bool LIB_EDIT_FRAME::addLibraryFile( bool aCreateNew )
    wxFileName fn = m_libMgr->GetUniqueLibraryName();

    if( !LibraryFileBrowser( !aCreateNew, fn, SchematicLibraryFileWildcard(),
                             SchematicLibraryFileExtension, false ) )
        return false;

    wxString libName = fn.GetName();

    if( libName.IsEmpty() )
        return false;

    if( m_libMgr->LibraryExists( libName ) )
        DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Library \"%s\" already exists" ), libName ) );
        return false;

    // Select the target library table (global/project)
    SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE* libTable = selectSymLibTable();

    if( !libTable )
        return false;

    if( aCreateNew )
        if( !m_libMgr->CreateLibrary( fn.GetFullPath(), libTable ) )
            DisplayError( this, wxString::Format( _( "Could not create the library file '%s'.\n"
                                                     "Check write permission." ),
                                                  fn.GetFullPath() ) );
            return false;
        if( !m_libMgr->AddLibrary( fn.GetFullPath(), libTable ) )
            DisplayError( this, _( "Could not open the library file." ) );
            return false;

    bool globalTable = ( libTable == &SYMBOL_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalLibTable() );
    saveSymbolLibTables( globalTable, !globalTable );

    return true;
bool PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME::AddLibrary( const wxString& aFilename )
    wxFileName fn( aFilename );

    if( aFilename.IsEmpty() )
        if( !LibraryFileBrowser( true, fn,
                                 KiCadFootprintLibPathWildcard(), KiCadFootprintLibPathExtension,
                                 true ) )
            return false;

    wxString libPath = fn.GetFullPath();
    wxString libName = fn.GetName();

    if( libName.IsEmpty() )
        return false;

    bool          saveInGlobalTable = false;
    bool          saveInProjectTable = false;
    wxArrayString libTableNames;

    libTableNames.Add( _( "Global" ) );
    libTableNames.Add( _( "Project" ) );

    switch( SelectSingleOption( this, _( "Select Library Table" ),
                                _( "Choose the Library Table to add the library to:" ),
                                libTableNames ) )
    case 0:  saveInGlobalTable = true;  break;
    case 1:  saveInProjectTable = true; break;
    default: return false;

    wxString type = IO_MGR::ShowType( IO_MGR::GuessPluginTypeFromLibPath( libPath ) );

    // try to use path normalized to an environmental variable or project path
    wxString normalizedPath = NormalizePath( libPath, &Pgm().GetLocalEnvVariables(), &Prj() );

    if( normalizedPath.IsEmpty() )
        normalizedPath = libPath;

        if( saveInGlobalTable )
            auto row = new FP_LIB_TABLE_ROW( libName, normalizedPath, type, wxEmptyString );
            GFootprintTable.InsertRow( row );
            GFootprintTable.Save( FP_LIB_TABLE::GetGlobalTableFileName() );
        else if( saveInProjectTable )
            auto row = new FP_LIB_TABLE_ROW( libName, normalizedPath, type, wxEmptyString );
            Prj().PcbFootprintLibs()->InsertRow( row );
            Prj().PcbFootprintLibs()->Save( Prj().FootprintLibTblName() );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        DisplayError( this, ioe.What() );
        return false;

    auto editor = (FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_MODULE_EDITOR, false );

    if( editor )
        editor->SyncLibraryTree( true );

    auto viewer = (FOOTPRINT_VIEWER_FRAME*) Kiway().Player( FRAME_PCB_MODULE_VIEWER, false );

    if( viewer )

    return true;
wxString PCB_BASE_EDIT_FRAME::CreateNewLibrary(const wxString& aLibName )
    // Kicad cannot write legacy format libraries, only .pretty new format
    // because the legacy format cannot handle current features.
    // The footprint library is actually a directory

    wxString initialPath = wxPathOnly( Prj().GetProjectFullName() );
    wxFileName fn;
    bool       doAdd = false;

    if( aLibName.IsEmpty() )
        fn = initialPath;

        if( !LibraryFileBrowser( false, fn,
                                 KiCadFootprintLibPathWildcard(), KiCadFootprintLibPathExtension) )
            return wxEmptyString;

        doAdd = true;
        fn = aLibName;

        if( !fn.IsAbsolute() )
            fn.SetName( aLibName );
            fn.MakeAbsolute( initialPath );

        // Enforce the .pretty extension:
        fn.SetExt( KiCadFootprintLibPathExtension );

    // We can save fp libs only using IO_MGR::KICAD_SEXP format (.pretty libraries)
    wxString libPath = fn.GetFullPath();

        PLUGIN::RELEASER  pi( IO_MGR::PluginFind( piType ) );

        bool    writable = false;
        bool    exists   = false;

            writable = pi->IsFootprintLibWritable( libPath );
            exists   = true;    // no exception was thrown, lib must exist.
        catch( const IO_ERROR& )
        { }

        if( exists )
            if( !writable )
                wxString msg = wxString::Format( FMT_LIB_READ_ONLY, libPath );
                DisplayError( this, msg );
                return wxEmptyString;
                wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Library %s already exists." ), libPath );
                KIDIALOG dlg( this, msg, _( "Confirmation" ), wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxICON_WARNING );
                dlg.SetOKLabel( _( "Overwrite" ) );
                dlg.DoNotShowCheckbox( __FILE__, __LINE__ );

                if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
                    return wxEmptyString;

                pi->FootprintLibDelete( libPath );

        pi->FootprintLibCreate( libPath );
    catch( const IO_ERROR& ioe )
        DisplayError( this, ioe.What() );
        return wxEmptyString;

    if( doAdd )
        AddLibrary( libPath );

    return libPath;