Exemple #1
void LayerNet::an1 ( TrainingSet *tptr , struct LearnParams *lptr )
   int itry, user_quit ;
   long seed ;
   double best_err ;
   char msg[80] ;
   LayerNet *worknet, *bestnet ;

   Allocate scratch memory

   MEMTEXT ( "AN1::learn new worknet, bestnet" ) ;
   worknet = new LayerNet ( model , outmod , outlin , nin , nhid1 , nhid2 ,
                            nout , 0 , 0 ) ;
   bestnet = new LayerNet ( model , outmod , outlin , nin , nhid1 , nhid2 ,
                            nout , 0 , 1 ) ;

   if ((worknet == NULL)  ||  (! worknet->ok)
    || (bestnet == NULL)  ||  (! bestnet->ok)) {
      memory_message ( "to learn" ) ;
      if (worknet != NULL)
         delete worknet ;
      if (bestnet != NULL)
         delete bestnet ;
      errtype = 0 ;
      return ;

   best_err = 1.e30 ;
   for (itry=1 ; itry<=lptr->retries+1 ; itry++) {

      user_quit = anneal1 ( tptr , lptr , worknet , 1 , itry ) ;
      if (neterr < best_err) {
         best_err = neterr ;
         copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ;

      sprintf ( msg , "Try %d  err=%lf  best=%lf", itry, neterr, best_err ) ;
      normal_message ( msg ) ;

      if (user_quit  ||  (neterr < lptr->quit_err))
         break ;

      seed = flrand() - (long) (itry * 97) ;   // Insure new seed for anneal
      sflrand ( seed ) ;
      zero_weights () ;  // Retry random

   copy_weights ( this , bestnet ) ;
   neterr = best_err ;
   MEMTEXT ( "AN1::learn delete worknet, bestnet" ) ;
   delete worknet ;
   delete bestnet ;
   return ;
Exemple #2
double MutualInformationDiscrete::mut_inf ( short int *bins_x )
   int i, j, ix, nbins_x, *grid, *marginal_x ;
   double MI, px, py, pxy ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete::compute()" ) ;

   Compute the number of bins

   nbins_x = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      if (bins_x[i] > nbins_x)
         nbins_x = bins_x[i] ;
   ++nbins_x ;  // Number of bins is one greater than max bin because org=0

   Compute the marginal of x and the counts in the nbins_x by nbins_y grid

   marginal_x = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert (marginal_x != NULL) ;

   grid = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * nbins_y * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( grid != NULL ) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nbins_x ; i++) {
      marginal_x[i] = 0 ;
      for (j=0 ; j<nbins_y ; j++)
         grid[i*nbins_y+j] = 0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      ix = bins_x[i] ;
      ++marginal_x[ix] ;
      ++grid[ix*nbins_y+bins_y[i]] ;

   Compute the mutual information

   MI = 0.0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nbins_x ; i++) {
      px = (double) marginal_x[i] / (double) ncases ;
      for (j=0 ; j<nbins_y ; j++) {
         py = (double) marginal_y[j] / (double) ncases ;
         pxy = (double) grid[i*nbins_y+j] / (double) ncases ;
         if (pxy > 0.0)
            MI += pxy * log ( pxy / (px * py) ) ;

   FREE ( marginal_x ) ;
   FREE ( grid ) ;

   return MI ;
Exemple #3
TrainingSet::~TrainingSet ()
   if (data != NULL) {
      MEMTEXT ( "TRAIN: data" ) ;
      FREE ( data ) ;
Exemple #4
ARMA *arma_restore ( char *armaname , char *filename , int *errnum )
   FILE *fp ;
   ARMA *arma ;

   if ((fp = fopen ( filename , "rb" )) == NULL) {
      *errnum = 1 ;
      return NULL ;

   arma = read_arma ( armaname , fp , errnum ) ;
   if (arma == NULL) {
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      return NULL ;

   fclose ( fp ) ;

   if (*errnum) {  // If file read error or insufficient memory
      MEMTEXT ( "ARMA_SAVE: file error delete ARMA" ) ;
      arma->ok = 1 ;
      delete arma ;
      arma = NULL ;
   arma->trained = 1 ;          // Tell other routines it is trained

   return arma ;
Exemple #5
static LayerNet *read_header ( FILE *fp )
   int model, lin, nin, nh1, nh2, nout, outmod ;
   struct wt_header1 h1 ;
   LayerNet *net ;

   if (! fread ( &h1 , sizeof(h1) , 1 , fp ))
      return NULL ;

   if (strcmp ( h1.id , "MLFN WEIGHT FILE" )) {
      error_message ( "This is not a MLFN WEIGHT file." ) ;
      return NULL ;

   model = h1.model ;
   lin = h1.linear ;
   nin = h1.n_in ;
   nh1 = h1.n_hid1 ;
   nh2 = h1.n_hid2 ;
   nout = h1.n_out ;
   outmod = h1.outmodel ;

   MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: new network for restore" ) ;
   net = new LayerNet ( model , outmod , lin , nin , nh1 , nh2 , nout , 1 , 0 );

   if ((net == NULL)  ||  (! net->ok)) {  // Malloc failure?
      memory_message ( "to create network." ) ;
      if (net != NULL)
         delete net ;
      return NULL ;

   return net ;
Exemple #6
Network *wt_restore ( char *netname , char *filename , int *errnum )
   FILE *fp ;
   Network *net ;

   if ((fp = fopen ( filename , "rb" )) == NULL) {
      *errnum = 1 ;
      return NULL ;

   net = read_header ( netname , fp , errnum ) ;
   if (net == NULL) {
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      return NULL ;

   *errnum = net->wt_restore ( fp ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;

   if (*errnum) {  // If file read error or insufficient memory
      MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: file error delete network" ) ;
      net->ok = 1 ;  // Destructor must free memory
      delete net ;
      net = NULL ;
   net->errtype = 1 ;          // Tell other routines net is trained

   return net ;
Exemple #7
double MutualInformationDiscrete::conditional_error ( short int *bins_x )
   int i, ix, nbins_x, *error_count, *marginal_x ;
   double CI, pyx ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete::conditional_error()" ) ;

   Compute the number of bins

   nbins_x = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      if (bins_x[i] > nbins_x)
         nbins_x = bins_x[i] ;
   ++nbins_x ;  // Number of bins is one greater than max bin because org=0

   Compute the marginal of x and the error counts

   marginal_x = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert (marginal_x != NULL) ;

   error_count = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( error_count != NULL ) ;

   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      marginal_x[ix] = 0 ;
      error_count[ix] = 0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      ix = bins_x[i] ;
      ++marginal_x[ix] ;
      if (bins_y[i] != ix)
         ++error_count[ix] ;

   Compute the conditional error entropy

   CI = 0.0 ;
   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      if (error_count[ix] > 0  &&  error_count[ix] < marginal_x[ix]) {
         pyx = (double) error_count[ix] / (double) marginal_x[ix] ;
         CI += (pyx * log(pyx) + (1.0-pyx) * log(1.0-pyx)) * marginal_x[ix] / ncases ;

   FREE ( marginal_x ) ;
   FREE ( error_count ) ;

   return -CI ;
Exemple #8
FFT::~FFT ()
   if (! ok)
      return ;
   MEMTEXT ( "MRFFT: destructor (2)" ) ;
   if (rwork != NULL)
      FREE ( rwork ) ;
   if (iwork != NULL)
      FREE ( iwork ) ;
Exemple #9
void remove_display ( Signal *sig )
   int i ;

   for (i=0 ; i<n_displayed ; i++) {
      if ((children[i])->signal == sig) {
         (children[i])->Destroy() ;
         MEMTEXT ( "--->DISPLAY remove_display delete child" ) ;
         delete children[i] ;
         return ;
Exemple #10
void restore_screen ()
   union REGS r ;
   if (screen == NULL)
      return ;
   disp_pokebox ( screen , 0 , 0 , 24 , 79 ) ;
   MEMTEXT ( "GRAPHICS: screen" ) ;
   FREE ( screen ) ;
   r.h.ah = 2 ;    // Set cursor
   r.h.bh = 0 ;    // Page
   r.h.dh = cursor_row ;
   r.h.dl = cursor_col ;
   int86 ( 0x10 , &r , &r ) ;
Exemple #11
static int ok_to_clear_weights( Network **network )
   if (*network == NULL)
      return 1 ;

   if (get_yn ( "Existing learned weights must be cleared.  OK" )) {
      MEMTEXT ( "NEURAL: delete network" ) ;
      delete *network ;
      *network = NULL ;
      return 1 ;
      return 0 ;
Exemple #12
static int ok_to_clear_tset( TrainingSet **tset )
   if (*tset == NULL)
      return 1 ;

   if (get_yn ( "Existing training set must be cleared.  OK" )) {
      MEMTEXT ( "NEURAL: delete tset" ) ;
      delete *tset ;
      *tset = NULL ;
      return 1 ;
      return 0 ;
Exemple #13
void Network::save_confusion ( char *name )
   int i ;
   char *msg ;
   FILE *fp ;

   MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:save msg" ) ;
   if ((msg = (char *) MALLOC ( (nout+1) * 5 + 1 )) == NULL ) {
      memory_message ( "to SAVE CONFUSION" ) ;
      return ;

   Open the file to which confusion will be written.
   If it already exists, write a newline at its end.

   fp = fopen ( name , "rt" ) ;
   if (fp != NULL) {
      i = 1 ;
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      i = 0 ;

   if ((fp = fopen ( name , "at" )) == NULL) {
      error_message ( "Cannot open SAVE CONFUSION file" ) ;
      FREE ( msg ) ;
      return ;

   if (i)
      fprintf ( fp , "\n" ) ;

   Write confusion

   for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
      sprintf ( msg+5*i , "%5d" , confusion[i] ) ;
   sprintf ( msg+5*nout , "%5d", confusion[nout] ) ;
   msg[5*nout+5] = 0 ;

   fprintf ( fp , "%s", msg ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;
   FREE ( msg ) ;
   return ;
Exemple #14
int save_screen ()
   union REGS r ;
   MEMTEXT ( "GRAPHICS: screen" ) ;
   screen = MALLOC ( 25 * 80 * 2 ) ;
   if (screen == NULL)
      return 1 ;

   r.h.ah = 3 ;    // Read cursor
   r.h.bh = 0 ;    // Page
   int86 ( 0x10 , &r , &r ) ;
   cursor_row = r.h.dh ;
   cursor_col = r.h.dl ;
   disp_peekbox ( screen , 0 , 0 , 24 , 79 ) ;
   return 0 ;
Exemple #15
static Network *read_header ( FILE *fp , int *net_model )
   int i, nin, nh1, nh2, nout, outmod, norml ;
   struct wt_header1 h1 ;
   Network *net ;
   KohParams kp ;

   if (! fread ( &h1 , sizeof(h1) , 1 , fp ))
      return NULL ;

   if (strcmp ( h1.id , "NEURAL WEIGHT FILE" )) {
      error_message ( "This is not a NEURAL WEIGHT file." ) ;
      return NULL ;

   *net_model = h1.model ;
   nin = h1.n_in ;
   nh1 = h1.n_hid1 ;
   nh2 = h1.n_hid2 ;
   nout = h1.n_out ;
   outmod = h1.outmodel ;
   kp.normalization = h1.normal ;

   MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: new network for restore" ) ;
   if (*net_model == NETMOD_LAYER)
      net = new LayerNet ( outmod , nin , nh1 , nh2 , nout , 1 , 0 ) ;
   else if (*net_model == NETMOD_KOH)
      net = new KohNet ( nin , nout , &kp , 1 , 0 ) ;
   else if (*net_model == NETMOD_HOP)
      net = new HopNet (nin,nout, 1,0);
   else {
      error_message ( "WEIGHT file specified illegal network model" ) ;
      return NULL ;

   if ((net == NULL)  ||  (! net->ok)) {  // Malloc failure?
      memory_message ( "to create network." ) ;
      if (net != NULL)
	 delete net ;
      return NULL ;

   return net ;
Exemple #16
static PNNet *read_header ( FILE *fp )
   int model, nin, nout, outmod, kernl, mom ;
   struct wt_header1 h1 ;
   PNNet *net ;

   if (! fread ( &h1 , sizeof(h1) , 1 , fp ))
      return NULL ;

   if (strcmp ( h1.id , "PNN NETWORK FILE" )) {
      error_message ( "This is not a PNN NETWORK file." ) ;
      return NULL ;

   model = h1.model ;
   kernl = h1.kernel ;
   mom = h1.maxmom ;
   nin = h1.n_in ;
   nout = h1.n_out ;
   outmod = h1.outmodel ;

   MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: new network for restore" ) ;
   if (model == NETMOD_BASIC)
      net = new PNNbasic ( kernl , outmod , nin , nout ) ;
   else if (model == NETMOD_SEPVAR)
      net = new PNNsepvar ( kernl , outmod , nin , nout ) ;
   else if (model == NETMOD_SEPCLASS)
      net = new PNNsepclass ( kernl , outmod , nin , nout ) ;
   else if (model == NETMOD_GCNN)
      net = new GCNN ( mom , 0 , outmod , nin , nout ) ;
   else if (model == NETMOD_GCNN_EW)
      net = new GCNN ( mom , 1 , outmod , nin , nout ) ;

   if ((net == NULL)  ||  (! net->ok)) {  // Malloc failure?
      memory_message ( "to create network." ) ;
      if (net != NULL)
         delete net ;
      return NULL ;

   return net ;
Exemple #17
void Network::show_confusion ()
   int i ;
   char *msg ;

   MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:show msg" ) ;
   if ((msg = (char *) MALLOC ( (nout+1) * 5 + 11 )) == NULL ) {
      memory_message ( "to SHOW CONFUSION" ) ;
      return ;

   strcpy ( msg , "Confusion:" ) ;
   for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
      sprintf ( msg+5*i+10 , "%5d" , confusion[i] ) ;
   sprintf ( msg+5*nout+10, "%5d", confusion[nout] ) ;
   msg[5*nout+15] = 0 ;
   normal_message ( msg ) ;
   FREE ( msg ) ;
   return ;
Exemple #18
MutualInformationDiscrete::MutualInformationDiscrete (
   int nc ,      // Number of cases
   short int *bins )   // They are here (y, the 'dependent' variable)
   int i ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete constructor" ) ;

   Keep a local copy of the bins

   ncases = nc ;

   bins_y = (short int *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(short int) ) ;
   assert (bins_y != NULL) ;

   memcpy ( bins_y , bins , ncases * sizeof(short int) ) ;

   Compute the number of bins, and then compute and save the marginal distribution

   nbins_y = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      if (bins_y[i] > nbins_y)
         nbins_y = bins_y[i] ;
   ++nbins_y ;  // Number of bins is one greater than max bin because org=0

   marginal_y = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_y * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert (marginal_y != NULL) ;

   for (i=0 ; i<nbins_y ; i++)
      marginal_y[i] = 0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
      ++marginal_y[bins_y[i]] ;
Exemple #19
PNNet *wt_restore ( char *name )
   char msg[81] ;
   FILE *fp ;
   PNNet *net ;

   if ((fp = fopen ( name , "rb" )) == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open WEIGHT file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      return NULL ;

   net = read_header ( fp ) ;
   if (net == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Could not read WEIGHT file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      return NULL ;

   net->wt_restore ( fp ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;

   if (! net->ok) {  // Set to 0 if file read error or insufficient memory
      strcpy ( msg , "Could not read NETWORK file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: file error delete network" ) ;
      net->ok = 1 ;  // Tells destructor to free vectors
      delete net ;
      net = NULL ;
   net->errtype = 1 ;          // Tell other routines net is trained
   return net ;
Exemple #20
Network *wt_restore ( char *name , int *net_model )
   int i ;
   char msg[81] ;
   FILE *fp ;
   Network *net ;

   if ((fp = fopen ( name , "rb" )) == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open WEIGHT file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      return NULL ;

   net = read_header ( fp , net_model ) ;
   if (net == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Could not read WEIGHT file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      return NULL ;

   net->wt_restore ( fp ) ;
   fclose ( fp ) ;

   if (! net->ok) {  // Set to 0 if file read error
      strcpy ( msg , "Could not read WEIGHT file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      MEMTEXT ( "WT_SAVE: file error delete network" ) ;
      net->ok = 1 ;  // Tells destructor to free vectors
      delete net ;
      net = NULL ;
   return net ;
Exemple #21
void Network::test_from_file (
   char *dataname ,  // Input file name
   char *outname,     // Output file name
   int   netmod
   int i, maxlin, did_any, best,name=0,win1,win2,win3 ;
   float *inputs, *iptr, maxi1,maxi2,maxi3 ;
   char msg[81], *line, *lptr, *tab[20];
   FILE *fp_in, *fp_out, *fname;

   Open the file which contains the data to be classified
   if ((fp_in = fopen ( dataname , "rt" )) == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open input data file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , dataname ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      return ;

   Open the file to which outputs will be written.
   If it already exists, write a newline at its end.

   fp_out = fopen ( outname , "rt" ) ;
   if (fp_out != NULL) {
      did_any = 1 ;
      fclose ( fp_out ) ;
      did_any = 0 ;

   if ((fp_out = fopen ( outname , "at" )) == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open output file " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , outname ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      fclose ( fp_in ) ;
      return ;

   if (did_any)
      fprintf ( fp_out , "\n" ) ;

   Allocate for the file lines as read. Conservatively guess length.
   Also allocate for network input vector.

   maxlin = nin * 20 + 100 ;
   if (maxlin < 1024)
      maxlin = 1024 ;

   MEMTEXT ( "EXECUTE:line, inputs" ) ;
   line = (char *) MALLOC ( maxlin ) ;

   inputs = (float *) MALLOC ( nin * sizeof(float) ) ;

   if ((line == NULL)  ||  (inputs == NULL)) {
      memory_message ( "to execute" ) ;
      fclose ( fp_in ) ;
      fclose ( fp_out ) ;
      if (line != NULL)
	 FREE ( line ) ;
      if (inputs != NULL)
	 FREE ( inputs ) ;
      return ;

   Read and process the file.

   did_any = 0 ;  /* If file runs out on first try, ERROR! */
   int e=0;
   for (;;) {  // Endless loop reads until file exhausted

      if ((fgets ( line , maxlin , fp_in ) == NULL) || (strlen ( line ) < 2)) {
	 if ((! did_any)  ||  ferror ( fp_in )) {
	    strcpy ( msg , "Problem reading file " ) ;
	    strcat ( msg , dataname ) ;
	    error_message ( msg ) ;
	 break ;

      lptr = line ;           // Parse the data from this line
      iptr = inputs ;         // This will be the network inputs
      for (i=0 ; i<nin ; i++)
	 *iptr++ = ParseDouble ( &lptr ) ;

      if (did_any)            // Start each new case on new line
	 fprintf ( fp_out , "\n" ) ;

      did_any = 1 ;           // Flag that at least one found
      trial ( inputs ) ;      // Compute network's outputs
      // Saving maximun activation and the winner of the output vector
      if (netmod==NETMOD_KOH)
	// First maximum
	for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
	   if (out[i]>maxi1)
	// 2nd Maximum
	for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
	   if ( (out[i]>maxi2) && (out[i]<maxi1) )
	// 3rd Maximum
	for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
	   if ( (out[i]>maxi3) && (out[i]<maxi2) )


      if (netmod==NETMOD_KOH)
	fprintf (fp_out,"%d %3.2lf\n",win1,maxi1*100.0);
	fprintf (fp_out,"%d %3.2lf\n",win2,maxi2*100.0);
	fprintf (fp_out,"%d %3.2lf",win3,maxi3*100.0);
	for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++)
	   fprintf ( fp_out , "%.4lf ",out[i]);

      while ((! feof ( fp_in ))  &&  (line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n'))
	 fgets ( line , maxlin , fp_in ) ; // Line length may exceed maxlin

      if (feof ( fp_in ))
	 break ;
      }  /* Endless loop until a file runs out */

   MEMTEXT ( "EXECUTE:line, inputs" ) ;
   fclose ( fp_in ) ;
   fclose ( fp_out ) ;
   FREE ( line ) ;
   FREE ( inputs ) ;
Exemple #22
void Network::classify_from_file ( char *name , double thresh )
   int i, maxlin, did_any, best ;
   double *inputs, *iptr, maxact ;
   char msg[81], *line, *lptr ;
   FILE *fp ;

   Open the file which contains the data to be classified

   if ((fp = fopen ( name , "rt" )) == NULL) {
      strcpy ( msg , "Cannot open " ) ;
      strcat ( msg , name ) ;
      error_message ( msg ) ;
      return ;

   Allocate for the file lines as read. Conservatively guess length.
   Also allocate for network input vector.

   maxlin = nin * 20 + 100 ;
   if (maxlin < 1024)
      maxlin = 1024 ;

   MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:line, inputs" ) ;
   line = (char *) MALLOC ( maxlin ) ;
   inputs = (double *) MALLOC ( nin * sizeof(double) ) ;

   if ((line == NULL)  ||  (inputs == NULL)) {
      memory_message ( "to classify" ) ;
      fclose ( fp ) ;
      if (line != NULL)
         FREE ( line ) ;
      if (inputs != NULL)
         FREE ( inputs ) ;
      return ;

   Read the file.

   did_any = 0 ;  /* If file runs out on first try, ERROR! */

   for (;;) {  // Endless loop reads until file exhausted

      if ((fgets ( line , maxlin , fp ) == NULL) || (strlen ( line ) < 2)) {
         if ((! did_any)  ||  ferror ( fp )) {
            strcpy ( msg , "Problem reading file " ) ;
            strcat ( msg , name ) ;
            error_message ( msg ) ;
         break ;

      lptr = line ;              // Parse the data from this line
      iptr = inputs ;            // This will be the network inputs
      for (i=0 ; i<nin ; i++)
         *iptr++ = ParseDouble ( &lptr ) ;

      did_any = 1 ;              // Flag that at least one found
      trial ( inputs ) ;         // Compute network's outputs

      maxact = -1.e30 ;          // Will keep highest activity here
      best = 0 ;                 // Insurance only (good habit)
      for (i=0 ; i<nout ; i++) { // Find winning output
         if (out[i] > maxact) {
            maxact = out[i] ;
            best = i ;

      if (maxact >= thresh)   // If winner has enough activation
         ++confusion[best] ;  // count it in confusion
      else                    // If too little, throw it
         ++confusion[nout] ;  // in the reject category

      while ((! feof ( fp ))  &&  (line[strlen(line)-1] != '\n'))
         fgets ( line , maxlin , fp ) ; // Line length may exceed maxlin

      if (feof ( fp ))
         break ;
      }  /* Endless loop until a file runs out */

   fclose ( fp ) ;
   MEMTEXT ( "CONFUSE:line, inputs" ) ;
   FREE ( line ) ;
   FREE ( inputs ) ;
Exemple #23
int qmf_sig ( MiscParams *misc , Signal *sig ,
              double freq , double width ,
              int *nsigs , Signal ***signals , char *error )
   int i, j, n, ivar, nvars, pad ;
   double *real, *imag, *temp, *x ;
   double *amp, *phase ;
   Signal **sptr ;
   Filter *filt ;

   nvars = misc->names->nreal ;

   if (! nvars) {
      strcpy ( error , "No signal names specified" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   n = sig->n ;
   x = sig->sig ;

   pad = (int) (0.8 / width) ;   // Good, conservative heuristic

   MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: new Filter" ) ;
   filt = new Filter ( n , x , pad , 1 ) ;
   MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: real, imag" ) ;
   real = (double *) MALLOC ( n * sizeof(double) ) ;
   imag = (double *) MALLOC ( n * sizeof(double) ) ;
   if ((real == NULL) || (imag == NULL) || (filt == NULL) || ! filt->ok){
      if (real != NULL)
         FREE ( real ) ;
      if (imag != NULL)
         FREE ( imag ) ;
      if (filt != NULL)
         delete filt ;
      strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to filter signal" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   if ((misc->names->n > 2)  &&  misc->names->len[2]) {
      MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: amp" ) ;
      amp = (double *) MALLOC ( n * sizeof(double) ) ;
      if (amp == NULL) {
         FREE ( real ) ;
         FREE ( imag ) ;
         delete filt ;
         strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
         return 1 ;
      amp = NULL ;

   if ((misc->names->n > 3)  &&  misc->names->len[3]) {
      MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: phase" ) ;
      phase = (double *) MALLOC ( n * sizeof(double) ) ;
      if (phase == NULL) {
         FREE ( real ) ;
         FREE ( imag ) ;
         delete filt ;
         if (amp != NULL)
            FREE ( amp ) ;
         strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
         return 1 ;
      phase = NULL ;

   filt->qmf ( freq , width , real , imag ) ;

   if (amp != NULL) {
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
         amp[i] = sqrt ( real[i] * real[i]  +  imag[i] * imag[i] ) ;

   if (phase != NULL) {
      for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
         if ((fabs(real[i]) > 1.e-40)  ||  (fabs(imag[i]) > 1.e-40))
            phase[i] = atan2 ( imag[i] , real[i] ) ;
            phase[i] = 0.0 ;

   Count how many of these signals have names not already in use.
   Then allocate additional memory for their pointers.

   MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: signals array" ) ;
   if (*nsigs) {                             // If signals already exist
      ivar = *nsigs ;                        // This many signals so far
      sptr = *signals ;                      // Array of pointers to them
      for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) {   // Check every new name
         if (! misc->names->len[i])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {     // Check every existing signal
            if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name )) // There?
               break ;                       // If found, quit looking
         if (j < 0)                          // Means not there
            ++ivar ;                         // So count this new entry
      sptr = (Signal **) REALLOC ( sptr , ivar * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;
      sptr = (Signal **) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;

   if (sptr == NULL) {
      FREE ( real ) ;
      FREE ( imag ) ;
      if (amp != NULL)
         FREE ( amp ) ;
      if (phase != NULL)
         FREE ( phase ) ;
      strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   *signals = sptr ;

   Now create new signals for each variable.
   If a signal of the same name exists, delete it first.
   Recall that we have provision for up to four outputs in this order:
   Real, Imaginary, Amplitude, Phase.

   for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) {  // Check all names
      if (i >= 4)                        // Allow at most 4 outputs
         break ;
      if (! misc->names->len[i]) {       // Some may be NULL
         switch (i) {                    // If not used in a new signal
            case 0: FREE ( real ) ;  break ; // Must free this memory
            case 1: FREE ( imag ) ;  break ;
         continue ;
      for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {   // Search existing signals for same name
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name )) {  // There?
            MEMTEXT ( "SPECTRUM: delete duplicate signal" ) ;
            delete ( sptr[j] ) ;        // If so, delete this signal
            break ;                     // And quit looking
      if (j < 0) {                      // Means new, unique name
         j = *nsigs ;                   // Tack it onto end of signal array
         ++*nsigs ;                     // And count it

      switch (i) {
         case 0: temp = real ;  break ;
         case 1: temp = imag ;  break ;
         case 2: temp = amp ;  break ;
         case 3: temp = phase ;  break ;

      MEMTEXT ( "SPECTRUM: new Signal" ) ;
      sptr[j] = new Signal ( misc->names->start[i] , n , temp ) ;
      if ((sptr[j] == NULL)  ||  ! sptr[j]->n) {
         if (sptr[j] != NULL) {
            delete sptr[j] ;
            sptr[j] = NULL ;
         switch (i) {
            case 0: FREE ( real ) ;
            case 1: FREE ( imag ) ;
            case 2: if (amp != NULL)
                       FREE ( amp ) ;
            case 3: if (phase != NULL)
                       FREE ( phase ) ;
         strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
         return 1 ;

      } // For all names

   if (misc->names->n == 1) {
      MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG imag" ) ;
      FREE ( imag ) ;

   MEMTEXT ( "QMF_SIG: delete Filter" ) ;
   delete filt ;

   return 0 ;
Exemple #24
void display ( Signal *sig , MiscParams *misc , int id )
	int i, j, n ;
	double *signal, sigmin, sigmax, cl, val ;
	npredictMDIChild *child ;

   Search the display list for a signal having this name.
   If there, just use that existing child.  Else create the MDI child window.

   for (i=0 ; i<n_displayed ; i++) {
      child = children[i] ;
      if (! strcmp ( child->signal->name , sig->name ))
         break ;

   if (i == n_displayed) {
      child = new npredictMDIChild ( mdiClient , sig->name ) ;
      MEMTEXT ( "--->DISPLAY made new child" ) ;
      child->background_color = RGB ( 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
      children[n_displayed++] = child ;

	child->signal = sig ;
   child->command_id = id ;

   if (sig->type == CorrelationSignal) {
      child->istart = 0 ;
      child->istop = sig->n - 1 ;
   else {
      child->istart = misc->display_domain0 ;
      child->istop = misc->display_domain1 ;
      if (sig->n-1 < child->istop)
         child->istop = sig->n-1 ;

   n = child->istop - child->istart + 1 ;

   signal = sig->sig ;

   if (misc->display_range < 2) {                // Optimal or Symmetric
   	sigmin = sigmax = signal[child->istart] ;  // Find signal limits
      for (i=child->istart ; i<=child->istop ; i++) {
         val = signal[i] ;
         if (val < sigmin)
            sigmin = val ;
         if (val > sigmax)
            sigmax = val ;
         for (i=sig->known_n ; i<sig->known_n+sig->npred ; i++) { // Predictions
            if (i < child->istart)
               continue ;
            if (i > child->istop)
               break ;
            j = i - sig->known_n ;                    // This interval
            if (sig->mult_conf)
               val = signal[i] * sig->intervals[2*j] ;   // Lower
               val = signal[i] + sig->intervals[2*j] ;   // Lower
            if (val < sigmin)
               sigmin = val ;
            if (sig->mult_conf)
               val = signal[i] * sig->intervals[2*j+1] ; // Upper
               val = signal[i] + sig->intervals[2*j+1] ; // Upper
            if (val > sigmax)
               sigmax = val ;

   	if ((sigmax - sigmin) < 1.e-20) {  // Center for visual effect only
   		sigmin = 0.5 * (sigmin + sigmax) - .000095 ;
   		sigmax = 0.5 * (sigmin + sigmax) + .000095 ;

      if (sig->type == CorrelationSignal) {
         cl = 1.96 / sqrt ( (double) sig->source_n ) ;  // Confidence limits
         if (cl > sigmax)
            sigmax = cl ;
         if (-cl < sigmin)
            sigmin = -cl ;
         child->corrlim = cl ;

      if (sig->type == SpectrumDevSignal) {
         cl = 1.22 / sqrt ((double) sig->source_n / 2 - 1) ;  // Confidence
         if (cl > sigmax)
            sigmax = cl ;
         if (-cl < sigmin)
            sigmin = -cl ;
         child->corrlim = cl ;

      if (misc->display_range == 1) { // Symmetric
         if (fabs(sigmin) > fabs(sigmax)) {
            sigmax = fabs(sigmin) ;
            sigmin = -fabs(sigmin) ;
         else {
            sigmin = -fabs(sigmax) ;
            sigmax = fabs(sigmax) ;
         } // If SYMMETRIC
      } // If OPTIMAL or SYMMETRIC

   else {
      sigmin = misc->display_min ;
      sigmax = misc->display_max ;
      if (sig->type == CorrelationSignal)
         child->corrlim = 1.96 / sqrt ( (double) sig->source_n ) ; // Confidence
      if (sig->type == SpectrumDevSignal)
         child->corrlim = 1.22 / sqrt ((double) sig->source_n / 2 - 1) ;

	Compute 'pretty' tick locations.  Graphlab may have to change our specified
	number of ticks a little to keep it pretty.

   if (sig->type == DataSignal) {
      child->leftx = misc->display_origin + child->istart / misc->display_rate ;
      child->rightx = misc->display_origin + child->istop / misc->display_rate ;
   else if ((sig->type == SpectrumSignal) || (sig->type == SpectrumDevSignal)) {
      child->leftx = 0.5 * misc->display_rate * child->istart / sig->n ;
      child->rightx = 0.5 * misc->display_rate * child->istop / (sig->n - 1) ;
   else if (sig->type == CorrelationSignal) {
      child->leftx = 0 ;
      child->rightx = n + 1 ;
	best_graphlab ( child->leftx , child->rightx , 5 , 8 ,
		&child->xmin , &child->xmax , &child->xdif ,
		&child->xndigits , &child->xnfrac ) ;
	child->xnticks = 1 + (int) ((child->xmax - child->xmin) / child->xdif + 0.1);

	best_graphlab ( sigmin , sigmax , 5 , 10 ,
		&child->ymin , &child->ymax , &child->ydif ,
		&child->yndigits , &child->ynfrac ) ;
	child->ynticks = 1 + (int) ((child->ymax - child->ymin) / child->ydif + 0.1);
Exemple #25
void LayerNet::anneal (
   TrainingSet *tptr ,        // Training set to use
   struct LearnParams *lptr , // User's general learning parameters
   LayerNet *bestnet ,        // Work area used to keep best network
   int init                   // Use zero suffix (initialization) anneal parms?
   int ntemps, niters, setback, reg, nvars, key, user_quit ;
   int i, iter, improved, ever_improved, itemp ;
   long seed, bestseed ;
   char msg[80] ;
   double tempmult, temp, fval, bestfval, starttemp, stoptemp, fquit ;
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr ;
   struct AnnealParams *aptr ; // User's annealing parameters
   aptr = lptr->ap ;

   The parameter 'init' is nonzero if we are initializing
   weights for learning.  If zero we are attempting to break
   out of a local minimum.  The main effect  of this parameter
   is whether or not we use the zero suffix variables in the
   anneal parameters.
   A second effect is that regression is used only for
   initialization, not for escape.

   if (init) {
      ntemps = aptr->temps0 ;
      niters = aptr->iters0 ;
      setback = aptr->setback0 ;
      starttemp = aptr->start0 ;
      stoptemp = aptr->stop0 ;
   else {
      ntemps = aptr->temps ;
      niters = aptr->iters ;
      setback = aptr->setback ;
      starttemp = aptr->start ;
      stoptemp = aptr->stop ;

   Initialize other local parameters.  Note that there is no sense using
   regression if there are no hidden layers.  Also, regression is almost
   always counterproductive for local minimum escape.

   fquit = lptr->quit_err ;
   reg = init  &&  nhid1  &&  (lptr->init != 1) ;

   Allocate the singular value decomposition object for REGRESS.
   Also allocate a work area for REGRESS to preserve matrix.

   if (reg) {
      if (nhid1 == 0)         // No hidden layer
         nvars = nin + 1 ;
      else if (nhid2 == 0)    // One hidden layer
         nvars = nhid1 + 1 ;
      else                    // Two hidden layers
         nvars = nhid2 + 1 ;

      MEMTEXT ( "ANNEAL: new SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      sptr = new SingularValueDecomp ( tptr->ntrain , nvars , 1 ) ;

      if ((sptr == NULL)  || ! sptr->ok) {
         memory_message (
            "for annealing with regression. Try ANNEAL NOREGRESS.");
         if (sptr != NULL)
            delete sptr ;
         neterr = 1.0 ; // Flag failure to LayerNet::learn which called us
         return ;

   For every temperature, the center around which we will perturb is the
   best point so far.  This is kept in 'bestnet', so initialize it to the
   user's starting estimate.   Also, initialize 'bestfval', the best
   function value so far, to be the function value at that starting point.

   copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ; // Current weights are best so far
   if (init)
      bestfval = 1.e30 ;  // Force it to accept SOMETHING
      bestfval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

   This is the temperature reduction loop and the iteration within
   temperature loop.  We use a slick trick to keep track of the
   best point at a given temperature.  We certainly don't want to
   replace the best every time an improvement is had, as then we
   would be moving our center about, compromising the global nature
   of the algorithm.  We could, of course, have a second work area
   in which we save the 'best so far for this temperature' point.
   But if there are a lot of variables, the usual case, this wastes
   memory.  What we do is to save the seed of the random number
   generator which created the improvement.  Then later, when we
   need to retrieve the best, simply set the random seed and
   regenerate it.  This technique also saves a lot of copying time
   if many improvements are made for a single temperature.

   temp = starttemp ;
   tempmult = exp( log( stoptemp / starttemp ) / (ntemps-1)) ;
   ever_improved = 0 ;                       // Flags if improved at all
   user_quit = 0 ;                           // Flags user pressed ESCape

   for (itemp=0 ; itemp<ntemps ; itemp++) {  // Temp reduction loop

      improved = 0 ;                         // Flags if this temp improved

      if (init) {
         sprintf ( msg , "\nANNEAL temp=%.2lf ", temp ) ;
         progress_message ( msg ) ;

      for (iter=0 ; iter<niters ; iter++) {  // Iters per temp loop

         seed = longrand () ;                // Get a random seed
         slongrand ( seed ) ;                // Brute force set it
         perturb (bestnet, this, temp, reg) ;// Randomly perturb about best

         if (reg)                            // If using regression, estimate
            fval = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // out weights now
         else                                // Otherwise just evaluate
            fval = trial_error ( tptr ) ;

         if (fval < bestfval) {              // If this iteration improved
            bestfval = fval ;                // then update the best so far
            bestseed = seed ;                // and save seed to recreate it
            ever_improved = improved = 1 ;   // Flag that we improved

            if (bestfval <= fquit)           // If we reached the user's
               break ;                       // limit, we can quit

            iter -= setback ;                // It often pays to keep going
            if (iter < 0)                    // at this temperature if we
               iter = 0 ;                    // are still improving
         }                                   // Loop: for all iters at a temp

      if (improved) {                        // If this temp saw improvement
         slongrand ( bestseed ) ;            // set seed to what caused it
         perturb (bestnet, this, temp, reg) ;// and recreate that point
         copy_weights ( bestnet , this ) ;   // which will become next center
         slongrand ( bestseed / 2 + 999 ) ;  // Jog seed away from best

         if (init) {
            sprintf ( msg , " err=%.3lf%% ", 100.0 * bestfval ) ;
            progress_message ( msg ) ;

      if (bestfval <= fquit)  // If we reached the user's
         break ;              // limit, we can quit

      if (kbhit()) {          // Was a key pressed?
         key = getch () ;     // Read it if so
         while (kbhit())      // Flush key buffer in case function key
            getch () ;        // or key was held down
         if (key == 27) {     // ESCape
            user_quit = 1 ;   // Flags user that ESCape was pressed
            break ;

      if (user_quit)
         break ;

      temp *= tempmult ;      // Reduce temp for next pass
      }                       // through this temperature loop

   The trials left this weight set and neterr in random condition.
   Make them equal to the best, which will be the original
   if we never improved.

   Also, if we improved and are using regression, recall that bestnet
   only contains the best hidden weights, as we did not bother to run
   regress when we updated bestnet.  Do that now before returning.

   copy_weights ( this , bestnet ) ; // Return best weights in this net
   neterr = bestfval ;               // Trials destroyed weights, err

   if (ever_improved  &&  reg)
      neterr = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // regressed output weights

   if (reg) {
      MEMTEXT ( "ANNEAL: delete SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
      delete sptr ;
Exemple #26
MutualInformationDiscrete::~MutualInformationDiscrete ()
   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete destructor" ) ;
   FREE ( bins_y ) ;
   FREE ( marginal_y ) ;
Exemple #27
double MutualInformationDiscrete::HYe ( short int *bins_x )
   int i, ix, iy, nbins_x, nerr, *grid, *marginal_x ;
   double minCI, pyx, cix ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete::HYe()" ) ;

   Compute the number of bins

   nbins_x = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      if (bins_x[i] > nbins_x)
         nbins_x = bins_x[i] ;
   ++nbins_x ;  // Number of bins is one greater than max bin because org=0

   This algorithm makes sense only if nbins_x equals nbins_y.
   Return an error flag that will get the user's attention if this is violated.

   if (nbins_x != nbins_y)
      return -1.e60 ;

   Compute the marginal of x and the counts in the nbins_x by nbins_y grid

   marginal_x = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert (marginal_x != NULL) ;

   grid = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * nbins_y * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( grid != NULL ) ;

   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      marginal_x[ix] = 0 ;
      for (iy=0 ; iy<nbins_y ; iy++)
         grid[ix*nbins_y+iy] = 0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      ix = bins_x[i] ;
      ++marginal_x[ix] ;
      ++grid[ix*nbins_y+bins_y[i]] ;

   Compute the minimum entropy, conditional on error and each X
   Note that the computation in the inner loop is almost the same as in the
   conditional entropy.  The only difference is that since we are also
   conditioning on the classification being in error, we must remove from
   the X marginal the diagonal element, which is the correct decision.
   The outer loop looks for the minimum, rather than summing.

   minCI = 1.e60 ;
   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      nerr = marginal_x[ix] - grid[ix*nbins_y+ix] ; // Marginal that is in error
      if (nerr > 0) {
         cix = 0.0 ;
         for (iy=0 ; iy<nbins_y ; iy++) {
            if (iy == ix)  // This is the correct decision
               continue ;  // So we exclude it; we are summing over errors
            pyx = (double) grid[ix*nbins_y+iy] / (double) nerr ;
            if (pyx > 0.0)
               cix -= pyx * log ( pyx ) ;
         if (cix < minCI)
            minCI = cix ;

   FREE ( marginal_x ) ;
   FREE ( grid ) ;

   return minCI ;
Exemple #28
void LayerNet::gen_init (
   TrainingSet *tptr ,        // Training set to use
   struct LearnParams *lptr   // User's general learning parameters
   int i, istart, individual, best_individual, generation, n_cross ;
   int first_child, parent1, parent2, improved, crosspt, nchoices, *choices ;
   int initpop, popsize, gens, climb, nvars, chromsize, split, ind ;
   float pcross, pmutate, error, besterror, *errors, *fitness, worst ;
   float fquit, favor_best, fitfac, maxerr, minerr, avgerr, overinit ;
   SingularValueDecomp *sptr ;
   struct GenInitParams *gptr ;  // User's genetic initialization parameters
   char *pool1, *pool2, *oldpop, *newpop, *popptr, *temppop, *best ;
   char msg[80] ;

   gptr = lptr->gp ;

   popsize = gptr->pool ;
   gens = gptr->gens ;
   climb = gptr->climb ;
   overinit = gptr->overinit ;
   pcross = gptr->pcross ;
   pmutate = gptr->pmutate ;

   fquit = lptr->quit_err ;

   favor_best = 3.1 ;
   fitfac = -20.0 ;


   Do all scratch memory allocation.


   Allocate the singular value decomposition object for REGRESS.

   if (nhid2 == 0)         // One hidden layer
      nvars = nhid1 + 1 ;
   else                    // Two hidden layers
      nvars = nhid2 + 1 ;

   MEMTEXT ( "GEN_INIT: new SingularValueDecomp" ) ;
   sptr = new SingularValueDecomp ( tptr->ntrain , nvars , 1 ) ;

   if ((sptr == NULL)  || ! sptr->ok) {
      memory_message("for genetic initialization. Try ANNEAL NOREGRESS.");
      neterr = 1.0 ;    // Flag failure to LayerNet::learn which called us
      if (sptr != NULL)
         delete sptr ;
      return ;

   chromsize = nhid1 * (nin+1) ;        // Length of an individual's chromosome
   if (nhid2)                           // is the number of hidden weights
      chromsize += nhid2 * (nhid1+1) ;

   errors = fitness = NULL ;
   choices = NULL ;
   pool1 = pool2 = NULL ;
   MEMTEXT ( "GEN_INIT: errors, fitness, choices, best, pool1,pool2");
   if (((errors = (float*) MALLOC ( popsize * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
    || ((fitness = (float*) MALLOC ( popsize * sizeof(float))) == NULL)
    || ((best = (char*) MALLOC( chromsize )) == NULL)
    || ((choices = (int*) MALLOC ( popsize * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
    || ((pool1 = (char*) MALLOC( popsize * chromsize )) == NULL)
    || ((pool2 = (char*) MALLOC( popsize * chromsize )) == NULL)) {
      if (errors != NULL)
         FREE ( errors ) ;
      if (fitness != NULL)
         FREE ( fitness ) ;
      if (choices != NULL)
         FREE ( choices ) ;
      if (pool1 != NULL)
         FREE ( pool1 ) ;
      if (pool2 != NULL)
         FREE ( pool2 ) ;
      delete sptr ;
      memory_message("for genetic initialization.  Try ANNEAL NOREGRESS." ) ;
      neterr = 1.0 ;  // Flag failure to LayerNet::learn which called us
      return ;

   Generate initial population pool.

   We also preserve the best weights across all generations,
   as this is what we will ultimately return to the user.
   Its mean square error is besterror.

   besterror = 1.e30 ;     // For saving best (across all individuals and gens)
   maxerr = avgerr = 0.0 ; // For progress display only
   best_individual = 0 ;   // Safety only
   initpop = popsize * overinit ; // Overinitialization of initial population
   progress_message ( "\nGenerating initial population" ) ;

   for (ind=0 ; ind<initpop ; ind++) { // Try overinitialization times

      if (ind<popsize)                 // If still in pop size limit
         individual = ind ;            // just use next avail space
      else {                           // Else we search entire pop
         worst = -1. ;                 // for the worst member
         for (i=0 ; i<popsize ; i++) { // which we will then replace
            if (errors[i] > worst) {
               worst = errors[i] ;
               individual = i ;
         avgerr -= worst ;             // Exclude discards from average

      popptr = pool1 + individual * chromsize ; // Build init pop in pool1
      rand_ind ( popptr , chromsize ) ;         // Randomly generate individual
      decode ( popptr , nin , nhid1 , nhid2 ,   // Convert genotype (chromosome)
               hid1_coefs , hid2_coefs );       // to phenotype (weights)
      error = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ;         // Evaluate network error
      errors[individual] = error ;              // and keep all errors

      if (error < besterror) {                  // Keep track of best
         besterror = error ;                    // as it is returned to user
         best_individual = individual ;         // This is its index in pool1

      if (error > maxerr)                       // Max and average error are
         maxerr = error ;                       // for progress display only
      avgerr += error ;

      if (error <= fquit)
         break ;

      progress_message ( "." ) ;

   sprintf (msg , "\nInitial pop:    Min err=%7.4lf   Max=%7.4lf   Avg=%7.4lf",
	    100. * besterror, 100. * maxerr, 100.0 * avgerr / (float) popsize);
   progress_message ( msg ) ;

   The initial population has been built in pool1.
   Copy its best member to 'best' in case it never gets beat (unlikely
   but possible!).
   Also, we will need best if the climb option is true.

   popptr = pool1 + best_individual * chromsize ; // Point to best
   memcpy ( best , popptr , chromsize ) ;         // and save it

   This is the main generation loop.  There are two areas for population pool
   storage: pool1 and pool2.  At any given time, oldpop will be set to one of
   them, and newpop to the other.  This avoids a lot of copying.

   oldpop = pool1 ;       // This is the initial population
   newpop = pool2 ;       // The next generation is created here

   for (generation=0 ; generation<gens ; generation++) {

      if (error <= fquit) // We may have satisfied this in init pop
         break ;          // So we test at start of generation loop

      error_to_fitness ( popsize , favor_best , fitfac , errors , fitness ) ;

      fitness_to_choices ( popsize , fitness , choices ) ;

      nchoices = popsize ;         // Will count down as choices array emptied
      n_cross = pcross * popsize ; // Number crossing over
      first_child = 1 ;            // Generating first of parent's 2 children?
      improved = 0 ;               // Flags if we beat best

      if (climb) {                 // If we are to hill climb
         memcpy ( newpop , best , chromsize ) ; // start with best
         errors[0] = besterror ;   // Record its error
         istart = 1 ;              // and start children past it
         istart = 0 ;

   Generate the children

      maxerr = avgerr = 0.0 ;   // For progress display only
      minerr = 1.0 ;            // Ditto

      for (individual=istart ; individual<popsize ; individual++) {

         popptr = newpop + individual * chromsize ; // Will put this child here

         if (first_child)  // If this is the first of 2 children, pick parents
            pick_parents ( &nchoices , choices , &parent1 , &parent2 ) ;

         if (n_cross-- > 0)    // Do crossovers first
            reproduce ( oldpop + parent1 * chromsize , oldpop + parent2 * chromsize ,
                        first_child , chromsize , popptr , &crosspt , &split ) ;
         else if (first_child) // No more crossovers, so just copy parent
            memcpy ( popptr , oldpop + parent1 * chromsize , chromsize ) ;
            memcpy ( popptr , oldpop + parent2 * chromsize , chromsize );

         if (pmutate > 0.0)
            mutate ( popptr , chromsize , pmutate ) ;

         decode ( popptr , nin , nhid1 , nhid2 , hid1_coefs , hid2_coefs ) ;
         error = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ; // Evaluate child's error
         errors[individual] = error ;      // and keep each

         if (error < besterror) {          // Keep track of best
            besterror = error ;            // It will be returned to user
            best_individual = individual ; // This is its index in newpop
            improved = 1 ;                 // Flag so we copy it later

         if (error > maxerr)               // Min, max and average error
            maxerr = error ;               // for progress display only
         if (error < minerr)
            minerr = error ;
         avgerr += error ;

         if (error <= fquit)
            break ;

         first_child = ! first_child ;
         } // For all genes in population

   We finished generating all children.  If we improved (one of these
   children beat the best so far) then copy that child to the best.
   Swap oldpop and newpop for the next generation.

      if (improved) {
         popptr = newpop + best_individual * chromsize ; // Point to best
         memcpy ( best , popptr , chromsize ) ;          // and save it

      temppop = oldpop ;   // Switch old and new pops for next generation
      oldpop = newpop ;
      newpop = temppop ;

      sprintf(msg, "\nGeneration %3d: Min err=%7.4lf   Max=%7.4lf   Avg=%7.4lf",
              generation+1, 100. * minerr, 100. * maxerr,
	      100.0 * avgerr / (float) popsize ) ;
      progress_message ( msg ) ;

   We are all done.

   decode ( best , nin , nhid1 , nhid2 , hid1_coefs , hid2_coefs ) ;
   besterror = regress ( tptr , sptr ) ;              // Evaluate network error

   MEMTEXT ( "GEN_INIT: errors, fitness, choices, best, pool1,pool2");
   FREE ( errors ) ;
   FREE ( fitness ) ;
   FREE ( choices ) ;
   FREE ( best ) ;
   FREE ( pool1 ) ;
   FREE ( pool2 ) ;
   MEMTEXT ( "GEN_INIT: delete sptr" ) ;
   delete sptr ;
Exemple #29
int combine ( MiscParams *misc , int operation , Signal *sig1 , Signal *sig2 ,
              int *nsigs , Signal ***signals , char *error )
   int i, j, ivar, nvars, ncases ;
   double *data, *temp, *dptr ;
   Signal **sptr ;

   nvars = misc->names->nreal ;

   if (! nvars) {
      strcpy ( error , "No signal names specified" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   ncases = sig1->n ;
   if (sig2->n < ncases)
      ncases = sig2->n ;

   if (! ncases) {
      strcpy ( error , "Signal length is zero" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   MEMTEXT ( "COMBINE: data" ) ;
   data = (double *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;

   if (data == NULL) {
      strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
      return 1 ;

   dptr = data ;

   switch (operation) {
      case ID_PRED_ADD:
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            *dptr++ = sig1->sig[i] + sig2->sig[i] ;
         break ;
      case ID_PRED_SUBTRACT:
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            *dptr++ = sig1->sig[i] - sig2->sig[i] ;
         break ;
      case ID_PRED_MULTIPLY:
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            *dptr++ = sig1->sig[i] * sig2->sig[i] ;
         break ;
      case ID_PRED_DIVIDE:
         for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++)
            *dptr++ = (sig2->sig[i] != 0.0) ? sig1->sig[i] / sig2->sig[i] : 0.0;
         break ;

   Count how many of these signals have names not already in use.
   Then allocate additional memory for their pointers.

   MEMTEXT ( "COMBINE: signals array" ) ;
   if (*nsigs) {                             // If signals already exist
      ivar = *nsigs ;                        // This many signals so far
      sptr = *signals ;                      // Array of pointers to them
      for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) {   // Check every new name
         if (! misc->names->len[i])          // Some may be NULL
            continue ;                       // Obviously skip them
         for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {     // Check every existing signal
            if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name )) // There?
               break ;                       // If found, quit looking
         if (j < 0)                          // Means not there
            ++ivar ;                         // So count this new entry
      sptr = (Signal **) REALLOC ( sptr , ivar * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;
      sptr = (Signal **) MALLOC ( nvars * sizeof(Signal *) ) ;

   if (sptr == NULL) {
      FREE ( data ) ;
      strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
      return 1 ;
   *signals = sptr ;

   Now create new signals for each variable.
   If a signal of the same name exists, delete it first.

   ivar = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<misc->names->n ; i++) { // Check all names
      if (! misc->names->len[i])        // Some may be NULL
         continue ;                     // Obviously skip them
      for (j=*nsigs-1 ; j>=0 ; j--) {   // Search existing signals for same name
         if (! strcmp ( misc->names->start[i] , sptr[j]->name )) {  // There?
            MEMTEXT ( "COMBINE: delete duplicate signal" ) ;
            delete ( sptr[j] ) ;        // If so, delete this signal
            break ;                     // And quit looking
      if (j < 0) {                      // Means new, unique name
         j = *nsigs ;                   // Tack it onto end of signal array
         ++*nsigs ;                     // And count it

      if (ivar) {   // In this case, must allocate for new signal
         MEMTEXT ( "COMBINE: temp signal" ) ;
         temp = (double *) MALLOC ( ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
         if (temp == NULL) {
            strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
            return 1 ;
         memcpy ( temp , data , ncases * sizeof(double) ) ;
         temp = data ;

      MEMTEXT ( "COMBINE: new Signal" ) ;
      sptr[j] = new Signal ( misc->names->start[i] , ncases , temp ) ;
      if ((sptr[j] == NULL)  ||  ! sptr[j]->n) {
         if (sptr[j] != NULL) {
            delete sptr[j] ;
            sptr[j] = NULL ;
         strcpy ( error , "Insufficient memory to create signal" ) ;
         return 1 ;
      ++ivar ;
      } // For all names

   return 0 ;
Exemple #30
double MutualInformationDiscrete::conditional ( short int *bins_x )
   int i, ix, iy, nbins_x, *grid, *marginal_x ;
   double CI, pyx, cix ;

   MEMTEXT ( "MutualInformationDiscrete::conditional()" ) ;

   Compute the number of bins

   nbins_x = 0 ;
   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      if (bins_x[i] > nbins_x)
         nbins_x = bins_x[i] ;
   ++nbins_x ;  // Number of bins is one greater than max bin because org=0

   Compute the marginal of x and the counts in the nbins_x by nbins_y grid

   marginal_x = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert (marginal_x != NULL) ;

   grid = (int *) MALLOC ( nbins_x * nbins_y * sizeof(int) ) ;
   assert ( grid != NULL ) ;

   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      marginal_x[ix] = 0 ;
      for (iy=0 ; iy<nbins_y ; iy++)
         grid[ix*nbins_y+iy] = 0 ;

   for (i=0 ; i<ncases ; i++) {
      ix = bins_x[i] ;
      ++marginal_x[ix] ;
      ++grid[ix*nbins_y+bins_y[i]] ;

   Compute the conditional entropy

   CI = 0.0 ;
   for (ix=0 ; ix<nbins_x ; ix++) {
      if (marginal_x[ix] > 0) {
         cix = 0.0 ;
         for (iy=0 ; iy<nbins_y ; iy++) {
            pyx = (double) grid[ix*nbins_y+iy] / (double) marginal_x[ix] ;
            if (pyx > 0.0)
               cix += pyx * log ( pyx ) ;
      CI += cix * marginal_x[ix] / ncases ;

   FREE ( marginal_x ) ;
   FREE ( grid ) ;

   return -CI ;