Exemple #1
void CompressWithLZMA2(std::vector<unsigned char> &outBuf, const std::vector<unsigned char> &inBuf, Byte* ptrProperties)
	VectorInStream inStream = { &VectorInStream_Read, &inBuf, 0 };
	VectorOutStream outStream = { &VectorOutStream_Write, &outBuf };

	CLzma2EncHandle enc;
	enc = Lzma2Enc_Create(&g_Alloc, &g_BigAlloc);


	CLzma2EncProps props;
	Lzma2EncProps_Init(&props);			//Ivan need change the parameters later
	//props.lzmaProps.writeEndMark = 1; // 0 or 1
	//props.lzmaProps.level = 6;
	//props.lzmaProps.dictSize = 1 << 14;
	//props.lzmaProps.numThreads = 8;
	//props.numTotalThreads = 8;

	SRes res = Lzma2Enc_SetProps(enc, &props);
	assert(res == SZ_OK);

	outBuf.resize(1);		// no need

	outBuf[0] = Lzma2Enc_WriteProperties(enc);

	*ptrProperties = outBuf[0];		//no need this parameter.

	UInt64 resLen = inBuf.size();

	Byte header[8];
	for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
		header[i] = (Byte)(resLen >> (8 * i));

	res = Lzma2Enc_Encode(enc, &outStream.SeqOutStream, &inStream.SeqInStream, 0);		//res = Lzma2Enc_Encode(enc, (ISeqOutStream*)&outStream, (ISeqInStream*)&inStream, 0);

	assert(res == SZ_OK);


	FILE *fout = fopen("data.dc.dat", "wb+");	//change the file name.
	fwrite(&outBuf[0], 1, 1, fout);
	fwrite(&header[0], 1, 8, fout);
	fwrite(&outBuf[1], 1, outBuf.size() - 1, fout);
Exemple #2
static SRes Xz_Compress(CXzStream *xz, CLzma2WithFilters *lzmaf,
	ISeqOutStream *outStream, ISeqInStream *inStream,
	const CXzProps *props, ICompressProgress *progress)
	xz->flags = (Byte)props->checkId;

	RINOK(Lzma2Enc_SetProps(lzmaf->lzma2, props->lzma2Props));
	RINOK(Xz_WriteHeader(xz->flags, outStream));

	CSeqCheckInStream checkInStream;
	CSeqSizeOutStream seqSizeOutStream;
	CXzBlock block;
	int filterIndex = 0;
	CXzFilter *filter = NULL;
	const CXzFilterProps *fp = props->filterProps;

	XzBlock_SetNumFilters(&block, 1 + (fp ? 1 : 0));

	if (fp)
		filter = &block.filters[filterIndex++];
		filter->id = fp->id;
		filter->propsSize = 0;
		if (fp->id == XZ_ID_Delta)
		filter->props[0] = (Byte)(fp->delta - 1);
		filter->propsSize = 1;
		else if (fp->ipDefined)
		SetUi32(filter->props, fp->ip);
		filter->propsSize = 4;

		CXzFilter *f = &block.filters[filterIndex++];
		f->id = XZ_ID_LZMA2;
		f->propsSize = 1;
		f->props[0] = Lzma2Enc_WriteProperties(lzmaf->lzma2);

	seqSizeOutStream.p.Write = MyWrite;
	seqSizeOutStream.realStream = outStream;
	seqSizeOutStream.processed = 0;

	RINOK(XzBlock_WriteHeader(&block, &seqSizeOutStream.p));

	checkInStream.p.Read = SeqCheckInStream_Read;
	checkInStream.realStream = inStream;
	SeqCheckInStream_Init(&checkInStream, XzFlags_GetCheckType(xz->flags));

	if (fp)
		if (fp->id == XZ_ID_Subblock)
		lzmaf->sb.inStream = &checkInStream.p;
		lzmaf->filter.realStream = &checkInStream.p;
		RINOK(SeqInFilter_Init(&lzmaf->filter, filter));

		UInt64 packPos = seqSizeOutStream.processed;
		SRes res = Lzma2Enc_Encode(lzmaf->lzma2, &seqSizeOutStream.p,
		fp ?
		(fp->id == XZ_ID_Subblock) ? &lzmaf->sb.p:
		block.unpackSize = checkInStream.processed;
		block.packSize = seqSizeOutStream.processed - packPos;

		unsigned padSize = 0;
		Byte buf[128];
		while((((unsigned)block.packSize + padSize) & 3) != 0)
		buf[padSize++] = 0;
		SeqCheckInStream_GetDigest(&checkInStream, buf + padSize);
		RINOK(WriteBytes(&seqSizeOutStream.p, buf, padSize + XzFlags_GetCheckSize(xz->flags)));
		RINOK(Xz_AddIndexRecord(xz, block.unpackSize, seqSizeOutStream.processed - padSize, &g_Alloc));
	return Xz_WriteFooter(xz, outStream);
Exemple #3
static SRes Xz_Compress(CXzStream *xz,
    CLzma2WithFilters *lzmaf,
    ISeqOutStream *outStream,
    ISeqInStream *inStream,
    const CLzma2EncProps *lzma2Props,
    Bool useSubblock,
    ICompressProgress *progress)
  xz->flags = XZ_CHECK_CRC32;

  RINOK(Lzma2Enc_SetProps(lzmaf->lzma2, lzma2Props));
  RINOK(Xz_WriteHeader(xz->flags, outStream));

    CSeqCheckInStream checkInStream;
    CSeqSizeOutStream seqSizeOutStream;
    CXzBlock block;
    int filterIndex = 0;
    XzBlock_SetNumFilters(&block, 1 + (useSubblock ? 1 : 0));
    if (useSubblock)
      CXzFilter *f = &block.filters[filterIndex++];
      f->id = XZ_ID_Subblock;
      f->propsSize = 0;

      CXzFilter *f = &block.filters[filterIndex++];
      f->id = XZ_ID_LZMA2;
      f->propsSize = 1;
      f->props[0] = Lzma2Enc_WriteProperties(lzmaf->lzma2);

    seqSizeOutStream.p.Write = MyWrite;
    seqSizeOutStream.realStream = outStream;
    seqSizeOutStream.processed = 0;
    RINOK(XzBlock_WriteHeader(&block, &seqSizeOutStream.p));
    checkInStream.p.Read = SeqCheckInStream_Read;
    checkInStream.realStream = inStream;
    SeqCheckInStream_Init(&checkInStream, XzFlags_GetCheckType(xz->flags));
    #ifdef USE_SUBBLOCK
    if (useSubblock)
      lzmaf->sb.sb.inStream = &checkInStream.p;
      UInt64 packPos = seqSizeOutStream.processed;
      SRes res = Lzma2Enc_Encode(lzmaf->lzma2, &seqSizeOutStream.p,
        #ifdef USE_SUBBLOCK
        useSubblock ? &lzmaf->sb.p:
      block.unpackSize = checkInStream.processed;
      block.packSize = seqSizeOutStream.processed - packPos;

      unsigned padSize = 0;
      Byte buf[128];
      while((((unsigned)block.packSize + padSize) & 3) != 0)
        buf[padSize++] = 0;
      SeqCheckInStream_GetDigest(&checkInStream, buf + padSize);
      RINOK(WriteBytes(&seqSizeOutStream.p, buf, padSize + XzFlags_GetCheckSize(xz->flags)));
      RINOK(Xz_AddIndexRecord(xz, block.unpackSize, seqSizeOutStream.processed - padSize, &g_Alloc));
  return Xz_WriteFooter(xz, outStream);
STDMETHODIMP CEncoder::WriteCoderProperties(ISequentialOutStream *outStream)
  Byte prop = Lzma2Enc_WriteProperties(_encoder);
  return WriteStream(outStream, &prop, 1);
bool ZPatcher::CreatePatchFile(FILE* patchFile, std::string& newVersionPath, PatchFileList_t* patchFileList, ProgressCallback progressFunction, ICompressProgress LZMAProgressCallback)
	// Initialize our custom LZMA2 Encoder
	CLzma2EncHandle hLzma2Enc = InitLzma2Encoder();

	fprintf(stdout, "Writing patch data...\n");

	Log(LOG, "Writing patch data");

	// Write the file header, including our custom LZMA2 props
	Byte props = Lzma2Enc_WriteProperties(hLzma2Enc);
	WritePatchFileHeader(patchFile, props);

	size_t totalFiles = patchFileList->RemovedFileList.size() + patchFileList->AddedFileList.size() + patchFileList->ModifiedFileList.size();

	unsigned int i = 0;
	// Process the removed file list in reverse order - Directories should be the last thing being deleted.
	for (std::vector<std::string>::reverse_iterator ritr = patchFileList->RemovedFileList.rbegin(); ritr != patchFileList->RemovedFileList.rend(); ++ritr)
		// Update our progress bar
		float progress = ((float)++i / (float)totalFiles) * 100.0f;
		progressFunction(progress, i, totalFiles);

		Log(LOG, "[del] %s", ritr->c_str());

		WriteFileInfo(patchFile, Patch_File_Delete, ritr->c_str());

	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = patchFileList->AddedFileList.begin(); itr < patchFileList->AddedFileList.end(); ++itr)
		// Update our progress bar
		float progress = ((float)++i / (float)totalFiles) * 100.0f;
		progressFunction(progress, i, totalFiles);

		Log(LOG, "[add] %s", itr->c_str());

		size_t fileNameLength = itr->length();
		if (fileNameLength > 0 && (*itr)[fileNameLength - 1] != '/')
			WriteFileInfo(patchFile, Patch_File_Add, itr->c_str());
			std::string localPath = newVersionPath + "/" + *itr;

			if (!WriteCompressedFile(hLzma2Enc, localPath, patchFile, LZMAProgressCallback))
				return false;
			WriteFileInfo(patchFile, Patch_Dir_Add, itr->c_str());

	// Right now, we replace both the modified files and the added files
	for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator itr = patchFileList->ModifiedFileList.begin(); itr < patchFileList->ModifiedFileList.end(); ++itr)
		// Update our progress bar
		float progress = ((float)++i / (float)totalFiles) * 100.0f;
		progressFunction(progress, i, totalFiles);

		Log(LOG, "[mod] %s", itr->c_str());

		WriteFileInfo(patchFile, Patch_File_Replace, itr->c_str());
		std::string localPath = newVersionPath + "/" + *itr;

		if (!WriteCompressedFile(hLzma2Enc, localPath, patchFile, LZMAProgressCallback))
			return false;

	// Update our progress bar
	float progress = ((float)i / (float)totalFiles) * 100.0f;
	progressFunction(progress, i, totalFiles);

	// Hacky hack if we are using our own provided function ;)
	if (progressFunction == &PrintCreatePatchProgressBar)
		fprintf(stdout, "\n");

	Log(LOG, "Patch data writing process completed");


	return true;