Exemple #1
** Function:           Calc_Exc_Rand()
** Description:        Computation of random excitation for inactive frames:
**                     Adaptive codebook entry selected randomly
**                     Higher rate innovation pattern selected randomly
**                     Computes innovation gain to match curGain
** Links to text:
** Arguments:
**  Word16 curGain     current average gain to match
**  Word16 *PrevExc    previous/current excitation (updated)
**  Word16 *DataEXc    current frame excitation
**  Word16 *nRandom    random generator status (input/output)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 *PrevExc
**  Word16 *DataExc
**  Word16 *nRandom
** Return value:       None
void Calc_Exc_Rand(Word16 curGain, Word16 *PrevExc, Word16 *DataExc,
                                      Word16 *nRandom, LINEDEF *Line)
    int i, i_subfr, iblk;
    Word16 temp, temp2;
    Word16 j;
    Word16 TabPos[2*NbPulsBlk], TabSign[2*NbPulsBlk];
    Word16 *ptr_TabPos, *ptr_TabSign;
    Word16 *ptr1, *curExc;
    Word16 sh1, x1, x2, inter_exc, delta, b0;
    Word32 L_acc, L_c, L_temp;
    Word16 tmp[SubFrLen/Sgrid];
    Word16 offset[SubFrames];
    Word16 tempExc[SubFrLenD];

  * generate LTP codes
    Line->Olp[0] = random_number(21, nRandom) + (Word16)123;
    Line->Olp[1] = random_number(21, nRandom) + (Word16)123;
    for(i_subfr=0; i_subfr<SubFrames; i_subfr++) {  /* in [1, NbFilt] */
        Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcGn = random_number(NbFilt, nRandom) + (Word16)1;
    Line->Sfs[0].AcLg = 1;
    Line->Sfs[1].AcLg = 0;
    Line->Sfs[2].AcLg = 1;
    Line->Sfs[3].AcLg = 3;

  * Random innovation :
  * Selection of the grids, signs and pulse positions

    /* Signs and Grids */
    ptr_TabSign = TabSign;
    ptr1 = offset;
    for(iblk=0; iblk<SubFrames/2; iblk++) {
        temp    = random_number((1 << (NbPulsBlk+2)), nRandom);
        *ptr1++ = temp & (Word16)0x0001;
        temp    = shr(temp, 1);
        *ptr1++ = add( (Word16) SubFrLen, (Word16) (temp & 0x0001) );
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            *ptr_TabSign++= shl(sub((temp & (Word16)0x0002), 1), 14);
            temp = shr(temp, 1);

    /* Positions */
    ptr_TabPos  = TabPos;
    for(i_subfr=0; i_subfr<SubFrames; i_subfr++) {

        for(i=0; i<(SubFrLen/Sgrid); i++) tmp[i] = (Word16)i;
        temp = (SubFrLen/Sgrid);
        for(i=0; i<Nb_puls[i_subfr]; i++) {
            j = random_number(temp, nRandom);
            *ptr_TabPos++ = add(shl(tmp[(int)j],1), offset[i_subfr]);
            temp = sub(temp, 1);
            tmp[(int)j] = tmp[(int)temp];

  * Compute fixed codebook gains

    ptr_TabPos = TabPos;
    ptr_TabSign = TabSign;
    curExc = DataExc;
    i_subfr = 0;
    for(iblk=0; iblk<SubFrames/2; iblk++) {

        /* decode LTP only */
        Decod_Acbk(curExc, &PrevExc[0], Line->Olp[iblk],
                    Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcLg, Line->Sfs[i_subfr].AcGn);
        Decod_Acbk(&curExc[SubFrLen], &PrevExc[SubFrLen], Line->Olp[iblk],
            Line->Sfs[i_subfr+1].AcLg, Line->Sfs[i_subfr+1].AcGn);

        temp2 = 0;
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++) {
            temp = abs_s(curExc[i]);
            if(temp > temp2) temp2 = temp;
        if(temp2 == 0) sh1 = 0;
        else {
            sh1 = sub(4,norm_s(temp2)); /* 4 bits of margin  */
            if(sh1 < -2) sh1 = -2;

        L_temp = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++) {
            temp  = shr(curExc[i], sh1); /* left if sh1 < 0 */
            L_temp = L_mac(L_temp, temp, temp);
            tempExc[i] = temp;
        }  /* ener_ltp x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        L_acc = 0L;
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            L_acc = L_mac(L_acc, tempExc[(int)ptr_TabPos[i]], ptr_TabSign[i]);
        inter_exc = extract_h(L_shl(L_acc, 1)); /* inter_exc x 2-sh1 */

        /* compute SubFrLenD x curGain**2 x 2**(-2sh1+1)    */
        /* curGain input = 2**5 curGain                     */
//        L_acc = L_mult(curGain, SubFrLen);
		L_MULT(curGain, SubFrLen, L_acc);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, 6);
        temp  = extract_l(L_acc);   /* SubFrLen x curGain : avoids overflows */
 //       L_acc = L_mult(temp, curGain);
		L_MULT(temp, curGain, L_acc);
        temp = shl(sh1, 1);
        temp = add(temp, 4);
        L_acc = L_shr(L_acc, temp); /* SubFrLenD x curGain**2 x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        /* c = (ener_ltp - SubFrLenD x curGain**2)/nb_pulses_blk */
        /* compute L_c = c >> 2sh1-1                                */
        L_acc = L_sub(L_temp, L_acc);
        /* x 1/nb_pulses_blk */
        L_c  = L_mls(L_acc, InvNbPulsBlk);

 * Solve EQ(X) = X**2 + 2 b0 X + c
        /* delta = b0 x b0 - c */
        b0 = mult_r(inter_exc, InvNbPulsBlk);   /* b0 >> sh1 */
        L_acc = L_msu(L_c, b0, b0);             /* (c - b0**2) >> 2sh1-1 */
        L_acc = L_negate(L_acc);                /* delta x 2**(-2sh1+1) */

        /* Case delta <= 0 */
        if(L_acc <= 0) {  /* delta <= 0 */
            x1 = negate(b0);        /* sh1 */

        /* Case delta > 0 */
        else {
            delta = Sqrt_lbc(L_acc);  /* >> sh1 */
            x1 = sub(delta, b0);      /* x1 >> sh1 */
            x2 = add(b0, delta);      /* (-x2) >> sh1 */
            if(abs_s(x2) < abs_s(x1)) {
                x1 = negate(x2);

        /* Update DataExc */
        sh1 = add(sh1, 1);
        temp = shl(x1, sh1);
        if(temp > (2*Gexc_Max)) temp = (2*Gexc_Max);
        if(temp < -(2*Gexc_Max)) temp = -(2*Gexc_Max);
        for(i=0; i<NbPulsBlk; i++) {
            j = *ptr_TabPos++;
            curExc[(int)j] = add(curExc[(int)j], mult(temp,
                                                (*ptr_TabSign++)) );

        /* update PrevExc */
        ptr1 = PrevExc;
        for(i=SubFrLenD; i<PitchMax; i++)   *ptr1++ = PrevExc[i];
        for(i=0; i<SubFrLenD; i++)  *ptr1++ = curExc[i];

        curExc += SubFrLenD;
        i_subfr += 2;

    } /* end of loop on LTP blocks */

Exemple #2
** Function:           Qua_SidGain()
** Description:        Quantization of Sid gain
**                     Pseudo-log quantizer in 3 segments
**                     1st segment : length = 16, resolution = 2
**                     2nd segment : length = 16, resolution = 4
**                     3rd segment : length = 32, resolution = 8
**                     quantizes a sum of energies
** Links to text:
** Arguments:
**  Word16 *Ener        table of the energies
**  Word16 *shEner      corresponding scaling factors
**  Word16 nq           if nq >= 1 : quantization of nq energies
**                      for SID gain calculation in function Cod_Cng()
**                      if nq = 0 : in function Comp_Info(),
**                      quantization of saved estimated excitation energy
** Outputs:             None
** Return value:       index of quantized energy
Word16 Qua_SidGain(Word16 *Ener, Word16 *shEner, Word16 nq)
    Word16 temp, iseg, iseg_p1;
    Word16 j, j2, k, exp;
    Word32 L_x, L_y;
    Word16 sh1;
    Word32 L_acc;
    int i;

    if(nq == 0) {
         /* Quantize energy saved for frame erasure case                */
         /* L_x = 2 x average_ener                                      */
         temp = shl(*shEner, 1);
         temp = sub(16, temp);
         L_acc = L_deposit_l(*Ener);
         L_acc = L_shl(L_acc, temp); /* may overflow, and >> if temp < 0 */
         L_x = L_mls(L_acc, fact[0]);

    else {

  * Compute weighted average of energies
  * Ener[i] = enerR[i] x 2**(shEner[i]-14)
  * L_x = k[nq] x SUM(i=0->nq-1) enerR[i]
  * with k[nq] =  2 x fact_mul x fact_mul / nq x Frame
         sh1 = shEner[0];
         for(i=1; i<nq; i++) {
             if(shEner[i] < sh1) sh1 = shEner[i];
         for(i=0, L_x=0L; i<nq; i++) {
             temp = sub(shEner[i], sh1);
             temp = shr(Ener[i], temp);
             temp = mult_r(fact[nq], temp);
             L_x = L_add(L_x, L_deposit_l(temp));
         temp = sub(15, sh1);
         L_x = L_shl(L_x, temp);

    /* Quantize L_x */
    if(L_x >= L_bseg[2]) return(63);

    /* Compute segment number iseg */
    if(L_x >= L_bseg[1]) {
        iseg = 2;
        exp = 4;
    else {
        exp  = 3;
        if(L_x >= L_bseg[0]) iseg = 1;
        else iseg = 0;

    iseg_p1 = add(iseg,1);
    j = shl(1, exp);
    k = shr(j,1);

    /* Binary search in segment iseg */
    for(i=0; i<exp; i++) {
        temp = add(base[iseg], shl(j, iseg_p1));
//        L_y = L_mult(temp, temp);
		L_MULT(temp, temp, L_y);
        if(L_x >= L_y) j = add(j, k);
        else j = sub(j, k);
        k = shr(k, 1);

    temp = add(base[iseg], shl(j, iseg_p1));
    L_y = L_mult(temp, temp);
    L_y = L_sub(L_y, L_x);
    if(L_y <= 0L) {
        j2    = add(j, 1);
        temp  = add(base[iseg], shl(j2, iseg_p1));
        L_acc = L_mult(temp, temp);
        L_acc = L_sub(L_x, L_acc);
        if(L_y > L_acc) temp = add(shl(iseg,4), j);
        else temp = add(shl(iseg,4), j2);
    else {
        j2    = sub(j, 1);
        temp  = add(base[iseg], shl(j2, iseg_p1));
        L_acc = L_mult(temp, temp);
        L_acc = L_sub(L_x, L_acc);
        if(L_y < L_acc) temp = add(shl(iseg,4), j);
        else temp = add(shl(iseg,4), j2);
Exemple #3
** Function:            LsptoA()
** Description:     Converts LSP frequencies to LPC coefficients
**          for a subframe.  Sum and difference
**          polynomials are computed from the LSP
**          frequencies (which are the roots of these
**          polynomials).  The LPC coefficients are then
**          computed by adding the sum and difference
**          polynomials.
** Links to text:   Sections 2.7, 3.3
** Arguments:       
**  Word16 Lsp[]        LSP frequencies (10 words)
** Outputs:
**  Word16 Lsp[]        LPC coefficients (10 words)
** Return value:        None
void  LsptoA( Word16 *Lsp )
    int   i,j   ;

    Word32   Acc0,Acc1   ;
    Word16   Tmp ;

    Word32   P[LpcOrder/2+1] ;
    Word32   Q[LpcOrder/2+1] ;

  * Compute the cosines of the LSP frequencies by table lookup and
  * linear interpolation
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder ; i ++ ) {

  * Do the table lookup using bits [15:7] of the LSP frequency
        j = (int) shr( Lsp[i], (Word16) 7 ) ;
        Acc0 = L_deposit_h( CosineTable[j] ) ;

  * Do the linear interpolations using bits [6:0] of the LSP
  * frequency
        Tmp = sub(CosineTable[j+1], CosineTable[j] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tmp, add( shl( (Word16)(Lsp[i] & 0x007f) ,
                                (Word16)8 ), (Word16) 0x0080 ) ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;

  * Compute the sum and difference polynomials with the real roots
  * removed.  These are computed by polynomial multiplication as
  * follows.  Let the sum polynomial be P(z).  Define the elementary
  * polynomials P_i(z) = 1 - 2cos(w_i) z^{-1} + z^{-2}, for 1<=i<=
  * 5, where {w_i} are the LSP frequencies corresponding to the sum
  * polynomial.  Then P(z) = P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_5(z).  Similarly
  * the difference polynomial Q(z) = Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_5(z).

  * Initialize the arrays with the coefficients of the product
  * P_1(z)P_2(z) and Q_1(z)Q_2(z).  Scale by 1/8.
    P[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
    P[1] = L_mult( Lsp[0], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    P[1] = L_mac( P[1], Lsp[2], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    P[2] = L_mult( Lsp[0], Lsp[2] ) ;
    P[2] = L_shr( P[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    P[2] = L_add( P[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;

    Q[0] = (Word32) 0x10000000L ;
    Q[1] = L_mult( Lsp[1], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    Q[1] = L_mac( Q[1], Lsp[3], (Word16) 0x2000 ) ;
    Q[2] = L_mult( Lsp[1], Lsp[3] ) ;
    Q[2] = L_shr( Q[2], (Word16) 1 ) ;
    Q[2] = L_add( Q[2], (Word32) 0x20000000L ) ;

  * Compute the intermediate polynomials P_1(z)P_2(z)...P_i(z) and
  * Q_1(z)Q_2(z)...Q_i(z), for i = 2, 3, 4.  Each intermediate
  * polynomial is symmetric, so only the coefficients up to i+1 need
  * by computed.  Scale by 1/2 each iteration for a total of 1/8.
    for ( i = 2 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {

        /* Compute coefficient (i+1) */
        Acc0 = P[i] ;
        Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
 //       Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i-1] ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc0, P[i-1], Acc0);
        P[i+1] = Acc0 ;

        Acc1 = Q[i] ;
        Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
//        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i-1] ) ;
		L_ADD(Acc1, Q[i-1], Acc1);
        Q[i+1] = Acc1 ;

        /* Compute coefficients i, i-1, ..., 2 */
        for ( j = i ; j >= 2 ; j -- ) {
            Acc0 = P[j-1] ;
            Acc0 = L_mls( Acc0, Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
            Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, L_shr(P[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            P[j] = Acc0 ;

            Acc1 = Q[j-1] ;
            Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
            Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, L_shr(Q[j-2], (Word16) 1 ) ) ;
            Q[j] = Acc1 ;

        /* Compute coefficients 1, 0 */
        P[0] = L_shr( P[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Q[0] = L_shr( Q[0], (Word16) 1 ) ;

        Acc0 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+0] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) i ) ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shr( Acc0, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        P[1] = Acc0 ;

        Acc1 = L_deposit_h( Lsp[2*i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) i ) ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shr( Acc1, (Word16) 1 ) ;
        Q[1] = Acc1 ;

  * Convert the sum and difference polynomials to LPC coefficients
  * The LPC polynomial is the sum of the sum and difference
  * polynomials with the real zeros factored in: A(z) = 1/2 {P(z) (1
  * + z^{-1}) + Q(z) (1 - z^{-1})}.  The LPC coefficients are scaled
  * here by 16; the overall scale factor for the LPC coefficients
  * returned by this function is therefore 1/4.
    for ( i = 0 ; i < LpcOrder/2 ; i ++ ) {
        Acc0 = P[i] ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, P[i+1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_sub( Acc0, Q[i] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_add( Acc0, Q[i+1] ) ;
        Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, (Word16) 3 ) ;
        Lsp[i] = negate( round( Acc0 ) ) ;

        Acc1 = P[i] ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, P[i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_add( Acc1, Q[i] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_sub( Acc1, Q[i+1] ) ;
        Acc1 = L_shl( Acc1, (Word16) 3 ) ;
        Lsp[LpcOrder-1-i] = negate( round( Acc1 ) ) ;

Exemple #4
void Update_Err(Word16 Olp, Word16 AcLg, Word16 AcGn,ENC_HANDLE *handle)
    Word16 *ptr_tab;
    Word16 i, iz, temp1, temp2;
    Word16 Lag;
    Word32 Worst1, Worst0, L_temp;
    Word16 beta;

    Lag = Olp - (Word16)Pstep + AcLg;

    /* Select Quantization tables */
    i = 0 ;
    ptr_tab = tabgain85;
    if ( handle->mode == G723_63 ) {
        if ( Olp >= (Word16) (SubFrLen-2) ) ptr_tab = tabgain170;
    else {
        ptr_tab = tabgain170;
    beta = ptr_tab[(int)AcGn]; /* beta = gain * 8192 */

    if(Lag <= (SubFrLen/2)) {
        Worst0 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[0], beta);
        Worst0 = L_shl(Worst0, 2);
        Worst0 = L_add(Err0, Worst0);
        Worst1 = Worst0;

    else {
        iz = mult(Lag, 1092);   /* Lag / 30 */
        temp1 = add(iz, 1);
        temp2 = sub(shl(temp1, 5), shl(temp1, 1));      /* 30 (iz+1) */
        if(temp2 != Lag) {

            if(iz == 1) {
                Worst0 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[0], beta);
                Worst0 = L_shl(Worst0, 2);
                Worst0 = L_add(Err0, Worst0);
                Worst1 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[1], beta);
                Worst1 = L_shl(Worst1, 2);
                Worst1 = L_add(Err0, Worst1);
                if(Worst0 > Worst1) Worst1 = Worst0;
                else Worst0 = Worst1;

            else {
                Worst0 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[iz-2], beta);
                Worst0 = L_shl(Worst0, 2);
                Worst0 = L_add(Err0, Worst0);
                L_temp = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[iz-1], beta);
                L_temp = L_shl(L_temp, 2);
                L_temp = L_add(Err0, L_temp);
                if(L_temp > Worst0) Worst0 = L_temp;
                Worst1 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[iz], beta);
                Worst1 = L_shl(Worst1, 2);
                Worst1 = L_add(Err0, Worst1);
                if(L_temp > Worst1) Worst1 = L_temp;
        else {  /* Lag % SubFrLen = 0 */
            Worst0 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[iz-1], beta);
            Worst0 = L_shl(Worst0, 2);
            Worst0 = L_add(Err0, Worst0);
            Worst1 = L_mls(handle->CodStat.Err[iz], beta);
            Worst1 = L_shl(Worst1, 2);
            Worst1 = L_add(Err0, Worst1);

    for(i=4; i>=2; i--) {
        handle->CodStat.Err[i] = handle->CodStat.Err[i-2];
    handle->CodStat.Err[0] = Worst0;
    handle->CodStat.Err[1] = Worst1;

Exemple #5
Flag Comp_Vad( Word16 *Dpnt)
    int i,j ;

    Word32  Acc0,Acc1 ;
    Word16  Tm0, Tm1, Tm2 ;
    Word16  Minp ;

    Flag    VadState = 1 ;

    static  Word16  ScfTab[11] = {
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
         9170 ,
        10289 ,
        11544 ,
        12953 ,
        14533 ,
        16306 ,
        18296 ,
        20529 ,
    } ;

    if ( !UseVx )
        return VadState ;

    /* Find Minimum pitch period */
    Minp = PitchMax ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
        if ( Minp > VadStat->Polp[i] )
            Minp = VadStat->Polp[i] ;

    /* Check that all are multiplies of the minimum */
    Tm2 = 0 ;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
        Tm1 = Minp ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j < 8 ; j ++ ) {
            Tm0 = sub( Tm1, VadStat->Polp[i] ) ;
            Tm0 = abs_s( Tm0 ) ;
            if ( Tm0 <= 3 )
                Tm2 ++ ;
            Tm1 = add( Tm1, Minp ) ;

    /* Update adaptation enable counter if not periodic and not sine */
    if ( (Tm2 == 4) || (CodStat->SinDet < 0) )
        VadStat->Aen += 2 ;
        VadStat->Aen -- ;

    /* Clip it */
    if ( VadStat->Aen > 6 )
        VadStat->Aen = 6 ;
    if ( VadStat->Aen < 0 )
        VadStat->Aen = 0 ;

    /* Inverse filter the data */
    Acc1 = 0L ;
    for ( i = SubFrLen ; i < Frame ; i ++ ) {

        Acc0 = L_mult( Dpnt[i], 0x2000 ) ;
        for ( j = 0 ; j < LpcOrder ; j ++ )
            Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Dpnt[i-j-1], VadStat->NLpc[j] ) ;
        Tm0 = g723_round( Acc0 ) ;
        Acc1 = L_mac( Acc1, Tm0, Tm0 ) ;

    /* Scale the rezidual energy */
    Acc1 = L_mls( Acc1, (Word16) 2913 ) ;

    /* Clip noise level in any case */
    if ( VadStat->Nlev > VadStat->Penr ) {
        Acc0 = L_sub( VadStat->Penr, L_shr( VadStat->Penr, 2 ) ) ;
        VadStat->Nlev = L_add( Acc0, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 2 ) ) ;

    /* Update the noise level, if adaptation is enabled */
    if ( !VadStat->Aen ) {
        VadStat->Nlev = L_add( VadStat->Nlev, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 5 ) ) ;
    /* Decay Nlev by small amount */
    else {
        VadStat->Nlev = L_sub( VadStat->Nlev, L_shr( VadStat->Nlev,11 ) ) ;

    /* Update previous energy */
    VadStat->Penr = Acc1 ;

    /* CLip Noise Level */
    if ( VadStat->Nlev < 0x00000080L )
        VadStat->Nlev = 0x00000080L ;
    if ( VadStat->Nlev > 0x0001ffffL )
        VadStat->Nlev = 0x0001ffffL ;

    /* Compute the treshold */
    Acc0 = L_shl( VadStat->Nlev, 13 ) ;
    Tm0 = norm_l( Acc0 ) ;
    Acc0 = L_shl( Acc0, Tm0 ) ;
    Acc0 &= 0x3f000000L ;
    Acc0 <<= 1 ;
    Tm1 = extract_h( Acc0 ) ;
    Acc0 = L_deposit_h( ScfTab[Tm0] ) ;
    Acc0 = L_mac( Acc0, Tm1, ScfTab[Tm0-1] ) ;
    Acc0 = L_msu( Acc0, Tm1, ScfTab[Tm0] ) ;
    Tm1 = extract_h( Acc0 ) ;
    Tm0 = extract_l( L_shr( VadStat->Nlev, 2 ) ) ;
    Acc0 = L_mult( Tm0, Tm1 ) ;
    Acc0 >>= 11 ;

    /* Compare with the treshold */
    if ( Acc0 > Acc1 )
        VadState = 0 ;

    /* Do the various counters */
    if ( VadState ) {
        VadStat->Vcnt ++ ;
        VadStat->Hcnt ++ ;
    else {
        VadStat->Vcnt -- ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt < 0 )
            VadStat->Vcnt = 0 ;

    if ( VadStat->Vcnt >= 2 ) {
        VadStat->Hcnt = 6 ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt >= 3 )
            VadStat->Vcnt = 3 ;

    if ( VadStat->Hcnt ) {
        VadState = 1 ;
        if ( VadStat->Vcnt == 0 )
            VadStat->Hcnt -- ;

    /* Update Periodicy detector */
    VadStat->Polp[0] = VadStat->Polp[2] ;
    VadStat->Polp[1] = VadStat->Polp[3] ;

    return VadState ;