Exemple #1
    LoadSos(LLDBServices *services)
        if (m_sosHandle == NULL)
            if (g_coreclrDirectory == NULL)
                const char *coreclrModule = MAKEDLLNAME_A("coreclr");
                const char *directory = services->GetModuleDirectory(coreclrModule);
                if (directory != NULL)
                    std::string path(directory);
                    g_coreclrDirectory = strdup(path.c_str());
                    services->Output(DEBUG_OUTPUT_WARNING, "The %s module is not loaded yet in the target process\n", coreclrModule);

            if (g_coreclrDirectory != NULL)
                // Load the DAC module first explicitly because SOS and DBI
                // have implicit references to the DAC's PAL.
                LoadModule(services, MAKEDLLNAME_A("mscordaccore"));

                m_sosHandle = LoadModule(services, MAKEDLLNAME_A("sos"));
Exemple #2
void CommandLine::DumpHelp(const char* program)
    printf("%s\n", g_SuperPMIUsageFirstLine);
    printf("Usage: %s [options] jitname [jitname2] filename.mc\n", program);
    printf(" jitname" PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_A " - path of jit to be tested\n");
    printf(" jitname2" PLATFORM_SHARED_LIB_SUFFIX_A " - optional path of second jit to be tested\n");
    printf(" filename.mc - load method contexts from filename.mc\n");
    printf(" -j[it] Name - optionally -jit can be used to specify jits\n");
    printf(" -l[oad] filename - optionally -load can be used to specify method contexts\n");
    printf(" -boe\n");
    printf("     Break on error return from compileMethod\n");
    printf(" -boa\n");
    printf("     Break on assert from the JIT\n");
    printf(" -v[erbosity] messagetypes\n");
    printf("     Controls which types of messages SuperPMI logs. Specify a string of\n");
    printf("     characters representing message categories to enable, where:\n");
    printf("         e - errors (internal fatal errors that are non-recoverable)\n");
    printf("         w - warnings (internal conditions that are unusual, but not serious)\n");
    printf("         m - missing (failures due to missing JIT-EE interface details)\n");
    printf("         i - issues (issues found with the JIT, e.g. asm diffs, asserts)\n");
    printf("         n - information (notifications/summaries, e.g. 'Loaded 5  Jitted 4  FailedCompile 1')\n");
    printf("         v - verbose (status messages, e.g. 'Jit startup took '151.12ms')\n");
    printf("         d - debug (lots of detailed output)\n");
    printf("         a - all (enable all message types; overrides other enable message types)\n");
    printf("         q - quiet (disable all output; overrides all others)\n");
    printf("     e.g. '-v ew' only writes error and warning messages to the console.\n");
    printf("     'q' takes precedence over any other message type specified.\n");
    printf("     Default set of messages enabled is 'ewminv'.\n");
    printf(" -w[riteLogFile] logfile\n");
    printf("     Write log messages to the specified file.\n");
    printf(" -c[ompile] <indices>\n");
    printf("     Compile only those method contexts whose indices are specified.\n");
    printf("     Indices can be either a single index, comma separated values,\n");
    printf("     a range, or the name of a .MCL file with newline delimited indices.\n");
    printf("     e.g. -compile 20\n");
    printf("     e.g. -compile 20,25,30,32\n");
    printf("     e.g. -compile 10-99\n");
    printf("     e.g. -compile 5,10-99,101,201-300\n");
    printf("     e.g. -compile failed.mcl\n");
    printf(" -m[atchHash] <MD5 Hash>\n");
    printf("     Compile only method context with specific MD5 hash\n");
    printf(" -e[mitMethodStats] <stats-types>\n");
    printf("     Emit method statistics in CSV format to filename.mc.stats.\n");
    printf("     Specify a string of characters representing statistics to emit, where:\n");
    printf("         i - method IL code size\n");
    printf("         a - method compiled ASM code size\n");
    printf("         h - method hash to uniquely identify a method across MCH files\n");
    printf("         n - method number inside the source MCH\n");
    printf("         t - method throughput time\n");
    printf("         * - all available method stats\n");
    printf(" -a[pplyDiff]\n");
    printf("     Compare the compile result generated from the provided JIT with the\n");
    printf("     compile result stored with the MC. If two JITs are provided, this\n");
    printf("     compares the compile results generated by the two JITs.\n");
    printf(" -r[eproName] prefix\n");
    printf("     Write out failing methods to prefix-n.mc\n");
    printf(" -f[ailingMCList] mclfilename\n");
    printf("     Write out failing methods to mclfilename.\n");
    printf("     If using -applyDiff and no -diffMCList is specified,\n");
    printf("     comparison failures also get written to mclfilename.\n");
    printf(" -diffMCList diffMCLfilename\n");
    printf("     Write out methods that differ between compilations to diffMCLfilename.\n");
    printf("     This only works with -applyDiff.\n");
    printf(" -p[arallel] [workerCount]\n");
    printf("     Run in parallel mode by spawning 'workerCount' processes to do processing.\n");
    printf("     If 'workerCount' is not specified, the number of workers used is\n");
    printf("     the number of processors on the machine.\n");
    printf(" -skipCleanup\n");
    printf("     Skip deletion of temporary files created by child SuperPMI processes with -parallel.\n");
    printf(" -target <target>\n");
    printf("     Used by the assembly differences calculator. This specifies the target\n");
    printf("     architecture for cross-compilation. Currently allowed <target> value: arm64\n");
    printf(" -coredistools\n");
    printf("     Use disassembly tools from the CoreDisTools library\n");
    printf("Inputs are case sensitive.\n");
    printf("SuperPMI method contexts are stored in files with extension .MC, implying\n");
    printf("a single method context, or .MCH, implying a set of method contexts. Either\n");
    printf("extension works equivalently.\n");
    printf("Exit codes:\n");
    printf("0  : success\n");
    printf("-1 : general fatal error (e.g., failed to initialize, failed to read files)\n");
    printf("-2 : JIT failed to initialize\n");
    printf("1  : there were compilation failures\n");
    printf("2  : there were assembly diffs\n");
    printf(" %s " MAKEDLLNAME_A("clrjit") " test.mch\n", program);
    printf("     ; compile all functions in test.mch using " MAKEDLLNAME_A("clrjit") "\n");
    printf(" %s -p " MAKEDLLNAME_A("clrjit") " test.mch\n", program);
    printf("     ; same as above, but use all available processors to compile in parallel\n");
    printf(" %s -f fail.mcl " MAKEDLLNAME_A("clrjit") " test.mch\n", program);
    printf("     ; if there are any failures, record their MC numbers in the file fail.mcl\n");
Exemple #3
CrashInfo::EnumerateMemoryRegionsWithDAC(const char *pszExePath, MINIDUMP_TYPE minidumpType)
    PFN_CLRDataCreateInstance pfnCLRDataCreateInstance = nullptr;
    ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions *clrDataEnumRegions = nullptr;
    HMODULE hdac = nullptr;
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    bool result = false;

    // We assume that the DAC is in the same location as this createdump exe
    ArrayHolder<char> dacPath = new char[MAX_LONGPATH];
    strcpy_s(dacPath, MAX_LONGPATH, pszExePath);
    char *last = strrchr(dacPath, '/');
    if (last != nullptr)
        *(last + 1) = '\0';
        dacPath[0] = '\0';
    strcat_s(dacPath, MAX_LONGPATH, MAKEDLLNAME_A("mscordaccore"));
    // Load and initialize the DAC
    hdac = LoadLibraryA(dacPath);
    if (hdac == nullptr)
        fprintf(stderr, "LoadLibraryA(%s) FAILED %d\n", (char*)dacPath, GetLastError());
        goto exit;
    pfnCLRDataCreateInstance = (PFN_CLRDataCreateInstance)GetProcAddress(hdac, "CLRDataCreateInstance");
    if (pfnCLRDataCreateInstance == nullptr)
        fprintf(stderr, "GetProcAddress(CLRDataCreateInstance) FAILED %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto exit;
    hr = pfnCLRDataCreateInstance(__uuidof(ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions), &m_dataTarget, (void**)&clrDataEnumRegions);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        fprintf(stderr, "CLRDataCreateInstance(ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions) FAILED %08x\n", hr);
        goto exit;
    // Calls CrashInfo::EnumMemoryRegion for each memory region found by the DAC
    hr = clrDataEnumRegions->EnumMemoryRegions(this, minidumpType, CLRDATA_ENUM_MEM_DEFAULT);
    if (FAILED(hr))
        fprintf(stderr, "EnumMemoryRegions FAILED %08x\n", hr);
        goto exit;
    result = true;
    if (clrDataEnumRegions != nullptr)
    if (hdac != nullptr)
    return result;