bool JS4D::ThrowVErrorForException( ContextRef inContext, ExceptionRef inException)
	bool errorThrown;
	if ( (inException != NULL) && !JSValueIsUndefined( inContext, inException))

		bool bHasBeenAborted = false;

		// first throw an error for javascript
		VString description;
		if (ValueToString( inContext, inException, description, /*outException*/ NULL))
			if ( description. BeginsWith ( CVSTR ( "SyntaxError" ) ) && JSValueIsObject ( inContext, inException ) ) // Just to be super safe at the moment to avoid breaking everything
				JSObjectRef				jsExceptionObject = JSValueToObject ( inContext, inException, NULL );
				if ( jsExceptionObject != 0 )
					JSStringRef			jsLine = JSStringCreateWithUTF8CString ( "line" );
					if ( JSObjectHasProperty ( inContext, jsExceptionObject, jsLine ) )
						JSValueRef		jsValLine = JSObjectGetProperty ( inContext, jsExceptionObject, jsLine, NULL );
						if ( jsValLine != 0 )
							double nLine = JSValueToNumber( inContext, jsValLine, NULL );
							VString		vstrLine ( "Error on line " );
							vstrLine. AppendReal ( nLine );
							vstrLine. AppendCString ( ". " );
							description. Insert ( vstrLine, 1 );
					JSStringRelease ( jsLine );
			else if ( description. Find ( CVSTR ( "Error: Execution aborted by caller." ) ) > 0 && JSValueIsObject ( inContext, inException ) )
				bHasBeenAborted = true;

			if ( !bHasBeenAborted )
				StThrowError<>	error( MAKE_VERROR( 'JS4D', 1));
				error->SetString( "error_description", description);
		errorThrown = !bHasBeenAborted;
		errorThrown = false;
	return errorThrown;
bool VJSGlobalContext::EvaluateScript( const VString& inScript, const VURL *inSource, VValueSingle **outResult, bool inJSONresult ) const
	VJSContext context( fContext);


	VJSValue result( fContext, NULL);
	JS4D::ExceptionRef exception = NULL;

	bool ok = context.EvaluateScript( inScript, inSource, &result, &exception);
	// first throw an error for javascript if necessary
	if (JS4D::ThrowVErrorForException( fContext, exception))
		xbox_assert( !ok);
		// then rethrow an error to explain wat we were doing
			VString url;
			if (inSource != NULL)
				inSource->GetAbsoluteURL( url, false);
			if (!url.IsEmpty())
				StThrowError<>	error( MAKE_VERROR( 'JS4D', 2));
				error->SetString( "url", url);
				error->SetString( "error_description", CVSTR( "Error evaluating javascript {url}"));
				StThrowError<>	error( MAKE_VERROR( 'JS4D', 3));
				error->SetString( "error_description", CVSTR( "Error evaluating javascript"));
		if (outResult != NULL)
			*outResult = NULL;
		xbox_assert( ok);
		if (outResult != NULL)
		if ( inJSONresult )
			VJSJSON stringifier( fContext );
			VString* ptStr = new VString;
			// The "result" value's fValue is initialized to 0 when a script is aborted using the JS debugger. In this case js core crashes while stringifying, thus the if-else
			// The if-else can be moved directly into ::Stringify if "null" is acceptable as a generic return value
			if ( result. IsNull ( ) )
				ptStr-> AppendCString ( "null" );
				stringifier.Stringify( result, *ptStr );
			*outResult = ptStr;
			*outResult = result.CreateVValue( NULL);

	return ok;