Exemple #1
		PSERVICE_CLIENT client = FindClient( pid );
		if( client )
			//Log( WIDE("Client has reconnected?!?!?!") );
			// reconnect is done when requesting a service from
			// a server that supplies one or more services itself...
			// suppose we can just let him continue...
			return client;

		MemSet( client, 0, sizeof( SERVICE_CLIENT ) );
		client->route = pid[0];
		client->last_time_received = timeGetTime();
		client->flags.valid = 1;
		LinkThing( g.clients, client );
		g.clients = client;
		//Log( WIDE("Added client...") );
		return client;
Exemple #2
void classify( char *file, uint8_t* p, uintptr_t size )
    int n;
    for( n = 0; n < size; n += 12 )
        PRELATION relation = GetFromSet( RELATION, &relations );
        relation->card = p + n;
        relation->file = file;
        relation->number = ( n / 12 ) + 1;
        PRELATION *rel = related[p[n+0]] + p[n+1];
        LinkThing( rel[0], relation );
        //TickLog( "classify", n / 12 );
Exemple #3
static PSERVICE_ROUTE _LoadService( CTEXTSTR service
							  , EventHandlerFunction EventHandler
							  , EventHandlerFunctionEx EventHandlerEx
							  , EventHandlerFunctionExx EventHandlerExx
							  , server_message_handler handler
                       , server_message_handler_ex handler_ex
							  , uintptr_t psv
	MsgSrv_ReplyServiceLoad msg;
	size_t MsgLen = sizeof( msg ); // expect MsgBase = 0, EventMessgaeCount = 1

	// can check now if some other part of this has loaded
	// this service.
	// reset this status...

	if( !_InitMessageService( service?FALSE:TRUE ) )
		lprintf( WIDE("Load of %s message service failed."), service );
		return NULL;
	if( service )
		if( !g.flags.bAliveThreadStarted )
			// this timer monitors ALL clients for inactivity
			// it will probe them with RU_ALIVE messages
			// to which they must respond otherwise be termintated.
			g.flags.bAliveThreadStarted = 1;
			AddTimer( CLIENT_TIMEOUT/4, MonitorClientActive, 0 );
			// each service gets 1 thread to handle their own
			// messages... services do not have 'events' generated
			// to them.
#if 0
		// always query for service, don't short cut... ?
		while( pHandler )
			// only one connection to any given service name
			// may be maintained.  The service itself is resulted...
			if( !strcmp( pHandler->servicename, service ) )
				return &pHandler->RouteID;
			pHandler = pHandler->next;
		EnterCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
		pHandler = New( EVENTHANDLER );
		MemSet( pHandler, 0, sizeof( EVENTHANDLER ) );
		//InitializeCriticalSec( &pHandler->csMsgTransact );
		pHandler->servicename = StrDup( service );

		pHandler->RouteID.dest.process_id = 1;
		pHandler->RouteID.dest.service_id = 0;
		pHandler->RouteID.source.process_id = g.my_message_id;
		pHandler->RouteID.source.service_id = 0;

		//lprintf( WIDE("Allocating local structure which manages our connection to this service...") );
		// MsgInfo is used both on the send and receives the
		// responce from the service...
		// LoadService goes to the msgsvr and requests the
		// location of the service.
		if( !TransactRoutedServerMultiMessageEx( &pHandler->RouteID
															, MSG_ServiceLoad, 1
															, &MsgID, &msg, &MsgLen
															, 250 /* short timeout */
															, service, (StrLen( service ) + 1) *sizeof(TEXTCHAR) // include NUL
															) )
			Log( WIDE("Transact message timeout.") );
			Release( pHandler );
			LeaveCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
			return NULL;
		if( MsgID != (MSG_ServiceLoad|SERVER_SUCCESS) )
			lprintf( WIDE("Server reports it failed to load [%s] (%08") _MsgID_f WIDE("!=%08" ) _MsgID_f WIDE(")")
					 , service
					 , MsgID
					 , (MSGIDTYPE)(MSG_ServiceLoad|SERVER_SUCCESS) );
			Release( pHandler );
			LeaveCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
			return NULL;
		// uncorrectable anymore.
		//if( MsgLen == 16 )
		//	lprintf( WIDE("Old server load service responce... lacks the PID of the event handler.") );
		if( MsgLen != sizeof( msg ) )
			lprintf( WIDE("Server responce was the wrong length!!! %") _size_f WIDE(" expecting %")_size_f, MsgLen, sizeof( msg ) );
			Release( pHandler );
			LeaveCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
			return NULL;
		// loading special NULL service.
		// the NULL service looks like a queue available
      // for events only?  fakes a server response in msg.
		pHandler = New( EVENTHANDLER );
		MemSet( pHandler, 0, sizeof( EVENTHANDLER ) );
		//InitializeCriticalSec( &pHandler->csMsgTransact );
		pHandler->RouteID.dest.process_id = g.my_message_id;
		pHandler->RouteID.dest.service_id = 0;
		pHandler->servicename = StrDup( WIDE("local_events") );

		msg.ServiceID = 0; // this is a special event channel to myself.

		//lprintf( WIDE("opening local only service... we're making up numbers here.") );
		if( g.pLocalEventThread )
			msg.thread = GetThreadID( g.pLocalEventThread );
			lprintf( WIDE("Event message system has not started correctly...") );
			Release( pHandler );
			LeaveCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
			return NULL;

	// EVENTHANDLER is the outbound structure to idenfity
	// the service information which messages go where...
		//pHandler = Allocate( sizeof( EVENTHANDLER ) + strlen( service?service:"local_events" ) );
		//strcpy( pHandler->servicename, service?service:"local_events" );
		//lprintf( WIDE("Allocating local structure which manages our connection to this service...") );
		pHandler->flags.destroyed = 0;
		pHandler->flags.dispatched = 0;

		//pHandler->MsgCountEvents = msg.events;
		//pHandler->MsgCount = msg.functions;
		pHandler->Handler = EventHandler;
		pHandler->HandlerEx = EventHandlerEx;
		pHandler->HandlerExx = EventHandlerExx;
      pHandler->psv = psv;
		// thread ID to wake for events? or to probe?
		// thread ID unused.
		pHandler->EventID = msg.thread;
		if( service )
			pHandler->flags.local_service = 0;
			//pHandler->RouteID.dest = msg.ServiceID; // magic place where source ID is..
			pHandler->msgq_events = g.msgq_event;
			pHandler->flags.local_service = 1;
			pHandler->RouteID.dest.process_id = g.my_message_id;
			pHandler->RouteID.dest.service_id = 0;
			pHandler->msgq_events = g.msgq_local;
		LinkThing( g.pHandlers, pHandler );
		if( service )
			PSERVICE_CLIENT pClient = AddClient( &pHandler->RouteID ); // hang this on the list of services to check...
			pClient->flags.is_service = 1;
			pClient->handler = pHandler;
		LeaveCriticalSec( &g.csLoading );
	return &pHandler->RouteID;