SRes Xzs_ReadBackward(CXzs *p, ILookInStream *stream, Int64 *startOffset, ICompressProgress *progress, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { Int64 endOffset = 0; RINOK(ILookInStream_Seek(stream, &endOffset, SZ_SEEK_END)); *startOffset = endOffset; for (;;) { CXzStream st; SRes res; Xz_Construct(&st); res = Xz_ReadBackward(&st, stream, startOffset, alloc); st.startOffset = *startOffset; RINOK(res); if (p->num == p->numAllocated) { size_t newNum = p->num + p->num / 4 + 1; Byte *data = (Byte *)ISzAlloc_Alloc(alloc, newNum * sizeof(CXzStream)); if (!data) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; p->numAllocated = newNum; if (p->num != 0) memcpy(data, p->streams, p->num * sizeof(CXzStream)); ISzAlloc_Free(alloc, p->streams); p->streams = (CXzStream *)data; } p->streams[p->num++] = st; if (*startOffset == 0) break; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(stream, *startOffset)); if (progress && ICompressProgress_Progress(progress, endOffset - *startOffset, (UInt64)(Int64)-1) != SZ_OK) return SZ_ERROR_PROGRESS; } return SZ_OK; }
static SRes SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams2( ILookInStream *inStream, CSzData *sd, CBuf *outBuffer, UInt64 baseOffset, CSzAr *p, UInt64 **unpackSizes, Byte **digestsDefined, UInt32 **digests, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt32 numUnpackStreams = 0; UInt64 dataStartPos; CSzFolder *folder; UInt64 unpackSize; SRes res; RINOK(SzReadStreamsInfo(sd, &dataStartPos, p, &numUnpackStreams, unpackSizes, digestsDefined, digests, allocTemp, allocTemp)); dataStartPos += baseOffset; if (p->NumFolders != 1) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; folder = p->Folders; unpackSize = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folder); RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, dataStartPos)); if (!Buf_Create(outBuffer, (size_t)unpackSize, allocTemp)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; res = SzFolder_Decode(folder, p->PackSizes, inStream, dataStartPos, outBuffer->data, (size_t)unpackSize, allocTemp); RINOK(res); #ifdef _7ZIP_CRC_SUPPORT if (folder->UnpackCRCDefined) if (CrcCalc(outBuffer->data, (size_t)unpackSize) != folder->UnpackCRC) return SZ_ERROR_CRC; #endif return SZ_OK; }
SRes SzArEx_Extract( const CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, uint32_t fileIndex, uint32_t *blockIndex, uint8_t **outBuffer, size_t *outBufferSize, size_t *offset, size_t *outSizeProcessed, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { uint32_t folderIndex = p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[fileIndex]; SRes res = SZ_OK; *offset = 0; *outSizeProcessed = 0; if (folderIndex == (uint32_t)-1) { IAlloc_Free(allocMain, *outBuffer); *blockIndex = folderIndex; *outBuffer = 0; *outBufferSize = 0; return SZ_OK; } if (*outBuffer == 0 || *blockIndex != folderIndex) { CSzFolder *folder = p->db.Folders + folderIndex; uint64_t unpackSizeSpec = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folder); size_t unpackSize = (size_t)unpackSizeSpec; uint64_t startOffset = SzArEx_GetFolderStreamPos(p, folderIndex, 0); if (unpackSize != unpackSizeSpec) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; *blockIndex = folderIndex; IAlloc_Free(allocMain, *outBuffer); *outBuffer = 0; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startOffset)); if (res == SZ_OK) { *outBufferSize = unpackSize; if (unpackSize != 0) { *outBuffer = (uint8_t *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocMain, unpackSize); if (*outBuffer == 0) res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; } if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SzFolder_Decode(folder, p->db.PackSizes + p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex], inStream, startOffset, *outBuffer, unpackSize, allocTemp); if (res == SZ_OK) { if (folder->UnpackCRCDefined) { if (CrcCalc(*outBuffer, unpackSize) != folder->UnpackCRC) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; } } } } } if (res == SZ_OK) { uint32_t i; CSzFileItem *fileItem = p->db.Files + fileIndex; *offset = 0; for (i = p->FolderStartFileIndex[folderIndex]; i < fileIndex; i++) *offset += (uint32_t)p->db.Files[i].Size; *outSizeProcessed = (size_t)fileItem->Size; if (*offset + *outSizeProcessed > *outBufferSize) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; if (fileItem->CrcDefined && CrcCalc(*outBuffer + *offset, *outSizeProcessed) != fileItem->Crc) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; } return res; }
static SRes SzArEx_Open2( CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { uint8_t header[k7zStartHeaderSize]; int64_t startArcPos; uint64_t nextHeaderOffset, nextHeaderSize; size_t nextHeaderSizeT; uint32_t nextHeaderCRC; CBuf buffer; SRes res; startArcPos = 0; RINOK(inStream->Seek(inStream, &startArcPos, SZ_SEEK_CUR)); RINOK(LookInStream_Read2(inStream, header, k7zStartHeaderSize, SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE)); if (!TestSignatureCandidate(header)) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; if (header[6] != k7zMajorVersion) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; nextHeaderOffset = GetUi64(header + 12); nextHeaderSize = GetUi64(header + 20); nextHeaderCRC = GetUi32(header + 28); p->startPosAfterHeader = startArcPos + k7zStartHeaderSize; if (CrcCalc(header + 12, 20) != GetUi32(header + 8)) return SZ_ERROR_CRC; nextHeaderSizeT = (size_t)nextHeaderSize; if (nextHeaderSizeT != nextHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; if (nextHeaderSizeT == 0) return SZ_OK; if (nextHeaderOffset > nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize || nextHeaderOffset > nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize + k7zStartHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; { int64_t pos = 0; RINOK(inStream->Seek(inStream, &pos, SZ_SEEK_END)); if ((uint64_t)pos < startArcPos + nextHeaderOffset || (uint64_t)pos < startArcPos + k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset || (uint64_t)pos < startArcPos + k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset + nextHeaderSize) return SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF; } RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startArcPos + k7zStartHeaderSize + nextHeaderOffset)); if (!Buf_Create(&buffer, nextHeaderSizeT, allocTemp)) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; res = LookInStream_Read(inStream,, nextHeaderSizeT); if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; if (CrcCalc(, nextHeaderSizeT) == nextHeaderCRC) { CSzData sd; uint64_t type; sd.Data =; sd.Size = buffer.size; res = SzReadID(&sd, &type); if (res == SZ_OK) { if (type == k7zIdEncodedHeader) { CBuf outBuffer; Buf_Init(&outBuffer); res = SzReadAndDecodePackedStreams(inStream, &sd, &outBuffer, p->startPosAfterHeader, allocTemp); if (res != SZ_OK) Buf_Free(&outBuffer, allocTemp); else { Buf_Free(&buffer, allocTemp); =; buffer.size = outBuffer.size; sd.Data =; sd.Size = buffer.size; res = SzReadID(&sd, &type); } } } if (res == SZ_OK) { if (type == k7zIdHeader) res = SzReadHeader(p, &sd, allocMain, allocTemp); else res = SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } } } Buf_Free(&buffer, allocTemp); return res; }
static SRes SzFolder_Decode2(const CSzFolder *folder, const UInt64 *packSizes, ILookInStream *inStream, UInt64 startPos, Byte *outBuffer, SizeT outSize, ISzAlloc *allocMain, Byte *tempBuf[]) { UInt32 ci; SizeT tempSizes[3] = { 0, 0, 0}; SizeT tempSize3 = 0; Byte *tempBuf3 = 0; RINOK(CheckSupportedFolder(folder)); for (ci = 0; ci < folder->NumCoders; ci++) { CSzCoderInfo *coder = &folder->Coders[ci]; if (IS_MAIN_METHOD((UInt32)coder->MethodID)) { UInt32 si = 0; UInt64 offset; UInt64 inSize; Byte *outBufCur = outBuffer; SizeT outSizeCur = outSize; if (folder->NumCoders == 4) { UInt32 indices[] = { 3, 2, 0 }; UInt64 unpackSize = folder->UnpackSizes[ci]; si = indices[ci]; if (ci < 2) { Byte *temp; outSizeCur = (SizeT)unpackSize; if (outSizeCur != unpackSize) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; temp = (Byte *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocMain, outSizeCur); if (temp == 0 && outSizeCur != 0) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; outBufCur = tempBuf[1 - ci] = temp; tempSizes[1 - ci] = outSizeCur; } else if (ci == 2) { if (unpackSize > outSize) /* check it */ return SZ_ERROR_PARAM; tempBuf3 = outBufCur = outBuffer + (outSize - (size_t)unpackSize); tempSize3 = outSizeCur = (SizeT)unpackSize; } else return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; } offset = GetSum(packSizes, si); inSize = packSizes[si]; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startPos + offset)); if (coder->MethodID == k_Copy) { if (inSize != outSizeCur) /* check it */ return SZ_ERROR_DATA; RINOK(SzDecodeCopy(inSize, inStream, outBufCur)); } else if (coder->MethodID == k_LZMA) { RINOK(SzDecodeLzma(coder, inSize, inStream, outBufCur, outSizeCur, allocMain)); } else if (coder->MethodID == k_LZMA2) { #ifdef _7ZIP_LZMA2_SUPPPORT RINOK(SzDecodeLzma2(coder, inSize, inStream, outBufCur, outSizeCur, allocMain)); #else return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; #endif } else { #ifdef _7ZIP_PPMD_SUPPPORT RINOK(SzDecodePpmd(coder, inSize, inStream, outBufCur, outSizeCur, allocMain)); #else return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; #endif } } else if (coder->MethodID == k_BCJ2) { UInt64 offset = GetSum(packSizes, 1); UInt64 s3Size = packSizes[1]; SRes res; if (ci != 3) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startPos + offset)); tempSizes[2] = (SizeT)s3Size; if (tempSizes[2] != s3Size) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; tempBuf[2] = (Byte *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocMain, tempSizes[2]); if (tempBuf[2] == 0 && tempSizes[2] != 0) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; res = SzDecodeCopy(s3Size, inStream, tempBuf[2]); RINOK(res) res = Bcj2_Decode( tempBuf3, tempSize3, tempBuf[0], tempSizes[0], tempBuf[1], tempSizes[1], tempBuf[2], tempSizes[2], outBuffer, outSize); RINOK(res) } else { if (ci != 1)
static SRes Xz_ReadBackward(CXzStream *p, ILookInStream *stream, Int64 *startOffset, ISzAllocPtr alloc) { UInt64 indexSize; Byte buf[XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE]; UInt64 pos = *startOffset; if ((pos & 3) != 0 || pos < XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; pos -= XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekRead_ForArc(stream, pos, buf, XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE)); if (!XZ_FOOTER_SIG_CHECK(buf + 10)) { UInt32 total = 0; pos += XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE; for (;;) { size_t i; #define TEMP_BUF_SIZE (1 << 10) Byte temp[TEMP_BUF_SIZE]; i = (pos > TEMP_BUF_SIZE) ? TEMP_BUF_SIZE : (size_t)pos; pos -= i; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekRead_ForArc(stream, pos, temp, i)); total += (UInt32)i; for (; i != 0; i--) if (temp[i - 1] != 0) break; if (i != 0) { if ((i & 3) != 0) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; pos += i; break; } if (pos < XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE || total > (1 << 16)) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; } if (pos < XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; pos -= XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekRead_ForArc(stream, pos, buf, XZ_STREAM_FOOTER_SIZE)); if (!XZ_FOOTER_SIG_CHECK(buf + 10)) return SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE; } p->flags = (CXzStreamFlags)GetBe16(buf + 8); if (!XzFlags_IsSupported(p->flags)) return SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED; if (GetUi32(buf) != CrcCalc(buf + 4, 6)) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; indexSize = ((UInt64)GetUi32(buf + 4) + 1) << 2; if (pos < indexSize) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; pos -= indexSize; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(stream, pos)); RINOK(Xz_ReadIndex(p, stream, indexSize, alloc)); { UInt64 totalSize = Xz_GetPackSize(p); if (totalSize == XZ_SIZE_OVERFLOW || totalSize >= ((UInt64)1 << 63) || pos < totalSize + XZ_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE) return SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; pos -= (totalSize + XZ_STREAM_HEADER_SIZE); RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(stream, pos)); *startOffset = pos; } { CXzStreamFlags headerFlags; CSecToRead secToRead; SecToRead_CreateVTable(&secToRead); secToRead.realStream = stream; RINOK(Xz_ReadHeader(&headerFlags, &secToRead.vt)); return (p->flags == headerFlags) ? SZ_OK : SZ_ERROR_ARCHIVE; } }
static SRes LookInStream_SeekRead_ForArc(ILookInStream *stream, UInt64 offset, void *buf, size_t size) { RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(stream, offset)); return LookInStream_Read(stream, buf, size); /* return LookInStream_Read2(stream, buf, size, SZ_ERROR_NO_ARCHIVE); */ }
SRes SzArEx_Extract( const CSzArEx *p, ILookInStream *inStream, UInt32 fileIndex, SzArEx_DictCache *dictCache, ISzAlloc *allocMain, ISzAlloc *allocTemp) { UInt32 folderIndex = p->FileIndexToFolderIndexMap[fileIndex]; SRes res = SZ_OK; dictCache->entryOffset = 0; dictCache->outSizeProcessed = 0; if (folderIndex == (UInt32)-1) { SzArEx_DictCache_free(dictCache); dictCache->blockIndex = folderIndex; return SZ_OK; } if (dictCache->outBuffer == 0 || dictCache->blockIndex != folderIndex) { CSzFolder *folder = p->db.Folders + folderIndex; UInt64 unpackSizeSpec = SzFolder_GetUnpackSize(folder); size_t unpackSize = (size_t)unpackSizeSpec; UInt64 startOffset = SzArEx_GetFolderStreamPos(p, folderIndex, 0); if (unpackSize != unpackSizeSpec) return SZ_ERROR_MEM; SzArEx_DictCache_free(dictCache); dictCache->blockIndex = folderIndex; RINOK(LookInStream_SeekTo(inStream, startOffset)); if (res == SZ_OK) { dictCache->outBufferSize = unpackSize; if (unpackSize != 0) { if (dictCache->mapFilename && (unpackSize >= k7zUnpackMapDictionaryInMemoryMaxNumBytes)) { // map to disk is enabled and file is larger than 1 megabyte. // note that an error condition is checked by seeing if // dictCache->outBuffer after a map attempt SzArEx_DictCache_mmap(dictCache); } else { dictCache->outBuffer = (Byte *)IAlloc_Alloc(allocMain, unpackSize); } if (dictCache->outBuffer == 0) res = SZ_ERROR_MEM; } if (res == SZ_OK) { res = SzFolder_Decode(folder, p->db.PackSizes + p->FolderStartPackStreamIndex[folderIndex], inStream, startOffset, dictCache->outBuffer, unpackSize, allocTemp); if (res == SZ_OK) { if (folder->UnpackCRCDefined) { #ifdef _7ZIP_CRC_SUPPORT if (CrcCalc(dictCache->outBuffer, unpackSize) != folder->UnpackCRC) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; #endif } } } } } if (res == SZ_OK) { UInt32 i; CSzFileItem *fileItem = p->db.Files + fileIndex; dictCache->entryOffset = 0; for (i = p->FolderStartFileIndex[folderIndex]; i < fileIndex; i++) dictCache->entryOffset += (UInt32)p->db.Files[i].Size; dictCache->outSizeProcessed = (size_t)fileItem->Size; if (dictCache->entryOffset + dictCache->outSizeProcessed > dictCache->outBufferSize) return SZ_ERROR_FAIL; #ifdef _7ZIP_CRC_SUPPORT if (fileItem->CrcDefined && CrcCalc(dictCache->outBuffer + dictCache->entryOffset, dictCache->outSizeProcessed) != fileItem->Crc) res = SZ_ERROR_CRC; #endif } return res; }