// Trace a line through the world to simulate, eg, a bullet http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USjbg5QXk3g
bool CGame::TraceLine(const Vector& v0, const Vector& v1, Vector& vecIntersection, CCharacter*& pHit)
	float flLowestFraction = 1;

	Vector vecTestIntersection;
	float flTestFraction;
	pHit = nullptr;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_CHARACTERS; i++)
		CCharacter* pCharacter = GetCharacterIndex(i);
		if (!pCharacter)

		// Only monsters and boxes get hit by traces. The player doesn't, he's immune to his own attacks.
		if (!pCharacter->m_bHitByTraces)

		Matrix4x4 mInverse = pCharacter->GetGlobalTransform().InvertedTR();

		// The v0 and v1 are in the global coordinate system and we need to transform it to the target's
		// local coordinate system to use axis-aligned intersection. We do so using the inverse transform matrix.
		// http://youtu.be/-Fn4atv2NsQ
		if (LineAABBIntersection(pCharacter->m_aabbSize, mInverse*v0, mInverse*v1, vecTestIntersection, flTestFraction) && flTestFraction < flLowestFraction)
			// Once we have the result we can use the regular transform matrix to get it back in
			// global coordinates. http://youtu.be/-Fn4atv2NsQ
			vecIntersection = pCharacter->GetGlobalTransform()*vecTestIntersection;
			flLowestFraction = flTestFraction;
			pHit = pCharacter;

	// Intersect with the floor.
	// Line-Plane Intersection algorithm: http://youtu.be/fIu_8b2n8ZM
	if (LinePlaneIntersection(Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0), v0, v1, vecTestIntersection, flTestFraction) && flTestFraction < flLowestFraction)
		vecIntersection = vecTestIntersection;
		flLowestFraction = flTestFraction;
		pHit = nullptr;

	if (flLowestFraction < 1)
		return true;

	return false;
	bool RayIntersectTriangle(Vector3 rayStart, Vector3 rayDirection, Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c)
		float t;
		Vector3 ba = b - a;
		Vector3 cb = c - b;
		Vector3 ac = a - c;
		Vector3 normal = ba.Cross(ac);
		if (LinePlaneIntersection(rayStart, rayDirection, a, normal, t)) {
			if (t >= 0.f) {
				Vector3 q = rayStart + t * rayDirection;
				Vector3 qa = q - a;
				Vector3 qb = q - b;
				Vector3 qc = q - c;
				return ba.Cross(qa).Dot(normal) >= 0
					&& cb.Cross(qb).Dot(normal) >= 0
					&& ac.Cross(qc).Dot(normal) >= 0;
			// Behind the ray
			return false;
		// Parallel
		return false;
static void generated_grid(const char* OutPutFile, GzRender* renderer)
	static float up_bias = 30.0f, forward_bias = 20.0f;

	float u, v;
	float meshTri1V1[4];
	float meshTri1V2[4];
	float meshTri1V3[4];
	float meshTri2V1[4];
	float meshTri2V2[4];
	float meshTri2V3[4];
	xRes = 1.0f/RECT_MAX_X;
	yRes = 1.0f/RECT_MAX_Z; 

    CTransMatrix MProjection;
    CTransMatrix XiwTrans, XpiTrans;

	//set Xsp, Ximage elements
	GzCoord view_vector;
	VectorSubtract(renderer->camera.lookat, renderer->camera.position, view_vector);
	if(view_vector[1] < 0.0f)			//look at y=0
		GzCoord camera_pos;
		Scale(renderer->camera.position, 1.0f, camera_pos);
		renderer->camera.position[1] = camera_pos[1] + up_bias;
		renderer->camera.lookat[0] = camera_pos[0] - camera_pos[1]/view_vector[1]*view_vector[0];
		renderer->camera.lookat[1] = 0.0f;
		renderer->camera.lookat[2] = camera_pos[2] - camera_pos[1]/view_vector[1]*view_vector[2];
		GzPutCamera(renderer, &renderer->camera);
	else										//look away from y=0
		GzCoord camera_pos;
		Scale(renderer->camera.position, 1.0f, camera_pos);
		GzCoord camera_forward = {view_vector[0], 0.0f, view_vector[2]};
		renderer->camera.position[1] = camera_pos[1] + up_bias;
		renderer->camera.lookat[0] = camera_pos[0] + forward_bias * camera_forward[0];
		renderer->camera.lookat[1] = 0.0f;
		renderer->camera.lookat[2] = camera_pos[2]  + forward_bias * camera_forward[2];
		GzPutCamera(renderer, &renderer->camera);
	for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
		for (int j=0;j<4;j++)

	MProjection = XpiTrans;
	MProjection *=XiwTrans;
	MatrixInverse(MProjection.matrixData, MProjection.matrixData);

//transform and output the vertices

	FILE *outfile ;
	outfile = fopen ( OutPutFile , "wb" );

//Transform four corners of the grid

	float  leftbottomper[4] = {-1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}, 
			rightbottomper[4] = {1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}, 
			lefttopper[4] = {-1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f}, 
			righttopper[4] = {1.0f, 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f};
    float  leftbottom1[4], rightbottom1[4], lefttop1[4], righttop1[4];
	float  leftbottom2[4], rightbottom2[4], lefttop2[4], righttop2[4];
     //transform leftbottom to world space
          //set z to -1
	       leftbottomper[2] = -1;
		   leftbottomper[2] = 1;
           LinePlaneIntersection(leftbottom1, leftbottom2, m_LeftBottom);   
    //transform rightbottom to world space
	       rightbottomper[2] = -1;
		  rightbottomper[2] = 1;
		   LinePlaneIntersection(rightbottom1, rightbottom2, m_RightBottom);

	//transform lefttop to world space
	       lefttopper[2] = -1;
		   lefttopper[2] = 1;
		   LinePlaneIntersection(lefttop1, lefttop2, m_LeftTop);

	//transform righttop to world space
		   righttopper[2] = -1;
		  righttopper[2] = 1;
		   LinePlaneIntersection(righttop1, righttop2, m_RightTop);

//interpolate homegeneous coordinates
   float current_Vertex[4];

for (int i=0; i<RECT_MAX_X;i++ )
		for (int j=0;j<RECT_MAX_Z;j++)
			  fprintf( outfile, "Triangle\r\n");         
			  u = i*xRes; v= j*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri1V1[X],  meshTri1V1[Y], meshTri1V1[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);

			  u = (i+1)*xRes; v= j*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri1V2[X],  meshTri1V2[Y], meshTri1V2[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);

			  u = (i+1)*xRes; v= (j+1)*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri1V3[X],  meshTri1V3[Y], meshTri1V3[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);

			  //Second triangle vertices
			  fprintf( outfile, "Triangle\r\n");  
			  u = i*xRes; v= j*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri1V1[X],  meshTri1V1[Y], meshTri1V1[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);

			  u = (i+1)*xRes; v= (j+1)*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri1V3[X],  meshTri1V3[Y], meshTri1V3[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);

			  u = i*xRes; v= (j+1)*yRes;
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f %f " ,  meshTri2V3[X],  meshTri2V3[Y], meshTri2V3[Z] );
			  fprintf( outfile, "0.00 1.00 0.00 ");//normal
			  fprintf( outfile, "%f %f\r\n", u,v);