Exemple #1
void MCStack::view_updatetilecache(void)
	if (m_view_tilecache == nil)
	// If the tilecache is not valid, flush it.
	if (!MCTileCacheIsValid(m_view_tilecache))
	curcard -> render();

	// IM-2013-10-14: [[ FullscreenMode ]] Add tilecache scenery layer to render the view background
	// Final step is to render the background. Note that the background layer
	// really only needs to be the rect rounded outward to the nearest tile
	// boundaries, but 8192, 8192 is bigger than it can ever be at present so
	// is an easier alternative.
	MCTileCacheLayer t_bg_layer;
	t_bg_layer . id = m_view_bg_layer_id;
	t_bg_layer . region = MCRectangle32Make(0, 0, 8192, 8192);
	t_bg_layer . clip = MCRectangle32Make(0, 0, 8192, 8192);
	t_bg_layer . is_opaque = true;
	t_bg_layer . opacity = 255;
	t_bg_layer . ink = GXblendSrcOver;
	t_bg_layer . callback = view_device_render_background;
	t_bg_layer . context = this;
	MCTileCacheRenderScenery(m_view_tilecache, t_bg_layer);
	m_view_bg_layer_id = t_bg_layer . id;
Exemple #2
void MCCard::render(void)
	MCTileCacheRef t_tiler;
	t_tiler = getstack() -> gettilecache();

	bool t_reset_ids;
	t_reset_ids = MCTileCacheIsClean(t_tiler);

	if (getstate(CS_SIZE))
		MCTileCacheLayer t_fg_layer;
		t_fg_layer . id = m_fg_layer_id;
		t_fg_layer . region = selrect;
		t_fg_layer . is_opaque = false;
		t_fg_layer . opacity = 255;
		t_fg_layer . ink = GXblendSrcOver;
		t_fg_layer . callback = render_foreground;
		t_fg_layer . context = this;
		MCTileCacheRenderScenery(t_tiler, t_fg_layer);
		m_fg_layer_id = t_fg_layer . id;
		m_fg_layer_id = 0;

	MCObjptr *t_objptrs;
	t_objptrs = getobjptrs();
	if (t_objptrs != nil)
		MCObjptr *t_objptr;
		t_objptr = t_objptrs -> prev();
			MCControl *t_control;
			t_control = t_objptr -> getref();

			// If the tilecache is 'clean' then we must reset the attrs to
			// force a sync.
			if (t_reset_ids)
				t_control -> layer_resetattrs();

			// Take note of whether the spriteness of a layer has changed.
			bool t_old_is_sprite;
			t_old_is_sprite = t_control -> layer_issprite();

			// Sync the attributes, make sure we commit the new values.
			t_control -> layer_computeattrs(true);

			// Initialize the common layer props.
			MCTileCacheLayer t_layer;
			t_layer . id = t_control -> layer_getid();
			t_layer . opacity = t_control -> getopacity();
			t_layer . ink = t_control -> getink();
			t_layer . context = t_control;

			// The opaqueness of a layer has already been computed.
			t_layer . is_opaque = t_control -> layer_isopaque();

			// Now compute the layer's region/clip.
			if (!t_control -> getflag(F_VISIBLE) && !MCshowinvisibles)
				// Invisible layers just have empty region/clip.
				t_layer . region = MCU_make_rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
				t_layer . clip = MCU_make_rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
			else if (!t_control -> layer_isscrolling())
				// Non-scrolling layer's are the size of their effective rects.
				t_layer . region = t_control -> geteffectiverect();
				t_layer . clip = t_layer . region;
				// For a scrolling layer, the clip is the bounds of the control, while
				// the region we draw is the group's minrect.
				t_layer . region = t_control -> layer_getcontentrect();
				t_layer . clip = t_control -> geteffectiverect();

			// Now render the layer - what method we use depends on whether the
			// layer is a sprite or not.
			if (t_control -> layer_issprite())
				// If the layer was not a sprite before, remove the scenery
				// layer that it was.
				if (!t_old_is_sprite && t_layer . id != 0)
					MCTileCacheRemoveScenery(t_tiler, t_layer . id, t_control -> geteffectiverect());
					t_layer . id = 0;

				t_layer . callback = testtilecache_sprite_renderer;
				MCTileCacheRenderSprite(t_tiler, t_layer);
				// If the layer was a sprite before, remove the sprite
				// layer that it was.
				if (t_old_is_sprite && t_layer . id != 0)
					MCTileCacheRemoveSprite(t_tiler, t_layer . id);
					t_layer . id = 0;

				t_layer . callback = testtilecache_scenery_renderer;
				MCTileCacheRenderScenery(t_tiler, t_layer);
			// Upate the id.
			t_control -> layer_setid(t_layer . id);

			// Advance to the object below.
			t_objptr = t_objptr -> prev();
		while(t_objptr != t_objptrs -> prev());

	// Final step is to render the background. Note that the background layer
	// really only needs to be the rect rounded outward to the nearest tile
	// boundaries, but 8192, 8192 is bigger than it can ever be at present so
	// is an easier alternative.
	MCTileCacheLayer t_bg_layer;
	t_bg_layer . id = m_bg_layer_id;
	t_bg_layer . region = MCU_make_rect(0, 0, 8192, 8192);
	t_bg_layer . is_opaque = true;
	t_bg_layer . opacity = 255;
	t_bg_layer . ink = GXblendSrcOver;
	t_bg_layer . callback = render_background;
	t_bg_layer . context = this;
	MCTileCacheRenderScenery(t_tiler, t_bg_layer);
	m_bg_layer_id = t_bg_layer . id;