Exemple #1
void GameMap::drawMap() {
    if (screen == NULL) return;
    if (mapSurface != NULL) SDL_FreeSurface(mapSurface);

    mapSurface = GameDraw::CreateBlankSurface(mapWidth * 16, mapHeight * 16);

    if (tilesetSurface == NULL)

    for (int i = 0; i < mapHeight; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < mapWidth; j++) {
            Tile* _tmpTile = &mapTiles[i][j];
            SDL_Rect clip;
            clip.x = defTile.tX * 16;
            clip.y = defTile.tY * 16;
            clip.w = clip.h = 16;
            // Draw the default tile
            GameDraw::RenderToSurface(j*16, i*16, tilesetSurface, mapSurface, &clip);
            // Draw the actual tile overtop of it.
            clip.x = _tmpTile->tX * 16;
            clip.y = _tmpTile->tY * 16;
            GameDraw::RenderToSurface(j*16, i*16, tilesetSurface, mapSurface, &clip);

    if (mapEdit) {
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < PH.size(); i++)
            GameDraw::RenderToSurface(PH[i].r.x, PH[i].r.y, PH[i].surface, mapSurface, &PH[i].surface->clip_rect);
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapBlock.size(); i++)
            GameDraw::DrawSquare(mapBlock[i], mapSurface, SDL_MapRGB(mapSurface->format, 0xFF, 0, 0));
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mapLink.size(); i++)
            GameDraw::DrawSquare(mapLink[i].r, mapSurface, SDL_MapRGB(mapSurface->format, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF));
Exemple #2
void GameMap::SetTileset(string ts) {
    if (tileset)
        delete [] tileset;
    tileset = new char[ts.length() + 1];
    memcpy(tileset, ts.c_str(), ts.length());
    tileset[ts.length()] = '\0';
Exemple #3
TileMap::TileMap(Game &game, Model model, char* tileSetPath, Camera* camera)
	this->tileModel = model;
	this->camera = camera;
	std::cout << "Loading Tiles, this may take a while..." << std::endl;
	for (int y = 0; y < MAP_SIZE_IN_TILES_HEIGHT; y++)
		for (int x = 0; x < MAP_SIZE_IN_TILES_WIDTH; x++)
			map[x][y] = Tile(game, model, glm::vec3(x * TILE_SIZE_WIDTH, (y * TILE_SIZE_HEIGHT) + TILE_SIZE_HEIGHT, 0.0f));
	for (int x = 0; x < MAP_SIZE_IN_TILES_WIDTH; x++)
		UI[x] = Tile(game, model, glm::vec3(x * TILE_SIZE_WIDTH, 0.0f, 0.1f));
	std::cout << MAP_SIZE_IN_TILES_WIDTH * MAP_SIZE_IN_TILES_HEIGHT << " Tiles Loaded! " << std::endl;
Exemple #4
bool TmxFile2D::EndLoad()
    if (!loadXMLFile_)
        return false;

    XMLElement rootElem = loadXMLFile_->GetRoot("map");
    String version = rootElem.GetAttribute("version");
    if (version != "1.0")
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Invalid version");
        return false;

    String orientation = rootElem.GetAttribute("orientation");
    if (orientation == "orthogonal")
        info_.orientation_ = O_ORTHOGONAL;
    else if (orientation == "isometric")
        info_.orientation_ = O_ISOMETRIC;
    else if (orientation == "staggered")
        info_.orientation_ = O_STAGGERED;
    else if (orientation == "hexagonal")
        info_.orientation_ = O_HEXAGONAL;
        URHO3D_LOGERROR("Unsupported orientation type " + orientation);
        return false;

    info_.width_ = rootElem.GetInt("width");
    info_.height_ = rootElem.GetInt("height");
    info_.tileWidth_ = rootElem.GetFloat("tilewidth") * PIXEL_SIZE;
    info_.tileHeight_ = rootElem.GetFloat("tileheight") * PIXEL_SIZE;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < layers_.Size(); ++i)
        delete layers_[i];

    for (XMLElement childElement = rootElem.GetChild(); childElement; childElement = childElement.GetNext())
        bool ret = true;
        String name = childElement.GetName();
        if (name == "tileset")
            ret = LoadTileSet(childElement);
        else if (name == "layer")
            TmxTileLayer2D* tileLayer = new TmxTileLayer2D(this);
            ret = tileLayer->Load(childElement, info_);

        else if (name == "objectgroup")
            TmxObjectGroup2D* objectGroup = new TmxObjectGroup2D(this);
            ret = objectGroup->Load(childElement, info_);


        else if (name == "imagelayer")
            TmxImageLayer2D* imageLayer = new TmxImageLayer2D(this);
            ret = imageLayer->Load(childElement, info_);


        if (!ret)
            return false;

    return true;
Exemple #5
Level* LevelManager::LoadLevel (const std::string& path) {
	//Load file
	std::ifstream input (path);

	//Ensure it opened
	if (!input) {
		printf ("Warning! Could not open file: %s\n", path.c_str ());
		return nullptr;

	//Get the contents
	std::string fileContents;
	std::string line;
	while (std::getline (input, line)) fileContents += line;

	//Convert to rapidxml format
	std::vector<char> data = std::vector<char> (fileContents.begin (), fileContents.end ());
	data.push_back ('\0');

	rapidxml::xml_document<> doc;
	doc.parse<rapidxml::parse_no_data_nodes> (&data[0]);

	rapidxml::xml_node<>* root = doc.first_node ();

	int width = atoi (root->first_attribute ("width")->value ());
	int height = atoi (root->first_attribute ("height")->value ());

	rapidxml::xml_node<>* tileset = root->first_node ("tileset");


	Level* level = new Level (width, height, LoadTileSet (tileset->first_attribute ("path")->value ()), root->first_attribute ("name")->value ());

	std::string tiles = root->first_node ("tiles")->value();
	int x = 0;
	int y = 0;

	if (!level) {
		printf ("Warning! Could not create level\n");
		return nullptr;

	for (std::string::iterator itr = tiles.begin (); itr != tiles.end (); ++itr) {
		if (*itr != ' ' && *itr != '\n' && *itr != '\r' && *itr != '\t') {

			Tile* tile = new Tile (GetTile ((TileType)std::atoi (&(*itr))));
			tile->SetPos(Vec2{(float) x * tile->GetTileSize(), (float) y * tile->GetTileSize() });
			level->AddTile (x, y, tile);

			if (x % width == 0) {
				x = 0; 

	App::GetInst ()->GetGOManager ()->LoadLevel (level->TileSize (), level->NumTilesX (), level->NumTilesY ());

	printf ("Success: Loaded level: %s!\n", path.c_str ());
	return level;