static void
mex_grilo_feed_open_default (MexGriloProgram *program, MexGriloFeed *feed)
  MexPlayer *player = mex_player_get_default ();

  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player),
                                MEX_MODEL (feed));
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player),
                                MEX_CONTENT (program));
static void
mex_content_tile_dispose (GObject *object)
  MexContentTilePrivate *priv = MEX_CONTENT_TILE (object)->priv;

  if (priv->content)
      /* remove the reference to the MexContent and also disconnect the signal
       * handlers */
      mex_content_tile_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (object), NULL);

  if (priv->model)
      g_object_unref (priv->model);
      priv->model = NULL;

  if (priv->download_id)
      MexDownloadQueue *dl_queue = mex_download_queue_get_default ();
      mex_download_queue_cancel (dl_queue, priv->download_id);
      priv->download_id = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (mex_content_tile_parent_class)->dispose (object);
static void
mex_content_box_toggle_open (MexContentBox *box)
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv;
  gboolean close_notified, next_is_open;
  const gchar *mimetype;

  /* search history items should not appear in the "open" state */
  mimetype = mex_content_get_metadata (priv->content,
  if (!g_strcmp0 (mimetype, "x-mex/search"))

  /* if the close animation was cancelled then no notify for the closed state
   * will have been sent, therefore notify for the opened state does not need
   * to be emitted */
  close_notified = (!priv->is_open
                    && !clutter_timeline_is_playing (priv->timeline));

  next_is_open = !priv->is_open;

  if (next_is_open)
      /* opening */
      clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline,
      mx_stylable_set_style_class (MX_STYLABLE (box), "open");

      /* refresh the action list */
      mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list),

      priv->extras_visible = TRUE;
      if (close_notified)
        g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (box), properties[PROP_OPEN]);

      mex_push_focus (MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->action_list));
      priv->is_closing = TRUE;

      /* closing */
      mex_push_focus (MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->tile));
      clutter_timeline_set_direction (priv->timeline,

      priv->is_closing = FALSE;
      priv->extras_visible = TRUE;

  if (!clutter_timeline_is_playing (priv->timeline))
    clutter_timeline_rewind (priv->timeline);

  clutter_timeline_start (priv->timeline);

  priv->is_open = next_is_open;
main (int argc, char **argv)
  const ClutterColor grey = { 0x40, 0x40, 0x40, 0xff };

  ClutterActor *stage, *info_panel, *align;
  MxApplication *app;
  MxWindow *window;
  MexFeed *feed;
  MexProgram *program;

  mex_init (&argc, &argv);

  app = mx_application_new (&argc, &argv, "mex-info-panel-test", 0);
  mex_style_load_default ();

  window = mx_application_create_window (app);
  stage = (ClutterActor *) mx_window_get_clutter_stage (window);
  clutter_stage_set_color ((ClutterStage *) stage, &grey);

  align = g_object_new (MX_TYPE_FRAME, "x-align", MX_ALIGN_MIDDLE,
                        "y-align", MX_ALIGN_END, NULL);

  mx_window_set_child (window, align);

  info_panel = mex_info_panel_new (MEX_INFO_PANEL_MODE_FULL);
  mx_bin_set_child (MX_BIN (align), info_panel);

  mx_window_set_has_toolbar (window, FALSE);
  clutter_actor_set_size (stage, 1024, 768);

  feed = mex_feed_new ("source", "title");
  program =  mex_program_new (feed);

  mex_content_set_metadata (MEX_CONTENT (program),

  mex_content_set_metadata (MEX_CONTENT (program),
                            "The cats on the moon");
  mex_content_set_metadata (MEX_CONTENT (program),
                            "An original title where cats are sent to the moon to catch all the mice which are naturally attracted there due to the large consistency of cheese, this results in a space race between NASA and CATSA, leading to war on the moon over territory claimed by cats");
  mex_content_set_metadata (MEX_CONTENT (program),

  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (info_panel),
                                MEX_CONTENT (program));

  clutter_actor_show (stage);

  clutter_main ();

  return 0;
static void
mex_content_box_set_content (MexContentView *view,
                             MexContent     *content)
  MexContentBox *box = MEX_CONTENT_BOX (view);
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv;

  if (priv->content)
    g_object_unref (priv->content);

  priv->content = g_object_ref (content);
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->tile), content);
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->info_panel), content);

  /* setting the content on action_list is delayed until the box is opened to
   * ensure any additional actions registered after set_content is called are
   * available */
static void
mex_content_box_set_context (MexContentView *view,
                             MexModel       *context)
  MexContentBox *box = MEX_CONTENT_BOX (view);
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv;

  if (priv->context == context)

  if (priv->context)
    g_object_unref (priv->context);

  priv->context = g_object_ref (context);
  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list), context);
  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->tile), context);
  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->info_panel), context);
static void
mex_music_player_item_clicked (MxButton       *button,
                               MexMusicPlayer *player)
  MexContent *content;

  content = g_object_get_data (G_OBJECT (button), "content");

  mex_music_player_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player), content);
  mex_music_player_play (player);
static void
mex_media_controls_replace_content (MexMediaControls *self,
                                    MexContent       *content)
    MexPlayer *player;
    MxScrollable *related_box;
    MxAdjustment *adjustment;
    gdouble upper;

    MexMediaControlsPrivate *priv = self->priv;

    if (priv->content == content)

    player = mex_player_get_default ();

    mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player), content);

    if (priv->content)
        g_object_unref (priv->content);
    priv->content = g_object_ref_sink (content);
    mex_media_controls_update_header (self);
    mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->queue_button),

    mex_push_focus ((MxFocusable*) clutter_script_get_object (priv->script,

    related_box = (MxScrollable *)clutter_script_get_object (priv->script,
    mx_scrollable_get_adjustments (MX_SCROLLABLE (related_box),
                                   &adjustment, NULL);

    mx_adjustment_get_values (adjustment, NULL, NULL, &upper,
                              NULL, NULL, NULL);

    mx_adjustment_set_value (adjustment, upper);
    mx_scrollable_set_adjustments (MX_SCROLLABLE (related_box),
static gboolean
button_release_event_cb (ClutterActor       *actor,
                         ClutterButtonEvent *event,
                         gpointer            user_data)
    MexMediaControls *self = MEX_MEDIA_CONTROLS (user_data);
    MexContent *content = mex_content_view_get_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (actor));

    mex_media_controls_replace_content (self, content);

    return TRUE;
Exemple #10
 * mex_column_add_content:
 * Add an item to the column for the specified content at the specified
 * position.
static void
mex_column_add_content (MexColumn  *column,
                        MexContent *content,
                        guint       position)
  MexColumnPrivate *priv = column->priv;
  ClutterActor *box;
  MexShadow *shadow;
  ClutterColor shadow_color = { 0, 0, 0, 128 };
  GList *sibling;

  box = mex_content_box_new ();
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (box), content);
  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (box), priv->model);

  sibling = g_list_nth (priv->children, position);
  priv->children = g_list_insert_before (priv->children, sibling, box);
  priv->n_items ++;

  /* add shadow */
  shadow = mex_shadow_new ();
  mex_shadow_set_paint_flags (shadow,
                              | MEX_TEXTURE_FRAME_BOTTOM);
  mex_shadow_set_radius_y (shadow, 25);
  mex_shadow_set_color (shadow, &shadow_color);
  clutter_actor_add_effect_with_name (CLUTTER_ACTOR (box), "shadow",
                                      CLUTTER_EFFECT (shadow));
  clutter_actor_meta_set_enabled (CLUTTER_ACTOR_META (shadow), FALSE);

  g_signal_connect (box, "notify::open",
                    G_CALLBACK (content_box_open_notify), column);

  /* set important if the column has focus */
  mex_content_box_set_important (MEX_CONTENT_BOX (box), priv->has_focus);

  clutter_actor_set_parent (box, CLUTTER_ACTOR (column));
Exemple #11
static void
media_eos_cb (ClutterMedia *media,
              MexPlayer    *player)
  MexPlayerPrivate *priv = player->priv;

  priv->position = 0.0;

  if (priv->idle_mode)
      /* loop the video in idle mode */
      clutter_media_set_progress (media, priv->position);
      clutter_media_set_playing (media, TRUE);
      /* Check to see if we have enqueued content and if so play it next */
      MexContent *enqueued_content;

      enqueued_content =
        mex_media_controls_get_enqueued (MEX_MEDIA_CONTROLS (priv->controls),

      /* set the control visible */
      clutter_actor_animate (priv->info_panel, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_SINE,
                             250, "opacity", 0x00, NULL);
      mex_player_set_controls_visible (player, TRUE);

      if (enqueued_content)
          priv->playing_from_queue = TRUE;
          mex_player_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player), enqueued_content);
          priv->playing_from_queue = TRUE;
          mex_screensaver_uninhibit (priv->screensaver);

          clutter_media_set_progress (media, priv->position);
          clutter_media_set_playing (media, FALSE);

          priv->current_position = 0.0;
          priv->at_eos = TRUE;

      /* focus the related content */
      mex_media_controls_focus_content (MEX_MEDIA_CONTROLS (priv->controls),
static void
mex_queue_button_dispose (GObject *object)
  MexQueueButton *q_button = MEX_QUEUE_BUTTON (object);

  /* Free-up resources and drop callback */
  mex_queue_button_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (q_button), NULL);

  if (q_button->priv->queue_model)
      g_object_unref (q_button->priv->queue_model);
      q_button->priv->queue_model = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (mex_queue_button_parent_class)->dispose (object);
static void
mex_content_box_set_context (MexContentView *view,
                             MexModel       *model)
  MexContentBox *box = MEX_CONTENT_BOX (view);
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv;

  if (priv->model == model)

  if (priv->model)
    g_object_unref (priv->model);

  priv->model = g_object_ref (model);
  mex_content_view_set_context (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list), model);
static void
mex_content_box_notify_open_cb (MexExpanderBox *box,
                                GParamSpec     *pspec)
  GList *actions;

  ClutterStage *stage = CLUTTER_STAGE (
                          clutter_actor_get_stage (CLUTTER_ACTOR (box)));
  MxFocusManager *fmanager = mx_focus_manager_get_for_stage (stage);
  MexActionManager *manager = mex_action_manager_get_default ();
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = MEX_CONTENT_BOX (box)->priv;
  gboolean open = mex_expander_box_get_open (box);

  if (!open)
      /* If the action list has focus, push it back onto the tile */
      if (mex_actor_has_focus (fmanager, priv->action_list))
        mx_focus_manager_push_focus (fmanager, MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->tile));

  /* Refresh the info panel and the action list */
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->panel), priv->content);
  mex_action_list_refresh (MEX_ACTION_LIST (priv->action_list));

  /* See if we have any actions */
  actions = mex_action_manager_get_actions_for_content (manager,

  /* Push focus onto the action list if we have actions, otherwise onto
   * the tile.
  if (actions)
      clutter_actor_show (priv->action_list);
      mx_focus_manager_push_focus (fmanager,
                                   MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->action_list));
      g_list_free (actions);
      clutter_actor_hide (priv->action_list);
      mx_focus_manager_push_focus (fmanager, MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->tile));
static gboolean
key_press_event_cb (ClutterActor    *actor,
                    ClutterKeyEvent *event,
                    gpointer         user_data)
    MexMediaControls *self = MEX_MEDIA_CONTROLS (user_data);

    if (MEX_KEY_OK (event->keyval))
        MexContent *content =
            mex_content_view_get_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (actor));
        mex_media_controls_replace_content (self, content);

        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
static void
mex_content_box_timeline_completed (ClutterTimeline *timeline,
                                    MexContentBox   *box)
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv = box->priv;

  priv->extras_visible =
    (clutter_timeline_get_direction (timeline) == CLUTTER_TIMELINE_FORWARD);

  if (!priv->extras_visible)
      /* box is now "closed" */
      mx_stylable_set_style_class (MX_STYLABLE (box), "");
      g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (box), properties[PROP_OPEN]);

  if (!priv->is_open)
    mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list),
static void
mex_content_tile_dispose (GObject *object)
  MexContentTilePrivate *priv = MEX_CONTENT_TILE (object)->priv;

  if (priv->content)
      /* remove the reference to the MexContent and also disconnect the signal
       * handlers */
      mex_content_tile_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (object), NULL);

  if (priv->model)
      g_object_unref (priv->model);
      priv->model = NULL;

  if (priv->download_id)
      MexDownloadQueue *dl_queue = mex_download_queue_get_default ();
      mex_download_queue_cancel (dl_queue, priv->download_id);
      priv->download_id = NULL;

  if (priv->start_video_preview > 0)
    g_source_remove (priv->start_video_preview);

  if (priv->stop_video_preview > 0)
    g_source_remove (priv->stop_video_preview);

  /* This may or may not be parented so explicitly mark for destroying */
  if (priv->video_preview)
      clutter_actor_destroy (CLUTTER_ACTOR (priv->video_preview));
      priv->video_preview = NULL;

  G_OBJECT_CLASS (mex_content_tile_parent_class)->dispose (object);
static void
mex_music_player_update_index (MexMusicPlayer *player,
                               gint            new_index)
  MexMusicPlayerPrivate *priv = player->priv;
  gint content_index, length;
  MexContent *new_content;

  length = mex_model_get_length (priv->model);

  if (priv->repeat)
      if (new_index >= length)
        new_index = 0;
      else if (new_index < 0)
        new_index = length - 1;
      if (new_index >= length)
        new_index = length - 1;
      else if (new_index < 0)
        new_index = 0;

  priv->current_index = new_index;

  if (priv->shuffle)
    content_index = g_array_index (priv->shuffle, gint, priv->current_index);
    content_index = priv->current_index;

  new_content = mex_model_get_content (priv->model, content_index);

  mex_music_player_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (player), new_content);
static void
mex_content_box_set_content (MexContentView *view,
                             MexContent     *content)
  MexContentBox *box = (MexContentBox *) view;
  MexContentBoxPrivate *priv;

  priv = box->priv;

  if (priv->content == content)

  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->tile), content);
  mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->action_list), content);

  if (priv->content)
      GList *l;

      for (l = priv->bindings; l; l = l->next)
        g_object_unref (l->data);

      g_list_free (priv->bindings);
      priv->bindings = NULL;

      g_object_unref (priv->content);
      priv->content = NULL;

  if (content)
      int i;

      priv->content = g_object_ref_sink (content);
      for (i = 0; content_bindings[i].id != MEX_CONTENT_METADATA_NONE; i++)
          const gchar *property;
          GBinding *binding;

          property = mex_content_get_property_name (content,

          if (property == NULL)
              /* The Content does not provide a GObject property for this
               * kind of metadata, we can only sync at creation time */
              const gchar *metadata;

              metadata = mex_content_get_metadata (content,
              g_object_set (box, content_bindings[i].target, metadata, NULL);


          if (content_bindings[i].fallback)
            binding = g_object_bind_property_full (content, property,
                                                   content, NULL);
            binding = g_object_bind_property (content, property, box,

          priv->bindings = g_list_prepend (priv->bindings, binding);
Exemple #20
static gboolean
mex_player_key_press_event (ClutterActor    *actor,
                            ClutterKeyEvent *event)
  MexPlayerPrivate *priv = MEX_PLAYER (actor)->priv;
  ClutterStage *stage;
  MxFocusManager *fmanager;

  stage = (ClutterStage*) clutter_actor_get_stage (actor);
  fmanager = mx_focus_manager_get_for_stage (stage);

  switch (event->keyval)
    case CLUTTER_KEY_Down:
          if (!priv->controls_visible && !priv->info_visible)
            return mex_player_set_controls_visible (MEX_PLAYER (actor), TRUE);

    case MEX_KEY_INFO:
          MexContent *content;

          content = priv->content;

          if (priv->info_visible)
              /* hide the info panel */
              clutter_actor_animate (priv->info_panel, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_SINE,
                                     250, "opacity", 0x00, NULL);

              mx_widget_set_disabled (MX_WIDGET (priv->info_panel), TRUE);
              mx_widget_set_disabled (MX_WIDGET (priv->controls), FALSE);

              priv->info_visible = FALSE;

              if (priv->controls_prev_visible)
                mex_player_set_controls_visible (MEX_PLAYER (actor), TRUE);
              /* if you're pressing info button while the media controls are up
               set them as previously visible */
              if (priv->controls_visible)
                priv->controls_prev_visible = TRUE;

              MxFocusable *focusable;
              focusable = mx_focus_manager_get_focused (fmanager);
              if (MEX_IS_CONTENT_TILE (focusable) &&
                  priv->controls_prev_visible == TRUE)
                  content =
                    mex_content_view_get_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (focusable));

                  /* to avoid any accidental leak */
                  if (priv->related_tile)
                      g_object_unref (priv->related_tile);
                      priv->related_tile = NULL;
                  priv->related_tile = g_object_ref (focusable);

              mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->info_panel),

              /* show the info panel */
              clutter_actor_animate (priv->info_panel, CLUTTER_EASE_IN_SINE,
                                     250, "opacity", 0xff, NULL);

              mx_widget_set_disabled (MX_WIDGET (priv->info_panel), FALSE);
              mx_widget_set_disabled (MX_WIDGET (priv->controls), TRUE);

              priv->info_visible = TRUE;

              mex_player_set_controls_visible (MEX_PLAYER (actor), FALSE);

              mex_push_focus (MX_FOCUSABLE (priv->info_panel));

          return TRUE;

  return FALSE;
mex_media_controls_set_content (MexMediaControls *self,
                                MexContent       *content,
                                MexModel         *context)
    MexMediaControlsPrivate *priv = self->priv;
    gboolean show_description;

    g_return_if_fail (MEX_IS_CONTENT (content));

    if (priv->model == context)
        if (priv->content == content)

        if (priv->content)
            g_object_unref (priv->content);
        if (content)
            priv->content = g_object_ref_sink (content);

        mex_media_controls_focus_content (self, priv->content);
        mex_media_controls_update_header (self);

    if (priv->model)
        g_object_unref (priv->model);
        priv->model = NULL;
    if (context)
        priv->model = g_object_ref_sink (context);
    if (priv->content)
        g_object_unref (priv->content);
        priv->content = NULL;
    if (content)
        priv->content = g_object_ref_sink (content);
    priv->is_queue_model = FALSE;

    mex_media_controls_update_header (self);

    /* We may not have a context if we're launched by something like SetUri*/
    if (context)
        MexModel *orig_model;

        orig_model = mex_model_get_model (context);
        g_object_set (G_OBJECT (priv->proxy_model), "model", orig_model, NULL);

        mex_view_model_set_start_content (priv->proxy_model, priv->content);
        mex_view_model_set_loop (priv->proxy_model, TRUE);

        /* Work out if the context was a queue FIXME unreliable */
        /* From coloumn context = MexViewModel MexAggregateModel MexQueueModel */
        /* From grid  context = MexProxyModel MexProxyModel MexQueueModel */

        if (MEX_IS_PROXY_MODEL (context))
            MexModel *model_from_proxy;
            model_from_proxy =
                mex_proxy_model_get_model (MEX_PROXY_MODEL (orig_model));

            if (MEX_IS_QUEUE_MODEL (model_from_proxy))
                priv->is_queue_model = TRUE;
        else if (MEX_IS_AGGREGATE_MODEL (orig_model))
            MexModel *real_model;
            real_model =
                mex_aggregate_model_get_model_for_content (MEX_AGGREGATE_MODEL (orig_model), content);
            if (MEX_IS_QUEUE_MODEL (real_model))
                priv->is_queue_model = TRUE;
    /* Update content on the queue button */
    mex_content_view_set_content (MEX_CONTENT_VIEW (priv->queue_button),

    /* show the description rather than the seek bar for certain content */
    show_description = !g_strcmp0 ("x-mex/tv",
                                   mex_content_get_metadata (priv->content,

    mex_media_controls_show_description(self, show_description);