", "GameOver" );

                int specVisible = g_app->GetGame()->GetOptionValue("SpectatorChatChannel");
                if( specVisible == 0 &&
                    g_app->GetWorld()->m_spectators.Size() )
                    g_app->GetWorld()->AddChatMessage( -1, CHATCHANNEL_PUBLIC, LANGUAGEPHRASE("message_spectators_chat_players"), -1, false );