 * \brief  Initializes a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param model  Pointer to the underlying nand chip model. Can be 0.
 * \param commandAddress  Address at which commands are sent.
 * \param addressAddress  Address at which addresses are sent.
 * \param dataAddress  Address at which data is sent.
 * \param pinChipEnable  Pin controlling the CE signal of the NandFlash.
 * \param pinReadyBusy  Pin used to monitor the ready/busy signal of the Nand.
 * \param baseBlock Basic physical block address of mapped area.
 * \param sizeInBlocks Number of blocks that is mapped.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns a NandCommon_ERROR_xxx code.
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_Initialize(
    struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated,
    const struct NandFlashModel *model,
    unsigned int commandAddress,
    unsigned int addressAddress,
    unsigned int dataAddress,
    const Pin pinChipEnable,
    const Pin pinReadyBusy,
    unsigned short baseBlock,
    unsigned short sizeInBlocks)
    translated->currentLogicalBlock = -1;
    translated->previousPhysicalBlock = -1;

    /* Initialize MappedNandFlash*/
    return MappedNandFlash_Initialize(MAPPED(translated),
 * \brief  Reads the data and/or the spare area of a page on a translated nandflash.
 * If the block is not currently mapped but could be (i.e. there are available
 * physical blocks), then the data/spare is filled with 0xFF.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param block  Logical block number.
 * \param page  Number of page to read inside logical block.
 * \param data  Data area buffer, can be 0.
 * \param spare  Spare area buffer, can be 0.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns NandCommon_ERROR_NOMOREBLOCKS
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_ReadPage( const struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated, unsigned short block,
                                            unsigned short page, void *data, void *spare )
    unsigned char error ;

    TRACE_INFO("TranslatedNandFlash_ReadPage(B#%d:P#%d)\n\r", block, page);

    /* If the page to read is in the current block, there is a previous physical
       block and the page is clean -> read the page in the old block since the
       new one does not contain meaningful data*/
    if ( (block == translated->currentLogicalBlock) && (translated->previousPhysicalBlock != -1)
         && (PageIsClean(translated, page)) )
        TRACE_DEBUG("Reading page from current block\n\r");
        return ManagedNandFlash_ReadPage( MANAGED( translated ), translated->previousPhysicalBlock,
                                          page, data, spare ) ;
        /* Try to read the page from the logical block*/
        error = MappedNandFlash_ReadPage(MAPPED(translated), block, page, data, spare);

        /* Block was not mapped*/
        if ( error == NandCommon_ERROR_BLOCKNOTMAPPED )
            assert( !spare ) ; /* "Cannot read the spare information of an unmapped block\n\r" */

            /* Check if a block can be allocated*/
            if ( BlockCanBeAllocated( translated ) )
                /* Return 0xFF in buffers with no error*/
                TRACE_DEBUG("Block #%d is not mapped but can be allocated, filling buffer with 0xFF\n\r", block);
                if (data)
                    memset(data, 0xFF, NandFlashModel_GetPageDataSize(MODEL(translated)));
                if (spare)
                    memset(spare, 0xFF, NandFlashModel_GetPageSpareSize(MODEL(translated)));
                TRACE_ERROR("Block #%d is not mapped and there are no more blocks available\n\r", block);
                return NandCommon_ERROR_NOMOREBLOCKS;
        /* Error*/
            if (error)
                return error;

    return 0;
Exemple #3
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerMapScreen(int sIndex, int32_t x, int32_t y, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint64_t winID)
    crDebug("crVBoxServerMapScreen(%i) [%i,%i:%u,%u %x]", sIndex, x, y, w, h, winID);

    if (sIndex<0 || sIndex>=cr_server.screenCount)

    if (MAPPED(SCREEN(sIndex)) && SCREEN(sIndex).winID!=winID)
        crDebug("Mapped screen[%i] is being remapped.", sIndex);

    SCREEN(sIndex).winID = winID;
    SCREEN(sIndex).x = x;
    SCREEN(sIndex).y = y;
    SCREEN(sIndex).w = w;
    SCREEN(sIndex).h = h;

    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerReparentMuralCB, &sIndex);

    crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerCheckMuralCB, NULL);

#ifndef WINDOWS
    /*Restore FB content for clients, which have current window on a screen being remapped*/
        GLint i;

        for (i = 0; i < cr_server.numClients; i++)
            cr_server.curClient = cr_server.clients[i];
            if (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx
                && (cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.pFrontImg || cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.pBackImg)
                && cr_server.curClient->currentMural
                && cr_server.curClient->currentMural->screenId == sIndex
                && cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.storedHeight == h
                && cr_server.curClient->currentCtx->buffer.storedWidth == w)
                int clientWindow = cr_server.curClient->currentWindow;
                int clientContext = cr_server.curClient->currentContextNumber;

                if (clientWindow && clientWindow != cr_server.currentWindow)
                    crServerDispatchMakeCurrent(clientWindow, 0, clientContext);

        cr_server.curClient = NULL;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * \brief  Erase all blocks in the tranalated area of nand flash.
 * \param managed  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param level    Erase level.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns error code
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_EraseAll(
    struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated,
    unsigned char level)
    MappedNandFlash_EraseAll(MAPPED(translated), level);

    if (level > NandEraseDIRTY)
        translated->currentLogicalBlock = -1;
        translated->previousPhysicalBlock = -1;
    return 0;
 * \brief  Terminates the current write operation by copying all the missing pages from
 * the previous physical block.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns error code
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_Flush(struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated)
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned char error;
    unsigned int currentPhysicalBlock;

    /* Check if there is a current block and a previous block*/
    if ((translated->currentLogicalBlock == -1)
        || (translated->previousPhysicalBlock == -1))
        return 0;

    TRACE_INFO("TranslatedNandFlash_Flush(PB#%d -> LB#%d)\n\r",
              translated->previousPhysicalBlock, translated->currentLogicalBlock);

    /* Copy missing pages in the current block*/
    currentPhysicalBlock = MappedNandFlash_LogicalToPhysical(

    for (i=0; i < NandFlashModel_GetBlockSizeInPages(MODEL(translated)); i++)
        if (PageIsClean(translated, i))
            TRACE_DEBUG("Copying back page #%d of block #%d\n\r", i, translated->previousPhysicalBlock);

            /* Copy page*/
            error = ManagedNandFlash_CopyPage(MANAGED(translated),
            if (error)
                TRACE_ERROR("FinishCurrentWrite: copy page #%d\n\r", i);
                return error;

    translated->currentLogicalBlock = -1;
    translated->previousPhysicalBlock = -1;
    return 0;
Exemple #6
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerUnmapScreen(int sIndex)
    crDebug("crVBoxServerUnmapScreen(%i)", sIndex);

    if (sIndex<0 || sIndex>=cr_server.screenCount)

    if (MAPPED(SCREEN(sIndex)))
        SCREEN(sIndex).winID = 0;

        crHashtableWalk(cr_server.muralTable, crVBoxServerReparentMuralCB, &sIndex);

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * \brief  Allocates a free block to save the current logical mapping on it.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns a NandCommon_ERROR code.
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_SaveLogicalMapping(
    struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated)
    unsigned char error;
    unsigned short freeBlock;


    /* Save logical mapping in the youngest free block*/
    /* Find the youngest block*/
    error = ManagedNandFlash_FindYoungestBlock(MANAGED(translated),
    if (error)
        TRACE_ERROR("TranNF_SaveLogicalMapping: No free block\n\r");
        return error;

    /* Check if this is the last free block, in which case dirty blocks are wiped
       prior to saving the mapping */
    if (ManagedNandFlash_CountBlocks(MANAGED(translated),
                                     NandBlockStatus_FREE) == 1)
        error = ManagedNandFlash_EraseDirtyBlocks(MANAGED(translated));
        if (error)
            TRACE_ERROR("TranNF_Flush: Could not erase dirty blocks\n\r");
            return error;

    /* Save the mapping*/
    error = MappedNandFlash_SaveLogicalMapping(MAPPED(translated), freeBlock);
    if (error)
        TRACE_ERROR("TranNF_Flush: Failed to save mapping in #%d\n\r", freeBlock);
        return error;

    return 0;
Exemple #8
DECLEXPORT(int32_t) crVBoxServerSetScreenCount(int sCount)
    int i;


    /*Shouldn't happen yet, but to be safe in future*/
    for (i=0; i<cr_server.screenCount; ++i)
        if (MAPPED(SCREEN(i)))
            crWarning("Screen count is changing, but screen[%i] is still mapped", i);
        return VERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED;

    cr_server.screenCount = sCount;

    for (i=0; i<sCount; ++i)
        SCREEN(i).winID = 0;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
 * \brief  Writes the data and/or spare area of a page on a translated nandflash.
 * Allocates block has needed to keep the wear even between all blocks.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param block  Logical block number.
 * \param page  Number of page to read inside logical block.
 * \param data  Data area buffer, can be 0.
 * \param spare  Spare area buffer, can be 0.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns error code
unsigned char TranslatedNandFlash_WritePage( struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated, unsigned short block,
                                             unsigned short page, void *data, void *spare )
    unsigned char allocate = 1;
    unsigned char error;

    TRACE_INFO("TranslatedNandFlash_WritePage(B#%d:P#%d)\n\r", block, page);

    /* A new block must be allocated unless:*/
    /* 1. the block is not mapped and there are no more blocks to allocate*/
    if (MappedNandFlash_LogicalToPhysical(MAPPED(translated), block) == -1)
        /* Block is not mapped, check if it can be*/
        if (!BlockCanBeAllocated(translated))
            TRACE_ERROR("TranslatedNandFlash_WritePage: Not enough free blocks\n\r");
            return NandCommon_ERROR_NOMOREBLOCKS;
        TRACE_DEBUG("Allocate because block not mapped\n\r");
    /* or 2. the block to write is the current one and the page to write is clean*/
        if (translated->currentLogicalBlock == block)
            if (PageIsClean(translated, page))
                TRACE_DEBUG("NO allocate because write in current block\n\r");
                allocate = 0;
                TRACE_DEBUG("Allocate because page DIRTY in current block\n\r");
            TRACE_DEBUG("Allocate because block is mapped and different from current block\n\r");

    /* Allocate block if needed*/
    if ( allocate )
        /* Flush current block write (if any) and then allocate block*/
        error = TranslatedNandFlash_Flush(translated);
        if (error)
            return error;
        translated->previousPhysicalBlock = MappedNandFlash_LogicalToPhysical( MAPPED(translated), block ) ;
        TRACE_DEBUG("Previous physical block is now #%d\n\r", translated->previousPhysicalBlock ) ;
        error = AllocateBlock( translated, block ) ;
        if ( error )
            return error;

        /* Block becomes the current block with all pages clean*/
        translated->currentLogicalBlock = block;

    /* Start writing page*/
    error = MappedNandFlash_WritePage(MAPPED(translated),
    if ( error )
        return error;

    /* If write went through, mark page as written*/
    MarkPageDirty(translated, page);

    return 0;
 * \brief  Allocates the best-fitting physical block for the given logical block.
 * \param translated  Pointer to a TranslatedNandFlash instance.
 * \param block  Logical block number.
 * \return 0 if successful; otherwise returns NandCommon_ERROR_NOBLOCKFOUND if
 * there are no more free blocks, or a NandCommon_ERROR code.
static unsigned char AllocateBlock(
    struct TranslatedNandFlash *translated,
    unsigned short block)
    unsigned short freeBlock, liveBlock;
    unsigned char error;
    signed int eraseDifference;

    TRACE_DEBUG("Allocating a new block\n\r");

    /* Find youngest free block and youngest live block*/
    if (ManagedNandFlash_FindYoungestBlock(MANAGED(translated),
                                           &freeBlock)) {

        TRACE_ERROR("AllocateBlock: Could not find a free block\n\r");
        return NandCommon_ERROR_NOBLOCKFOUND;

    /* If this is the last free block, save the logical mapping in it and clean dirty blocks */
    TRACE_DEBUG("Number of FREE blocks: %d\n\r",
              ManagedNandFlash_CountBlocks(MANAGED(translated), NandBlockStatus_FREE));
    if (ManagedNandFlash_CountBlocks(MANAGED(translated),
                                     NandBlockStatus_FREE) == 1) {

        /* Save mapping and clean dirty blocks*/
        TRACE_DEBUG("Last FREE block, cleaning up ...\n\r");

        error = MappedNandFlash_SaveLogicalMapping(MAPPED(translated), freeBlock);
        if (error)
            TRACE_ERROR("AllocateBlock: Failed to save mapping\n\r");
            return error;
        error = ManagedNandFlash_EraseDirtyBlocks(MANAGED(translated));
        if (error)
            TRACE_ERROR("AllocatedBlock: Failed to erase dirty blocks\n\r");
            return error;

        /* Allocate new block*/
        return AllocateBlock(translated, block);

    /* Find youngest LIVE block to check the erase count difference*/
    if (!ManagedNandFlash_FindYoungestBlock(MANAGED(translated),
        /* Calculate erase count difference*/
        TRACE_DEBUG("Free block erase count = %d\n\r", MANAGED(translated)->blockStatuses[freeBlock].eraseCount);
        TRACE_DEBUG("Live block erase count = %d\n\r", MANAGED(translated)->blockStatuses[liveBlock].eraseCount);
        eraseDifference = abs(MANAGED(translated)->blockStatuses[freeBlock].eraseCount
                              - MANAGED(translated)->blockStatuses[liveBlock].eraseCount);

        /* Check if it is too big*/
        if (eraseDifference > MAXERASEDIFFERENCE)
            TRACE_WARNING("Erase difference too big, switching blocks\n\r");

            /* Allocate a new block*/
            return AllocateBlock(translated, block);

    /* Map block*/
    TRACE_DEBUG("Allocating PB#%d for LB#%d\n\r", freeBlock, block);
    MappedNandFlash_Map(MAPPED(translated), block, freeBlock);

    return 0;