TI_STATUS roamingMngr_connect(TI_HANDLE hRoamingMngr, TargetAp_t* pTargetAp)
	roamingMngr_t *pRoamingMngr = (roamingMngr_t*)hRoamingMngr;
	bssList_t *bssList;
	int i=0;

	TRACE2(pRoamingMngr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "roamingMngr_connect(),"
	       "transitionMethod = %d,"
	       "requestType = %d,"
	       " \n", pTargetAp->transitionMethod,pTargetAp->connRequest.requestType) ;

	TRACE6(pRoamingMngr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "roamingMngr_connect(),"
	       " AP to roam BSSID: "
	       "%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x "
	       "\n", pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[0],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[1],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[2],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[3],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[4],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[5]);

	/* Search for target AP in the scan manager results table, to get its beacon/ProbResponse buffer  */
	bssList = scanMngr_getBSSList(((roamingMngr_t*)hRoamingMngr)->hScanMngr);
	for (i=0; i< bssList->numOfEntries ; i++) {
		if (MAC_EQUAL(bssList->BSSList[i].BSSID, pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID)) {
			pTargetAp->newAP.pBuffer = bssList->BSSList[i].pBuffer;
			pTargetAp->newAP.bufferLength = bssList->BSSList[i].bufferLength;
			os_memoryCopy(pRoamingMngr->hOs, &(pRoamingMngr->targetAP), (void*)pTargetAp, sizeof(TargetAp_t));
			return roamingMngr_smEvent(ROAMING_MANUAL_EVENT_CONNECT, hRoamingMngr);

	TRACE6(pRoamingMngr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "roamingMngr_connect(),"
	       "AP was not found in scan table!! BSSID: "
	       "%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x-%02x "
	       "\n", pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[0],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[1],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[2],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[3],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[4],pTargetAp->newAP.BSSID[5]);
	return TI_NOK;
TI_STATUS keyParserExternal_remove(struct _keyParser_t *pKeyParser, TI_UINT8 *pKeyData, TI_UINT32 keyDataLen)
	TI_STATUS				status;
	OS_802_11_KEY	 		*pKeyDesc;
    paramInfo_t  			macParam;
	encodedKeyMaterial_t    encodedKeyMaterial;
	TI_UINT8				broadcastMacAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };

	if (pKeyData == NULL)
		return TI_NOK;
	pKeyDesc = (OS_802_11_KEY*)pKeyData;

    if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_TRANSMIT_MASK)
	{	/* Bit 31 should always be zero */
		return TI_NOK;
	if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_REMAIN_BITS_MASK)
	{	/* Bits 8-29 should always be zero */
		return TI_NOK;
	encodedKeyMaterial.keyId = pKeyDesc->KeyIndex;
	encodedKeyMaterial.keyLen = 0;
    encodedKeyMaterial.pData = (char *) keyBuffer;

	if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_PAIRWISE_GROUP_MASK)
	{	/* delete all pairwise keys or for the current BSSID */
		if (!MAC_EQUAL(pKeyDesc->BSSID, broadcastMacAddr))
			MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, pKeyDesc->BSSID);
			macParam.paramType = CTRL_DATA_CURRENT_BSSID_PARAM;
			status = ctrlData_getParam(pKeyParser->hCtrlData, &macParam);
			if (status != TI_OK)
				return TI_NOK;
			MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, macParam.content.ctrlDataCurrentBSSID);

        status =  pKeyParser->pUcastKey->pKeyDerive->remove(pKeyParser->pUcastKey->pKeyDerive, &encodedKeyMaterial);
	{	/* delete all group keys or for the current BSSID */
		MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, broadcastMacAddr);
        status =  pKeyParser->pBcastKey->pKeyDerive->remove(pKeyParser->pUcastKey->pKeyDerive, &encodedKeyMaterial);

	return status;
Exemple #3
 *                        findSiteEntry									*
DESCRIPTION: Perform the following things: 
			-	Compute the site's hash entry based on the site BSSID and hash function
			-	Look fotr the site entry in the linked list pointed by the hash entry
			-	If the site is found in the site table, returns a pointer to the site entry
			-	If the site is not found, return NULL.
INPUT:      pSiteMgr	-	Handle to site mgr	
			mac			-	The site BSSID		


RETURN:     Pointer to the site entry if site found, NULL otherwise

siteEntry_t	*findSiteEntry(siteMgr_t		*pSiteMgr, 
				           TMacAddr 		*mac)
    siteTablesParams_t      *pCurrentSiteTable = pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->pCurrentSiteTable;
	siteEntry_t             *pSiteEntry;	
    TI_UINT8                 tableIndex=2, i;

   /* It looks like it never happens. Anyway decided to check */
    if ( pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites > MAX_SITES_BG_BAND )
        TRACE2( pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR,
               "findSiteEntry. pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites=%d exceeds the limit %d\n",
                   pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites, MAX_SITES_BG_BAND);
        return NULL;

		for (i = 0; i < pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites; i++)
			pSiteEntry = &(pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[i]);
	    	if (MAC_EQUAL (pSiteEntry->bssid, *mac))
                TRACE6(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION,
                     "FIND success, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X\n\n", (*mac)[0], (*mac)[1], (*mac)[2], (*mac)[3], (*mac)[4], (*mac)[5]);
	    		return pSiteEntry;

	   if ((pSiteMgr->pDesiredParams->siteMgrDesiredDot11Mode == DOT11_DUAL_MODE) &&
	   {   /* change site table */
	       if (pCurrentSiteTable == &pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->dot11BG_sitesTables)
                  pCurrentSiteTable = (siteTablesParams_t *)&pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->dot11A_sitesTables;
                  pCurrentSiteTable = &pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->dot11BG_sitesTables;

    } while (tableIndex>0);

TRACE6(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "FIND failure, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X\n\n", (*mac)[0], (*mac)[1], (*mac)[2], (*mac)[3], (*mac)[4], (*mac)[5]);

	return NULL;
Exemple #4
 * \fn     sme_SelectBssidMatch
 * \brief  Check if a site BSSID matches the desired BSSID for selection
 * Check if a site BSSID matches the desired BSSID for selection
 * \param  pSiteBssid - the site BSSID
 * \param  pDesiredBssid - the desired BSSID
 * \return TI_TRUE if BSSIDs match, TI_FALSE if they don't
 * \sa     sme_Select
TI_BOOL sme_SelectBssidMatch (TMacAddr *pSiteBssid, TMacAddr *pDesiredBssid)
    /* check if the desired BSSID is broadcast (no need to match) */
    if (TI_TRUE == MAC_BROADCAST (*pDesiredBssid))
        return TI_TRUE;

    /* if the desired BSSID is not any BSSID, check if the site BSSID equals the desired BSSID */
    if (TI_TRUE == MAC_EQUAL (*pDesiredBssid, *pSiteBssid))
        return TI_TRUE;

    /* no match */
    return TI_FALSE;
 * \fn     scanResultTable_GetByBssid
 * \brief  retreives an entry according to its SSID and BSSID
 * retreives an entry according to its BSSID
 * \param  hScanResultTable - handle to the scan result table object
 * \param  pSsid - SSID to search for
 * \param  pBssid - BSSID to search for
 * \return A pointer to the entry with macthing BSSID, NULL if no such entry was found.
TSiteEntry  *scanResultTable_GetBySsidBssidPair (TI_HANDLE hScanResultTable, TSsid *pSsid, TMacAddr *pBssid)
    TScanResultTable    *pScanResultTable = (TScanResultTable*)hScanResultTable;
    TI_UINT32           uIndex;

    /* check all entries in the table */
    for (uIndex = 0; uIndex < pScanResultTable->uCurrentSiteNumber; uIndex++)
        /* if the BSSID and SSID match */
        if (MAC_EQUAL (*pBssid, pScanResultTable->pTable[ uIndex ].bssid) &&
            ((pSsid->len == pScanResultTable->pTable[ uIndex ].ssid.len) &&
             (0 == os_memoryCompare (pScanResultTable->hOS, &(pSsid->str[ 0 ]),
                                     &(pScanResultTable->pTable[ uIndex ].ssid.str[ 0 ]),
            return &(pScanResultTable->pTable[ uIndex ]);

    /* site wasn't found: return NULL */
    return NULL;
 *                        findAndInsertSiteEntry									*
DESCRIPTION: Perform the following things:
			-	Compute the site's hash entry based on the site BSSID and hash function
			-	Look for the site entry in the linked list pointed by the hash entry
			-	If the site is found in the site table, returns a pointer to the site entry
			-	If the site is not found in the site table, tries to add the site
				-	If succeeds, returns a pointer to the site entry
				-	Otherwise, returns NULL

INPUT:      pSiteMgr	-	Handle to site mgr
			mac			-	The site BSSID
            band        -   The site band


RETURN:     Pointer to the site entry if site found/inserted, NULL otherwise

siteEntry_t	*findAndInsertSiteEntry(siteMgr_t		*pSiteMgr,
                                    TMacAddr    	*mac,
                                    ERadioBand      band)
	TI_UINT8             i, emptySiteIndex=0, nextSite2Remove=0;
	siteEntry_t         *pSiteEntry, *pPrimarySite=pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams->pPrimarySite;
	sitesMgmtParams_t   *pSitesMgmtParams  = pSiteMgr->pSitesMgmtParams;
	siteTablesParams_t  *pCurrentSiteTable;
	TI_BOOL              firstEmptySiteFound = TI_FALSE;
	TI_UINT32            oldestTS;

	/* choose site table according to AP's band */
	if ( RADIO_BAND_2_4_GHZ == band ) {
		pCurrentSiteTable = &(pSitesMgmtParams->dot11BG_sitesTables);
	} else if (RADIO_BAND_5_0_GHZ == band) {
		pCurrentSiteTable = (siteTablesParams_t*) &(pSitesMgmtParams->dot11A_sitesTables);
	} else {
		TRACE1(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "Bad band: %d\n\n", band);
		pCurrentSiteTable = &(pSitesMgmtParams->dot11BG_sitesTables);

	/* Set the first TS to a site which is not the Primary site */
	if (pPrimarySite != &(pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[0])) {
		oldestTS = pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[0].localTimeStamp;
	} else {
		oldestTS = pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[1].localTimeStamp;
	/* It looks like it never happens. Anyway decided to check */
	if ( pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites > MAX_SITES_BG_BAND ) {
		        "findAndInsertSiteEntry. pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites=%d exceeds the limit %d\n",
		        pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites, MAX_SITES_BG_BAND);
		return NULL;
	/* Loop all the sites till the desired MAC is found */
	for (i = 0; i < pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites; i++) {
		pSiteEntry = &(pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[i]);

		if (MAC_EQUAL (pSiteEntry->bssid, *mac)) {

			TRACE6(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "FIND success, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X\n\n", (*mac)[0], (*mac)[1], (*mac)[2], (*mac)[3], (*mac)[4], (*mac)[5]);

			return pSiteEntry;
		} else if (pSiteEntry->siteType == SITE_NULL) {
			/* Save the first empty site, in case the
			desired MAC is not found */
			if (!firstEmptySiteFound) {
				emptySiteIndex = i;

		} else if (oldestTS == pSiteEntry->localTimeStamp) {
			/* Save the oldest site's index, according to TS */
			nextSite2Remove = i;

	TRACE4(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "INSERT failure, no free entry!, oldestTS=%d, nextSite2Remove=%d, "
	       "[0].localTimeStamp=%d, [1]localTimeStamp%d \n",
	       oldestTS, nextSite2Remove,

	if ((!firstEmptySiteFound) || (pCurrentSiteTable->numOfSites>=pCurrentSiteTable->maxNumOfSites)) {
		/* No NULL entry has been found. Remove the oldest site */
		pSiteEntry =  &(pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[nextSite2Remove]);
		TRACE9(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "INSERT failure, no free entry!, numOfSites=%d, removing site index=%d,\n                                bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X, ts=%d \n", pCurrentSiteTable->numOfSites, nextSite2Remove, pSiteEntry->bssid[0], pSiteEntry->bssid[1], pSiteEntry->bssid[2], pSiteEntry->bssid[3], pSiteEntry->bssid[4], pSiteEntry->bssid[5], pSiteEntry->localTimeStamp);
		removeSiteEntry(pSiteMgr, pCurrentSiteTable, pSiteEntry);
		emptySiteIndex = nextSite2Remove;



	pSiteEntry = &(pCurrentSiteTable->siteTable[emptySiteIndex]);

	/* fill the entry with the station mac */
	MAC_COPY (pSiteEntry->bssid, *mac);

	/* Some parameters have to be initialized immediately after entry allocation */

	if(pSiteMgr->siteMgrOperationalMode == DOT11_G_MODE)
		pSiteEntry->currentSlotTime = pSiteMgr->pDesiredParams->siteMgrDesiredSlotTime;

	TRACE8(pSiteMgr->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "INSERT success, bssid: %X-%X-%X-%X-%X-%X, band=%d, index=%d\n\n", (*mac)[0], (*mac)[1], (*mac)[2], (*mac)[3], (*mac)[4], (*mac)[5], band, emptySiteIndex);

	return pSiteEntry;
TI_STATUS keyParserExternal_recv(struct _keyParser_t *pKeyParser,
						  TI_UINT8 *pKeyData, TI_UINT32 keyDataLen)
	TI_STATUS						status;
	OS_802_11_KEY 	                *pKeyDesc;
	encodedKeyMaterial_t    		encodedKeyMaterial;
    paramInfo_t  					macParam;
	TI_BOOL                         macEqual2Associated=TI_FALSE;
	TI_BOOL							macIsBroadcast=TI_FALSE;
    TI_BOOL                         wepKey = TI_FALSE;
	TI_UINT8						broadcastMacAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = { 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff };
	TI_UINT8						nullMacAddr[MAC_ADDR_LEN] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
    TI_UINT8                        keyBuffer[MAC_ADDR_LEN+KEY_RSC_LEN+MAX_EXT_KEY_DATA_LENGTH];

    if (pKeyData == NULL)                             
		return TI_NOK;
	pKeyDesc = (OS_802_11_KEY*)pKeyData;

    /* copy the key data, mac address and RSC */
	MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, pKeyDesc->BSSID);
	/* configure keyRSC value (if needed) */
    if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_RSC_KEY_MASK)
	{	/* set key recieve sequence counter */
        os_memoryCopy(pKeyParser->hOs, &keyBuffer[MAC_ADDR_LEN], (TI_UINT8*)&(pKeyDesc->KeyRSC), KEY_RSC_LEN);
        os_memoryZero(pKeyParser->hOs, &keyBuffer[MAC_ADDR_LEN], KEY_RSC_LEN);

    /* check type and validity of keys */
    /* check MAC Address validity */
	status = ctrlData_getParam(pKeyParser->hCtrlData, &macParam);

	if (status != TI_OK)
TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Cannot get MAC address !!!\n");
        return TI_NOK;

	/* check key length */
	if((pKeyDesc->KeyLength != WEP_KEY_LEN_40) && 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength != WEP_KEY_LEN_104) && 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength != WEP_KEY_LEN_232) &&
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength != CKIP_KEY_LEN) && 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength != TKIP_KEY_LEN) && 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength != AES_KEY_LEN) )
TRACE1(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Incorrect key length - %d \n", pKeyDesc->KeyLength);
		return TI_NOK;
	if (MAC_EQUAL(macParam.content.ctrlDataCurrentBSSID, pKeyDesc->BSSID))
        macEqual2Associated = TI_TRUE;
	if (MAC_EQUAL (pKeyDesc->BSSID, broadcastMacAddr))
        macIsBroadcast = TI_TRUE;
	if ((pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_40) || 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_104) || 
		(pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_232))
	{	/* In Add WEP the MAC address is nulled, since it's irrelevant */
        macEqual2Associated = TI_TRUE;
        wepKey = TI_TRUE;

    {  /* The key is being set by an Authenticator - not allowed in IBSS mode */
    	if (pKeyParser->pParent->pParent->pParent->pAdmCtrl->networkMode == RSN_IBSS)
        {	/* in IBSS only Broadcast MAC is allowed */
        TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Authenticator set key in IBSS mode !!!\n");
        	return TI_NOK;


    if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_REMAIN_BITS_MASK)
    {  /* the reamining bits in the key index are not 0 (when they should be) */
TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Key index bits 8-27 should be 0 !!!\n");
		return TI_NOK;
    encodedKeyMaterial.pData  = (char *) keyBuffer;
	/* Check key length according to the cipher suite - TKIP, etc...??? */
    if (wepKey)
        if (!((pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_40) || (pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_104) 
              || (pKeyDesc->KeyLength == WEP_KEY_LEN_232)))
        {	/*Invalid key length*/
            TRACE1(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "WEP_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Invalid Key length: %d !!!\n", pKeyDesc->KeyLength);
            return TI_NOK;

        os_memoryCopy(pKeyParser->hOs, &keyBuffer[0], pKeyDesc->KeyMaterial, pKeyDesc->KeyLength);
        if (MAC_EQUAL (nullMacAddr, pKeyDesc->BSSID))
            macIsBroadcast = TI_TRUE;

        encodedKeyMaterial.keyLen = pKeyDesc->KeyLength;
    else /* this is TKIP or CKIP */
        if ((pKeyDesc->KeyLength == CKIP_KEY_LEN) && (pKeyParser->pPaeConfig->unicastSuite == TWD_CIPHER_CKIP))
            os_memoryCopy(pKeyParser->hOs, &keyBuffer[0], pKeyDesc->KeyMaterial, pKeyDesc->KeyLength);
            encodedKeyMaterial.keyLen = pKeyDesc->KeyLength;

            encodedKeyMaterial.keyLen = MAC_ADDR_LEN+KEY_RSC_LEN+pKeyDesc->KeyLength;

    encodedKeyMaterial.keyId  = pKeyDesc->KeyIndex;

TRACE2(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: Key received keyId=%x, keyLen=%d \n",						    pKeyDesc->KeyIndex, pKeyDesc->KeyLength                             );

    if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_PAIRWISE_GROUP_MASK)
    {	/* Pairwise key */
        /* check that the lower 8 bits of the key index are 0 */
        if (!wepKey && (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & 0xff))
TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_WARNING, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Pairwise key must have index 0 !!!\n");
            return TI_NOK;

		if (macIsBroadcast)
            TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: Broadcast MAC address for unicast !!!\n");
			return TI_NOK;
		if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_TRANSMIT_MASK)
		{	/* tx only pairwase key */
			/* set unicast keys */
        	if (pKeyParser->pUcastKey->recvSuccess!=NULL)
        	status = pKeyParser->pUcastKey->recvSuccess(pKeyParser->pUcastKey, &encodedKeyMaterial);
		} else {
			/* recieve only pairwase keys are not allowed */
            TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: recieve only pairwase keys are not allowed !!!\n");
            return TI_NOK;

    {   /* set broadcast keys */
        if (!macIsBroadcast)
        {	/* not broadcast MAC */
        	if (pKeyParser->pParent->pParent->pParent->pAdmCtrl->networkMode == RSN_IBSS)
        	{	/* in IBSS only Broadcast MAC is allowed */
            TRACE0(pKeyParser->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR, "EXT_KEY_PARSER: ERROR: not broadcast MAC in IBSS mode !!!\n");
            	return TI_NOK;
        	else if (!macEqual2Associated)
        	{	/* ESS mode and MAC is different than the associated one */
        		/* save the key for later */
				status = TI_OK; /* pKeyParser->pBcastKey->saveKey(pKeyParser->pBcastKey, &encodedKey);*/
			{	/* MAC is equal to the associated one - configure immediately */
                if (!wepKey)
					MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, broadcastMacAddr);
        		if (pKeyParser->pBcastKey->recvSuccess!=NULL)
					status =  pKeyParser->pBcastKey->recvSuccess(pKeyParser->pBcastKey, &encodedKeyMaterial);
		{   /* MAC is broadcast - configure immediately */
			if (!wepKey)
				MAC_COPY (keyBuffer, broadcastMacAddr);
			/* set broadcast key */
			if (pKeyParser->pBcastKey->recvSuccess!=NULL)
				status =  pKeyParser->pBcastKey->recvSuccess(pKeyParser->pBcastKey, &encodedKeyMaterial);

			if (pKeyDesc->KeyIndex & EXT_KEY_TRANSMIT_MASK)
			{	/* Group key used to transmit */
				/* set as unicast key as well */
				if (pKeyParser->pUcastKey->recvSuccess!=NULL)
					status = pKeyParser->pUcastKey->recvSuccess(pKeyParser->pUcastKey, &encodedKeyMaterial);
	return status;
 * \fn     sme_SetParam
 * \brief  Set parameters values
 * Set parameters values
 * \note   Note is indicated here 
 * \param  hSme - handle to the SME object
 * \param  pParam - pointer to the param to set
 * \return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED for an unrecognized parameter, TI_OK if successfull.
 * \sa     sme_GetParam
TI_STATUS sme_SetParam (TI_HANDLE hSme, paramInfo_t *pParam)
    TSme                *pSme = (TSme*)hSme;

    TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_INFORMATION , "sme_SetParam: param type is 0x%x\n", pParam->paramType);

    switch (pParam->paramType)
        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if (pSme->bRadioOn != pParam->content.smeRadioOn)
            /* set new radio on value and send an event to the state-machine accordingly */
            pSme->bRadioOn = pParam->content.smeRadioOn;
            if (TI_TRUE == pSme->bRadioOn)
                if(TI_TRUE == pSme->bRunning)
                    genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_START, hSme);
                genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_STOP, hSme);

        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if ((pSme->tSsid.len != pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len) || 
            (0 != os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]),
                                    &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len)))
            /* set new desired SSID */
            os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len);
            pSme->tSsid.len = pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len;

            pSme->uScanCount = 0;

            /* now send a disconnect event */
            genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);

        pSme->bRadioOn = TI_TRUE;

        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if ((pSme->tSsid.len != pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len) || 
            (0 != os_memoryCompare (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]),
                                    &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pSme->tSsid.len)))
            /* set new desired SSID */
            os_memoryCopy (pSme->hOS, &(pSme->tSsid.str[ 0 ]), &(pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.str[ 0 ]), pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len);
            pSme->tSsid.len = pParam->content.smeDesiredSSID.len;
        /* also set SSID type and connect required flag */
        if (OS_802_11_SSID_JUNK (pSme->tSsid.str, pSme->tSsid.len))
            pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_INVALID;
            pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_FALSE;
        else if (0 == pSme->tSsid.len)
            pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_ANY;
            pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE;
            pSme->eSsidType = SSID_TYPE_SPECIFIC;
            pSme->bConnectRequired = TI_TRUE;
        pSme->uScanCount = 0;

        /* if  junk SSID */
        if(TI_FALSE == pSme->bConnectRequired)
            pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE;

        /* now send a disconnect event */
        genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);

        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if (TI_FALSE == MAC_EQUAL (pSme->tBssid, pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSID))
            /* set new BSSID */
            MAC_COPY (pSme->tBssid, pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSID);
            pSme->uScanCount = 0;
        /* now send a disconnect event */
        genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);

        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if (pSme->eConnectMode != pParam->content.smeConnectionMode)
            /* set new connection mode */
            pSme->eConnectMode = pParam->content.smeConnectionMode;
            pSme->uScanCount = 0;
        /* now send a disconnect event */
        genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);

        /* if new value is different than current one */
        if (pSme->eBssType != pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSType)
            /* set new BSS type */
            pSme->eBssType = pParam->content.smeDesiredBSSType;
            pSme->uScanCount = 0;
            /* now send a disconnect event */
            genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);


        if (pParam->content.siteMgrWSCMode.WSCMode != TIWLN_SIMPLE_CONFIG_OFF)
         pSme->bConstantScan = TI_TRUE;
         pSme->uScanCount = 0;
         /* now send a disconnect event */
         genSM_Event (pSme->hSmeSm, SME_SM_EVENT_DISCONNECT, hSme);
         pSme->bConstantScan = TI_FALSE;

        TRACE1(pSme->hReport, REPORT_SEVERITY_ERROR , "sme_SetParam: unrecognized param type %d\n", pParam->paramType);
        return PARAM_NOT_SUPPORTED;
        /* break;*/

    return TI_OK;