Exemple #1
 * v_screen_copy --
 *	Copy vi screen.
 * PUBLIC: int v_screen_copy(SCR *, SCR *);
v_screen_copy(SCR *orig, SCR *sp)
	VI_PRIVATE *ovip, *nvip;

	/* Create the private vi structure. */
	CALLOC_RET(orig, nvip, 1, sizeof(VI_PRIVATE));
	sp->vi_private = nvip;

	/* Invalidate the line size cache. */

	if (orig == NULL) {
		nvip->csearchdir = CNOTSET;
	} else {
		ovip = VIP(orig);

		/* User can replay the last input, but nothing else. */
		if (ovip->rep_len != 0) {
			MALLOC_RET(orig, nvip->rep, ovip->rep_len);
			memmove(nvip->rep, ovip->rep, ovip->rep_len);
			nvip->rep_len = ovip->rep_len;

		/* Copy the match characters information. */
		if (ovip->mcs != NULL && (nvip->mcs =
		    v_wstrdup(sp, ovip->mcs, STRLEN(ovip->mcs))) == NULL)
			return (1);

		/* Copy the paragraph/section information. */
		if (ovip->ps != NULL && (nvip->ps =
		    v_strdup(sp, ovip->ps, strlen(ovip->ps))) == NULL)
			return (1);

		nvip->lastckey = ovip->lastckey;
		nvip->csearchdir = ovip->csearchdir;

		nvip->srows = ovip->srows;
	return (0);
Exemple #2
 * sscr_init --
 *	Create a pty setup for a shell.
static int
sscr_init(SCR *sp)
	SCRIPT *sc;
	char *sh, *sh_path;

	/* We're going to need a shell. */
	if (opts_empty(sp, O_SHELL, 0))
		return (1);

	MALLOC_RET(sp, sc, sizeof(SCRIPT));
	sp->script = sc;
	sc->sh_prompt = NULL;
	sc->sh_prompt_len = 0;

	 * There are two different processes running through this code.
	 * They are the shell and the parent.
	sc->sh_master = sc->sh_slave = -1;

	if (tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &sc->sh_term) == -1) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "tcgetattr");
		goto err;

	 * Turn off output postprocessing and echo.
	sc->sh_term.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
	sc->sh_term.c_cflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHOE|ECHONL|ECHOK);

	if (ioctl(STDIN_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &sc->sh_win) == -1) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "tcgetattr");
		goto err;

	if (openpty(&sc->sh_master,
	    &sc->sh_slave, sc->sh_name, &sc->sh_term, &sc->sh_win) == -1) {
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "pty");
		goto err;

	 * __TK__ huh?
	 * Don't use vfork() here, because the signal semantics differ from
	 * implementation to implementation.
	switch (sc->sh_pid = fork()) {
	case -1:			/* Error. */
		msgq(sp, M_SYSERR, "fork");
err:		if (sc->sh_master != -1)
		if (sc->sh_slave != -1)
		return (1);
	case 0:				/* Utility. */
		 * XXX
		 * So that shells that do command line editing turn it off.
		if (setenv("TERM", "emacs", 1) == -1 ||
		    setenv("TERMCAP", "emacs:", 1) == -1 ||
		    setenv("EMACS", "t", 1) == -1)

		 * 4.4BSD allocates a controlling terminal using the TIOCSCTTY
		 * ioctl, not by opening a terminal device file.  POSIX 1003.1
		 * doesn't define a portable way to do this.
		(void)ioctl(sc->sh_slave, TIOCSCTTY, 0);
		(void)dup2(sc->sh_slave, STDIN_FILENO);
		(void)dup2(sc->sh_slave, STDOUT_FILENO);
		(void)dup2(sc->sh_slave, STDERR_FILENO);

		/* Assumes that all shells have -i. */
		sh_path = O_STR(sp, O_SHELL);
		if ((sh = strrchr(sh_path, '/')) == NULL)
			sh = sh_path;
		execl(sh_path, sh, "-i", (char *)NULL);
		msgq_str(sp, M_SYSERR, sh_path, "execl: %s");
	default:			/* Parent. */

	if (sscr_getprompt(sp))
		return (1);

	F_SET(sp->gp, G_SCRWIN);
	return (0);