Radiance3 RayTracer::L_indirectImpulses(const shared_ptr<Surfel>& surfel, const Vector3& wo, ThreadData& threadData, int bouncesLeft) const {
    Surfel::ImpulseArray impulseArray;
    surfel->getImpulses(PathDirection::EYE_TO_SOURCE, wo, impulseArray);

    Radiance3 L;
    for (int i = 0; i < impulseArray.size(); ++i) {
        const Surfel::Impulse& impulse = impulseArray[i];
        L += L_in(bump(surfel, impulse.direction), impulse.direction, threadData, bouncesLeft) * impulse.magnitude;

    return L;
Exemple #2
void RenderPixel (float u, float v, TPixelRGBF32& pixel)
    // make (u,v) go from [-1,1] instead of [0,1]
    u = u * 2.0f - 1.0f;
    v = v * 2.0f - 1.0f;

    // find where the ray hits the near plane, and normalize that vector to get the ray direction.
    TVector3 rayStart = c_cameraPos + c_cameraFwd * c_nearPlaneDistance;
    rayStart += c_cameraRight * c_windowRight * u;
    rayStart += c_cameraUp * c_windowTop * v;
    TVector3 rayDir = Normalize(rayStart - c_cameraPos);

    // our pixel is the amount of light coming in to the position on our near plane from the ray direction
    pixel = L_in(rayStart, rayDir);
Radiance3 RayTracer::traceOnePrimaryRay(float x, float y, ThreadData& threadData) {
    // Ray P, -wi
    const Ray& primaryRay = m_camera->worldRay(x, y, Rect2D::xywh(0, 0, (float)m_image->width(), (float)m_image->height()));
    return L_in(primaryRay.origin(), primaryRay.direction(), threadData, m_settings.numBackwardBounces);