Exemple #1
// Should be removed when 'combine by row' and 'combine by column' only differs by the delimiter used,
// not by the way the array is handled - any index is fine for combine by row
void MCArraysExecCombineByRow(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_array, MCStringRef &r_string)
    MCAutoListRef t_list;
    MCListCreateMutable(ctxt . GetRowDelimiter(), &t_list);

    uindex_t t_count = MCArrayGetCount(p_array);
    combine_array_t t_lisctxt;
    bool t_success;

    t_lisctxt . elements = nil;
    t_lisctxt . index = 0;
    t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_lisctxt . elements);

    if (t_success)
        MCArrayApply(p_array, list_array_elements, &t_lisctxt);
        qsort(t_lisctxt . elements, t_count, sizeof(array_element_t), compare_array_element);

        for (int i = 0; i < t_count && t_success; ++i)
            MCAutoStringRef t_string;
            if (ctxt . ConvertToString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . value, &t_string))
                t_success = MCListAppend(*t_list, *t_string);
                t_success = false;

        MCMemoryDeleteArray(t_lisctxt . elements);

    if (t_success && MCListCopyAsString(*t_list, r_string))

    ctxt . Throw();
Exemple #2
void MCArraysEvalIsAnArray(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCValueRef p_value, bool& r_result)
    // FG-2014-10-21: [[ Bugfix 13737 ]] An array is only an array if it has at
    // least one key (i.e the empty array is not an array...)
    r_result = MCValueGetTypeCode(p_value) == kMCValueTypeCodeArray
        && MCArrayGetCount((MCArrayRef)p_value) > 0;
Exemple #3
	static bool WidgetGeometryFromLCBList(MCValueRef p_list, uint32_t &r_width, uint32_t &r_height)
		// MCProperList gets converted to a sequence array
		if (!MCValueIsArray(p_list))
			return false;
		MCArrayRef t_array;
		t_array = (MCArrayRef)p_list;
		if (!MCArrayIsSequence(t_array) || MCArrayGetCount(t_array) != 2)
			return false;
		uint32_t t_width, t_height;
		MCValueRef t_value;
		if (!MCArrayFetchValueAtIndex(t_array, 1, t_value) || MCValueGetTypeCode(t_value) != kMCValueTypeCodeNumber)
			return false;
		t_width = MCNumberFetchAsUnsignedInteger((MCNumberRef)t_value);
		if (!MCArrayFetchValueAtIndex(t_array, 2, t_value) || MCValueGetTypeCode(t_value) != kMCValueTypeCodeNumber)
			return false;
		t_height = MCNumberFetchAsUnsignedInteger((MCNumberRef)t_value);
		r_width = t_width;
		r_height = t_height;
		return true;
Exemple #4
void MCArraysExecCombine(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_array, MCStringRef p_element_delimiter, MCStringRef p_key_delimiter, MCStringRef& r_string)
	bool t_success;
	t_success = true;

	uindex_t t_count;
	t_count = MCArrayGetCount(p_array);

	MCAutoStringRef t_string;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCStringCreateMutable(0, &t_string);

	combine_array_t t_lisctxt;
    t_lisctxt . elements = nil;
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_lisctxt . elements);

	if (t_success)
        t_lisctxt . index = 0;
        MCArrayApply(p_array, list_array_elements, &t_lisctxt);
		qsort(t_lisctxt . elements, t_count, sizeof(array_element_t), compare_array_element);
		for(uindex_t i = 0; i < t_count; i++)
			MCAutoStringRef t_value_as_string;
            t_success = ctxt . ConvertToString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . value, &t_value_as_string);
            if (!t_success)

			t_success =
				(p_key_delimiter == nil ||
                    (MCStringAppend(*t_string, MCNameGetString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . key)) &&
					MCStringAppend(*t_string, p_key_delimiter)))&&
				MCStringAppend(*t_string, *t_value_as_string) &&
				(i == t_count - 1 ||
					MCStringAppend(*t_string, p_element_delimiter));

			if (!t_success)
	if (t_success)
		t_success = MCStringCopy(*t_string, r_string);

	MCMemoryDeleteArray(t_lisctxt . elements);

	if (t_success)

	// Throw the current error code (since last library call returned false).
	ctxt . Throw();
Exemple #5
bool MCArraysCopyTransposed(MCArrayRef self, MCArrayRef& r_transposed)
	MCAutoArray<array_extent_t> t_extents;
	if (!MCArraysCopyExtents(self, t_extents.PtrRef(), t_extents.SizeRef()) ||
		t_extents.Size() != 2)
		return false;

	integer_t t_rows = extent_size(t_extents[0]);
	integer_t t_cols = extent_size(t_extents[1]);

	integer_t t_row_end = t_extents[0].min + t_rows;
	integer_t t_col_end = t_extents[1].min + t_cols;

	if (MCArrayGetCount(self) != t_rows * t_cols)
		return false;

	MCAutoArrayRef t_transposed;
	if (!MCArrayCreateMutable(&t_transposed))
		return false;

	for (integer_t r = t_extents[0].min; r < t_row_end; r++)
		for (integer_t c = t_extents[1].min; c < t_col_end; c++)
			MCAutoStringRef t_src_string, t_dst_string;
			MCNewAutoNameRef t_src_name, t_dst_name;
			MCValueRef t_value;
			if (!MCStringFormat(&t_src_string, "%d,%d", r, c) ||
				!MCStringFormat(&t_dst_string, "%d,%d", c, r))
				return false;
			if (!MCNameCreate(*t_src_string, &t_src_name) ||
				!MCNameCreate(*t_dst_string, &t_dst_name))
				return false;
			if (!MCArrayFetchValue(self, true, *t_src_name, t_value) ||
				!MCArrayStoreValue(*t_transposed, true, *t_dst_name, t_value))
				return false;

	return MCArrayCopy(*t_transposed, r_transposed);
Exemple #6
bool MCContactAddPropertyWithLabel(MCArrayRef p_contact, MCNameRef p_property, MCNameRef p_label, MCValueRef p_value)
	MCValueRef t_element;
	MCValueRef t_array;
	if (!MCArrayFetchValue(p_contact, false, p_property, t_array) ||
		!MCValueIsArray(t_array) ||
		!MCArrayFetchValue((MCArrayRef)t_array, false, p_label, t_array))
		return false;
	uindex_t t_index = 1;
	if (!MCValueIsArray(t_array))
		t_index = 1;
		t_index = MCArrayGetCount((MCArrayRef)t_array) + 1;
    MCAutoArrayRef t_copied_array;
    if (MCArrayCopy((MCArrayRef) t_array, &t_copied_array))
        return MCArrayStoreValueAtIndex(*t_copied_array, t_index, p_value);
    return false;
Exemple #7
bool MCArraysCopyMatrix(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef self, matrix_t*& r_matrix)
	MCAutoArray<array_extent_t> t_extents;
	if (!MCArraysCopyExtents(self, t_extents.PtrRef(), t_extents.SizeRef()) ||
		t_extents.Size() != 2)
		return false;

	integer_t t_rows = extent_size(t_extents[0]);
	integer_t t_cols = extent_size(t_extents[1]);

	integer_t t_row_offset = t_extents[0].min;
	integer_t t_col_offset = t_extents[1].min;

	if (MCArrayGetCount(self) != t_rows * t_cols)
		return false;

	MCAutoPointer<matrix_t> t_matrix;
	if (!MCMatrixNew(t_rows, t_cols, t_row_offset, t_col_offset, &t_matrix))
		return false;

	for (integer_t row = 0; row < t_rows; row++)
		for (integer_t col = 0; col < t_cols; col++)
			MCAutoStringRef t_string;
			MCNewAutoNameRef t_name;
			MCValueRef t_value;
			if (!MCStringFormat(&t_string, "%d,%d", row + t_row_offset, col + t_col_offset) ||
				!MCNameCreate(*t_string, &t_name) ||
				!MCArrayFetchValue(self, true, *t_name, t_value) ||
				!ctxt.ConvertToReal(t_value, MCMatrixEntry(*t_matrix, row, col)))
				return false;

	return true;
Exemple #8
void MCMailDoComposeMail(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCStringRef p_to, MCStringRef p_cc, MCStringRef p_bcc, MCStringRef p_subject, MCStringRef p_body, MCArrayRef p_attachments, MCMailType p_type)
	bool t_can_send;
	MCMailGetCanSendMail(ctxt, t_can_send);

	if (!t_can_send)

	MCAutoArray<MCAttachmentData> t_attachments;

	if (p_attachments != nil && !MCArrayIsEmpty(p_attachments))
		MCValueRef t_data;
		MCValueRef t_file;
		MCValueRef t_type;
		MCValueRef t_name;
		MCAttachmentData t_attachment;
		if (MCArrayIsSequence(p_attachments))
			for(uindex_t i = 0; i < MCArrayGetCount(p_attachments); i++)
				MCValueRef t_value;
				MCArrayFetchValueAtIndex(p_attachments, i + 1, t_value);
				if (!MCValueIsArray(t_value))

                if (!MCArrayFetchValue((MCArrayRef)t_value, false, MCNAME("data"), t_data) ||
                    !ctxt . ConvertToData(t_data, t_attachment . data))
                    t_attachment . data = nil;
                if (!MCArrayFetchValue((MCArrayRef)t_value, false, MCNAME("file"), t_file) ||
                    !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_file, t_attachment . file))
                    t_attachment . file = nil;
                if (!MCArrayFetchValue((MCArrayRef)t_value, false, MCNAME("type"), t_type) ||
                    !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_type, t_attachment . type))
                    t_attachment . type = nil;
                if (!MCArrayFetchValue((MCArrayRef)t_value, false, MCNAME("name"), t_name) ||
                    !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_name, t_attachment . name))
                    t_attachment . name = nil;

				t_attachments . Push(t_attachment);
			if (!MCArrayFetchValue(p_attachments, false, MCNAME("data"), t_data) ||
                !ctxt . ConvertToData(t_data, t_attachment . data))
                t_attachment . data = nil;
            if (!MCArrayFetchValue(p_attachments, false, MCNAME("file"), t_file) ||
                !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_file, t_attachment . file))
                t_attachment . file = nil;
            if (!MCArrayFetchValue(p_attachments, false, MCNAME("type"), t_type) ||
                !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_type, t_attachment . type))
                t_attachment . type = nil;
            if (!MCArrayFetchValue(p_attachments, false, MCNAME("name"), t_name) ||
                !ctxt . ConvertToString(t_name, t_attachment . name))
                t_attachment . name = nil;
			t_attachments . Push(t_attachment);

	MCAutoStringRef t_result;

	MCSystemSendMailWithAttachments(p_to, p_cc, p_bcc, p_subject, p_body, p_type, t_attachments . Ptr(), t_attachments . Size(), &t_result);

	ctxt . SetTheResultToValue(*t_result);
Exemple #9
void MCLicenseSetRevLicenseLimits(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_settings)
    bool t_case_sensitive = ctxt . GetCaseSensitive();
    MCValueRef t_value;
    MCStringRef t_string;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("token"), t_value)
            && ctxt . ConvertToString(t_value, t_string))
        MCValueRelease(MClicenseparameters . license_token);
        MClicenseparameters . license_token = t_string;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("name"), t_value)
            && ctxt . ConvertToString(t_value, t_string))
        MCValueRelease(MClicenseparameters . license_name);
        MClicenseparameters . license_name = t_string;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("organization"), t_value)
            && ctxt . ConvertToString(t_value, t_string))
        MCValueRelease( MClicenseparameters . license_organization);
         MClicenseparameters . license_organization = t_string;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("class"), t_value))
        MCAutoStringRef t_class;
        MCLicenseClass t_license_class;
        if (ctxt . ConvertToString(t_value, &t_class) && MCStringToLicenseClass(*t_class, t_license_class))
            MClicenseparameters . license_class = t_license_class;
            MClicenseparameters . license_class = kMCLicenseClassNone;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("multiplicity"), t_value))
	    MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
	    if (ctxt.ConvertToNumber(t_value, &t_number))
		    MClicenseparameters . license_multiplicity = MCNumberFetchAsUnsignedInteger(*t_number);
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("scriptlimit"), t_value))
	    MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
	    if (ctxt.ConvertToNumber(t_value, &t_number))
		    integer_t t_limit;
		    t_limit = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_number);
		    MClicenseparameters . script_limit = t_limit <= 0 ? 0 : t_limit;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("dolimit"), t_value))
	    MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
	    if (ctxt.ConvertToNumber(t_value, &t_number))
		    integer_t t_limit;
		    t_limit = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_number);
		    MClicenseparameters . do_limit = t_limit <= 0 ? 0 : t_limit;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("usinglimit"), t_value))
	    MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
	    if (ctxt.ConvertToNumber(t_value, &t_number))
		    integer_t t_limit;
		    t_limit = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_number);
		    MClicenseparameters . using_limit = t_limit <= 0 ? 0 : t_limit;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("insertlimit"), t_value))
	    MCAutoNumberRef t_number;
	    if (ctxt.ConvertToNumber(t_value, &t_number))
		    integer_t t_limit;
		    t_limit = MCNumberFetchAsInteger(*t_number);
		    MClicenseparameters . insert_limit = t_limit <= 0 ? 0 : t_limit;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("deploy"), t_value))
        static struct { const char *tag; uint32_t value; } s_deploy_map[] =
            { "windows", kMCLicenseDeployToWindows },
            { "macosx", kMCLicenseDeployToMacOSX },
            { "linux", kMCLicenseDeployToLinux },
            { "ios", kMCLicenseDeployToIOS },
            { "android", kMCLicenseDeployToAndroid },
            { "winmobile", kMCLicenseDeployToWinMobile },
            { "meego", kMCLicenseDeployToLinuxMobile },
            { "server", kMCLicenseDeployToServer },
            { "ios-embedded", kMCLicenseDeployToIOSEmbedded },
            { "android-embedded", kMCLicenseDeployToIOSEmbedded },
            { "html5", kMCLicenseDeployToHTML5 },
            { "filemaker", kMCLicenseDeployToFileMaker },
        MClicenseparameters . deploy_targets = 0;
        MCAutoStringRef t_params;
        if (ctxt . ConvertToString(t_value, &t_params))
            MCAutoArrayRef t_split_strings;
            MCValueRef t_fetched_string;
            if (MCStringSplit(*t_params, MCSTR(","), nil, kMCCompareExact, &t_split_strings))
                for(uint32_t i = 0; i < MCArrayGetCount(*t_split_strings); i++)
                    // Fetch the string value created with MCStringSplit
                    MCArrayFetchValueAtIndex(*t_split_strings, i+1, t_fetched_string);
                    for(uint32_t j = 0; j < sizeof(s_deploy_map) / sizeof(s_deploy_map[0]); j++)
                        if (MCStringIsEqualToCString((MCStringRef)t_fetched_string, s_deploy_map[j] . tag, kMCStringOptionCompareCaseless))
                            MClicenseparameters . deploy_targets |= s_deploy_map[j] . value;
    if (MCArrayFetchValue(p_settings, t_case_sensitive, MCNAME("addons"), t_value) && MCValueIsArray(t_value))
        MCValueRelease(MClicenseparameters . addons);
        MCArrayCopy((MCArrayRef)t_value, MClicenseparameters . addons);
Exemple #10
// SN-2014-09-01: [[ Bug 13297 ]] Combining by column deserves its own function as it is too
// different from combining by row
void MCArraysExecCombineByColumn(MCExecContext& ctxt, MCArrayRef p_array, MCStringRef &r_string)
    MCStringRef t_row_delimiter, t_col_delimiter;
    t_row_delimiter = ctxt . GetRowDelimiter();
    t_col_delimiter = ctxt . GetColumnDelimiter();
    MCAutoListRef t_list;
    MCListCreateMutable(t_row_delimiter, &t_list);
    uindex_t t_count = MCArrayGetCount(p_array);
    combine_int_indexed_array_t t_lisctxt;
    bool t_success;
    t_lisctxt . elements = nil;
    t_lisctxt . index = 0;
    t_lisctxt . converter = &ctxt;
    t_success = MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_lisctxt . elements);
    if (t_success)
        if (MCArrayApply(p_array, list_int_indexed_array_elements, &t_lisctxt))
            bool t_valid_keys;
            qsort(t_lisctxt . elements, t_count, sizeof(array_element_t), compare_int_indexed_elements);
            // Combine by row/column is only valid if all the indices are consecutive numbers
            // Otherwise, an empty string is returned - no error
            index_t t_last_index;
            t_valid_keys = true;
            t_last_index = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < t_count && t_valid_keys; ++i)
                if (!t_last_index)
                    t_last_index = t_lisctxt . elements[i] . key;
                    t_valid_keys = ++t_last_index == t_lisctxt . elements[i] . key;
            if (t_valid_keys)
                // SN-2014-09-01: [[ Bug 13297 ]]
                // We need to store the converted strings in a array, to be able to iterate through the elements by one row-delimitated
                //  at a time
                MCStringRef* t_strings;
                uindex_t *t_next_row_indices;
                t_strings = NULL;
                t_next_row_indices = NULL;
                /* UNCHECKED */ MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_strings);
                // MCMemoryNewArray initialises all t_next_row_indices elements to 0.
                /* UNCHECKED */ MCMemoryNewArray(t_count, t_next_row_indices);
                for (int i = 0; i < t_count && t_success; ++i)
                    if (t_lisctxt . elements[i] . key == 0) // The index 0 is ignored
                    t_success = ctxt . ConvertToString(t_lisctxt . elements[i] . value, t_strings[i]);
                // SN-2014-09-01: [[ Bug 13297 ]] Added a missed part in column-combining:
                // only combining row-by-row the array elements.
                if (t_success)
                    uindex_t t_elements_over;
                    t_elements_over = 0;
                    // We iterate as long as one element still has uncombined rows
                    while (t_success && t_elements_over != t_count)
                        MCAutoListRef t_row;
                        t_success = MCListCreateMutable(t_col_delimiter, &t_row);
                        t_elements_over = 0;
                        // Iterate through all the elements of the array
                        for (int i = 0; i < t_count && t_success; ++i)
                            // Only consider this element if it has any uncombined rows remaining
                            if (t_next_row_indices[i] < MCStringGetLength(t_strings[i]))
                                MCRange t_cell_range;
                                if (MCStringFind(t_strings[i], MCRangeMake(t_next_row_indices[i], UINDEX_MAX), t_row_delimiter, ctxt.GetStringComparisonType(), &t_cell_range))
                                    // We found a row delimiter, so we stop the copy range before it and update the next index from which to look
                                    t_success = MCListAppendSubstring(*t_row, t_strings[i], MCRangeMake(t_next_row_indices[i], t_cell_range . offset - t_next_row_indices[i]));
                                    t_next_row_indices[i] = t_cell_range . offset + t_cell_range . length;
                                    // No row delimiter: we copy the remaining part of the string and mark the element
                                    // as wholly combined by setting the next index to the length of the element
                                    t_success = MCListAppendSubstring(*t_row, t_strings[i], MCRangeMake(t_next_row_indices[i], UINDEX_MAX));
                                    t_next_row_indices[i] = MCStringGetLength(t_strings[i]);
                                // Everything has been combined in this element
                                MCListAppend(*t_row, kMCEmptyString);
                        // One more row has been combined - doing it anyway mimics the previous behaviour of having an empty row
                        // added in the end when combining by columns
                        if (t_elements_over != t_count)
                            MCListAppend(*t_list, *t_row);
        MCMemoryDeleteArray(t_lisctxt . elements);
    if (t_success && MCListCopyAsString(*t_list, r_string))
    ctxt . Throw();