Exemple #1
// Function:	H5Location::flush
///\brief	Flushes all buffers associated with a location to disk.
///\param	scope - IN: Specifies the scope of the flushing action,
///		which can be either of these values:
///		\li \c H5F_SCOPE_GLOBAL - Flushes the entire virtual file
///		\li \c H5F_SCOPE_LOCAL - Flushes only the specified file
///\exception	H5::Exception
///\par Description
///		This location is used to identify the file to be flushed.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2012
// Modification
//	Sep 2012 - BMR
//		Moved from H5File/H5Object
void H5Location::flush(H5F_scope_t scope) const
   herr_t ret_value = H5Fflush(getId(), scope);
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw LocationException(inMemFunc("flush"), "H5Fflush failed");
Exemple #2
// Function:	H5Location::getComment
///\brief	Returns the comment as \a string for this location,
///		returning its length.
///\param	name     - IN: Name of the object
///\param	buf_size - IN: Length of the comment to retrieve, default to 0
///\return	Comment string
///\exception	H5::LocationException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - 2000 (moved from CommonFG, Sep 2013)
H5std_string H5Location::getComment(const char* name, size_t buf_size) const
    // Initialize string to "", so that if there is no comment, the returned
    // string will be empty
    H5std_string comment("");

    // Preliminary call to get the comment's length
    ssize_t comment_len = H5Oget_comment_by_name(getId(), name, NULL, (size_t)0, H5P_DEFAULT);

    // If H5Oget_comment_by_name returns a negative value, raise an exception
    if (comment_len < 0)
        throw LocationException("H5Location::getComment", "H5Oget_comment_by_name failed");

    // If comment exists, calls C routine again to get it
    else if (comment_len > 0)
	size_t tmp_len = buf_size;

	// If buffer size is not provided, use comment length
	if (tmp_len == 0)
	    tmp_len = comment_len;

	// Temporary buffer for char* comment
	char* comment_C = new char[tmp_len+1];
	HDmemset(comment_C, 0, tmp_len+1); // clear buffer

	// Used overloaded function
	ssize_t comment_len = getComment(name, tmp_len+1, comment_C);
	if (comment_len < 0)
	    delete []comment_C;
	    throw LocationException("H5Location::getComment", "H5Oget_comment_by_name failed");

	// Convert the C comment to return
	comment = comment_C;

	// Clean up resource
	delete []comment_C;

    // Return the string comment
Exemple #3
// Function:	H5Location::getComment
///\brief	Retrieves the comment for this location, returning its length.
///\param	name     - IN: Name of the object
///\param	buf_size - IN: Length of the comment to retrieve
///\param	comment  - OUT: Retrieved comment
///\return	Actual length of the comment
///\exception	H5::LocationException
///\par Description
///		This function retrieves \a buf_size characters of the comment
///		including the null terminator.  Thus, if the actual length
///		of the comment is more than buf_size-1, the retrieved comment
///		will be truncated to accommodate the null terminator.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Mar 2014
ssize_t H5Location::getComment(const char* name, size_t buf_size, char* comment) const
    // H5Oget_comment_by_name will get buf_size chars of the comment including
    // the null terminator
    ssize_t comment_len;
    comment_len = H5Oget_comment_by_name(getId(), name, comment, buf_size, H5P_DEFAULT);

    // If H5Oget_comment_by_name returns a negative value, raise an exception
    if (comment_len < 0)
        throw LocationException("H5Location::getComment", "H5Oget_comment_by_name failed");
    // If the comment is longer than the provided buffer size, the C library
    // will not null terminate it
    if ((size_t)comment_len >= buf_size)
	comment[buf_size-1] = '\0';

    // Return the actual comment length, which might be different from buf_size
Exemple #4
// Function:	H5Location::removeComment
///\brief	Removes the comment from an object specified by its name.
///\param	name  - IN: Name of the object
///\exception	H5::LocationException
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - May 2005 (moved from CommonFG, Sep 2013)
//	2007: QAK modified to use H5O APIs; however the first parameter is
//		no longer just file or group, this function should be moved
//		to another class to accommodate attribute, dataset, and named
//		datatype. - BMR
void H5Location::removeComment(const char* name) const
   herr_t ret_value = H5Oset_comment_by_name(getId(), name, NULL, H5P_DEFAULT);
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw LocationException(inMemFunc("removeComment"), "H5Oset_comment_by_name failed");
Exemple #5
// Function:	H5Location::setComment
///\brief	This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience.
///		It differs from the above function in that it doesn't take
///		an object name.
// Programmer	Binh-Minh Ribler - Sep 2013
// Modification
void H5Location::setComment(const char* comment) const
   herr_t ret_value = H5Oset_comment_by_name(getId(), ".", comment, H5P_DEFAULT);
   if( ret_value < 0 )
      throw LocationException(inMemFunc("setComment"), "H5Oset_comment_by_name failed");