void QuotaForInterval::check( size_t max_amount, size_t used_amount, const String & quota_name, const String & user_name, const char * resource_name) { if (max_amount && used_amount > max_amount) { std::stringstream message; message << "Quota for user '" << user_name << "' for "; if (duration == 3600) message << "1 hour"; else if (duration == 60) message << "1 minute"; else if (duration % 3600 == 0) message << (duration / 3600) << " hours"; else if (duration % 60 == 0) message << (duration / 60) << " minutes"; else message << duration << " seconds"; message << " has been exceeded. " << resource_name << ": " << used_amount << ", max: " << max_amount << ". " << "Interval will end at " << LocalDateTime(rounded_time.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) + duration) << ". " << "Name of quota template: '" << quota_name << "'."; throw Exception(message.str(), ErrorCodes::QUOTA_EXPIRED); } }
LocalDateTime LocalDateTime::operator - (const Timespan& span) const { // First calculate the adjusted UTC time, then calculate the // locally adjusted time by constructing a new LocalDateTime. DateTime tmp(utcTime(), -span.totalMicroseconds()); return LocalDateTime(tmp); }
StatusFile::StatusFile(const std::string & path_) : path(path_) { /// Если файл уже существует. NOTE Незначительный race condition. if (Poco::File(path).exists()) { std::string contents; { ReadBufferFromFile in(path, 1024); LimitReadBuffer limit_in(in, 1024); WriteBufferFromString out(contents); copyData(limit_in, out); } if (!contents.empty()) LOG_INFO(&Logger::get("StatusFile"), "Status file " << path << " already exists - unclean restart. Contents:\n" << contents); else LOG_INFO(&Logger::get("StatusFile"), "Status file " << path << " already exists and is empty - probably unclean hardware restart."); } fd = open(path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, 0666); if (-1 == fd) throwFromErrno("Cannot open file " + path); try { int flock_ret = flock(fd, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB); if (-1 == flock_ret) { if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) throw Exception("Cannot lock file " + path + ". Another server instance in same directory is already running."); else throwFromErrno("Cannot lock file " + path); } if (0 != ftruncate(fd, 0)) throwFromErrno("Cannot ftruncate " + path); if (0 != lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET)) throwFromErrno("Cannot lseek " + path); /// Записываем в файл информацию о текущем экземпляре сервера. { WriteBufferFromFileDescriptor out(fd, 1024); out << "PID: " << getpid() << "\n" << "Started at: " << LocalDateTime(time(0)) << "\n" << "Revision: " << ClickHouseRevision::get() << "\n"; } } catch (...) { close(fd); throw; } }
String QuotaForInterval::toString() const { std::stringstream res; auto loaded_rounded_time = rounded_time.load(std::memory_order_relaxed); res << std::fixed << std::setprecision(3) << "Interval: " << LocalDateTime(loaded_rounded_time) << " - " << LocalDateTime(loaded_rounded_time + duration) << ".\n" << "Queries: " << used.queries << ".\n" << "Errors: " << used.errors << ".\n" << "Result rows: " << used.result_rows << ".\n" << "Result bytes: " << used.result_bytes << ".\n" << "Read rows: " << used.read_rows << ".\n" << "Read bytes: " << used.read_bytes << ".\n" << "Execution time: " << used.execution_time_usec / 1000000.0 << " sec.\n"; return res.str(); }
void SMTPChannel::log(const Message& msg) { try { MailMessage message; message.setSender(_sender); message.addRecipient(MailRecipient(MailRecipient::PRIMARY_RECIPIENT, _recipient)); message.setSubject("Log Message from " + _sender); std::stringstream content; content << "Log Message\r\n" << "===========\r\n\r\n" << "Host: " << Environment::nodeName() << "\r\n" << "Logger: " << msg.getSource() << "\r\n"; if (_local) { DateTime dt(msg.getTime()); content << "Timestamp: " << DateTimeFormatter::format(LocalDateTime(dt), DateTimeFormat::RFC822_FORMAT) << "\r\n"; } else content << "Timestamp: " << DateTimeFormatter::format(msg.getTime(), DateTimeFormat::RFC822_FORMAT) << "\r\n"; content << "Priority: " << NumberFormatter::format(msg.getPriority()) << "\r\n" << "Process ID: " << NumberFormatter::format(msg.getPid()) << "\r\n" << "Thread: " << msg.getThread() << " (ID: " << msg.getTid() << ")\r\n" << "Message text: " << msg.getText() << "\r\n\r\n"; message.addContent(new StringPartSource(content.str())); if (!_attachment.empty()) { { Poco::FileInputStream fis(_attachment, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if (fis.good()) { int size = fis.tellg(); char* pMem = new char [size]; fis.seekg(std::ios::beg); fis.read(pMem, size); message.addAttachment(_attachment, new StringPartSource(std::string(pMem, size), _type, _attachment)); delete [] pMem; } } if (_delete) File(_attachment).remove(); } SMTPClientSession session(_mailHost); session.login(); session.sendMessage(message); session.close(); } catch (Exception&) { if (_throw) throw; } }
int main(int argc, char ** argv) { DayNum_t today = DateLUT::instance().toDayNum(time(0)); for (DayNum_t date = today; DayNum_t(date + 10) > today; --date) { std::string name = DB::ActiveDataPartSet::getPartName(date, date, 0, 0, 0); std::cerr << name << '\n'; time_t time = DateLUT::instance().YYYYMMDDToDate(DB::parse<UInt32>(name)); std::cerr << LocalDateTime(time) << '\n'; } return 0; }
int main(int, char **) { DayNum_t today = DateLUT::instance().toDayNum(time(nullptr)); for (DayNum_t date = today; DayNum_t(date + 10) > today; --date) { DB::MergeTreePartInfo part_info("partition", 0, 0, 0); std::string name = part_info.getPartNameV0(date, date); std::cerr << name << '\n'; time_t time = DateLUT::instance().YYYYMMDDToDate(DB::parse<UInt32>(name)); std::cerr << LocalDateTime(time) << '\n'; } return 0; }
void RTMFPServer::handleShellCommand(RTMFPReceiving * received) { if (!received) return; std::string tmp; std::string resp = "Cumulus server, build time: " __DATE__ " " __TIME__ ", start time: "; resp += _startDatetimeStr; resp += ", cur time: " + DateTimeFormatter::format(LocalDateTime(),"%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); resp += "\n"; //std::string req(received->bufdata()); if (std::strcmp(received->bufdata(), "status") == 0) { #if 0 resp += "sessions_n: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(_sessions.count()) + " sessions_n_peak: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(_sessions.peakCount) + " task_handle_peak_qsize: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(peak_qsize()) + "\n" + "rcvp: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(rcvpCnt > 0 ? (rcvpTm / rcvpCnt) : 0) + " peak_rcvp: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(peakRcvp) + " psnd: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(psndCnt > 0 ? (psndTm / psndCnt) : 0) + " peak_psnd: " + Poco::NumberFormatter::format(peakPsnd) + "\n"; #endif poolThreads.status_string(tmp); resp += tmp; sockets.status_string(tmp); resp += tmp; status_string(tmp); resp += tmp; } else if (std::strcmp(received->bufdata(), "help") == 0) { resp += "Commands: help status quit\n"; } else if (std::strcmp(received->bufdata(), "quit") == 0) { //resp += "Good bye\n"; resp = ""; } else { resp += "Please type in `help` for details.\n"; } received->socket.sendTo(resp.c_str(), resp.length(), received->address, 0); }
void RTMFPServer::run() { try { _startDatetimeStr = DateTimeFormatter::format(LocalDateTime(), "%b %d %Y %H:%M:%S"); _pSocket->bind(SocketAddress("",_port)); NOTE("RTMFP server sendbufsize %d recvbufsize %d recvtmo %d sendtmo %d", _pSocket->getSendBufferSize(), _pSocket->getReceiveBufferSize(), _pSocket->getReceiveTimeout().milliseconds(), _pSocket->getSendTimeout().milliseconds() ); sockets.add(*_pSocket,*this); //_mainSockets NOTE("RTMFP server starts on %u port",_port); if(_shellPort > 0) { _shellSocket.bind(SocketAddress("", _shellPort)); sockets.add(_shellSocket, *this); NOTE("RTMFP server shell command portal on %u prot", _shellPort); } onStart(); RTMFPManager manager(*this); bool terminate=false; while(!terminate) handle(terminate); } catch(Exception& ex) { FATAL("RTMFPServer, %s",ex.displayText().c_str()); } catch (exception& ex) { FATAL("RTMFPServer, %s",ex.what()); } catch (...) { FATAL("RTMFPServer, unknown error"); } sockets.remove(*_pSocket); // _mainSockets // terminate handle terminate(); // clean sessions, and send died message if need _handshake.clear(); _sessions.clear(); // stop receiving and sending engine (it waits the end of sending last session messages) poolThreads.clear(); // close UDP socket _pSocket->close(); // close shell command port if(_shellPort > 0) { _shellSocket.close(); } sockets.clear(); //_mainSockets.clear(); _port=0; onStop(); if(_pCirrus) { delete _pCirrus; _pCirrus = NULL; } if(_pSocket) { delete _pSocket; _pSocket = NULL; } NOTE("RTMFP server stops"); }