Exemple #1
int i_rad_display(const char* input) {
	int status = -1;
	if ((status = check_setup()) != 0) {
		return status;

	signed char i = 0; // char position
	unsigned char j; // register counter

	i = strlen(input) - 1;
	j = 0;
	for(; i >= 0; i--) {
		printf("%c ", (char) input[i]); 
		switch(input[i]) {
			case '-': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xa; break;
			case 'e':
                        case 'E': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xb; break;
			case 'h':
                        case 'H': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xc; break;
			case 'l':
                        case 'L': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xd; break;
			case 'p':
                        case 'P': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xe; break;
			case ' ': REGISTER[j++] |= 0xf; break;
			case '0':
			case '1':
			case '2':
			case '3':
			case '4':
			case '5':
			case '6':
			case '7':
			case '8':
			case '9': REGISTER[j++] |= (input[i] - 48); break;
			case '.': REGISTER[j] = 0x80; break; // set dot
				printf("Error value '%s'!\n", input[i]);
		if( j > DIGITS + 1 ) {
			printf("Input longer then expected!\n");

  	Init7219( DIGITS, MODE_B, 8 );

	for(i = 0; i<8; i++)
		printf("REGISTER[%d] = '%#x'\n", i, REGISTER[i]);
		MAX7219Send(i+1, REGISTER[i]);

	return 0;
Exemple #2
// Initialise 7219
// To try and ensure device initialised correctly always
// Leaves device in Test mode
// Pass in
//   digits - number of digits to display - 1 (1 digit pass in 0)
//   mode   - display mode 7 segment (MODE_7SEG) control
//         Segment Data   bit 0 = seg A to bit 6 = seg G and bit 7 = DP
//       or decode special set (MODE_B) as below
//         Segment Data   bits 0 to 3: 0 to 15 =  0 to 9, -, E, H, L, P, and ' ' (blank)
//         note top 4 bits ignored
//   level  - intensity level (1-15)
//  Exits program if no wiringPi installed or invalid parameters or LOAD fails to go high
void Init7219( int digits, int mode, int level )
// Initial checks
if( wiringPiSetup () == -1 )  exit( 1 );

if( digits < 0 || digits > 7 )
    printf( "\nError Init7219 called with invalid number of digits of %d (should be 0 to 7)\n", digits );
    exit( 1 );

//if( mode != MODE_B || mode != MODE_7SEG || level < 0 || level > 15 )
if( level < 0 || level > 15 )
    printf( "\nError Init7219 invalid brigthness of %d!\n", level);
    exit( 1 );

//We need 3 output pins to control the Max7219: Data, Clock and Load
pinMode( DATA, OUTPUT );  
pinMode( CLOCK, OUTPUT );
pinMode( LOAD, OUTPUT );  

// Initial states of pins
digitalWrite( LOAD, 1 );     // set LOAD 1 to start
digitalWrite( CLOCK, 0 );     // set CLOCK to 0
digitalWrite( DATA, 0 );     // set DATA to 0

// Quick test check LOAD pin actually HIGH as test
if( digitalRead( LOAD ) != 1 )
  printf( "\nError Max7219 LOAD pin %u failed to go high\n", LOAD );
  exit( 2 );

// Ensure shift refister is all zeros no random clocks occured
// and loaded into device to synchronise shift register
MAX7219Send( NO_OP, 0 );

MAX7219Send( SCAN_LIMIT, digits );   // set up to scan number of digits
MAX7219Send( DECODE_MODE, mode );    // Set BCD decode mode
MAX7219Send( DISPLAY_TEST, 0);       // disable test mode
MAX7219Send( INTENSITY, level );     // set brightness 0 to 15
MAX7219Send( SHUTDOWN, 1 );          // Ensure in Normal mode of operation
int main (void)
	int i, j;
	int sleep = 15;

	printf ("MrRetupmoc's Raspberry Pi - Bi-Polar Stepper\n");
	if (wiringPiSetup () == -1) exit (1);		// WiringPi Setup
	pinMode(DATA, OUTPUT);				// Setup Output Mode for Data
	pinMode(CLOCK, OUTPUT);				// Setup Output Mode for Clock 
	pinMode(LOAD, OUTPUT);				// Setup Output Mode for Load 
	MAX7219Send(SCAN_LIMIT, 16);			// Scan Limit
	// BCD decode mode off : data bits correspond to the segments (A-G and DP) of the seven segment display.
	// BCD mode on :  0 to 15 =  0 to 9, -, E, H, L, P, and ' '
	MAX7219Send(DECODE_MODE, 0);			// Set BCD decode mode on
	MAX7219Send(DISPLAY_TEST, 0);			// Disable test mode
	MAX7219Send(INTENSITY, 15);			// set brightness 0 to 15
	MAX7219Send(SHUTDOWN, 1);			// come out of shutdown mode	/ turn on the digits
	for (j = 1; j < 10; j++)			// Loop For 9 Times or J, Forward First
		printf ("Step Forward \n");		// Print "Stepping Forward"

		for(i = 0; i < (100 / j); i++)		// Loop For 100 Divided by J
			MAX7219Send(1,0);		// Displays the binary number 00
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
			MAX7219Send(1,2);		// Displays the binary number 10
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
		delay(500);				// Sleep
		printf ("Step Backward \n");		// Print "Stepping Backward"
		for(i = 0; i < (100 / j); i++)		// Loop For 100 Divided by J
			MAX7219Send(1,1);		// Displays the binary number 01
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
			MAX7219Send(1,3);		// Displays the binary number 11
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep

	for (j = 1; j < 10; j++)			// Loop For 9 Times or J, Backward First
		printf ("Step Backward \n");		// Print "Stepping Backward"
		for(i = 0; i < (100 / j); i++)		// Loop For 100 Divided by J
			MAX7219Send(1,1);		// Displays the binary number 01
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
			MAX7219Send(1,3);		// Displays the binary number 11
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
		delay(500);				// Sleep
		printf ("Step Forward \n");		// Print "Stepping Forward"
		for(i = 0; i < (100 / j); i++)		// Loop For 100 Divided by J
			MAX7219Send(1,0);		// Displays the binary number 00
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep
			MAX7219Send(1,2);		// Displays the binary number 10
			delay(sleep);			// Sleep

	delay(500);					// Sleep
	MAX7219Send(SHUTDOWN, 0);			// Turn OFF the AS1100 Controller
	delay(200);					// Sleep
	return 0;