AnnotatedDatasetInfo getAnnotatedImageData(Mat Image, string datafile){
	AnnotatedDatasetInfo info;	
	int rows = 240;
	int cols = 320;
	float depth = 50.00;

	Mat_<signed short int> Labels(rows, cols, CV_16SC1);
	vector< vector<Point> > Points(1);
	Mat_<Vec3f> Depths(rows, cols, CV_32FC3);

	// datafile is binary image that represent object mask
	// 1 represent object, 0 means non object
	ifstream ImgData(datafile.c_str());
	int row = 0;

	if (ImgData.is_open()){
		while (ImgData.good())	{
			string line;
			getline(ImgData, line);
			if(line.length() == 0) continue;

			int col = 0;
			for(unsigned int i = 0 ; i < line.length() ; i++){
				char ch = line[i];

				// add data into "Labels"
				if(ch != ' '){
					if(ch == '1') {
						Labels(row, col) = 0;
						// add Point (row, col) in points for class 2
						Point p(col, row);
					else { 
						Labels(row, col) = -3;
						// add Point (row, col) in points for class 1
						//Point p(col, row);
					// add depth into "Depths"
					// Depths is a R X C X 3 matrix where each pixel has (X,Y,Z) location in world coords
					Depths(row, col) = Vec3f(float(col), float(row), depth); 
	else cout << "Unable to open file"; 
	info.Labels = Labels;
	info.Points = Points;
	info.Depths = Depths;
	return info;
void Declarations() {

  while(strchr("lctvpf", Look)) {
    switch(Look) {
      case 'l': Labels();
      case 'c': Constants();
      case 't': Types();
      case 'v': Variables();
      case 'p': DoProcedure();
      case 'f': DoFunction();
Exemple #3
void Declarations(){
    int other = 0;
            case 'l' : Labels(); break;
            case 'c' : Constants(); break;
            case 't' : Types(); break;
            case 'v' : Variables(); break;
            case 'p' : DoProcedure(); break;
            case 'f' : DoFunction(); break;
            default : other = 1;